UTB/TSC Archives - Orange & White
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Creation Date
Summer 2004
Physical Description
.PDF, 8 Pages, Text, Images
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Orange & White Newsletter, UTRGV Digital Library, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley. Accessed via https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/utborangeandwhite
The Johnny N. and Nena S. Cavazos Scholar Endowment -- Master's in Biology and Physics Degrees Approved -- Cardenas Honored As 2004 TSC Distinguished Alumnus -- Alumni Profile: Brenda Rodriguez, '93 -- Public Input Still Needed For Futures Commission -- Notte D' Amore "Opera Under The Stars" -- Development Board Profile: Trey Martinez -- Distinguished Fulbright Chair Awarded to Dr. Diaz -- Heads Above The Crowd -- Ferrier Appointed Dean of Instructional Support -- Memorials -- Tomlin Selected To Receive Teaching Award -- UT Regents Visit Campus -- East Loop Project Will Provide Easier Access -- Students Vote In Favor of Rec Center.