UTB/TSC Archives - Orange & White
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Creation Date
Summer 2006
Physical Description
.PDF, 16 Pages, Text, Images
Recommended Citation
Orange & White Newsletter, UTRGV Digital Library, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley. Accessed via https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/utborangeandwhite
Bond Issue Update: Projects Move Forward -- From TSC Romance To $1 Million Gift To Scholarships -- A Conversation With Randy Whittington -- Connie Peraglie Guttersen, Alumna's Diet Book - New York Times Bestseller -- Sandesh Kadur Exhibits At Smithsonian -- Employee Pays It Forward Through Payroll Deduction -- An Inspiring Experience In Spain -- Border History Club Members Gain Conference Experience -- Emigdio M. Garcia Development Board -- Houston Endowment Fund -- George Truan Scholarship Endowment -- The UTB/TSC Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment -- Roberto Pulido Music Scholarship Endowment -- Darrell B. Hester Scholarship Endowment -- Lloyd E. Horn - A Planned Gift Made In The Shade -- DLS David McCullough.