UTB/TSC Archives - Orange & White
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Creation Date
Fall 1997
Physical Description
.PDF, 12 Pages, Text, Images
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Orange & White Newsletter, UTRGV Digital Library, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley. Accessed via https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/utborangeandwhite
Hundreds celebrate dedication of UTB's first building on the TSC campus -- UTB/TSC campus now largest in South Texas -- UTB becomes 4 year university -- Valley native named new dean of education -- Heads above the crowd -- A salute to donors -- Mexican students attend UTB/TSC via satellite -- UTB development board profile: Fred Rusteberg -- Harlingen's superintendent Chavez: TSC alumnus. UTB/TSC - Amfels joint venture trains 200 welders -- TSC board profile: "Tony" Carnesi -- Roque named associate v.p. of institutional advancement.