Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Maria Elena Corbeil

Second Advisor

Dr. Joseph Rene Corbeil

Third Advisor

Dr. Zhidong Zhang


The shift to emergency remote teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 forced educators across the globe to heavily rely on technology for the continuity of teaching and learning. As educators return to face-to-face instruction with increased access and expectations to implement technology in their classrooms, it is important to evaluate factors that impact teachers’ acceptance of technology. The Unified Theory of Technology Acceptance (UTAUT) provides an instrument that can be utilized to measure factors that may determine teacher behavioral intention to integrate technology into their classrooms. In this quantitative survey research, K-12 teachers from a north-central Texas school district participated in the survey, and the results for correlational relationships were analyzed at the elementary, junior high and high school level. The data analysis showing behavioral intent to implement technology had positive correlations with performance expectancy, effort expectancy and attitude. The data also supported a positive correlation between frequency of technology professional development and behavioral intent to implement technology. The findings indicate that administrator facilitating technology integration along with effective frequent professional development both facilitate the integration of technology into the classroom by teachers.


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