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The siphonaceous green alga Penicillus capitatus Lamarck is a common macroalga of the Carribean and Gulf of Mexico (Littler & Littler 2000). This shaving brush-shaped macroalga was a common inhabitant of the Lower Laguna Madre Texas (LLM) until about 40 years ago when the population was decimated following a salinity decline in the fall of 1959, another salinity reduction due to Hurricane Carla in 1961, and finally a severe freeze in 1962 (Sorensen 1963). Since that time, there have been no reports of P. capitatus in the LLM. During a reconnaissance trip in July 2006, a small population was found in the southern portion of the LLM. The species descriptions by Taylor (1960) and Sorensen (1979) were used in the identification of specimens. Herbarium specimens have been deposited in the herbaria of The University of Texas-Pan American Coastal Studies Laboratory (accession number C012), and the University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute.

Publication Title

Texas Journal of Science

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Biology Commons



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