Open access publications under the new School of Integrative Biological and Chemical Sciences can be found in the School of Integrative Biological and Chemical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations Collection.


Submissions from 2024


Hormonal differences in perpetrators of intimate partner violence, Arturo L. Cantos, Gabriela Ontiveros, Robert K. Dearth, and K. Daniel O'Leary


Dysregulated CREB3 cleavage at the nuclear membrane induces karyoptosis-mediated cell death, Ga-Eun Lee, Geul Bang, Jiin Byun, Cheol-Jung Lee, Weidong Chen, Dohyun Jeung, Hyun-Jung An, Han Chang Kang, Dae Joon Kim, and Megan Keniry


Early corticosterone increases vocal complexity in a wild parrot: An organizational role of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis in vocal learning?, Celia Rose McLean, Astolfo Mata, Richard Kline, and Karl S. Berg


The Biology of the Facultative Halophyte Atriplex patula L., Richard Stalter and Robert I. Lonard


Continuous mowing differentially affects floral defenses in the noxious and invasive weed Solanum elaeagnifolium in its native range, Alejandro Vasquez, Alexa Alaniz, Robert K. Dearth, and Rupesh R. Kariyat


Melanaphis sacchari/sorghi complex: current status, challenges and integrated strategies for managing the invasive sap-feeding insect pest of sorghum, Alejandro Vasquez, Joseph Belsky, Neetu Khanal, Heena Puri, Devi Balakrishnan, Neelendra K. Joshi, Joe Louis, Glenn Studebaker, and Rupesh Kariyat


Tarantula Toxin Transcripts and Toxin Structure Prediction by AlphaFold, Christine Vega, Rebekkah Sepulveda, and Ying Jia

Submissions from 2023


Development of pullulan/chitosan/salvianolic acid ternary fibrous membranes and their potential for chemotherapeutic applications, Salahuddin Ahmed, Megan Keniry, Victoria I. Padilla, Narcedalia Anaya-Barbosa, Md Noushad Javed, Robert Gilkerson, Kithzia Gomez, Acharan S. Narula, and Karen Lozano


Teaching and Learning in the Fourth Space: Preparing Scholars to Engage in Solving Community Problems, Heidi Appel, Rebecca C. Bott-Knutson, Joy L. Hart, Paul Knox, Andrea Radasanu, Leigh E. Fine, Timothy Nichols, Daniel Roberts, Keith Garbutt, and Mark C. Andersen


Soil conditions regulate the patterns of root colonization by fungal endophytes in Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus), Sofia Ayala, Vanessa Thomas, Grace Nelson, and Pushpa G. Soti


Detection of a Diverse Endophyte Assemblage within Fungal Communities Associated with the Arundo Leaf Miner, Lasioptera donacis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), Marie-Claude Bon, John A. Goolsby, Guy Mercadier, Fatiha Guermache, Javid Kashef, Massimo Cristofaro, Ann T. Vacek, and Alan Kirk




Diel activity patterns of vector mosquito species in the urban environment: Implications for vector control strategies, André Barretto B. Wilke, Adequate Mhlanga, Allisandra G. Kummer, Chalmers Vasquez, Maday Moreno, William D. Petrie, Art Rodriguez, Christopher Vitek, Gabriel L. Hamer, John-Paul Mutebi, and Marco Ajelli


Autophagy Modulation and Its Implications on Glioblastoma Treatment, Johnny Chen, Andrea Salinas Rodriguez, Maximiliano Arath Morales, and Xiaoqian Fang


The use of keywords in archaeornithology literature, Frank J. Dirrigl and Justin White


Can trap color affect arthropod community attraction in agroecosystems? A test using yellow vane and colorless traps, Adegboyega Fajemisin, Satinderpal Kaur, Alejandro Vasquez, Alexis Racelis, and Rupesh R. Kariyat


The FOXO1 inhibitor AS1842856 triggers apoptosis in glioblastoma multiforme and basal-like breast cancer cells, David Flores, Alma Lopez, Shreya Udawant, Bonnie Gunn, and Megan Keniry


Nilgai, Boselaphus tragocamelus and white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus use of water troughs with and without remotely operated field sprayers for potential treatment of cattle fever ticks, John A. Goolsby, Mauricio Cruz, Reyes Garcia III, Lauren P. Maestas, and Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo


Morphological characterization of intraspecific variation for trichome traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), Satinderpal Kaur, Neetu Khanal, Robert K. Dearth, and Rupesh R. Kariyat


The Known and Unknowns of Aphid Biotypes, and Their Role in Mediating Host Plant Defenses, Neetu Khanal, Christopher Vitek, and Rupesh R. Kariyat


The photochemical evolution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nontronite clay on early Earth and Mars, Nina Kopacz, Maria Angela Corazzi, Giovanni Poggiali, Ayla von Essen, Vincent Kofman, Teresa Fornaro, Hugo van Ingen, Eloi Camprubi, Helen E. King, John Brucato, and Inge Loes ten Kate


The Justice Challenge: Honors Endeavors Innovative Pedagogies through the Grand Challenge Scholars Program, Jonathan Kotinek, Rebecca C. Bott-Knutson, Leigh E. Fine, Joy L. Hart, William Ziegler, Paul Knox, Timothy Nichols, Susan Sumner, Heidi Appel, and Mark C. Andersen


Sorghum defense responses to sequential attack by insect herbivores of different feeding guilds, Pritha Kundu, Sajjan Grover, Adryenna Perez, Juan D. Raya Vaca, Rupesh R. Kariyat, and Joe Louis


Fungi Impacting Human Health, Niharika Kunta and Madhurababu Kunta


Combined effects of high temperature and pesticide mixture exposure on free-swimming behaviors and hepatic cytochrome P450 1A expression in goldfish, Carassius auratus, Brittney Lacy, Michelle Rivera, Leinady Flores, and Md Saydur Rahman


How enhancers regulate wavelike gene expression patterns, Christine Mau, Heike Rudolf, Frederic Strobl, Benjamin Schmid, Timo Regensburger, Ralf Palmisano, Ernst HK Stelzer, Leila Taher, and Ezzat El-Sherif




DNA barcoding of springsnails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda) endemic to the Trans-Pecos region of Texas (USA), Kathryn E. Perez, Vanessa Saenz, Natalia Salazar-Lozano, Benjamin F. Schwartz, and Benjamin T. Hutchins


FOXO1 promotes the expression of canonical WNT target genes in examined basal-like breast and glioblastoma multiforme cancer cells, Shania Pintor, Alma Lopez, David Flores, Brianda Lozoya, Bipul Soti, Rishi Pokhrel, Joaquin Negrete, Michael W. Persans, Robert Gilkerson, Bonnie Gunn, and Megan Keniry


Greenbug feeding-induced resistance to sugarcane aphids in sorghum, Heena Puri, Edith Ikuze, Jessica Ayala, Isabella Rodriguez, Rupesh R. Kariyat, Joe Louis, and Sajjan Grover


Asymmetric response of Amazon forest water and energy fluxes to wet and dry hydrological extremes reveals onset of a local drought-induced tipping point, Natalia Restrepo-Coupe, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Marcos Longo, Luciana F. Alves, Kleber Silva Campos, Alessandro C. da Araujo, Raimundo C. de Oliveira Jr., Neill Prohaska, Rodrigo da Silva, and Raphael Tapajos


Significance of storage conditions on the flow properties of wheat flours, Jared Lou Rivera, Jikai Zhao, Aminu Owonikoko, and Kaliramesh Siliveru


Pathogenicity of multiple Providencia species (Enterobacteriales: Morganellaceae) to the mass-reared Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae), Bacilio Salas, Hugh E. Conway, Don C. Vacek, Christopher Vitek, and Erin Schuenzel


Predicting the Impact of Climate Change on the Distribution of Rhipicephalus sanguineus in the Americas, Marcos Sánchez Pérez, Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo, Crystian Sadiel Venegas Barrera, Carolina Sosa-Gutiérrez, Javier Torres, Katherine A. Brown, and Guadalupe Gordillo Pérez


Evidence of an established population of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in south Texas, USA, Adam Sanjar, Drew R. Davis, and Richard J. Kline


Use and effectiveness of wildlife exits designed for ocelots and other mesocarnivores on a south Texas highway, Zarina N. Sheikh, Jamie E. Langbein, Kevin W. Ryer, Md Saydur Rahman, Christopher A. Gabler, John H. Young Jr., and Richard Kline


Sex and stress modulate pupal defense response in tobacco hornworm, Sukhman Singh, Sakshi Watts, Ishveen Kaur, Isabella Rodriguez, Jessica Ayala, Dariela Rodriguez, Elian Martin, and Rupesh R. Kariyat


Effective farm management promotes native AMF and benefit organic farming systems, Pushpa Soti, Rupesh R. Kariyat, and Alexis Racelis


Biological Flora of Coastal Freshwater and Brackish Marshes: Cladium jamaicense Crantz, Richard Stalter and Robert I. Lonard


Monodelphis domestica as a Fetal Intra-Cerebral Inoculation Model for Zika Virus Pathogenesis, John Thomas, Juan Garcia, Matthew Terry, Susan M. Mahaney, Oscar Quintanilla, Dionn Carlo Silva, Marisol Morales, and John Vandeberg PhD


Are epicuticular waxes a surface defense comparable to trichomes? A test using two Solanum species and a specialist herbivore., Sakshi Watts and Rupesh R. Kariyat


Revisiting plant defense-fitness trade-off hypotheses using Solanum as a model genus, Sakshi Watts, Satinderpal Kaur, and Rupesh R. Kariyat


Life cycle assessment of calcium oxide pretreatment of corn stover with carbon dioxide neutralization for ethanol production, Jikai Zhao, Danyi Feng, and Juhee Lee

Submissions from 2022


Winners and losers in dryland reforestation: species survival, growth, and recruitment along a 33-year planting chronosequence, Clifton Albrecht, Zarek Contreras, Kimberly Wahl-Villarreal, Mitch Sternberg, and Bradley O. Christoffersen


Winners and losers in dryland reforestation: Species survival, growth, and recruitment along a 33-year planting chronosequence, Clifton Albrecht, Zarek Contreras, Kimberly Wahl-Villarreal, Mitch Sternberg, and Bradley O. Christoffersen


What are mycorrhizal traits?, V. Bala Chaudhary, E. Penelope Holland, Suw Charman-Anderson, Aidee Guzman, Lukas Bell-Dereske, Tanya E. Cheeke, Adriana Corrales, Jessica Duchicela, Cameron Egan, and Pushpa G. Soti


Assessment of Two Novel Host-Derived Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) Isolates Against the Citrus Pest, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), Jonathan Cisneros, Justin Wendel, Stefan Jaronski, Christopher Vitek, Matthew Ciomperlik, and Daniel Flores


Vocal babbling in a wild parrot shows life history and endocrine affinities with human infants, Rory Eggleston, Nurialby Viloria, Soraya Delgado, Astolfo Mata, Hilda Y. Guerrero, and Richard Kline


Vocal babbling in a wild parrot shows life history and endocrine affinities with human infants, Rory Eggleston, Nurialby Viloria, Soraya Delgado, Astolfo Mata, Hilda Y. Guerrero, Richard Kline, Steven R. Beissinger, and Karl S. Berg


Stinging the Predators: A collection of papers that should never have been published, Zen Faulkes


Soil Nematode Trophic Group Composition and Influence on Growth of Amaranthus palmeri and Parthenium hysterophorus, Orlando Garcia, Dana Garibaldi, Krissa Jhaveri, Jake Lanoue, and Pushpa G. Soti


Towards Conserving Crop Wild Relatives along the Texas–Mexico Border: The Case of Manihot walkerae, Gisel Garza, Crystian Sadel Venegas Barrera, Jon Dale, José Guadalupe Martínez-Ávalos, and Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo


Insecticide Resistance in Aedes aegypti Varies Seasonally and Geographically in Texas/Mexico Border Cities, Heather Hernandez, Flor A. Martinez, and Christopher Vitek


Low soil nitrogen and moisture limit the expansion of the invasive grass, Megathyrsus maximus (Guinea grass) in semi-arid soils, E. Penelope Holland, Vanessa Thomas, and Pushpa G. Soti


Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Cervid Chronic Wasting Disease in Semi-Arid South Texas, Md Rafiul Islam, Ummugul Bulut, Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo, Michael G. Tyshenko, and Tamer Oraby


Cover crops may exacerbate moisture limitations on South Texas dryland farms, Stephanie Kasper, Faeqa Mohsin, Lindsey Richards, and Alexis Racelis


Interactive effects of high temperature and pesticide exposure on oxidative status, apoptosis, and renin expression in kidney of goldfish: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of widespread kidney damage and renin attenuation, Brittney Lacy and Md Saydur Rahman


A rationally designed synthetic antimicrobial peptide against Pseudomonas-associated corneal keratitis: Structure-function correlation, Sk Abdul Mohid, Prerana Sharma, Amani Alghalayini, Tripti Saini, Debarun Datta, Mark D. P. Willcox, Haydar Ali, Sreyan Raha, Achintya Singha, and Nirakar Sahoo


Diel activity patterns of two distinct populations of Aedes aegypti in Miami, FL and Brownsville, TX, John-Paul Mutebi, André Barretto Bruno Wilke, Erik Ostrum, Chalmers Vasquez, Gabriel Cardenas, Augusto Carvajal, Maday Moreno, William D. Petrie, Arturo Rodriguez, Henry Presas, Jesus Rodriguez, Fred Barnes, Christopher Vitek, Xochitl Estrada, Thalia Rios, and Jeremy Marshall


Development of zinc oxide/hydroxyapatite/poly(D,L-lactic acid) fibrous scaffold for tissue engineering applications, Victoria Padilla-Gainza, Heriberto Rodríguez-Tobías, Graciela Morales, Antonio Ledezma-Pérez, Carmen Alvarado-Canché, Raúl Loera-Valencia, Cristóbal Rodríguez, Robert Gilkerson, Carlos Trevino De Leo, and Karen Lozano


Population Density and Reproductive Seasonality of Tryonia cheatumi (Gastropoda: Cochliopidae), the Phantom Tryonia, Kathryn E. Perez, Nina Noreika, Chad Norris, Marty Kelly, Melissa Lopez, Christina Ortega, Salma Ruiz Sandoval, Samantha Gonzalez, and Weston Nowlin


Analysis of Sanitizer Rotation on the Susceptibility, Biofilm Forming Ability and Caco-2 Cell Adhesion and Invasion of Listeria, Md Asfakur Rahman, Nirakar Sahoo, and Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy


Cell proliferative properties of Forcespinning® nopal composite nanofibers, Cristobal Rodriguez, Victoria I. Padilla, Karen Lozano, Fariha Ahmad, Alexa Villarreal, Andrew McDonald, Luis A. Materon, and Robert Gilkerson


Development and characterization of Forcespinning® mesquite gum nanofibers, Cristobal Rodriguez, Victoria I. Padilla, Karen Lozano, Alexa Villarreal, Luis A. Materon, and Robert Gilkerson


Intracellular hemin is a potent inhibitor of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv10.1, Nirakar Sahoo, Kefan Yang, Alisa Bernert, Sandip M. Swain, Guido Gessner, Reinhard Kappl, Toni Kühl, Diana Imhof, Toshinori Hoshi, Roland Schönherr, and Stefan H. Heinemann


Mechanistic insight into functionally different human islet polypeptide (hIAPP) amyloid: the intrinsic role of the C-terminal structural motifs, Dibakar Sarkar, Narayan Chandra Maity, Gourav Shome, Kyriakos Gabriel Varnava, Vijayalekshmi Sarojini, Subramanian Vivekanandan, Nirakar Sahoo, Sourav Kumar, Atin Kumar Mandal, Ranjit Biswas, and Anirban Bhunia


Genome Editing: A Review of the Challenges and Approaches, Dimple Sharma, Harmanpreet Kaur, Harsimran Kaur Kapoor, Rajat Sharma, Harpreet Kaur, and Mohd Kyum


Review of the invasive forage Grass, Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus): Ecology and potential impacts in arid and semi-arid regions, Pushpa Soti and Vanessa Thomas


Biological Flora of Coastal Wetlands: Sporobolus cynosuroides (L.) P.M. Peterson & Saarela, Richard Stalter and Robert I. Lonard


Adult Home Range Size and Juvenile Movements of Gray Hawks in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA, Michael T. Stewart, William S. Clark, Brian A. Millsap, Brent D. Bibles, and Timothy Brush


Impact of Hydrologic Alteration on Brazos River Pelagophilic Minnows, Christopher M. Taylor and Kevin B. Mayes


Thornforest Conservation Plan: An ecosystem conservation strategy for the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Thornforest Conservation Partnership and Bradley O. Christoffersen


Screening commercial entomopathogenic fungi for the management of Diaphorina citri populations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA, Justin Wendel, Jonathan Cisneros, Stefan Jaronski, Christopher Vitek, Matthew Ciomperlik, and Daniel Flores

Submissions from 2021


Potential distribution of Amblyomma mixtum (Koch, 1844) in climate change scenarios in the Americas, Mariel Aguilar-Domínguez, David A. Moo-Llanes, Sokani Sánchez-Montes, Ingeborg Becker, Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo, Adalberto Pérez de León, and Dora Romero-Salas


Allo-preening is linked to vocal signature development in a wild parrot, Caleb M M Arellano, Nurialby Viloria Canelón, Soraya Delgado, and Karl S. Berg


Do early-successional weeds facilitate or compete with seedlings in forest restoration? Disentangling abiotic versus biotic factors, Mylen Arias, Rupesh R. Kariyat, Kimberly Wahl-Villarreal, Stephany Mendez, Jesus Chavana, and Bradley O. Christoffersen


Use of ITS‑1 to identify Bactrocera dorsalis and Bactrocera occipitalis (Diptera: Tephritidae): a case study using flies trapped in California from 2008 to 2018, Norman B. Barr, Martin Hauser, Jennifer Belcher, David Salinas, Erin Schuenzel, Peter Kerr, and Stephen Gaimari


The conservation status of the world’s freshwater molluscs, M. Böhm, N. I. Dewhurst-Richman, M. Seddon, C. Albrecht, D. Allen, A. E. Bogan, K. Cummings, G. Darrigran, W. Darwall, and Kathryn E. Perez


Local adaptation to continuous mowing makes the noxious weed Solanum elaeagnifolium a superweed candidate by improving fitness and defense traits, Jesus Chavana, Sukhman Singh, Alejandro Vazquez, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Alexis Racelis, and Rupesh R. Kariyat


RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time-series as a currency for global change ecology research in riverine systems, Lise Comte, Juan Carvajal-Quintero, Pablo A. Tedesco, Ulrich Brose, Tibor Erős, Ana F. Filipe, Marie-Josée Fortin, Katie Irving, Claire Jacquet, and Christopher M. Taylor


Ten strategies for avoiding and overcoming authorship conflicts in academic publishing, S J. Cooke, N Young, M R. Donaldson, E A. Nyboer, D G. Roche, C L. Madliger, R J. Lennox, J M. Chapman, Zen Faulkes, and J R. Bennett


Identifying Regional Environmental and Sustainability Issues: Adoption of an Interdisciplinary Design Charrette Approach, Frank J. Dirrigl, Anita M. Chavez, and Hudson R. DeYoe


Disentangling the Effects of Vapor Pressure Deficit and Soil Water Availability on Canopy Conductance in a Seasonal Tropical Forest During the 2015 El Niño Drought, Yilin Fang, L. Ruby Leung, Brett T. Wolfe, Matteo Detto, Ryan G. Knox, Bryan Powell, Charlotte Grossiord, Chonggang Xu, Bradley O. Christoffersen, and Pierre Gentine


Aprendizaje activo y pedagogía culturalmente relevante en STEM: Tres lecciones aprendidas dentro y fuera del aula, Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo


Deciphering the Role of Ion Channels in Early Defense Signaling against Herbivorous Insects, Akanksha Gandhi, Rupesh R. Kariyat, Amaravadhi Harikishore, Marzieh Ayati, Anirban Bhunia, and Nirakar Sahoo


Mitochondrial OPA1 cleavage is reversibly activated by differentiation of H9c2 cardiomyoblasts, Iraselia Garcia, Fredy Calderon, Patrick De la Torre, Shaynah St. Vallier, Cristobal Rodriguez, Divya Agarwala, Megan Keniry, Wendy Innis-Whitehouse, and Robert Gilkerson


Mitochondrial OMA1 and OPA1 as Gatekeepers of Organellar Structure/Function and Cellular Stress Response, Robert Gilkerson, Patrick De la Torre, and Shaynah St. Vallier


Increasing Public Health Mosquito Surveillance in Hidalgo County, Texas to Monitor Vector and Arboviral Presence, Clarissa D. Guerrero, Steven Hinojosa, Diana Vanegas, Niko Tapangan, Matthew Guajardo, Sara Alaniz, Narda Cano, Christopher Vitek, John Thomas, Valerie Hernandez, and Juan Garcia Jr.


Using yeast two-hybrid system and molecular dynamics simulation to detect venom protein-protein interactions, Ying Jia, Paulina Kowalski, and Ivan Lopez


Civic agriculture in review: Then, now, and future directions, Allison Kaika and Alexis Racelis


Inbreeding in Solanum carolinense alters floral attractants and rewards and adversely affects pollinator visitation, Rupesh R. Kariyat, Thomas G. Bentley, Chad T. Nihranz, Andrew G. Stephenson, Consuelo M. De Moraes, and Mark C. Mescher


Exploring the role of soil types on defense and fitness traits of silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium), a worldwide invasive species through a field survey in the native range, Stephanie Kasper, Jesus Chavana, Lekshmi Sasidharan, Alexis Racelis, and Rupesh R. Kariyat


Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content, Alexandra G. Konings, Sassan S. Saatchi, Christian Frankenberg, Michael Keller, Victor Leshyk, William R. L. Anderegg, Vincent Humphrey, Ashley M. Matheny, Anna Trugman, and Bradley O. Christoffersen


Type VI secretion system mutations reduced competitive fitness of classical Vibrio cholerae biotype, Benjamin Kostiuk, Francis J. Santoriello, Laura Diaz-Satizabal, Fabiana Bisaro, Kyung-Jo Lee, Anna N. Dhody, Daniele Provenzano, Daniel Unterweger, and Stefan Pukatzki


Automatic Camera Trap Classification Using Wildlife-Specific Deep Learning in Nilgai Management, Matthew Kutugata, Jeremy Baumgardt, John A. Goolsby, and Alexis Racelis


Pre-Sowing Treatments Improve Germinability of South Texas Native Plant Seeds, Kaitlynn Lavallee, Pushpa Soti, Hansapani Rodrigo, Rupesh R. Kariyat, and Alexis Racelis


Weeds as Hosts of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical Agriculture Systems, Habraham F. Lopez, Pushpa Soti, Ganpati B. Jagdale, Parwinder Grewal, and Alexis Racelis


Effects of Scarification, Phytohormones, Soil Type, and Warming on the Germination and/or Seedling Performance of Three Tamaulipan Thornscrub Forest Species, Paula Luera, Kimberly Wahl-Villarreal, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Abeny Treviño, Pushpa Soti, and Christopher A. Gabler


Assessing climate change impacts on live fuel moisture and wildfire risk using a hydrodynamic vegetation model, Wu Ma, Lu Zhai, Alexandria Pivovaroff, Jacquelyn Shuman, Polly Buotte, Junyan Ding, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Ryan G. Knox, Max Moritz, and Rosie A. Fisher


A Method for Repeated, Longitudinal Sampling of Individual Aedes aegypti for Transmission Potential of Arboviruses, E. Handly Mayton, Heather Hernandez, Christopher Vitek, and Rebecca C. Christofferson