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Species in the pleurocerid genus Elimia are important components of freshwater systems in the eastern United States, but little is known about their natural history. Using dual-simultaneous linear regression and principal components analyses, we show patterns of morphological change in two populations of E. comalensis from the Edwards Plateau, Texas. Both populations had similar rates of change for all shell measurements analyzed, and both showed similar decreases in growth as total length of shell increased. However, the size at which growth slowed was different between populations, and small shells tended to have a consistent shape, while larger shells were more variable.
Aunque las especies del ge´nero Elimia son componentes importantes de los sistemas de agua dulce del este de los Estados Unidos, se sabe poco de su historia natural. Usando dos ana´lisis, uno de regresio´n linear dual simulta´nea y otro de componentes principales, mostramos patrones de cambio morfolo´gico en dos poblaciones de E. comalensis del Edwards Plateau, Texas. Las dos tuvieron tazas de cambios similares para todas las medidas de conchas analizadas y las dos tuvieron disminuciones similares en el crecimiento mientras la longitud total de concha aumentaba. Sin embargo, el taman˜o al que el crecimiento disminuyo´ fue diferente entre las poblaciones y las conchas pequen˜as tendieron a tener una forma consistente y las conchas ma´s grandes fueron ma´s variables.
Recommended Citation
Russell L. Minton, Scott A. Reese, Kim Swanger, Kathryn E. Perez, and David M. Hayes "CHANGES IN SHELL MORPHOLOGY OF ELIMIA COMALENSIS (GASTROPODA: PLEUROCERIDAE) FROM THE EDWARDS PLATEAU, TEXAS," The Southwestern Naturalist 52(4), 475-481, (1 December 2007).[475:CISMOE]2.0.CO;2
Publication Title
The Southwestern Naturalist
Original published version available at[475:CISMOE]2.0.CO;2