Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Dr. Jose Rodriguez

Second Advisor

Dr. Steven Schneider

Third Advisor

Dr. Matthew Christensen


South Texas Elegy: Life During a Global Pandemic highlights the narrator’s experience with loss and grief during the coronavirus pandemic, which started in early 2020. This piece is written from the perspective of a narrator living in the Rio Grande Valley, which is in the southmost region of Texas.

This memoir contains thirteen chapters, which discuss deaths of close friends and family members, periods of waiting which occurred in between deaths and updates on the coronavirus, and the narrator’s reflection at the end of the piece. This memoir is a tribute to lost loved ones and an account of an individual’s experiences as someone who lived through the first global pandemic since 1919.

This memoir includes statistics about the coronavirus including death tolls, infected individuals, and the rate at which the virus killed. This piece also includes statistics about heart disease and cancer, which are also discussed throughout the piece.


Copyright 2023 Brianna Bullion. All Rights Reserved.
