Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Creative Writing
First Advisor
Jean Braithwaite
Second Advisor
David Carren
Third Advisor
Britt Haraway
FIGHT, is a story of a boxers mental health and his struggles before and after every fight. The protagonist, Eddy, is an anxious fighter who experiences a panic attack before his fight and in his panicked state, his mind runs wild as he imagines every possible scenario that can happen. Thus, when the scenarios come true, Eddy, becomes unsure of what is and isn’t true. Which begs the question, is Eddy brain damaged from the fight and stuck living in the traumatic memory that is replaying in his head or is he still in the restroom before the fight, paralyzed by fear, and living in the scenarios?
Recommended Citation
Guerra, Eduardo Daniel, "Fight" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 1559.
Copyright 2024 Eduardo Daniel Guerra. https://proquest.com/docview/3115379420