Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Alexey Garber
Second Advisor
Luigi Ferraro
Third Advisor
Alexey Glazyrin
Triangulations are a classical object in discrete and computational geometry that finds it uses in many other fields, including numerous applications. In this thesis we approach the question of enumerating all hypertriangulations of a point set, the family of tilings introduced by Olarte and Santos in 2022 as induced projections of hypersimplices. Unfortunately, the usual approach to enumeration of trinagulations using flips may not work for hypertriangulations as flip-connectivity is only conjectured for that family even in the two-dimensional case. As a result, we develop a DFS-based algorithm and present its Python implementation that enumerates all hypertriangulations of small point sets for all feasible levels k.
Recommended Citation
Kaylor, Patrick J., "Enumeration of Level-k Hypertriangulations" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 1591.
Copyright 2024 Patrick J. Kaylor. https://proquest.com/docview/3115400209