Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Zhidong Zhang

Second Advisor

Joseph Rene Corbeil

Third Advisor

Maria Elena Valdes Corbeil


This study examined video and screenshot microlesson formats as a technology professional development for enhancing educators’ technology skills. As educators face increasing demands for technology proficiency in the twenty-first century classroom, this study was conducted to help address a need for further investigation into whether screenshot or video microlessons can serve as effective PD tools for teachers (Bowman, Vongkulluksn, Jiang, and Xie, 2020). Using a comparative design, this study evaluated three groups: one receiving video microlessons, another receiving screenshot-based microlessons, and a control group receiving no lesson. Data were collected through post test scores (multiple choice questions), a Likert-scale survey, and response to an open-ended question to evaluate assess knowledge acquisition, perceived effectiveness, and feedback on user experience. Findings indicated that both video and screenshot microlessons contribute to teachers' technology skill development, with no substantial difference in effectiveness between the two formats, suggesting that each has unique advantages depending on instructional context and user preference. This study contributes to the professional development literature by proposing microlessons as a targeted approach to technology training in education, offering implications for designing PD resources that are flexible, accessible, and adaptable to the immediate needs of educators.


Copyright 2024 Brittni Knebel Kalich.
