Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Rehabilitation Counseling

First Advisor

Noreen Graf

Second Advisor

Bruce Reed

Third Advisor

Saara Grizzell


Military-to-civilian transitioning represents a multidimensional process of adjustment, encompassing mental and physical health, basic physiological needs, practical (e.g., employment), and cultural domains. The intent of this study is to examine the sustainability of military values (e.g., duty, integrity, ethics, honor, courage, and loyalty) post-military service and to identify whether reported levels of sustained military values impact veterans’ reported level of Quality of Life (QoL). This study will assess the impacts demographic variables (e.g., gender, ethnicity, relationship status, age, number of children, highest level of education, student status, employment status, comfort with finances, living status, county of residence). and military service variables (e.g., service-connected disability, branch of service, reason for joining the military, highest rank achieved, separation type, duration of time in service, year of discharge, military service occupation (MOS), career path related to MOS, combat exposure, and current feelings about the military) may have on the sustainability of military values, post-military services. The researcher will also examine veterans’ QoL. The purpose of this study is to explore and help describe the sustainability of military values post military service. In addition, this study will explore demographic and military service variables which impact sustainability of military values and QoL. Moreover, this study will determine if a relationship exists between sustainability of military values among veterans and QoL of veterans, residing in the Texas.


Copyright 2024 Jennifer Ann Jazinski.
