Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Collection

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Front elevation

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Front elevation


David N. Currey


Brownsville MP Depot Series 4 Front Elevation Revision G 02-27-17


Download Brownsville MP Depot Series 4 Front Elevation Revision G 02-27-17.bmp (14.6 MB)

Download Brownsville MP Depot Series 4 Front Elevation Picture Version Scenery.jpg (1.5 MB)

Download Brownsville MP Depot Series 4 Front Elevation Picture Version.jpg (569 KB)

Creation Date





Computer drawing. The scale is 24 pixels to the foot. When measuring on a printout, measure from the center of one 3-pixel width line to the center of another such line. If the line is 1 pixel in width , that is the center of the line. When using the selection tool in Microsoft Paint to measure with, start on the center of a line, and drag the sliding rectangle until it is on the pixel one short of, not on , the center of the second line.

Note: All vertical measurements are from the floor and platform level, which are considered to be at the same level, as are the front and side walks.

Note: The dome is exactly half a ball with a diameter of 8'.

Note: The Missouri Pacific buzzsaw herald is slightly off center relative to the tower, just as in the real building. The hanging neon sign is not shown, but was centered on the tower. See the sign detail drawing.

© 2015 David N. Currey

Physical Description

.BMP, 3 Files

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Front elevation


Record Location