Psychological Science Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2007
Using Theatrical Presentations as a Means of Disseminating Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Risk Factors to Migrant Farmworkers: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Infórmate Program, Joseph D. Hovey, Victoria Booker, and Laura D. Seligman
Datos normativos del cuestionario sobre el comportamiento de niños versión para padres (CBCL) y versión para profesores (TRF) en una muestra de niños venezolanos [Normative data of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Teacher's Report Form in a sample of Venezuelan children], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Isabel Montiel-Barbero, and Joaquín A. Peña
Presentación clínica del trastorno por déficit de atención-hiperactividad como función del género [Clinical presentation of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a function of the gender], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Isabel Montiel-Barbero, and Joaquín A. Peña
Análisis molecular del gen GABRB3 en pacientes con autismo: estudio exploratorio [Molecular analysis of the GABRB3 gene in autistic patients: an exploratory study], Ernesto Solís-Añez, Wilmer Delgado-Luengo, Lisbeth Borjas-Fuentes, William Zabala, Nailet Arráiz, Lennie Pineda, María Gabriela Portillo, Sandra González-Ferrer, José Antonio Chacín, Joaquín A. Peña, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Submissions from 2006
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Hispanics: Symptom Characteristics and Prediction of Severity, Michiyo Hirai, Melissa A. Stanley, and Diane M. Novy
The Mental Health of Agricultural Workers, Joseph D. Hovey and Laura D. Seligman
El Arte de Criar Hijos Felices: Equilibrio entre Disciplina y Afecto, Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Esclerosis Múltiple en niños: clarificando su ubicación dentro del espectro desmielinizante. [Multiple Sclerosis in children: clarifying its place among the demyelinating spectrum.], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, María Elena Ravelo, Solmary González, and Eduardo Mora La-Cruz
Fármacos no-estimulantes para el tratamiento del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad en Niños [Non-stimulant drugs for treatment of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, and Juan D. Velásquez
Workplace, Household, and Personal Predictors of Pesticide Exposure for Farmworkers, Sara A. Quandt, María A. Hernández-Valero, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Joseph D. Hovey, Melissa Gonzales, and Thomas A. Arcury
Submissions from 2005
Examination of the impact of acculturation, stress, and religiosity on mental health variables for second-generation Arab Americans, Mona M. Amer and Joseph D. Hovey
An Internet-based self-change program for traumatic event related fear, distress, and maladaptive coping, Michiyo Hirai and George A. Clum
Clima familiar en el trastorno por déficit de atención-hiperactividad [Family environment in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Isabel Montiel-Barbero, and Joaquín A. Peña
Submissions from 2004
How similar is false recognition to veridical recognition objectively and subjectively?, Jerwen Jou, Yolanda E. Matus, James W. Aldridge, Dawn M. Rogers, and Ryan L. Zimmerman
¿Cuál tratamiento para cuál niño? Comorbilidad y Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad, Cecilia Montiel-Nava and Joaquín A. Peña
Identificación y Diagnóstico Clínico del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad, Cecilia Montiel-Nava and Joaquín A. Peña
Caracterización de la ceroidolipofuscinosis en niños venezolanos [Characterization of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in Venezuelan children], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, W. Delgado, M. L. Hernández, J. J. Cardozo, E. Mora, and L. Soto-Faneite
Submissions from 2003
Datos epidemiológicos del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad en una muestra de niños marabinos [Epidemiological data about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a sample of Marabino children], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Joaquín A. Peña, and Isabel Montiel-Barbero
Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: A Factor-Analytic Examination of the Tripartite Model, Thomas H. Ollendick, Laura D. Seligman, Amanda B. Goza, Devin A. Byrd, and Kusum Singh
Trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad: ¿mito o realidad? [The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder myth or reality?], Joaquín A. Peña and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Epilepsia mioclónica juvenil: Estudio de 13 pacientes venezolanos [Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: study on 13 Venezuelan patients], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Sandra González-Ferrer, Jessica Freda, and Enoe Medrano
Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Prevalencia y características clínicas en adolescentes de la ciudad de Maracaibo, Estado Zulia, Venezuela [Eating behavior disorders. Prevalence and clinical features in adolescents in the city of Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela], Evelyn Quintero-Párraga, Ana Cristina Pérez-Montiel, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Dexy Pirela, María Fernanda Acosta, and Ninoska Pineda
Submissions from 2002
Cognitive, Affective, and Physiological Expressions of Anxiety Symptomatology Among Mexican Migrant Farmworkers: Predictors and Generational Differences, Joseph D. Hovey and Cristina G. Magaña
Estudio piloto de metilfenidato y entrenamiento a padres en el tratamiento de niños con trastorno por déficit de atención hiperactividad [A pilot study of methylphenidate and parent training in the treatment of children with attention-deficit hiperactivity disorder], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Joaquín A. Peña, G. Espina-Mariñes, M. E. Ferrer-Hernández, A. Lopez-Rubio, S. Puertas-Sánchez, and J. J. Cardozo
Estimaciones de la prevalencia del trastorno por déficit de atención-hiperactividad en niños marabinos [Estimations of the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Marabino children], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Joaquín A. Peña, M. López, M. Salas, J. R. Zurga, Isabel Montiel-Barbero, D. Pirela, and J. J. Cardozo
Encefalomielitis aguda diseminada en niños [Disseminated acute encephalomyelitis in children], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, F. Hernández, Enoe Medrano, O. Valbuena, and J. J. Cardozo
Comparison of the efficacy of carbamazepine, haloperidol and valproic acid in the treatment of children with Sydenham's chorea: clinical follow-up of 18 patients, Joaquín A. Peña, Eduardo Mora, J. J. Cardozo, Omaira Molina, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Submissions from 2001
Discrepancia entre padres y profesores en la evaluación de problemas de conducta y académicos en niños y adolescentes [Discrepancy between parents and teachers in the evaluation of behavior and educational problems in children and adolescents], Cecilia Montiel-Nava and Joaquín A. Peña
Submissions from 2000
The Relative Contribution of Diagnostic and Psychosocial Variables to Severity of Suicidal Ideation, George A. Clum, Christianne E. Esposito, Michiyo Hirai, and William A. Nelson
Development, Reliability, and Validity of the Beliefs Toward Mental Illness Scale, Michiyo Hirai and George A. Clum
Proposition 187 reexamined: Attitudes toward immigration among California voters, Joseph D. Hovey, Rebecca S. Rojas, Craig Kain, and Cristina Magana
Submissions from 1999
Memory Representation of Alphabetic Position and Interval Information, Jerwen Jou and James W. Aldridge
Submissions from 1998
Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: An Integrative Review, Laura D. Seligman and Thomas H. Ollendick
Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: An Integrative Review, Laura D. Seligman and Thomas H. Ollendick
Submissions from 1997
Ethnic identity and acculturation in a young adult Mexican-origin population, Israel Cuellar, Bill Nyberg, Roberto Eliud Maldonado, and Robert E. Roberts
Submissions from 1990
Psychophysiological responsivity on a laboratory stress task: Methodological implications for a stress-muscle hyperactivity pain model, Gary T. Montgomery and John D. Rugh
Submissions from 1984
Joblessness Among Hispanic Youth: 1973-1981, Philip Garcia and Aida Hurtado
Submissions from 1982
Ethnic and sexual patterns of alcohol use: Anglo and Mexican American college students, Robert T. Trotter