Psychological Science Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2022
¿Dónde está mi mamá? Clinical Implications of Family Separations, Alfonso Mercado, Frances Morales, Andy Torres, and Amanda Palomin
Trauma in the American Asylum Process: Experiences of Immigrant Families Under the Migrant Protection Protocols, Alfonso Mercado, Amanda Venta, Frances Morales, Amanda Palomin, Luz M. Garcini, Michelle Silva, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez
Age of diagnosis, service access, and rights of autistic individuals in Argentina: Caregivers reports of changes and similarities across time, María Cecilia Montenegro, Estefani Bernal, Sebastián Cukier, Daniel Valdez, Alexia Rattazzi, Gabriela Garrido, Analía Rosoli, Cristiane Silvestre Paula, Ricardo Garcia, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Implementing the WHO caregivers skills training program with caregivers of autistic children via telehealth in rural communities, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Megan Tregnago, Jeanne Marshall, Kristin Sohl, Alicia Brewer Curran, Melissa Mahurin, Melissa Warne-Griggs, WHO CST Team, and Pamela Dixon
Experiences of Latinx Immigrant Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities in the IEP Process, Claudia Montoya, Carly Gilson, and Valeria Yllades
Teaching DBT Skills to DACA Recipients and their Families: Findings from an ECHO Program, Frances Morales, Oscar F. Rojas Perez, Michelle Silva, Manuel Paris, Luz M. Garcini, Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, and Alfonso Mercado
Cultural and Telehealth Considerations for Trauma-Focused Treatment Among Latinx Youth: Case Reports and Clinical Recommendations to Enhance Treatment Engagement, Andel V. Nicasio, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Bianca T. Villalobos, Aubrey R. Dueweke, Michael A. de Arellano, and Regan W. Stewart
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Misdiagnosis among Mental Healthcare Providers in Latin America, Mayra I. Perez, Danica L. Limon, Abigail E. Candelari, Sandra L. Cepeda, Ana C. Ramirez, Andrew G. Guzick, Minjee Kook, Valerie La Buissonniere Ariza, Sophie C. Schneider, Wayne K. Goodman, and Eric A. Storch
Physical Intimate Partner Violence Concordance Rates in Couples: Does CTS2 Item Order Matter?, Deanna L. Pollard, Julia C. Babcock, and Arturo L. Cantos
Physical Intimate Partner Violence Concordance Rates in Couples: Does CTS2 Item Order Matter?, Deanna L. Pollard, Julia C. Babcock, and Arturo L. Cantos
Queer Politics of a Pandemic: LGBTQ + People's Conceptions of COVID-19's Politicization, Rachel M. Schmitz, Gabby Gomez, Aidan Propst, Jennifer Tabler, and Ruby Charak
Risk Factors of Female-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence among Hispanic Young Adults: Attachment Style, Emotional Dysregulation, and Negative Childhood Experiences, Joahana Segundo, Arturo L. Cantos, Gabriela Ontiveros, and K. Daniel O'Leary
VALOR: Cultural considerations when assessing Central American immigrant women in behavioral health settings, Michelle Silva, Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, Luz M. Garcini, Alfonso Mercado, German Cadenas, Amanda Venta, and Manuel Paris
Forgone Care among LGBTQ and Non-LGBTQ Americans during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Health, Social Support, and Pandemic-Related Stress, Jennifer Tabler, Rachel M. Schmitz, Ruby Charak, and Aidan Propst
A Comparison of Psychological Stress and Sleep Problems in Undocumented Students, DACA Recipients, and U.S. Citizens, Andy Torres, Jordan Kenemore, and Grant Benham
Clinical and demographic differences by sex in autistic Venezuelan children: A cross-sectional study, Andy Torres and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Predictors of Traumatic Experiences and Mental Wellbeing Among Recent Immigrant Mothers and Children, Andy Torres, Frances Morales, Amanda Palomin, Marika Dawkins-Cavazos, and Alfonso Mercado
A Cross-sectional Study of the Mental Health Symptoms of Latin American, US Hispanic, and Spanish College Students Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andy Torres, Amanda Palomin, Frances Morales, Maria Sevilla-Matos, Cecilia Colunga-Rodríguez, Mario Ángel-González, Luis E. Sarabia-López, Gabriel Dávalos-Picazo, Diemen Delgado-García, and Alfonso Mercado
Adolescent Sleep Behavioral Interventions and Opportunities to Improve Cognitive Functioning: A Call for Action Improve Cognitive Functioning: A Call for Action, Leonell Torres-Pagan, Angelica Terepka, Renata Vaysman, Nicole M. Velez-Agosto, and John Usseglio
Reverse-Coded Items Do Not Work in Spanish: Data From Four Samples Using Established Measures, Amanda Venta, Cassandra A. Bailey, Jesse Walker, Alfonso Mercado, Cecilia Colunga-Rodríguez, Mario Ángel-González, and Gabriel Davalos-Picazo
Trauma Exposure and Trauma Symptoms as Predictors of Police Perceptions in Latinx Youths, Amanda Venta, German Cadenas, Alfonso Mercado, Luz M. Garcini, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez
When the United States says you do not belong: Suicide-related thoughts and behaviors among immigrant young adults varying in immigration legal status, Amanda Venta, Tessa Long, Alfonso Mercado, Luz M. Garcini, and German Cadenas
A quality review of social-communication interventions for adolescents and adults with ASD: Maintenance, generalization, and social validity, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, J. B. Ganz, Lauren M. Pierson, Ee Rea Hong, Valeria Yllades, Claudia Dunn, and Margaret Foster
Communication Intervention Implementation via Telepractice Parent Coaching: Parent Implementation Outcomes, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, J. B. Ganz, Lauren M. Pierson, Valeria Yllades, Ching-Yi Liao, and Sarah K. Ura
Raging Hormones: Why Age-Based Etiological Conceptualizations of the Development of Antisocial Behavior Are Insufficient, Stuart F. White, S. Mariely Estrada Gonzalez, and Eibhlis M. Moriarty
Parent Coaching via Telepractice for Children From Latinx Backgrounds With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Valeria Yllades, J. B. Ganz, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, Claudia Dunn, and Lauren M. Pierson
Submissions from 2021
Bedtime repetitive negative thinking moderates the relationship between psychological stress and insomnia, Grant Benham
Stress and sleep in college students prior to and during the COVID‐19 pandemic, Grant Benham
Moving Toward, Moving Against, and Moving Away: An Interpersonal Approach to Construct Validation of the Horney–Coolidge Type Inventory, Steven E. Carlson, Timothy W. Smith, Kimberly A. Parkhurst, Ruben Tinajero, Jeremy L. Grove, Christian Goans, Michiyo Hirai, and John M. Ruiz
Dimensional Latent Structure of ICD-11 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Complex PTSD, and Adjustment Disorder: Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria, Ruby Charak, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Mark Shevlin, Menachem Ben-Ezra, Thanos Karatzias, and Philip Hyland
Intergenerational maltreatment in parent-child dyads from Burundi, Africa: Associations among parental depression and connectedness, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and aggression in children, Ruby Charak, JTVM de Jong, Lidewyde H. Berckmoes, Herman Ndayisaba, and Ria Reis
Assessment Tools in Child Protection Practice and Research, Ruby Charak and Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis
Gender of Authors in the Brazilian Journal of Behavior Analysis [Gênero dos autores na Revista Brasileira de Análise do Comportamento], Hugo Curiel, Emily S. L. Curiel, Gleides Rizzi, and Alan Poling
Covid-19 y autismo: impacto en las personas con autismo y sus familias en Uruguay, Gabriela Garrido, María Cecilia Montenegro, Cecilia Amigo, Daniel Valdez, Natalia Barrios, Sebastián Cukier, Alexia Rattazzi, Analía Rosoli, Ricardo García, Cristiane S. Paula, Georgina Pérez Liz, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Survey of Spanish Language Neuropsychological Test Use in the Assessment of Hispanic Americans/Latino/as/x, Philip Gerard Gasquoine, Amy A. Weimer, Eduardo Estevis, and Eros Perez
Parenting & Children's Psychological Adjustment During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Samantha J. Gregus, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Melissa A. Faith, and Elissa Failes
Beliefs about Mental Illness in a Spanish Speaking Latinx American Sample, Michiyo Hirai, Serkan Dolma, Laura L. Vernon, and George A. Clum
Attentional bias towards threat in sexually victimized Hispanic women: A dot probe study, Michiyo Hirai, Elizabeth N. Hernandez, Delia Y. Villarreal, and George A. Clum
The impact of poly-traumatization on treatment outcomes in young people with substance use disorders, Sidsel Karsberg, Morten Hesse, Michael Mulbjerg Pedersen, Ruby Charak, and Mads Uffe Pedersen
Assessing the mediating role of social support in childhood maltreatment and psychopathology among college students in Northern Ireland, Susan Lagdon, Jana Ross, Martin Robinson, Ateka A. Contractor, Ruby Charak, and Cherie Armour
Caregiver Involvement in Communication Intervention for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families with Individuals with ASD and IDD: a Systematic Review of Cross-Cultural Research, Ching-Yi Liao, J. B. Ganz, Kimberly J. Vannest, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, Lauren M. Pierson, Valeria Yllades, and Yi-Fan Li
Youth-Led Resilience Promotion during Disaster Recovery: A Proposed Framework, Innovative Program, and Lessons Learned, Shane McCarty, Kyle Pacque, Alyssa J. Gatto, Kaylynn Hill, and Ruby Charak
The increasing toll of racism and discrimination on California agricultural workers and their families under the Trump administration, Alvaro Medel-Herrero, Monica Torreiro-Casal, Joseph D. Hovey, Karla Rascon-Garcia, Suzette Smiley-Jewell, Martha Shumway, and Natalia Deeb-Sossa
‘Remain In Mexico’: Stories Of Trauma And Abuse, Alfonso Mercado, Luz M. Garcini, Amanda Venta, and Manuel Paris
Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Examining the Roles of Familism, Social Support, and Stigma in Latinx Caregivers, Alfonso Mercado, Frances Morales, Andy Torres, Roy K. Chen, Kim L. Nguyen-Finn, and Gabriel Davalos-Picazo
Attachment, Emotion Dysregulation, and Physical IPV in Predominantly Hispanic, Young Adult Couples, Deanna L. Pollard and Arturo L. Cantos
Therapeutic Dynamics of Aggression, Readiness to Change, and Recidivism in a Partner Violent Men Typology, Natalia Redondo, Marina J. Muñoz-Rivas, Arturo L. Cantos, and Jose Luis Graña
Latent Classes of Bidirectional Face-to-Face and Cyber Intimate Partner Violence Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Emerging Adults: The Role of Minority Stressors, Roman Ronzón-Tirado, Ruby Charak, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Sidsel Karsberg, and Phillip W. Schnarrs
Implementation of an Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Trauma-Exposed Children in a Lower-Middle Income Country: the Use of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in El Salvador, Regan W. Stewart, Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, Bianca T. Villalobos, Andel V. Nicasio, Aubrey R. Dueweke, Michelle Alto, Judith A. Cohen, Anthony P. Mannarino, and Michael A. de Arellano
A Pilot Trial of Universal School-Based Mental Health Screening in El Salvador: Traumatic Stress in an Underresourced School Environment, Regan W. Stewart, Bianca T. Villalobos, Aubrey R. Dueweke, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Andel V. Nicasio, Michelle Alto, and Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo
Perceived weight gain and eating disorder symptoms among LGBTQ+ adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a convergent mixed-method study, Jennifer Tabler, Rachel M. Schmitz, Ruby Charak, and Eliza Dickinson
Use of allied-health services and medication among adults with ASD in Latin America, Andy Torres, Denise Lecusay, Daniel Valdez, Analía Rosoli, Gabriela Garrido, Sebastián Cukier, Cristiane Silvestre Paula, Ricardo Garcia, Alexia Rattazzi, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Editorial: The Depth and Complexity of Unconscious Processing, Shen Tu, Jerwen Jou, Guang Zhao, and Jun Jiang
Enfrentando al Covid-19: situación de las personas con autismo y sus familias en Latinoamérica, Daniel Valdez, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Cristiane Silvestre Paula, Alexia Rattazzi, Analía Rosoli, Natalia Barrios, Sebastián Cukier, Ricardo Garcia, Sandra Manrqieu, and Georgina Pérez Liz
Patient perceptions of trauma-focused telemental health services using the Telehealth Satisfaction Questionnaire (TSQ), Bianca T. Villalobos, Aubrey R. Dueweke, Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, and Regan W. Stewart
The Mental Health of Latinx Adults in the United States During the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Snapshot of Anxiety, Depression, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Bianca T. Villalobos and Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez
Interpreter perspectives on working with trauma patients: Challenges and recommendations to improve access to care., Bianca T. Villalobos, Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, Rebeca Castellanos, Freddie A. Pastrana, and Regan W. Stewart
Submissions from 2020
A Retrospective Examination of Symptom Improvements in Primary Care Patients Receiving Behavior Therapy With and Without Concurrent Pharmacotherapy, Ana J. Bridges, Roselee J. Ledesma, Aubrey R. Dueweke, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Elizabeth A. Anastasia, and Sasha M. Rojas
Witnessing Parental Violence and Cyber IPV Perpetration in Hispanic Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Attitudes Toward IPV, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Ruby Charak, Ohad Gilbar, Rosa Viñas-Racionero, and Megan K. Strait
Lifetime Interpersonal Victimization Profiles and Mental Health Problems in a Nationally Representative Panel of Trauma-Exposed Adults from the United Kingdom, Ruby Charak, Maria Louison Vang, Mark Shevlin, Menachem Ben-Ezra, Thanos Karatzias, and Philip Hyland
Gender of authors in the Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis: changes over time [GÉNERO DE LOS AUTORES DE LA REVISTA MEXICANA DE ANÁLISIS DE LA CONDUCTA: CAMBIOS A TRAVÉS DEL TIEMPO], Hugo Curiel, Emily S. L. Curiel, Alicia Roca, and Alan Poling
Placas pleurales por inhalación de fibras de asbesto. Reporte de dos casos y revisión de literatura, Diemen Delgado-García, Alfonso Mercado, María De Lourdes Preciado-Serrano, Gabriel Davalos-Picazo, and Ashley Delgado
Resources and Recommendations for Engaging Children and Adolescents in Telemental Health Interventions During COVID-19 and Beyond, Aubrey R. Dueweke, Megan M. Wallace, Andel V. Nicasio, Bianca T. Villalobos, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, and Regan W. Stewart
Racial-Ethnic Differences in Social Networks and Perceived Support: Measurement Considerations and Implications for Disparities Research, Melissa Flores, John M. Ruiz, Christian Goans, Bert N. Uchino, Michiyo Hirai, Ruben Tinajero, and Timothy W. Smith
Methodology: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the AAC Literature for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Intellectual Disabilities who have Complex Communication Needs through 2020, J. B. Ganz, James E. Pustejovsky, Joe Reichle, Kimberly J. Vannest, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, Man Chen, Margaret Foster, Marcus C. Fuller, April N. Haas, S. D. Smith, and Valeria Yllades
A Tale of Two Crises: The Compounded Effect of COVID-19 and Anti-Immigration Policy in the United States, Luz M. Garcini, Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, Alfonso Mercado, and Manuel Paris
Case Study on the Neuropsychology of Hypersexual Behavior, Philip Gerard Gasquoine
Evaluating Incentive Strategies on Parental Engagement of the PACE Parenting Program, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Cristina Lopez, and Angela Moreland
An Association Between Perceived Social Support and Posttraumatic Stress Symptom Severity Among Women With Lifetime Sexual Victimization: The Serial Mediating Role of Resilience and Coping, Michiyo Hirai, Ruby Charak, Laura D. Seligman, Joseph D. Hovey, John M. Ruiz, and Timothy W. Smith
A Longitudinal Investigation of the Efficacy of Online Expressive Writing Interventions for Hispanic Students Exposed to Traumatic Events: Competing Theories of Action, Michiyo Hirai, Serkan Dolma, Laura L. Vernon, and George A. Clum
Why Are Trial-by-Trial, Strength-Based Criterion Shifts Hard to Observe? Is the Difficulty in the Mental Process Itself or in the Typical Cued Criterion Method?, Jerwen Jou, Eric E. Escamilla, Andy Torres, Alejandro Ortiz, and Maria S. Matos
Why are the Trial-By-Trial, Strength-Based Criterion Shifts Hard to Observe? Is the Difficulty in the Mental Process Itself or in the Typical Cued-Criterion Method?, Jerwen Jou, Eric E. Escamilla, Andy U. Torres, Alejandro Ortiz, and Maria S. Matos
Redefining the Congruity Effect in Comparative Judgments: A Review of the Theories and a Further Test, Jerwen Jou, Maria S. Matos, Mikayla A. Martinez, Francisco J. Sierra, Clair Guzman, and Amanda R. Hut
Trauma and cultural values in the health of recently immigrated families, Alfonso Mercado, Amanda Venta, Craig Henderson, and Norma Pimentel
Service encounters across the lifespan in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: Results from a multisite study in Latin America, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Sebastián Cukier, Gabriela Garrido, Daniel Valdez, Cristiane Paula, Ricardo García, Analía Rosoli, Matías Irarrázaval, and Alexia Rattazzi
Is All Dating Violence Equal? Gender and Severity Differences in Predictors of Perpetration, Gabriela Ontiveros, Arturo L. Cantos, Po-Yi Chen, Ruby Charak, and K. Daniel O'Leary
Listen, Don’t Tell: Partnership and Adaptation to Implement Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Low-Resourced Settings, Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, Regan W. Stewart, Bianca T. Villalobos, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Aubrey R. Dueweke, Michael A. de Arellano, and John Young
“I Went into This as One Person, and Then Came Out a Totally Different Person”: Native LGBTQ2S+ Young Adults’ Conceptions of Trauma, Rachel M. Schmitz and Ruby Charak
Latino and Non-Latino Parental Treatment Preferences for Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders, Laura D. Seligman, Joseph D. Hovey, Marina Ibarra, Gabriela Hurtado, Carla E. Marin, and Wendy K. Silverman
Challenges, priorities, barriers to care, and stigma in families of people with autism: Similarities and differences among six Latin American countries, Cristiane Silvestre Paula, Sebastián Cukier, Graccielle R. Cunha, Matías Irarrázaval, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Ricardo Garcia, Analía Rosoli, Daniel Valdez, and Daniela Bordini
Unique and Cumulative Effects of Intimate Partner Cybervictimization Types on Alcohol use in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Emerging Adults, Oscar Trujillo, Jorge I. Cantu, and Ruby Charak
Can unconscious sequential integration of semantic information occur when the prime Chinese characters are displayed from left to right?, Shen Tu, Simin Wan, Jerwen Jou, Yidan Ma, Guang Zho, and Weigang Pan
Unconscious integration of sequentially presented subliminal arrow pointing directions, Shen Tu, SiShi Zhu, Qiuxia Liang, Jerwen Jou, Simin Wan, Guang Zhao, Yidan Ma, and Jiang Qiu
Prejudice Regarding Latinx-Americans, Bianca T. Villalobos, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, and Cynthia M. Funes
The Relationship between Sexual Orientation Outness, Heterosexism, Emotion Dysregulation, and Alcohol Use among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Emerging Adults, Lillianne Villarreal, Ruby Charak, Rachel M. Schmitz, Claire Hsieh, and Julian D. Ford
Parents Coaching in Naturalistic Interventions to Improve Communication Skills for Adolescents and Adults with Autism via Telepractice, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, J. B. Ganz, Lauren M. Pierson, Valeria Yllades, Claudia Dunn, and Sarah K. Ura
Submissions from 2019
The positive predictive value of the PHQ-2 as a screener for depression in Spanish-Speaking Latinx, English-speaking Latinx, and non-Latinx White primary care patients., Ana J. Bridges, Aubrey R. Dueweke, Elizabeth A. Anastasia, and Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez
Treatment impact on recidivism of family only vs. generally violent partner violence perpetrators, Arturo L. Cantos, David S. Kosson, Daniel A. Goldstein, and K. Daniel O'Leary
Assessment of the revised Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scales among adolescents and adults with severe mental illness, Ruby Charak, Brianna M. Byllesby, Christopher J. Fowler, Carla Sharp, Jon D. Elhai, and B. Christopher Frueh
Latent classes of childhood maltreatment, adult sexual assault, and revictimization in men: Differences in masculinity, anger, and substance use., Ruby Charak, Lee R. Eshelman, and Terri L. Messman-Moore
Polyvictimization, Emotion Dysregulation, Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Behavioral Health Problems among Justice-Involved Youth: a Latent Class Analysis, Ruby Charak, Julian D. Ford, Cosby A. Modrowski, and Patricia K. Kerig
Patterns of childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence, emotion dysregulation, and mental health symptoms among lesbian, gay, and bisexual emerging adults: A three-step latent class approach, Ruby Charak, Lillianne Villarreal, Rachel M. Schmitz, Michiyo Hirai, and Julian D. Ford
Efecto de la terapia familiar sistémica sobre síntomas internalizantes y externalizantes en adolescentes, Gabriel Davalos-Picazo, Juan Pedro Núñez-Partido, Julio César Vázquez Colunga, Cecilia Colunga-Rodríguez, Mario Angel Gonzalez, Francisco Javier Pedroza-Cabrera, Alfonso Mercado, Claudia Liliana Vazquez-Juarez, and Maria Angela Gomez-Perez
Anxiety Sensitivity and Children’s Risk for Both Internalizing Problems and Peer Victimization Experiences, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Samantha J. Gregus, James T. Craig, Freddie A. Pastrana, and Timothy A. Cavell
Examining Proximal Risk Factors for Suicide in a Sample of Mexican Adults in Rehabilitation Centers, Gabriela Hurtado, Joseph D. Hovey, and Aubrey R. Dueweke
Impairment of functioning and substance use in a Latino population, Alfonso Mercado, Liza Talavera-Garza, Jason R. Popan, Kim Finn-Nguyen, Rachita Sharma, and Cecilia Colunga-Rodríguez
Impairment of functioning and substance use in a Latino population, Alfonso Mercado, Liza Talavera-Garza, Jason R. Popan, Kim L. Nguyen-Finn, Rachita Sharma, and Cecilia Colunga-Rodríguez
Implementation of a Multi-Phase, Trauma-Focused Intervention Model Post-Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: Lessons Learned from the Field Using a Community Based Participatory Approach, Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, Regan W. Stewart, Michael A. de Arellano, Freddie A. Pastrana, Bianca T. Villalobos, Karen G. Martínez-González, Joy Lynn Suárez-Kindy, and Melissa Brymer
Treatment-Induced Changes in Undercontrolled and Overcontrolled Anger Subtypes of Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence and 5-Year Recidivism, Natalia Redondo, Arturo L. Cantos, Jose Luis Graña, Marina J. Muñoz-Rivas, and K. Daniel O’Leary