Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
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UTRGV Theses and Dissertations can be found here.
While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Retention of beginning teachers: A comparison of teachers prepared through an alternative certification program and a Center for Professional Development of Teachers field-based program, Glendelia Muniz Zavala
Effects of ethanol on the toxicity and metabolism of acetonitrile and acrylonitrile, Nancy Ochoa-Garza
Teachers' perception of school climate as a function of personality traits, Mary Carmen Pacheco
Cascading Visions, Noel Palmenez
Effects of self-monitoring on hyperactivity in a student diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Lillian Lee Pedroza
Switching decisions for diversity antennas using autoregressive techniques, Sebastian Mani Puthenpurayil
Mexican American women: Unique superintendents in Texas, Maria Cristina Quilantan
Effect of guanosine tetraphosphate on growth rate and stable RNA synthesis in Escherichia coli, Heather Anne Quintanilla
Children of Mexican immigrants: Negotiating school in a two -way setting on the Texas -Mexico border, Diana Maria Ramirez
Academic achievement as a function of attributions of success and failure and socio-cultural variables in Mexican-American students, Mary Alice Reyes
Troubled waters: A reprisal of sea power and maritime importance in the turbulent years of the Texas revolt, Andrew Reynolds Galloway
Herstory, Rita Kathryn Roney
The art and myth of the coyote and related folk tales from the South Texas and northern Mexican border, Esau Rubio Pena
Four case studies of Hispanic children's responses to a videotaped language sampling procedure, Adelaida E. Saenz
Mexican American persistence at a Hispanic-serving institution: Lessons and anomalies in a 10-year university cohort, Alfredo Salinas
Relationships between teachers' perceptions of principals' leadership behavior and level of work motivation, Raquenel Sanchez-Perkins
Ocelot distribution in the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Kevin James Shinn
Longitudinal analysis of behavior patterns in a captive chimpanzee population, Amy Augusta Tirone
R&D, advertising and the market value of Internet firms, Damir Tokic
The rheological behavior of carbon nanofiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites, Qiang Zeng
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
An analysis of key leadership behaviors of the principal in a high -performing elementary school serving Mexican American children in South Texas, Alda T. Benavides
Relationship between cognitive performance and sociocultural and linguistic variables in bilingual Mexican American children, Lorraine Geralyn Boudville
The effects of inclusion on learning-disabled students' self-esteem, Ruth Ann Cardoza
Economic impacts of NAFTA and transfer pricing legislation along the United States-Mexico border, Alton Henry Cook Jr.
The battle to be mayor: A case study of interethnic conflict in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Adrian Cruz
The Sacred and the Mundane: Images of Deity in Ordinary Objects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Monica Delgado Van Wagenen
Reducing aberrant behavior utilizing functional communication training in whole-group, small-group and one-to-one settings, Twila Dawn Sprowl Figueroa
Patterns of avian productivity indices at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge (1995–1999), Tina Louise Gallegos
Determinants of electronic data interchange adoption in international buyer -supplier communications, Jose V. Gavidia
The effects of multi-sensory teaching practices on the reading fluency and comprehension of bilingual 2nd grade students, Gloria Gonzalez
Military activities in Matamoros during the Mexican Revolution, 1910–1915, Sonia Hernandez
A study of parental involvement at a blue ribbon elementary school on the Texas-Mexico border, Jay Scott Hollinger
Reducing juvenile graffiti vandalism: A study of community policing problem-solving in San Benito, Texas, Yolanda Lopez
The exaltation and musicality of the gypsy cante jondo as exemplified by the poetry of Federico García Lorca, Auristela Rodriguez Merlano Lung
Moments in Time, Maria Elena Macias
Visual iconic object-oriented programming to advance computer science education and novice programming, Nancy Silva Martinez
A neural network-based vision system for automated separation of onion from clod using mechanical harvester, Demian Morquin
James Joyce and Rolando Hinojosa: Artists in a colonial milieu, John Clark Owen
Tracing the Cultural Memory in the Rio Grande Valley: Mexican-American dichos, Proverbs Interpreted Through Art, Jennifer Michele Rodriguez
Risk, return and integration in Latin American equity markets, Eduardo Enrique Sandoval
Gallos, caballos, gente y paisajes, Rosendo Sandoval
The relationship between acculturation level and patient satisfaction among adult Mexican American emergency department patients, Sharon M. Schaaf
Comparison of rodent communities of native brushland, replanted, and secondary succession sites in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Mitchell Allen Sternberg
Detection of the phototoxic dye phloxine B in Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), Apis mellifera Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and honey, Aleena M. Tarshis Moreno
Chthonic power versus synthetic power: Iconography and color symbolizing the female principle relative to the male principle, Kathryn M. Thorn-Simpson
Ensuring educational opportunity for students with disabilities: A legal analysis of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Jacques Evan Trevino
“To please a child”: A practical analysis of a children's theatre production from planning to performance, Brian James Warren
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The antecedents and consequences of customer loyalty: The roles of customer satisfaction and consumer trust -commitment, Sergio Alonso
Teisho of a Tree in Light: A collection of poems, Samuel Arizpe
Highway safety funding for the “EL PROTECTOR” program from the Texas Department of Transportation, Colin Barto Ashburn
Mexican American Baptists' dependency on Anglo Baptist institutions in south Texas: A case study in Bee County, Richard Carrera
The application and performance of a generic task routine decision making algorithm to recipe selection in meal planning, Michelle M. Cox
Manipulating ethos and pathos: Accents, product complexity, and promotional messages in Chile, Victor Ramon Davila
Adult survivors of family violence and abuse, Marcie De La Cruz
Advance directives and communication styles in a lower Rio Grande Valley health facility, Armando G. Dominguez
Comparative phenology of Acacia berlandieri, A. minuata, A. rigidula, A. schaffneri, and Chloroleucon ebano in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Melissa R. Eddy
Gender identity development in self-disclosed gay men in Hidalgo County, Texas, Sammy Lee Flanagan Jr.
Optimal design of beams undergoing harmonic bending and torsion using finite elements, Arnoldo Garcia
The relationship of acculturation and social support to birth outcomes of pregnant Mexican-American adolescents, Enriqueta Garcia and Martha Ruth Ramirez
Modeling of a meat cooking process for on-line monitoring and control, Oralia Garcia
The relationship between health attitudes, beliefs, health locus of control and use of breast cancer screening modalities in elderly Hispanic women, Debra Kay Gillett and Rosamaria Ortiz
Factors affecting reproductive success in hosts of the bronzed cowbird (Molothrus aeneus) in the lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, Christopher R. Hathcock
An analysis of financial issues faced by microenterprises in Mexico, Heikki Heino
VAS (Visual Analysis System): An information visualization engine to interpret World Wide Web structure, Tarkan Karadayi
Women's income-generating activities in Turkey, Nihan Kayaardi
If you build it, will they come? The effect providing recreation and parks has on attracting new businesses, Peter Bernard Lamont Jr.
The Summer Day Treatment Program, Luis Salanas Lopez
Explicating sex differences in marketing managers' egoist versus utilitarian ethical orientations: The effects of the enactment of agentic versus communal social roles, Jason Blair MacDonald
Corporate diversification and the effects of firm characteristics on diversification modes: United States, European and Japanese firm behavior, Somkiat Mansumitrchai
Poems as mnemonic devices to aid grammar recall, Carolin A. Metzger
The etic/emic dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior in Mexico: A cross -cultural research study, Luis Ortiz
A Burkean analysis of Aung San Suu Kyi's leadership role in the political development of Burma, Jayshri H. Patel
A cross-cultural content analysis of television news: Weslaco and Abilene, Texas and Matamoros, Mexico, Biada Pena
Sectoral labor choice in post-revolutionary Nicaragua: The evolution of the informal labor sector in the 1990s, Michael Jack Pisani
Evangelical Episcopalians and the Church of Jesus in Mexico, 1857–1906, John Steven Rice
Small business financing sources and self -employment trends of mainland and island-born Puerto Ricans, Yolanda Ruiz-Vargas
Detoxification of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide and benzo(a)pyrene-4,5-oxide by myristicin induced glutathione S-transferase in A/J mouse livers, Eduardo Saldivar
World Birding Center-Edinburg: An application to the Meadows Foundation, Wendy Smith Sturgis
The American Board's single missionary women in American Indian missions, 1810–1860, Lisa Jacqueline Travis
Correlation between the number of children a woman has in the Women, Infants, and Children Program and their ratings of the program, Elizabeth Trevino
Factors affecting learning effectiveness in international joint ventures (IJV): An empirical analysis of Indian IJVs, Sameer P. Vaidya
Stress in Mexican-American adolescence and its relations to family structure and socioeconomic status, Diana Villanueva
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Abraham Lincoln: Strategist of Union victory, Rolando Avila
The political realities of Rio Grande Valley women, Linda Buxton
Spillover effects on Latin American equity markets: The case of ADRs and non-ADR firms, Roberto Jairo Curci-Berrio
Development and the environment: A case study about the first attempted creation of a Texas coastal conservation district, Rene De La Rosa
Trust and ethics in international business negotiations: A cross-cultural analysis, Mohammad Niamat Elahee
Psychological correlates of pain perception: An assessment of false biofeedback, Tobie Jay Escher
The ecology and life history of the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus, (Teleostei: Characidae) in the lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, Mario Estrada
Acculturation level and performance of Mexican Americans on a test of malingering, Sonya Rosa Flores
Colonia Outreach Assistance and Training (C.O.A.S.T.), Eunice Aida Garcia
A management role perspective of Adult Protective Services, Isaac Garza
A comparison of prison rehabilitation classes, Linda Sue Jackson
Acculturation in Mexican American adolescents and its relation to perceived social support, Rossana Jimenez
Production of the subtropical seagrass, Halodule wrightii Aschers., in lower Laguna Madre, Texas, Joseph L. Kowalski
Effects of labor unions on regional economic development in Mexico, Rafael Otero
The public dream: A Jungian interpretation of "The Waste Land", Obed Sanchez
A research model of care-givers and/or socializing agents explored in terms of grandparenthood, Susanna Imelda Guadalupe Stephens