Bilingual and Literacy Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2015
Desiring Dual Language Bilingual Education: One Community’s Perspectives on Past and Future Directions for Bilingual Learners, Amy A. Weimer, Daniela Kuri, J. Joy Esquierdo, Francisco Guajardo, and Luis A. Correa
Attitudinal Perspectives: A Factor to Implementation of a Dual Language Program, Michael Whitacre
Submissions from 2014
“Porque sé los dos idiomas.” Biliteracy Beliefs and Bilingual Preservice Teacher Identity, Sandra I. Musanti
Discovering Best Practices for Bilingual Teacher Preparation: A Pedagogy for the Border, Alcione N. Ostorga and Peter Farruggio
Preparing Latina/o Bilingual Teachers to Teach Content in Spanish to Emergent Bilingual Students on the US–Mexico Border, Alma D. Rodríguez and Sandra I. Musanti
Composing a new community infused with bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural realities, Amy A. Weimer, J. Joy Esquierdo, and Francisco Guajardo
Submissions from 2013
Cultivating Bilingual Learners’ Language Arts Knowledge: A Framework for Successful Teaching, Isela Almaguer and J. Joy Esquierdo
“Let’s suppose that. . . .”: Developing Base-10 Thinking, Sylvia Celedon-Pattichis and Sandra I. Musanti
Why Did I Ask That Question? Bilingual/ESL Pre-Service Teachers’ Insights, Zulmaris Diaz, Michael Whitacre, J. Joy Esquierdo, and Jose A. Ruiz-Escalante
Promising Pedagogical Practices for Emergent Bilinguals in Kindergarten: Towards a Mathematics Discourse Community, Sandra I. Musanti and Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis
The use of a virtual guest speaker as a catalyst for deep learning, Alcione N. Ostorga and Peter Farruggio
Bilingual and ESL Pre-Service Teachers Learn about Effective Instruction for ELLs through Meaningful Collaboration, Alma D. Rodríguez
Pre-Service Teachers: An Analysis of Reading Instruction in High Needs Districts Dual Language Classrooms, Michael Whitacre, Zulmaris Diaz, and J. Joy Esquierdo
Submissions from 2012
"Oh, Those Loud Black Girls!": A Phenomenological Study of Black Girls Talking with an Attitude, Jacqueline B. Koonce
“They need to know they can do math”: Reaching for Equity through the Native Language in Mathematics Instruction with Spanish-speaking Students, Sandra I. Musanti and Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis
Reflexiones sobre Lenguaje, Cultura y Equidad en la Enseñanza de Matemáticas en una Escuela Primaria Bilingüe de Estados Unidos, Sandra I. Musanti, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, and Mary E. Marshall
Consumos culturales digitales: jóvenes de 13 a 18 años, Monica Pini, Sandra I. Musanti, Guillermo Kaufman, and Mónica Amaré
Submissions from 2011
Situating Mathematics Professional Development: A Bilingual Teacher and Researchers’ Collaboration, Sandra I. Musanti, Mary E. Marshall, Karla Ceballos, and Sylvia Celedon-Pattichis
Submissions from 2010
Taking Another Look at Struggling Adolescent Readers, Melissa Brooks-Yip and Jacqueline B. Koonce
Bilingual teachers’ reflections on students’ native language and culture to teach mathematics, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Sandra I. Musanti, and Mary E. Marshall
Critical incidents and reflection: turning points that challenge the researcher and create opportunities for knowing, Don Halquist and Sandra I. Musanti
Collaboration and teacher development: Unpacking resistance, constructing knowledge, and navigating identities, Sandra I. Musanti and Lucretia Pence
Technology integration in teaching action research, Alcione N. Ostorga
Teacher Education and Professional Development in the Context of Argentinean Educational Policies: Current Trends and Challenges, Monica Pini, Sandra I. Musanti, Jorge Gorostiaga, Myriam Feldfeber, and Dalila Andrade Oliveira
Submissions from 2009
Reflections on Language and Mathematics Problem Solving: A Case Study of a Bilingual First-Grade Teacher, Sandra I. Musanti, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, and Mary E. Marshall
Culturally Relevant Books: Connecting Hispanic Students to the Curriculum, Alma D. Rodríguez
Submissions from 2008
Teachers of Latino students reflect on the implementation of a mathematical task, Leslie H. Kahn, Sandra I. Musanti, Laura Kondek McLeman, José María Menéndez-Gómez, and Barbara Trujillo
Literacidad crítica y literatura culturalmente relevante: una combinación que empodera a los aprendices de inglés [Critical Literacy and Culturally Relevant Literature: A Combination that Empowers English Learners], Alma D. Rodríguez and José Manuel Ocampo
Submissions from 2007
The use of web-based tools to teach action research: A developing instructional model for teacher researchers, Veronica L. Estrada and Alcione N. Ostorga
Young Latino students' learning in problem-based reform Mathematics classrooms: Developing mathematical thinking and communication, Mary Marshall, Sandra I. Musanti, and Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis
Prospective Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions of the Importance of their Heritage Language, Alma D. Rodríguez
Submissions from 2006
Developing Teachers Who Are Reflective Practitioners: A Complex Process, Alcione N. Ostorga
Submissions from 2005
Teaching/Learning Centers: Professional Development for Teachers of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students, Holbrook Mahn, Dee McMann, and Sandra I. Musanti
Submissions from 2000
The Theoretical Foundations of Professional Development in Special Education Is Sociocultural Theory Enough?, J.S. De Valenzuela, M. Cathrene Connery, and Sandra I. Musanti