Literatures and Cultural Studies Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Ecologies of Teaching With Bilingual Students: Connecting Identity, Agency, and Assessment in First-Year Writing Class, Sumantha Nikole Zapata
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Pronombres de la tercera persona del zapoteco de Macuiltianguis [Third Person Pronouns in Macuiltianguis Zapotec], Paula Margarita Foreman
The Processing of /ɪ/-/i/ and /ɑ/-/æ/ Contrasts in Spanish-English Bilingualism, Elizabeth M. Garza
Irreverent Womanhood: The Healing of Intergenerational and Cultural Trauma in the Chicanx and Latinx Sonic Poetry of Amalia Ortiz and Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Yasmine A. Gomez
No Middle Ground: Demagogic Rhetorical Practices at the Truth and Courage Bus Stop in Harlingen, TX, Kymberly O. Morquecho
The Witch in the Woods: An Exploration of Female Representation in Mexican American and Japanese Folklore, Sydni D. Salinas
Breaking Bridges: A Latina's Role in Familismo and Higher Education, Desiree Trejo
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Cinematic Poe: A Survey of Films Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe and Their Importance in Film History, Devon V. Bradley
Dismembering Monstrous Metaphors in Latinx Speculative Fiction, Danielle Garcia-Karr
‘Let’s Rock!’: Analyzing Music as a Literary Precursor to the Sublime in the Works of Lynch, Jesus Ivan Gonzalez
La asignación de género de los préstamos en el sureste de Tejas [The Gender Assignment of Loans in Southeast Texas], Elsa Guadalupe Magana Orozco
Mental Health in The Catcher in the Rye and Thirteen Reasons Why, Zugay Trevino
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Escaping Machismo: Educating a New Generation of Mentors for Latina Students, Nayeli Elizavet Garcia
Transatlantic Triangulations: Genre and Traumatic Memory in the Novels of Esmeralda Santiago and Alejandro Zambra, Amanda A. Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A View from the Frontera: A Hispanic-American Raised in Mexico Examines Cultural Perspectives of Language in America, Perla M. Lauderdale
Battle Royale Video Games and Their Impact on First-Year Writing Students: Comparing the Writing Process of Gamers to Non-Gamers, Jacob L. Molina
Analysis of Fantasy Fiction Series of Sarah J. Maas: A Court of Thorns and Roses, Raelynn D. Peña
A Study of /sk/-Metathesis in Old English, Catharina Clara Ybarra
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Coming to an Understanding: Daoist Rhetoric as Dialogue in Composition Studies, Veronica Anzaldua
The Prisoner as Object: Rhetorical Agency and the Literacy of Prison Tattooing, Rebecca R. Reyes
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
How Do We Teach All Students in Monolingual Classrooms? A Study of Transfer and Translingualism, Norma Denae Dibrell
Using the Rhetoric of Video Games to Teach the Praxis of Critical Analysis, Jeffrey B. Doyle
An Examination of the Queer, the Macho, and the Ambiguous Male in Arturo Islas's the Rain God, Delilah Marie Farias
Linguistics in Secondary Education: Teachers' Perceptions of Linguistics in the Classroom, Ayla Aizza Galvan
The Witch, the Blonde, and the Cultural "Other": Applying Cluster Criticism to Grimm and Disney Princess Stories, Valerie F. Garza
Panopticism in a Digital Age: An Examination of Transmedia Reimagining Jane Eyre, April L. Gonzales
Epistemic Violence in Beowulf, Joseph W. Krippel
Divided by a Common Language: A Comparative Study of University Bilingual Language Policy in the UTRGV Texas and the UPF Barcelona, Shaun McCrory
Representations of Mental Health in Young Adult Literature: A Cultural Analysis of the Three Ps of Patient, Practitioner and Population, Christine Gonzales Severn
Healing and Resistance through Humor: A Literary and Cultural Analysis of Chicana and Latina Cultural Production, Victoria E. Valdez
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Coding the Discourse and Translingual Strategies of Collaborative Writing of Secondary Education Students, Zane Lee Arredondo
The Evolution of la Mexicana in Corridos Popular in the South Texas Borderlands (1930-2016), Gabriela Cavazos
Reclaiming the Dark: Defining Darkness as Feminist Agency within The Garden of Eden, "Never Marry a Mexican," and Selected Social Media Platforms, Teresa Hernandez
Wayne Booth's Rhetoric of Pluralism, William John Ordeman
Testing Acceptance of Language Difference in Academia: Perceptions in a First-Year Composition Classroom, Crystal Rodriguez
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Global-to-local-to-global: A model for tutoring ESL students in the writing center, David Aguilar
Adult Hispanic students' attitudes toward writing in English in a U.S. bilingual community, Analynn Bustamante
Map of the problematique: An analysis of muse through a rhetorical lens, Triauna R. Carey
The effectiveness of teacher involvement in the design of a writing curriculum, Jennifer O. Garcia
Women's rhetoric and the romance novel genre, Kathryn M. O'Neil
(Re)constructing American Linguistic Identity: Disrupting the American linguistic standard in first year composition, Brittany N. Ramirez
Coming of age on social media: Platforms for discussion and critique on the novels of Sarah Dessen, Liza M. Soria
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Redemption Denied: Variations of the Underworld Descent in Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian and The Road, Nathan W. Calley
Future memory: Ray Bradbury and the aesthetics of nostalgia, Billy J. Cryer
Eavesdropping on the past: An oral history exploration of English and Spanish in contact in Texas' Rio Grande Valley, 1904-1945, Aaron B. Cummings
Women's speech as reflected in the television series, Friends, Gema Del Moral
His words spoke to me: An analysis of cult rhetoric through memoir, Devan Leigh Lemke
Creolization of identity in Caribbean texts: Towards the healing of the creole, Victoria A. Marin
Re: publics: Woman of color feminist rhetorical process shaping safe spaces for a rehumanizing discourse, Eloisa E. Moreno
A sociolinguistic study on the use of Coke in the RGV, Kylie Ross
Adolescent street literacy: The art of the hustle, Regina L. Welch
Mack Thomas: The total beat, James B. Welton
Lost, beat, blank: The punk unconscious in subversive and transgressive cultural productions, Joel R. West
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Mirrors of Mechanized Man: Capitalism and Intertextuality as Represented in the Works of Herman Melville, Franz Kafka and Don Delillo, Samantha J. Amberson-Dominguez
The Best Bullies: A Critical Analysis of Young Adult Anti-Bullying Novels, Nina Marie Bone
Developing the modern heroine of fantasy literature: An examination of Lyra from "His Dark Materials" and Clary from "The Mortal Instruments", Diana Aileen Borghols Herrera
Herman Melville and Richard Wright: Camaraderie and Revolt, Linda Braune
The construction and performance of masculinity through the voice of Mexican American male authors: Arturo Islas' "The Rain God" and Rigoberto González's "Men Without Bliss", Edna Elizabeth Camacho
Landing: On The Other Side, Marianita Escamilla
The feminization of the literary voice and the rhetorical tradition in The Lais of Marie de France, The Mirror of Simple Souls, and The Book of the City of Ladies, Elisa B. Filippone
Postmodern and posthuman literature, John P. Gallagher
Del Norte: A collection of short stories y El corrido de Dani, Jesus Alfredo Reyna
Creating her own power: "Morte Darthur's" Morgan Le Fay, Cynthia A. Scott
Deconstructing the rhetoric of fear in post 9/11 young adult literature, Ronald Dean Straight
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Soul of Man Under Capitalism, Joe L. Cantu
Portrayals of The Dehumanization of The American Prisoner in Miguel Piñero's “Short Eyes” and Tom Fontana's “Oz”, Gerardo C. Martinez
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Southern Woman: A History of Rebellion, Passion, and Betrayal in Gone With The Wind and Caballero: A Historical Novel, Jessica Banda Vela
A Study of Limited English Proficient Students' Perceptions of The Effectiveness of Research-Based Best Practices in Developmental Education Reading Courses at The University of Texas-Pan American, Mauricio Eugenio De Leon
Aqui Es: The Rhetoric of Identification in An Act of Local Branding, Bonnie M. Garcia
The Past and Its Impact on The Present: The Development of Gender and Ethnic Identity in Kingston's "Woman Warrior", Mukherjee's "Jasmine" and Kincaid's "Lucy", Rachel M. Puckett
The Value of Literary Journalism: Searching for Truths Through An Objective/Subjective Dialectic, Omar Rodriguez
An Analysis of Narrative Types and An Investigation into The Privileging of Narrative Types on Standardized Testing, Rachel Villarreal Garza
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Triangular desire in Sandra Cisneros's “Never Marry a Mexican”, Laura V. Bazaldua
The New Woman persona in “Dracula” and the “Twilight” series: An elliptical struggle of social order, Silvia E. Herrera
The Ripening of Mangos, Katherine Hoerth
The New Chicana Heroine: Representations of Anzaldua's Mestiza Consciousness in Chicana Feminist Cultural Productions, Monica E. Montelongo
Inglés con barreras, Monica D. Pestana
Looking for Adam: An analysis of the works of Marilynne Robinson, Kristina Y. Zavala
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Commodifying Creativity: Class, Labor, and Authorship in Isabella Whitney's “A Sweet Nosgay”, Janette Cavazos
Juntos, pero no revueltos: Actitudes entre monolingües y bilingües en el aula, Miriam Cruz
With His Guitar in His Hand: Representations of U.S. - Mexico Border Masculinity in Robert Rodriguez's “El Mariachi”, Marlene Galvan
Feminism, Imperialism, Utopianism, and Science Fiction in Margaret Cavendish's “Blazing World", Terina Garza Vazquez
The conservative conversation, Heather Hall
Politics of Pansies: D. H. Lawrence's Philosophical Vision of Reform, Andrew Keese
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Chicana identity: Recognizing the hybrid self in Demetria Martínez's “Mother Tongue”, Cathy Ann Cortina
Touching The Truth: Applying Literary Realist Theory to Jose Rizal's “Noli Me Tangere” (Touch Me Not), Francesca T. Falqueza
The Attic and The Wheelchair V.C. Andrews's Accident and The Dollanganger Series, Angela H. Rice
Myspace, Write Space: An Analysis of Student Achievement in Texts for Digital Audiences, Stephanie Marie Sauceda
Sex At The Park: Stories From My Days With Ninfa, Dalel Serda
Finding Hart: The Lost Text and Biography of Hart Stilwell, Brandon D. Shuler
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The Legacy of Joan Vollmer: The Short Significant Life of a Beat Woman, Christopher Carmona
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
LVN: A Fiction, Jacqueline S. Gill
Espinas, Semillas, y Flores: Weeds, Seeds, and Flowers, Pamela A. Linn
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The death of the subject-impossible: An analysis of the subject in deconstruction and psychoanalysis, Melinda Mejia
Re-envisioning George Washington Gómez: A historical and biographical verification of a South Texas novel, Diana Noreen Rivera