Political Science Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2024
What Comes After the Critique of the Corporate University? Toward a Syndicalist University, Clyde W. Barrow
El Cuento del Destino: Latino Voters, Demographic Determinism, and the Myth of an Inevitable Democratic Party Majority, Álvaro José Corral and David L. Leal
When demography is (not) destiny: Exploring identity and issue cross-pressures among Latino voters in the 2020 presidential election, Álvaro José Corral and David S. Leal
Culture, Catalan and cultural diversity in Catalonia: The growing challenge for cultural “national” affirmation of Catalonia, Alexandre Couture Gagnon, Joaquim Rius Ulldemolins, and Mariano Martín Zamorano
Do Charli XCX’s and Kid Rock’s endorsements make a difference? 19% of young people admit they might, Richard T. Longoria
Shaking the tin cup: Celebrity candidate fundraising in American elections, Richard T. Longoria
Guest Editors’ Introduction, Minh T. N. Nguyen, Phill Wilcox, and Jake Lin
Managing inter-organizational trust and risk perceptions in transboundary fisheries governance networks, Evelyn Roozee, Dongkyu Kim, Antonia Sohns, Jasper R. de Vries, Owen Temby, and Gordon M. Hickey
Echoes of War in Lithuania, Jokubas Salyga
Structural adjustment, economic performance, and electoral volatility in presidential elections in Latin America, John P. Tuman, Michelle Kuenzi, and Hafthor B. Erlingsson
Submissions from 2023
Border vigilante/Militia activity, the National Security State, and the Migrant “Threat”, Carla Angulo-Pasel
Nicos Poulantzas Was a Vital Theorist of Democratic Socialism, Clyde W. Barrow
Reflections on Universities, Politics, and the Capitalist State: An Interdisciplinary and Intergenerational Discussion with Clyde W. Barrow, Clyde W. Barrow, Heather Steffen, and Isaac Kamola
Raids at Work: Latinx Immigrant Labor Precarity and the Spectacle of ICE Worksite Enforcement Raids, Álvaro José Corral
The Wall between Latinas and Latinos? Gender and Immigration Enforcement Attitudes among U.S. Latina/o Voters, Álvaro José Corral
Review of Fernand Harvey, Histoire des politiques culturelles au Québec (1855-1976), Québec, Septentrion, 2022, 437 p., Alexandre Couture Gagnon
An Overview of the Republican Party after the 2022 Midterm Elections, Michael Espinoza
Border securocracy: Global expansion of the U.S. Department of homeland security bureaucratic apparatus before, during and beyond covid-19, Terence M. Garrett
Revisiting the policy implications of COVID-19, asylum seekers, and migrants on the Mexico–U.S. border: Creating (and maintaining) states of exception in the Trump and Biden administrations, Terence Garrett and Arthur Sementelli
An Equality of Security. Bentham, Thompson, and the Principles Subsidiary to Utility, Mark J. Kaswan
Economic Inequality and Political Participation in East Asian Democracies: The Role of Perceived Income Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility, Mi-Son Kim, Dongkyu Kim, and Sang-Jic Lee
Welfare in Crisis: Labor and Social Protection in the Global South, Jake Lin, Dennis Arnold, and Minh T. N. Nguyen
More equitable fiscal systems are needed to improve welfare provision for migrant workers in China and Vietnam, Jake Lin and Jingyu Mao
Capitalism and the Creation of the U.S. Constitution, James Parisot
Married with children: do intermarriage and children impact political orientations?, Ngoc Pham, Natasha Altema McNeely, and Edward Vargas
Democratic facades, authoritarian penchants: post-communist monetary restructuring in the Baltic states, Jokubas Salyga
Geographies of Quiescence? Social Movements, Panoramas of Struggle and Baltic Austerity Politics, Jokubas Salyga
Roadmaps to Post-Communist Neoliberalism: The Case of the Baltic States, Jokubas Salyga
The Provenances and Postscripts of 1989, Jokubas Salyga
The Profits of (the Critique of) Patriarchy: On Toxic Masculinity, Feminism, & Corporate Capitalism in the Barbie Movie, Bryant W. Sculos
Banshees of Late Capitalism: War, Ecology, & Alienation, Bryant William Sculos
Service-Learning at a Hispanic-Serving Institution: A Preliminary Study, Andrew H. Smith
Submissions from 2022
Rethinking the space of the migrant shelter in Mexico: humanitarian and security implications in the practices of bordering, Carla Angulo-Pasel
The More Things Change ... Governance and Resistance along the Mexico–Guatemala Border, Carla Angulo-Pasel
La Globalización y el Surgimiento del Estado Fortaleza, Clyde W. Barrow
Review of Corporate Capitalism and the Integral State: General Electric and a Century of American Power, Clyde W. Barrow
What’s in a Name? From New Political Science to Critical Political Science, Clyde W. Barrow
What’s in a Name? From New Political Science to Critical Political Science, Clyde W. Barrow
Dissent within the global political economy: four frustrations, and some alternatives, Bernd Bonfert, David J. Bailey, and Mònica Clua-Losada
Le délire de l’empire Américain, Alexandre Couture Gagnon and Alexandre Sirois
Patterns of Islamist violent mobilization in the context of Islamist party politics, Justin Curtis
Reevaluating Islamist electoral success and participation in government, Justin Curtis
COVID-19, asylum seekers, and migrants on the Mexico–U. S. border: Creating states of exception, Terence M. Garrett and Arthur Sementelli
La metadata y su regulación legal, Carlos Daniel Gutiérrez Mannix
Property, ownership and employee ownership: employee control in ESOPs, Mark J. Kaswan
Left anti-politics or left populism? Political distinctions at the end of the end of history, Nicholas Kiersey
États-Unis – Direction : Désastre, Kristen D. Kline and Alexandre Couture Gagnon
Changing Household Registration and Worker Welfare in China and Vietnam, Jake Lin and Jingyu Mao
Celebrity Politics in the American South: The Case of Ben “Cooter” Jones, Richard T. Longoria
Chapter 1: Celebrity Society, Richard T. Longoria
George Murphy: A Celebrity Politician, Richard T. Longoria
Deportation threat and political engagement among latinos in the Rio Grande Valley, Natasha Altema McNeely, Dongkyu Kim, and Mi-Son Kim
Overaccumulation, crisis, and the contradictions of household waste sorting, Kirstin Munro
The Artisan Economy and the New Spirit of Capitalism, Kirstin Munro and Chris O'Kane
Crypto-punditry and the media neutrality crisis, Charles Olney
Monoliths of Authoritarianism, Cartographies of Popular Disenfranchisement and the Ascendance of the Far-Right in Estonia, Jokubas Salyga
The Comedy of Cancel Culture in a Post-Carlin United States: On the Politics of Cultural Interpretation, Bryant William Sculos
Nationalism in the ‘Nation of Immigrants’: Race, Ethnicity, and National Attachment, Joe R. Tafoya, Álvaro José Corral, and David L. Leal
Submissions from 2021
The Politics of Temporary Protection Schemes: The Role of Mexico’s TVRH in Reproducing Precarity among Central American Migrants, Carla Angulo-Pasel
Whither the Dangerous Class: Bribed Tool of Reactionary Intrigue or New Revolutionary Agent?, Clyde W. Barrow
Organització i combat: sindicalisme contra el neoliberalisme autoritari, Mònica Clua-Losada
Book Review: The Rise of the Latino Vote: A History, Álvaro José Corral
Network diplomacy in Québec's cultural policy. La diplomatie culturelle en tant que pratique critique, Alexandre Couture Gagnon
Modernisation de la théorie de l’État de Bergeron grâce à une étude de cas sur les amish du vieil ordre de l’Ontario, Alexandre Couture Gagnon and Maude Marquis-Bissonnette
Donald Trump's Impact on the Republican Party, Michael Espinoza
The Knife Edge Election of 2020: American Politics Between Washington, Kabul, and Weimar, Thomas Ferguson, Paul D. Jorgensen, and Jie Chen
Lone Star Wars: LNGs, Communities, and Globalization versus Local Resistance in the Laguna Madre Region of Coastal South Texas, Terence Garrett and Arthur Sementelli
Cooperatives and the Question of Democracy, Mark J. Kaswan
Trump’s authoritarian neoliberal governance and the US-Mexican border, Michelle Keck and Mònica Clua-Losada
Teach Me If You Can: Teaching Political Science Majors Statistics at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Dongkyu Kim
Income Inequality, Social Mobility, and Electoral Participation in the U.S. Counties: Revisiting the Inequality-Participation Nexus, Dongkyu Kim, Mi-Son Kim, and Sang-Jic Lee
Data on race, inequality, and social capital in the U.S. counties, Dongkyu Kim, Mi-Son Kim, and Natasha Altema McNeely
The Role of International Factors in Electoral Volatility in Latin America: An Examination of Structural Adjustment, Michelle Kuenzi, Hafthor B. Erlingsson, and John P. Tuman
The cycle of commodification: migrant labour, welfare, and the market in global China and Vietnam, Jake Lin and Minh T. N. Nguyen
Solid waste management practices and their meanings in ecologically conscious households, Kirstin Munro
Unproductive Workers and State Repression, Kirstin Munro
Reification and the Critical Theory of Contemporary Society, Chris O'Kane
Black Lives Matter and the politics of redemption, Charles Olney
Absolute Impunity: On the Legacies of 9/11 & the Policies of the War on/of Terror, Bryant William Sculos
Edward Vidaurre and the Politics of the Cholo Strut, William W. Sokoloff
Submissions from 2020
A Bribed Tool of Reactionary Intrigue: Black Panther Ideology and the Rise of A White Lumpenproletariat, Clyde W. Barrow
Using Scan Statistics for Cluster Detection: Recognizing Real Bandwagons, Jie Chen, Thomas Ferguson, and Paul D. Jorgensen
Allies, Antagonists, or Ambivalent? Exploring Latino Attitudes about the Black Lives Matter Movement, Álvaro José Corral
Latinos por Trump? Latinos and the 2016 Presidential Election, Álvaro José Corral and David S. Leal
Immigration policy in Québec-Canada as a case study of incrementalism, Alexandre Couture Gagnon
Le point sur la situation aux États-Unis, Alexandre Couture Gagnon and Julie-Pier Nadeu
Identity, Nationalism, and Cultural and Linguistic Policies in Québec, Alexandre Couture Gagnon and Diane Saint-Pierre
Border Security and Immigration Policy Management in South Texas by the Numbers: Perception, Stories and the Knowledge Analytic, Terence Garrett
A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes toward the U.S.-Mexico Border Policy: Evaluating Perspectives on Border Security and Building a Wall in the Rio Grande Valley, National Hispanic and General U.S. Populations, Dongkyu Kim, Mi-Son Kim, and Natasha Altema McNeely
Race, inequality, and social capital in the U.S. counties, Mi-Son Kim, Dongkyu Kim, and Natasha Altema McNeely
Chinese Politics and Labor Movements, Jake Lin
Exemplar Partner or Controversial Outsider? Huawei’s Strategic Engagement in Oceania, Jake Lin
Anti-austerity between militant materialism and real democracy: exploring pragmatic prefigurativism, Olatz Ribera-Almandoz, Nikolai Huke, Mònica Clua-Losada, and David J. Bailey
Teaching Political Theory at a Prison in South Texas, William W. Sokoloff
The Determinants of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Mexican States, 2004–2014, John P. Tuman and Hafthor B. Erlingsson
Submissions from 2019
The Categorized and Invisible: The Effects of the ‘Border’ on Women Migrant Transit Flows in Mexico, Carla Angulo-Pasel