Psychological Science Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A Psychometric Validation of the Spanish Translation of the Coping Inventory in a Latinx Population, Daniela Chavez
Latino Men’s Barriers and Obstacles Towards Treatment Seeking Attitudes, Rebecca Gonzalez
Self-Perceived Stigma of Caregivers With Children on the Autism Spectrum in Latin America, Leah Michelle Jara
Examining Nonadherence to Family Values and Anxiety in College Latinas, Veronica Paola Ramirez
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Small Wolf Eats a Large Apple: An Experimental Investigation of the Temporal Processing of Conceptual Magnitudes, Carolina Alvarez
Associative Learning in the Monodelphis domestica Utilizing the CPA Paradigm, Joseph Caleb Cantu
Emotion Identification Ability and Perspective-Taking in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Ana Lucia Garrido Huerta
An Analysis of Mental Health, Psychosocial Stressors, and Social Support Among Latinx Students Who Relocate for College, Lisa A. Lozano
The Role of Facial Emotion Recognition Abilities in Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration, Margot Martinez
Biological Sex Differences in the Monodelphis Domestica: Investigating Behavioral Responses in Environmental Enrichment and Conditioned Place Preference Paradigms, Katelynn M. Renteria
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Relationship between Mindfulness, Social Anxiety Traits, and Emotions, Maria Jackeline Diaz
Effects of Victim Gendering and Humanness on People’s Responses to the Physical Abuse of Humanlike Agents, Hideki Garcia Goo
Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence in Predominantly Hispanic Young Adult Couples, Deanna Pollard
Exploring the Relationship Between Emotion Recognition, Autistic Traits, and Alexithymia Traits in College Students, Luis E. Sanchez
Theory of Mind Performance Among College Students at Hispanic Serving Institutions, Mauricio Alejandro Yanez
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Systematic Review of Mood Disorders and the Working Alliance in Latino Populations, Ricardo Contreras
The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation in the Association Between Intimate Partner Victimization Types and Symptoms of Depression in Young Hispanic Women, Maria Gabriela Copeiro de Lestarpe
Introducing a Silverback to an Established Group of Adult Female Western Gorillas (Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla), Claudia Martinez
Characterization and Quantification of Dopamine Neurons in the Ventral Midbrain: Implications for Neurological Disorders, Magaly Vargas
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Social Anxiety and Sexual Victimization in a Latina Sample: A Moderated Mediation, Andrew E. Dials
Teen Dating Violence in a Sample of High School Students in the Rio Grande Valley, Gabriela Ontiveros
Degree of Bilingualism, Age, Income and Teacher Ratings of Giftedness as Potential Predictors of Dichotic Listening Performance, Francisco J. Sierra
How Chess Relates to Theory of Mind, Noemi Trevino
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Reanalyzing the Activity Anorexia Protocol Using an Addiction Theory, Rolando Alfredo Botello
Roller Derby as a Form of Self-Empowerment: An Examination of Female Athletes' Resilience to Intimate Partner Violence, Esmeralda Castillo
The Relationship between Brooding, Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity, Physical Anxiety Sensitivity, and Suicide Behaviors in Latino/a College Students, Eric E. Escamilla
Predicting Academic Success among Mexican American Learners, Kattie A. Guerrero
Underrepresentation of Hispanic Bilingual Students in Gifted and Talented Programs: The Role of Teacher Expectations, Melissa I. Leon Leal
Associative and Non-associative Learning in the Monodelphis Domestica, Ana C. Ramirez
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Predictors of Attitudes Towards Law Enforcement Among Hispanics Living in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region, Ivan Avila
Examining Culture and Gender Roles in Latina Undergraduate Participation in STEM at UTRGV, Stephanie Garza
The Development of Theory of Mind and Inhibitory Processing Among 7-11 Year Old Mexican and Mexican American Children, Daniela Kuri
Investigating the Relationships of Attitude Clarity and Correctness with Political Identification Strength and Evaluations of an Ideological Group, Gustavo Martinez
Numerical Cognition in Action: Hand Trajectories Reveal Effects of Early Musical Training on Numerical Processing in Spanish-English Bilingual Musicians, Daniel Arturo Pizaña
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
False positives on neuropsychological measures of effort among bilingual neurologically intact Mexican Americans, Arnoldo Amador Jr.
A study on the effect of higher education branding on student's college decision, David E. Garcia
Hispanic bilingual learners' perceptions and educational experiences of Spanish-speaking in South Texas, Isela B. Stephens
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Explaining the contact caveat: The role of social identity and intergroup threat, Jesse Acosta
Gratitude and Kindness: Just What the Doctor Ordered, Kathleen E. Glynn
Physical activity as a behavioral treatment in SHR rats: An animal model of ADHD, Jessica A. Martinez
Theory of mind and inhibitory processing among bilingual Mexican American young children, Sarah E. Stegall
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Assessment and Treatment of Elopement in Young Children with Autism, Ivette Andrade
An evaluation of alternative methods for online survey recruitment: the equivalency of data collected through amazon mechanical turk and second life to traditional undergraduate student samples, Elizabeth M. Briones
Premenstrual experiences: The simultaneous examination of the association of self-perceived stress, college-related stress, and sleep quality, Sara Julia Gonzalez
Bilingualism and age of onset of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia in Hispanic Americans, Deborah M. Lawton
Anxiety symptoms among Mexican and Mexican American groups based on acculturation, Yolanda Rodriguez
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Examining The Association Between Personality and Alcohol Use Among Mexican Americans: Acculturation and Gender as Moderators, Miguel A. Reyes
Analyzing The Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Marital Satisfaction Among The Veteran Latino Population of South Texas, Iris J. Segundo
Sex As A Moderator of The Association Between Childhood Trauma, Impulsivity, and Primary Psychopathy in A Hispanic Undergraduate Sample, Judy D. Sifonte
Will a confederate's initial decline of assistance influence people's willingness to help others?, Israel Vela
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Comparisons of Emotional Reactivity in Two Variations of Schedules of Reinforcement, Mayra A. Aguillon
Mental Health Factors That May Contribute to Sexual Functioning, Monique Tenay Cano
Awareness of Individual Daily Caloric Requirements and Food Energy Content and its Relation to Calorie Intake: A Multiple Baseline Design, Frances Rachel Morales
Evidence of Olfactory and Visual Learning in The Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), Dara G. Stockton
The Relation Between Gender Role Socialization, Work-School-Family Conflict And Mexican-American College Students' Academic Performance, Alma D. Trevino
Perceived Anxiety Control and The Contribution of Gender in Social Anxiety Symptoms Within Latinos, Delia Yazmin Villarreal
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Effects of Physical Activity on Self-Injurious Behavior, Lynnette D. Aguilar
Spanish/English language definitions for Applied Behavior Analysis terminology, Claudia Arteaga
Variation in Parenting Style in a Captive Group of Western Lowlands Gorillas, Ana E. Fernandez
In-group implicit prejudice against Mexican Americans in the Rio Grande Valley, Christelle Fabiola Garza
History of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Mexican Origin Undergraduate Students and Its Relationship to Impulsivity, Jessica Lee Graham
Are Progressive Ratio and Fixed Interval Schedules of Reinforcement Related Measures of Impulsivity?, Christine Guiterrez
Binge Drinking in Undergraduate Mexican-Origin Students and Its' Relation to Impulsivity, Rosalva M. Longoria
Enriched vs Impoverished Housing: Food Choice and Consumption, Berenice Martinez
Parenting Strategies as Predictors of Cognitive Development Among Children, Nydia E. Martinez
The Use of Debit Cards in Promoting On-Time Payment Behavior in A Daycare Center in The Rio Grande Valley Region of Texas, Ruben James Nieto
Positive Emotions and Suicide Intervention Response, Crystal Rodriguez
Social Skills as Predictors of Theory of Mind Development Among Children, Lucia A. Salinas
Does Responding on Progressive Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement Vary as A Function of Phase in Estrous Cycle?, Armandina M. Sanchez
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Gender Differences in Advanced Theory of Mind and Social Competence Among School-Age Children, Cheryl A. Barton
Parenting Stress on Mothers of Children with Autism, Janett Cantu
The Occurrence of Child Maltreatment and Revictimization Among Hispanic Women, Eleni Isis Escorza
Impact of Workplace Stress on Job Satisfaction Moderated by Religious Coping, Celina A. Esparza
False positive rates in the neuropsychological assessment of neurologically intact bilingual Hispanic American adults, Cassandra Dayanira Gonzalez
Digit ratio and sexually dimorphic psychopathology, Miriam Sarahi Izaguirre
Predicting college student classroom performance with a simple metacomprehension scale, Amber Lee Klein
Context versus rote learning in the martial arts, Pearson F. Klein
Emotion Understanding and Social Competence in Balanced Bilinguals and Language-Dominant Children, Katrina Meza
Predictors of Pap Smear Utilization Among Female Mexican American College Students, Sylvia M. Morales
Sibling Stress in Families of Children with Autism, Valerie N. Moreno
Sociocultural Attitudes and Expectations As A Result of Media Internalization: An Exploration of Potential Cultural Resiliency Factors Among Mexican-American College Women, Natalie Marie Perez
Does Tactile Stimulation Attenuate The Adverse Effects of Maternal Separations in Rats?, Nancy I. Salinas
The effects of SSRIs on sexual function in college students, Adriana Ivette Sanchez
Sequelae of childhood sexual abuse and chronic headache pain in women, Kathy L. Theiss
Patterns of Attachment and Factors from The NEO PI-R as Predictors of Deviant Sexuality, Michelle L. Varon
Attitudinal measures of college students' punitiveness toward sex offenders, Antonio Zamorano
Does The Manipulation of Tail Position Facilitate Extinction of Canine Phobic Behavior?, Rebecca A. Zarate
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Adult sexual adjustment after experiencing sexual abuse in childhood, Liliana G. Moyers-Ruiz
Racial Discrimination, Skin Tone, Locus of Control, and Acculturation Among Mennonite Latino/as of The Rio Grande Valley, Nancy Rivera
The relationship between darkness of skin tone and mediators of elevated blood pressure, Brandy Trevino