Bilingual and Literacy Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2024
Community-Engaged Pedagogy for Equitable HSI Teacher Preparation: Bridging Community, School, and University Cultures, Pauli Badenhorst, Sandra I. Musanti, Veronica L. Estrada, Patricia Robles, and Amy Montoya
Examining One-Way Dual Language Elementary Latinx Bilingual Learners’ Trajectory on a State Standardized Reading Assessment, J. Joy Esquierdo and Isela Almaguer
Investigating reading motivation in Latinx college students: qualitative insights from bilingual readers, Hitomi Kambara and Yu-Cheng Lin
Black and Asian women faculty: a reader’s theater highlighting their experiences across three Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Jacqueline B. Koonce, Elena M. Venegas, Lorenza Lancaster, Julissa Bazan, and Adriana Garza
Roadblocks or Opportunities: Elementary Bilingual Teacher Candidates Becoming Certified Teachers In Texas, Sandra I. Musanti, Michael Whitacre, and Jose Orozco
Black Lives Still Matter: Freedom Schools as an Embodiment of Critical Literacy Through Reflection and Action, Elena M. Venegas and Lakia M. Scott
Notetaking as validity evidence: A mixed-methods investigation of question preview in EAP listening assessment, Rebecca Yeager, GoMee Park, and Ray J. T. Liao
Latina Voice in Dialogue with Literacy, Xiaodi Zhou
Translanguaging in Mandarin Instruction, Xiaodi Zhou and Xiaochen Du
Submissions from 2023
Analyzing reading scores of elementary Latinx bilingual learners in a one-way dual language education program, Isela Almaguer and J. Joy Esquierdo
Unchoreographed Dance: Trust and Venture into Vulnerability—Building a Plural, Organic, and Recursive Collective, Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto, Eunice Lerma, Karin A. Lewis, and Vejoya Viren
Instructional Framework for Integrating Cross-Cultural Content Using Culturally Responsive and Linguistically Affirming Pedagogies, J. Joy Esquierdo and Maritza De La Trinidad
Opening Up Research on the Teaching of Reading by Looking beyond US Borders: What We Might Learn from Early Literacy Instruction in China, Danling Fu and Xiaodi Zhou
A Duoethnography: Preparing Preservice Teachers To Use Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Pedagogies, Gina L. Garza-Reyna
Factors impacting reading motivation: Insights from the bioecological model of human development, Hitomi Kambara and Yu-Cheng Lin
Investigating American and Chinese college students’ reading motivation: a cross-cultural study, Hitomi Kambara, Yu-Cheng Lin, Huijing Wen, and Hung-Chu Lin
Ideologías y políticas de perpetua ilegitimidad: El caso de la enseñanza de lenguas en México, David Martinez-Prieto
Chapter 1 “A veces encuentro más palabras en español”: Taking a stance towards translanguaging as a socially just pedagogy for bilingual teacher preparation, Sandra I. Musanti
“Entender las diferencias entre ambos idiomas”. Inclusividad lingüística y conciencia metalingüística crítica en la preparación de maestras/os bilingües, Sandra I. Musanti
Unexamined Ideas and Beliefs Shaping Efficacy and Implementation of Dual-Language Programs for Better or for Worse, Jose Orozco and Michael Whitacre
A Planning Tool for Improving Interactive Read-Alouds: Why and How, Elena M. Venegas and Angelica Guanzon
Language and the mind: How language shapes our thinking, Xiaodi Zhou
Threshold for learning: The case for prioritizing the in-between spaces in education, Xiaodi Zhou
Identity Negotiations of a Mexican Transnational in the Rio Grande Valley: Crossing the Border Daily, Xiaodi Zhou and David Martinez-Prieto
Submissions from 2022
Testimonio at work: the power of Malintzin researchers, Freyca Calderon-Berumen, Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto, and Karla O'Donald
Translanguaging practices of Chinese/English bilingual engineers’ communications in the workplace, Juan Du and Xiaodi Zhou
Self-construal predicts reading motivation: A comparison between Hispanic American and Japanese college students, Hitomi Kambara, Yu-Cheng Lin, and Sachiko Adachi
8 National Perspectives on Mexican Transnational EAL Teachers: Ideological and Professional Challenges, David Martínez-Prieto and Kristen Lindahl
Positioning as a Mediator of Reader Self-Efficacy: A Case Study of Literature Circles, Elena M. Venegas
Critical Content Analysis of Language in Literacy: Identifying Discourse and Translanguaging in Esperanza Rising, Cynthia Villarreal Cantu
Composing Her Growing Identities as a Mexican American, Xiaodi Zhou
Translanguaging space in a bilingual program in New York City Chinatown middle school, Xiaodi Zhou and Danling Fu
Submissions from 2021
(Re) Actualizing Culturally Sustaining Read Aloud Practices: Enriching Latinx Bilingual Learners’ Literacy Development, Isela Almaguer
Myth Busting: Low-Income Latinx Immigrant Parental Involvement, Kathy Bussert-Webb and María E. Díaz
Acknowledging and Affirming University Students’ Linguistic and Cultural Capital in an Education Course, J. Joy Esquierdo
Differences in Reading Motivation Between American and Japanese Students, Hitomi Kambara and Yu-Cheng Lin
Flipping a Virtual EFL Public Speaking Class Integrated With MOOCs During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Zhuo Li and Xiaodi Zhou
The Effect of U.S. Curricular Ideologies on Mexican Transnational Pre-service English Language Teachers, David Martinez-Prieto
La Enseñanza en el Aula Bilingüe: Content, Language, and Biliteracy, Sandra Mercuri, Sandra I. Musanti, and Alma D. Rodríguez
David E. DeMatthews and Elena Izquierdo (eds.): Dual Language Education: Teaching and Learning in Two Languages, Alcione N. Ostorga
Translingual Practices For The Development of Latinx Teacher Candidates: A Pedagogy For the Border, Alcione N. Ostorga
“I don’t like English because it is jard.” Exploring multimodal writing and translanguaging practices for biliteracy in a dual language classroom, Laura B. Ramos and Sandra I. Musanti
Desgarrandonos de Nuestra Lengua: Ripping Us from our Language, Lillian Ramos and Julia Ramirez
Translanguaging in higher education in the US: leveraging students’ bilingualism, Alma D. Rodríguez, Sandra I. Musanti, and Alyssa G. Cavazos
Melding critical literacy and Christianity: A three-layered response to the murder of George Floyd, Elena M. Venegas
Diversifying the ‘HSI bubble’: Black and Asian women faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Elena M. Venegas, Jacqueline B. Koonce, Lorenza Lancaster, Julissa Bazan, and Adriana Garza
Engaging in “dangerous discussions”: Fostering cultural competence through the analysis of depictions of college life in popular films., Elena M. Venegas, Lakia M. Scott, Karon N. LeCompte, Mia Moody-Ramirez, and Yongpen Zhu
On the Road to Translanguaging in a Dual Language Classroom: Teaching Math and Science in Mandarin and English, Xiaodi Zhou
Translanguaging for Equity, Xiaodi Zhou
Submissions from 2020
Reflections on Teacher Education Practices of First-Year Tenure-Track Professors at an HSI, María G. Leija, Gilberto P. Lara, Gerardo Aponte-Safe, and Hitomi Kambara
Embracing a Translanguaging Stance and Redefining Teacher Preparation Practices in a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Sandra I. Musanti, Alyssa G. Cavazos, and Alma D. Rodríguez
Transformando A Sala De Aula Universitária: O Uso Do Photovoice Como Ferrmenta Metodológica [TRANFORMING THE UNIVERSITY CLASSROOM: THE USE OF PHOTOVOICE AS A METHODOLOGICAL TOOL], Sandra I. Musanti and Bettina Steren dos Santos
Preparing bilingual teachers on the U.S./Mexico border: including the voices of emergent bilinguals, Alcione N. Ostorga and Peter Farruggio
Bilingual Teacher Educators at an HSI: A Border Pedagogy for Latinx Teacher Development, Alcione N. Ostorga, Christian E. Zuniga, and Kip Austin Hinton
Separate is never equal: Utilizing question-answer relationships to foster elementary students’ reading comprehension, Elena M. Venegas
Language and Literacy Practices of Bilingual Education Preservice Teachers at a Hispanic-Serving College of Education, Elena M. Venegas, Veronica L. Estrada, Janine M. Schall, and Leticia De Leon
Cultural Narratives and Counterstories: Examining Representation in “Prietita y la Llorona”, Christian E. Zuniga
Submissions from 2019
Lessons Learned: Teaching Latinx Teacher Candidates Through Digital Literacy and Community Service Learning, Kathy Bussert-Webb and Karin A. Lewis
I Influence Too: The Role of Professors in Developing Bilingual Teachers' Spanish Proficiency, Zulmaris Diaz and Gina Lydia Garza-Reyna
Writing Instruction in China: Challenges and Efforts, Rongrong Dong, Danling Fu, Xiaodi Zhou, and Buyi Wang
Using Inquiry in Teacher Professional Learning to Build Efficacy for Writing Instruction, Jacqueline B. Koonce, Melissa Brooks-Yip, and Kathleen Gibson
Fostering identity negotiation in sixth-grade ELLS: Examining an instructional unit on identity in English Language Arts, Carolina G. Lopez and Sandra I. Musanti
“It’s Making Me a Better Teacher.” Transforming Latinx Teacher Candidates Clinical Field Experiences in a Hispanic Serving Institution, Sandra I. Musanti, Alma D. Rodríguez, and Patricia Alvarez McHatton
The Value of Spanglish in the Rio Grande Valley, Julia Ramirez and Lillian Ramos
Bodies Are Not Commodities: Examining A21 Curriculum’s Impact on Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Advocacy About Anti-Human Trafficking Rights and Issues, Lakia M. Scott, Christina Crenshaw, and Elena M. Venegas
White Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions and their Development of Culturally Relevant Literacy Practices, Lakia M. Scott and Elena M. Venegas
“We listened to each other:” Social-emotional growth in literature circles, Elena M. Venegas
Understanding Diverse Bilingual Learners: The Need for a Transdisciplinary Lens, Amy Weimer, Mario Gil, and J. Joy Esquierdo
Daoism and dialogism: A dialogue between China and the West, Xiaodi Zhou
Supporting "Pedagogical" Spanish Language Competencies: Bilingual Teacher Education "en la Frontera", Christian E. Zuniga
Submissions from 2018
Critical Race Theory and Caring as Channels for Transcending Borders between an African American Professor and Her Latina/o Students, Jacqueline B. Koonce
Interdisciplinary biliteracy: Leveraging biliteracy development for all bilingual learners, Sandra Mercuri and Sandra I. Musanti
“Siento que siempre tengo que regresar al inglés”: Embracing a translanguaging stance in a Hispanic-serving institution, Sandra I. Musanti and Alyssa G. Cavazos
What is Teacher Agency?, Alcione N. Ostorga
Strengthening the Reader Self-Efficacies of Reluctant and Struggling Readers Through Literature Circles, Elena M. Venegas
Mixed Methods Papers in First-Person and Third-Person: Writing Voices in Dialogue, Xiaodi Zhou and Jori N. Hall
Submissions from 2017
Promising digital practices for nondominant learners, Kathy Bussert-Webb and Laurie A. Henry
Latino Youth’s Out-of-School Math and Science Experiences: Impact on Teacher Candidates, Maria E. Diaz and Kathy Bussert-Webb
Beginning from the Border, Kip Austin Hinton
Oooh, It’s Sooo Good!!!: Black Adolescent Females Experiencing the Delicacy of Reading, Jacqueline B. Koonce
The roles of digital literacies and critical literacy for black adolescent females, Jacqueline B. Koonce
Outsider Transplants at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI): Teacher Educators Enacting an Ethic of Care, Karin A. Lewis and Jacqueline B. Koonce
Challenging Inquiry and Building Community: Analyzing ESL and Bilingual Teachers’ Narratives, Sandra I. Musanti
A Novice Bilingual Teacher’s Journey: Teacher’s Noticing as a Pathway to Negotiate Contradictory Teaching Discourses, Sandra I. Musanti
Developing Academic Literacy: What Novice Teachers Can Learn from the Case of Teaching Latino/Bilingual Learners Science and Mathematics, Sandra I. Musanti and Sandra Mercuri
Translanguaging in bilingual teacher preparation: Exploring pre-service bilingual teachers’ academic writing, Sandra I. Musanti and Alma D. Rodríguez
Pre-Service Bilingual Teachers and their Spanish Academic Language Proficiency as Measured by the BTLPT: Perceptions and Performance, Alma D. Rodríguez and Sandra I. Musanti
Linguistic hegemony today: recommendations for eradicating language discrimination, Lakia M. Scott and Elena M. Venegas
Critical Mirrors: Diverse College Students' Perspectives on Stereotypes Depicted in Popular Films About College Life, Elena M. Venegas, Lakia M. Scott, Karon N. LeCompte, Toby Zhu, and Mia Moody-Ramirez
Submissions from 2016
Childhood Geographies and Spatial Justice: Making Sense of Place and Space-Making as Political Acts in Education, Stephanie Jones, Jaye Johnson Thiel, Denise Dávila, Elizabeth Pittard, James F. Woglom, Xiaodi Zhou, Taryrn Brown, and Marianne Snow
Exploring Parent-Teacher Partnerships as Border Pedagogy: Supporting Emergent Bilingual Student Learning, Sandra Mercuri
“They Didn't Teach Us Well”: Mexican-Origin Students Speak Out About Their Readiness for College Literacy, Luz A. Murillo and Janine M. Schall
Creating a Model of Acceptance: Preservice Teachers Interact With Non-English-Speaking Latino Parents Using Culturally Relevant Mathematics and Science Activities at Family Learning Events, Olga Ramirez, Cherie McCollough, and Zulmaris Diaz
Moving beyond Apartheid Schooling and “Adequate Education”, Elena M. Venegas
Second Reaction: Consumed by Mystery in the Mammoth Cave (review), Elena M. Venegas
An Arab American Boy Fights for his Voice: Finding Identity within Literature, Xiaodi Zhou
Immigrant student identities: how Bakhtin and Hermans'' theories conceptualize their fluidity, Xiaodi Zhou
Submissions from 2015
Women of the Vaquero Tradition, Diana Dominguez