Civil Engineering Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
A Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of the Well-Structure Integrity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems Using Numerical Simulation, John Alfred Ganal Acevedo
Development of a More Sustainable High and Ultra-High-Performance Concrete, Enrique Chirino Andalco
Numerical Study of New Tuned Mass Friction Damper for Seismic Protection of Civil Structures, Syed Muhammad Bilal Haider
Machine Learning Predictive Models for Load Identification of Railroad Bridges Subjected to Train-Induced Vibration, Md Masnun Rahman
Application of Electrical Impedance Tomography to Cementitious Composites, Hugo Zazueta
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Characterization of Lower Rio Grande Valley Watershed, Abdulkabir O. Aduragba
Electrical Characterization of Cementitious Composites, Abbas Ali
Sustainable Cities: Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Integrating Piezoelectric Harvesters Into Roadways, Heba Mohamed Gaber
Mitigate the flood risk at the parking lots at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - Edinburg Campus, Mishell Carolina Mazon
Performance Improvements of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Using Carbon-Based Fillers, Leonardo A. Ortega Ruiz
A Data-Driven Method for Damage Detection in an Open Deck Steel Truss Railroad Bridge Under the Moving Train Load, Mahesh Pokhrel
Development of Intensity Duration Frequency Curve of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Binaya Poudel
Impacts of Land Use on Stormwater Runoff in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and Improving Long Term Municipal Stormwater Management Systems, Maria Vanessa Pruneda
Initial Investigation of Using the Waste Rubber Tires as a New Sustainable Material for Electric Conductive Rigid Pavement, Islam Radwan
Piezoresistivity of Electrically Conductive Asphalt Concrete, Mateo Schmit Mendoza
Geospatial Analysis Based on Hurricane Storm Surge Scenarios on Coastal South Texas and North Mexico, Layda Belia Spor Leal
UTRGV Edinburg Campus Two-Dimensional Flood Modeling for Development of Flood Inundation Map, Roxana Tello
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Tree Ring Reconstructions of Streamflow for the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Adedolapo Mutiyat Adeyanju
Behavior of Narrow Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls with Secondary Reinforcement, Abraham Alejandro Alvarez Reyna
Effects of Fibers in Dense Graded and Gap Graded Asphalt Concrete, Franher Daniel Cantu
Machine Learning Based Surrogate Model for Hurricane Storm Surge Forecasting in the Laguna Madre, Cesar E. Davila Hernandez
Forecasting Salinity in the Laguna Madre Using Deep Learning, Martin J. Flores Jr.
Tap Water Disinfection in the Electrochemical Precipitation Process by Using Novel Conductive Concrete, Md Shoriful Islam
A Study of the Constitutive Models Used in Analyzing Dynamic Strain Aging in Austenitic Stainless Steel 304, Mohammad Mohiuddin
Hydrologic Modeling Study to Determine Hydrologic Impact of Resacas on the Lower Laguna Madre Watershed, Antonio L. Reyna
Numerical Simulation of Vibration - Based Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Shape Comparison, Adriana Rosas
Water Quality Monitoring to Assess Pollutant Loadings in Brownsville Ship Channel Watershed, Ivan Rene Santos Chavez
Towards Sustainable Cities: Life Cycle Cost Analysis of the Construction of a Novel Wastewater Management System, Bibhas B. Tanmoy
Water Hardness Removal by Electrochemical Precipitation in a Continuous Flow Condition Using Conductive Concrete as Cathode, Tahsin Tareque
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Hydraulic Characterization of Porous Media for Remediation Applications in Geo-Environmental Engineering: Laboratory Experiment and Numerical Modeling, Syed Istiyak Ahmed
To a More Sustainable Construction Method for Electrically Conductive Heated Pavement Systems, Mohammad Anis
The Skeletal Structure of Hot Mix Asphalt and the Effects of Fiber Additives, Samantha A. Avila
Lower Rio Grande Valley Tap Water Hardness Removal Using Conductive Concrete Cathode in Electrochemical Precipitation, Mirza Addaito Billah
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of the Efficient Water Fixtures and Electric Appliances Used to Minimize Water and Energy Consumption in Homes in the U.S, Miranda N. Garcia
Electrical Characterization of Conductive Concrete Containing Graphite Powder, K. I. M. Iqbal
Development of a Cyberinfrastructure for Assessment of the Lower Rio Grande Valley North and Central Watersheds Characteristics, Linda Isabel Navarro Navarro
Investigating Adoption Behavior of Owned and Shared Autonomous Vehicles: An Updated Technology Acceptance Model, Yellitza Soto
A Meta-Analysis on the Constitutive Behavior of Engineered Cementitious Composite, Marie Angelica Ventura Vallangca
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Performance and Efficiency Evaluation of Stormwater Management Lids Using Pcswmm: Numerical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis, Abdullah Al Fatta
Traffic Time Headway Prediction and Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach, Saumik Sakib Bin Masud
A Study on the Triaxial Shear Behavior of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil by Discrete Element Method, Md Wasif Zaman
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Dehumidification Water Quality Analysis of the South Texas Gulf of Mexico, Erik Esteban Castillo
An Evaluation of Wastewater Pumping Station Facilities Using Statistical Techniques in Analyzing Each for Rehabilitation Design and to Improve the Adverse Environmental Affects, Zenaida S. Guerrero