Psychological Science Faculty Publications and Presentations

Psychological Science Faculty Publications and Presentations



Submissions from 2024


Enriched Environment Contributes to the Recovery from Neurotoxin-Induced Parkinson’s Disease Pathology, Daphne Alcala Zúñiga, Erika Espinoza-Torres, Ranjit Kumar Das, Magaly Vargas, Alejandro Lopez-Juarez, Masoud M. Zarei, Kelsey Baker, Mario Gil, Hansapani Rodrigo, and Upal Roy


Psychological Science and Immigration Today: APA Task Force Report on Immigration and Health, American Psychological Association, Alfonso Mercado, Amanda Venta, Dina Birman, German Cadenas, Gail Ferguson, Luz M. Garcini, Giselle A. Hass, Maryam Kia-Keating, and William Martinez


Investigating the Potential Double-Edged Score of Immigration-Related Stress, Discrimination, and Mental Health Access, Arthur R. Andrews, Kevin Escobar, Sandra Mariely Estrada Gonzalez, Sara Reyes, and Laura M. Acosta


The Fibromyalgia Pain Experience: A Scoping Review of the Preclinical Evidence for Replication and Treatment of the Affective and Cognitive Pain Dimensions, Cassie M. Argenbright, Alysia M. Bertlesman, Izabella M. Russell, Tracy L. Greer, Yuan B. Peng, and Perry N. Fuchs


Building Equitable Mental Health Care for Latino Children: Perspectives from Providers and Communities, Francisco Banda, Greeshma James, Karina Vasudeva, Michelle Franklin, Andrea Thoumi, and Rushina Cholera


Recent Stressful Life Events and Perceived Stress as Serial Mediators of the Association between Adverse Childhood Events and Insomnia, Grant Benham, Ruby Charak, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Joceline Mena Teran, and Jordan Kenemore


Hormonal differences in perpetrators of intimate partner violence, Arturo L. Cantos, Gabriela Ontiveros, Robert K. Dearth, and K. Daniel O'Leary


The multiple-stimulus-without-replacement preference assessment tool and its predictive validity, Hugo Curiel, Emily S. L. Curiel, Santos Villanueva, Carlos Eduardo Garza Ayala, and Alexander S. Cadigan


Biased probability estimates toward future traumatic events in trauma-exposed Hispanic young adults, Jacklyn N. Espinosa Gonzalez, Michiyo Hirai, and Laura L. Vernon


Proactive and reactive sibling aggression and their mediating effects on the relationship between exposure to parental violence and adulthood intimate partner violence perpetration, Ayleen Flores and Ruby Charak


Self-reported anterograde memory loss in older persons that is not validated on neuropsychological assessment: Considerations for a dissociative diagnosis, Philip Gerard Gasquoine


Cultural normative beliefs in the U.S. as a determinant of negative dental experiences and dental anxiety: a preliminary investigation, Andrew L. Geers, Laura D. Seligman, Keenan A. Pituch, Kelly S. Clemens, Sarah Francis, Lauren Kramer, Emily K. Spotts, and Michael Vang


A study protocol testing pre-exposure dose and compound pre-exposure on the mechanisms of latent inhibition of dental fear, Andrew L. Geers, Laura D. Seligman, Keenan A. Pituch, Ben Colagiuri, Hilary A. Marusak, Christine A. Rabinak, Natalie Turner, Sena L. Al-Ado, and Michael Nedley


Acculturation and Depression Help-Seeking Intentions in a Majority Mexican American College Student Sample, Linda E. Guzman, Ana J. Bridges, Dulce E. Díaz Benitez, and Joseph D. Hovey


A serial Mediation Model of Depression and Drinking Motives Underlying Problem Drinking Among Hispanic College Women Following Rape, Michiyo Hirai, Laura L. Vernon, and Andrew E. Dials


Can an isolated middle-series item make a “Dent” in the bow-shaped serial-position curve of comparative judgments?, Jerwen Jou, Kaelyn G. Calma, Lucy A. Elizondo, Jesus A. Cruz, Sofia S. Moreno, and Po-Yi Chen


Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback as a Treatment for Military PTSD: A Meta-Analysis, Jordan Kenemore, Grant Benham, Ruby Charak, and Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez


Unconscious Integration of Categorical Relationship of Two Subliminal Numbers in Comparison with “5”, Changjun Li, Qingying Liu, Yingjuan Liu, Jerwen Jou, and Shen Tu


What’s the Right Move? The Relation Between Relocating and Psychosocial Outcomes Among Latinx College Students, Lisa A. Lozano, Bianca T. Villalobos, Veronica Castro, and Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez


“Still a Long Way to Go”: Discrimination Beyond the Laws and Policies as Voiced by LGBTQ+ People in Spain, María L. Mondolfi, Ruby Charak, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, and Roman Ronzon-Tirado


Pilgrimage for an autism diagnosis: A study of Venezuelan parents’ experiences, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Irina Vargas, Zoila Gonzalez-Avila, María Cecilia Montenegro, and Ana C. Ramírez


Ventral hippocampus mediates inter-trial responding in signaled active avoidance, Cecily R. Oleksiak, Samantha L. Plas, Denise Carriaga, Krithika Vasudevan, Stephen Maren, and Justin M. Moscarello


Ventral hippocampus mediates inter-trial responding in signaled active avoidance, Cecily R. Oleksiak, Samantha L. Plas, Denise Carriaga, Krithika Vasudevan, Stephen Maren, and Justin M. Moscarello


Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – IV México versus U.S. versions in the assessment of Mexican Americans, Gabriela Ontiveros and Philip Gerard Gasquoine


Profiles of Latinx cultural orientation among adolescents: Associations with internalizing symptoms and moderation by ethnic-racial discrimination, Miriam Ortiz, Fantasy T. Lozada, Oswaldo Moreno, Chelsea D. Williams, and Brendesha M. Tynes


Editorial: COVID and autism 2023: lessons learnt and future directions for research, Georgina Pérez Liz, Michaela DuBay, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava


Perceptions of dengue risk and acceptability of a dengue vaccine in residents of Puerto Rico, Coral Rosado-Santiago, Carmen L. Pérez-Guerra, Nicole M. Velez-Agosto, Claudia Colón-Burgos, Karla M. Marrero-Santos, Susanna K. Partridge, Amy E. Lockwood, Cathy Young, Steve H. Waterman, and Gabriela Paz-Bailey


Exploring Potential Ethnic Bias Among MMPI-3 Scales in Assessing Personality Psychopathology, Nicole Shumaker, Tessa Long, Andy U. Torres, Alfonso Mercado, Ryan J. Marek, and Jaime L. Anderson


Relations among degree of bilingualism and bilateral information processing in children and adults, Francisco J. Sierra, Amy A. Weimer, Yu-Cheng Lin, Jerwen Jou, Nayda Castillo, Cedar Garcia, Michelle Suarez, Flor I. Garcia, Gabriela Aleman, Edson Ortiz, and Francheli Romero


The Psychological Health Symptoms of DACA Recipients: A Systematic Review at the Ten-Year Mark of the Program, Andy Torres, Gonzalo Vidales, Sandra V. Chapa, Pablo Ruiz, Aliya Brown, and Alfonso Mercado


Understanding Emotional Outbursts: A Cross-Cultural Study in Latin American Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz Teixeira, Rosane Lowenthal, Alexia Rattazzi, Sebastián Cukier, Daniel Valdez, Ricardo Garcia, Gabriela Garrido Candela, Analia Rosoli Murillo, Francislene Pereira da Silva Leite, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava


Two masked prime arrows simultaneously affect a response to a target: Revealing of an additive unconscious priming effect, Shen Tu, Jiuhong Yan, Chengzhen Liu, Jieyu Lv, Jerwen Jou, and Jiang Qiu


Multicultural Therapy with Vulnerable Populations: A Narrative Case Study, Nicole M. Velez-Agosto and María C. Almario-Zgheib


Family Separation at the US and Mexico Border Continues, Amanda Venta, Ashley Bautista, Maria Cuervo, Alfonso Mercado, Luz M. Garcini, Cecilia Colunga-Rodríguez, Mario Ángel-González, T. Magnolia Preciado-Rodríguez, Fabiola Peña Cardenas, Karla Villarreal Sotelo, and Tony Payan


Impact of COVID-19 on Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors and Families: Perspectives from Clinical Experts and Providers, Amanda Venta, Ashley Bautista, Luz M. Garcini, Michelle Silva, Alfonso Mercado, Oscar F. Rojas Perez, Norma Pimentel, and Kathryn Hampton


Multiple sources of unconscious-information processing affect a single response: independent unconscious priming effects, Dingding Wang, Jiuhong Yan, Jun Li, Jerwen Jou, Jun Jiang, Jiang Qiu, and Shen Tu

Submissions from 2023


Religiosity and religious scrupulosity as markers of poor mental health in the Latinx community: A mediation model, Cassandra A. Bailey, Amanda Venta, Mia Baumgartner, Alfonso Mercado, Cecilia Colunga Rodriguez, Mario Ángel-González, Gabriel Davalos-Picazo, and Luis E. Sarabia-López


Editorial: Implementation of evidence-based treatments for child anxiety and related disorders across diverse contexts, Emily M. Becker-Haimes, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, and Courtney Benjamin Wolk


Alpha band prefrontal asymmetry does not underlie pain approach-avoidance: Results from two EEG studies, Tracy W. Brown, Kayli N. Colpitts, Cristian M. Botello, Abby K. Hartman, and Kathryn P. Seymour


The role of complex posttraumatic stress disorder in the associations between minority stressors and self-reported suicide likelihood in LGBTQ+ adults., Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Ruby Charak, Roman Ronzon-Tirado, and Jorge I. Cantu


Perceived discrimination enhances the association between distress and impact related to the murder of George Floyd and unhealthy alcohol use in a survey sample of U.S. Veterans who report drinking, Monique T. Cano, Jill V. Reavis, and David L. Pennington


Cognitive Reappraisal as a Protective Factor in the Association between Cyber Intimate Partner Victimization and Depression in Hispanic Emerging Adults, Jorge I. Cantu, Ruby Charak, Jason R. Popan, and Arturo L. Cantos


Factor Structure of the International Trauma Questionnaire in Trauma Exposed LGBTQ plus Adults: Role of Cumulative Traumatic Events and Minority Stress Heterosexist Experiences, Ruby Charak, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Roman Ronzón-Tirado, Julian D. Ford, Brianna M. Byllesby, Mark Shevlin, Thanos Karatzias, Philip Hyland, and Marylene Cloitre


LGBTQ+ identity-related abuse during childhood and associations with depression and suicide behavior: Role of adulthood cisheterosexism and expressive suppression, Ruby Charak, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Roman Ronzon-Tirado, Rachel M. Schmitz, Jennifer Tabler, Sidsel Karsberg, Ayleen Flores, and Julian D. Ford


Do cognition and emotion matter? A study of COVID-19 vaccination decision-making in college students, Nien-Tsu Nancy Chen, Kimmy Kee, Bianca T. Villalobos, Miriam Ortiz, and HyeSun Lee


Latin American Trans-ancestry INitiative for OCD genomics (LATINO): Study protocol, James J. Crowley, Carolina Cappi, Marcos E. Ochoa-Panaifo, Renee M. Frederick, Minjee Kook, Andrew D. Wiese, Diana Rancourt, Elizabeth G. Atkinson, Joseph D. Hovey, and Laura D. Seligman


Links between Children’s COVID-19 Fear and Parents’ Parenting Stress, Overprotective Parenting, Inconsistent Discipline, and COVID-19 Communication, Melissa A. Faith, Dianna M. Boone, Sarah Stromberg, Alyssa Fritz, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Samantha J. Gregus, and Ashly Healy


The Underrepresentation of Latinx Students in the Professional Dissemination of Psychology Research, Scott D. Frankowski, Megann Hawley, Shakira Hernandez, and Nazanin M. Heydarian


A Case for Increased Rigor in AAC Research: A Methodological Quality Review, J. B. Ganz, Joe Reichle, Margaret Foster, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, April N. Haas, S. D. Smith, James E. Pustejovsky, Kimberly J. Vannest, Lauren M. Pierson, and Valeria Yllades


A decolonial and liberation lens to social justice research: Upholding promises for diverse, inclusive, and equitable psychological science, Luz M. Garcini, Aldo Barrita, German Cadenas, Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, Thania Galvan, Alfonso Mercado, Oswaldo Moreno, Manuel Paris, Oscar F. Rojas Perez, Michelle Silva, and Amanda Venta


Temporal Associations Between Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Depression in Response to Online Expressive Writing Interventions in a Hispanic Sample, Michiyo Hirai, Serkan Dolma, Laura L. Vernon, and George A. Clum


Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Response to COVID-19–Related Adverse Events in Hispanic Individuals, Michiyo Hirai and Laura L. Vernon


Psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in a Hispanic sample: Testing the buffering role of resilience and perceived social support, Michiyo Hirai, Laura L. Vernon, and Elizabeth N. Hernandez


Coping competence and hopelessness moderate the influence of perceived burdensomeness on suicidal ideation in undergraduate college students, Joseph D. Hovey, Michelle E. Roley-Roberts, Gabriela Hurtado, Laura D. Seligman, Jason C. Levine, Prachi Kene, and Rebecca N. Gonzalez


Investigating American and Chinese college students’ reading motivation: a cross-cultural study, Hitomi Kambara, Yu-Cheng Lin, Huijing Wen, and Hung-Chu Lin


The pathway from sensory processing sensitivity to physical health: Stress as a mediator, Jordan Kenemore, Juliana Chavez, and Grant Benham


Psychometric properties of the revised children’s anxiety and depression scale (RCADS) for autistic youth without co-occurring intellectual disability, Nasim Khalfe, Amy R. Goetz, Erika S. Trent, Andrew G. Guzick, Orri Smarason, Minjee Kook, Sean Olsen, Ana C. Ramirez, Saira A. Weinzimmer, and Leandra Berry


Documenting working experiences of agricultural workers in California, Alvaro Medel-Herrero, Natalia Deeb-Sossa, Monica Torreiro-Casal, Martha Shumway, Joseph D. Hovey, and Rosemary Sokas


Cognitive Restructuring With Latinx Individuals, Alfonso Mercado, Frances Morales, and Amanda Palomin


Estrés Postraumático y COVID-19 en América Latina: Un llamado a la Acción/Posttraumatic Stress and COVID-19 in Latin American: A Call to Action, Alfonso Mercado, Andy Torres, Amanda Palomin, Frances Morales, Cecilia Colunga-Rodríguez, Mario Angel Gonzalez, Luis E. Sarabia-López, Gabriel Davalos-Picazo, Diemen Delgado-García, and Daniel Duclos


Where I am from matters: factors influencing behavioral and emotional changes in autistic individuals during COVID-19 in Latin America, María Cecilia Montenegro, Ana C. Ramírez, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Bianca T. Villalobos, Gabriela Garrido, Cecilia Amigo, Daniel Valdez, Natalia Barrios, Sebastián Cukier, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava


Age of autism diagnosis in Latin American and Caribbean countries, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, María Cecilia Montenegro, Ana C. Ramirez, Daniel Valdez, Analía Rosoli, Ricardo Garcia, Gabriela Garrido, Sebastián Cukier, Alexia Rattazzi, and Cristiane Silvestre Paula


An Exploratory Study of Healing Circles as a Strategy to Facilitate Resilience in an Undocumented Community, Frances Morales, José Manuel González Vera, Michelle A. Silva, German Cadenas, Jenifer García Mendoza, Luz M. Garcini, Manuel Paris, Amanda Venta, Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, and Alfonso Mercado


Strengths and Resilience Among Central American Parents Seeking Asylum in the United States, Frances Morales, Kathleen Hawkins, Danielle Gonzalez, Alexander Garcia, Sita G. Patel, and Alfonso Mercado


Perpetrating Cyber Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Gender and Culture in an Israeli Sample, Orit Nuttman-Shwartz, Rachel Dekel, Ohad Gilbar, and Ruby Charak


Differences Among Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence Utilizing Proactive Versus Reactive Aggression, Gabriela Ontiveros, Arturo L. Cantos, and K. Daniel O'Leary


Challenges and Ethical Implications in Rural Community Mental Health: The Role of Mental Health Providers, Amanda Palomin, Julie Takishima-Lacasa, Emily Selby-Nelson, and Alfonso Mercado


Personality and Acculturation as Predictors of Self-harm Behaviors in Latinx Young Adults, Amanda Palomin, Rebeca Zapata, Andy Torres, Kristin Croyle, and Alfonso Mercado


Systematic Review of Variables Related to Instruction in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Implementation: Group and Single-Case Design, Joe Reichle, James E. Pustejovsky, Kimberly J. Vannest, Margaret Foster, Lauren M. Pierson, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, Man Chen, Marcus C. Fuller, April N. Haas, and Valeria Yllades


The unique relationship between childhood sexual abuse, self-injury and suicide ideation: The mediating role of emotion dysregulation, Michelle E. Roley-Roberts, Ruby Charak, Adelina J. Jeffs, and Joseph D. Hovey


Daily Heterosexist Experiences in LGBTQ+ Adults from Spain: Measurement, Prevalence, and Clinical Implications, Román Ronzón-Tirado, Ruby Charak, and Ines Cano-Gonzalez


Study protocol of an investigation of attention and prediction error as mechanisms of action for latent inhibition of dental fear in humans, Laura D. Seligman, Andrew L. Geers, Lauren Kramer, Kelly S. Clemens, Keenan A. Pituch, Ben Colagiuri, Hilary A. Marusak, Christine A. Rabinak, Natalie Turner, and Michael Nedley


Mothers’ Psychological Control and Accommodation are Associated with More Severe Anxiety in Hispanic Youth, Laura D. Seligman, Carla E. Marin, Joseph D. Hovey, Yasmin Rey, Jeremy W. Pettit, Eli R. Lebowitz, and Wendy K. Silverman


Development of a Measure of Fearful Implicit Associations with Dental Stimuli in Youth, Laura D. Seligman, Liza Talavera-Garza, Andrew L. Geers, Ashley B. Murray, Marina Ibarra, and Joseph D. Hovey


Anxiety Sensitivity and Internalizing Symptoms: Co-Predictors of Persistent Peer Victimization in Elementary School Children, Jake C. Steggerda, Julia L. Kiefer, Ishan N. Vengurlekar, Jasmine Blake, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Freddie A. Pastrana, and Timothy A. Cavell


Gaze and avoidant patterns of visual attention to aversive stimuli during fear habituation trial: A pilot eye tracking study, Minoru Takahashi, Manabu Kikuchi, Jun-ichi Yamamoto, and Michiyo Hirai


Co‑occurrence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Predict Caretaker Mental Health in a Latinx Sample, Andy U. Torres, Frances Morales, Kim L. Nguyen-Finn, and Alfonso Mercado


A Target Sequential Effect on the Forced-Choice Prime Visibility Test in Unconscious Priming Studies: A Caveat for Researchers, Shen Tu, Jun Li, Simin Wan, Dingding Wang, Jerwen Jou, Yingjuan Liu, and Yidan Ma


How did Latinxs near the U.S.-Mexico border fare during the COVID-19 pandemic? A snapshot of anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress symptoms, Bianca T. Villalobos and Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez


Interventions for Improving Social-Communication Skills for Adolescents and Adults with ASD: a Meta-analysis, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, J. B. Ganz, Ee Rea Hong, Claudia Dunn, Valeria Yllades, Lauren M. Pierson, Eunkyeng Baek, and Margaret Foster

Submissions from 2022


Profile of Service Use and Barriers to Access to Care among Brazilian Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Beatriz Araripe, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Daniela Bordini, Graccielle R. Cunha, Gabriela Garrido, Sebastián Cukier, Ricardo Garcia, Analía Rosoli, Daniel Valdez, and Sheila C. Caetano


Relationships Among Parenting Stress and Well-Being, COVID-19 Information Management, and Children's COVID-19 Fear, Dianna M. Boone, Sarah Stromberg, Alyssa Fritz, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Samantha J. Gregus, and Melissa A. Faith


Patterns, Risk Factors, and Mental Health Correlates of Cyber Intimate Partner Violence in Hispanic Emerging Adults, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Ruby Charak, Po-Yi Chen, and Arturo L. Cantos


Unique, Additive, and Interactive Effects of Types of Intimate Partner Cybervictimization on Depression in Hispanic Emerging Adults, Jorge I. Cantu and Ruby Charak


Partialing alters interpersonal correlates of negative affective symptoms and traits: A circumplex illustration, Steven E. Carlson, Timothy W. Smith, Paula G. Williams, Kimberly A. Parkhurst, Ruben Tinajero, Christian Goans, Michiyo Hirai, and John M. Ruiz


The International Student-Athlete Experience: A Research Study Into the Transition Process of ISAs, From Their Home Country Into Life as an NCAA Student-Athlete, Ioanna Charitonidi and Anastasios Kaburakis


Can developmental trauma disorder be distinguished from posttraumatic stress disorder? A symptom-level person-centred empirical approach, Julian D. Ford, Ruby Charak, Thanos Karatzias, Mark Shevlin, and Joseph Spinazzola


Can Developmental Trauma disorder be distinguished from posttraumatic stress disorder? A confirmatory factor Analytic Test of Four Structural Models, Julian D. Ford, Mark Shevlin, Thanos Karatzias, Ruby Charak, and Joseph Spinazzola


Communication and Affective Synchrony between Parents and Their Children with Autism during a Multimodal Communication Parent-Coaching Intervention, J. B. Ganz, Jeffrey Liew, Valeria Yllades, Ching-Yi Liao, Wen Luo, Ee Rea Hong, Amara J. Yoro, Daira Rodriguez, Shannon Clark, and Kaitlyn Stein


Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention Targets for School-Aged Participants with ASD and ID: A Single-Case Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, J. B. Ganz, James E. Pustejovsky, Joe Reichle, Kimberly J. Vannest, Margaret Foster, Marcus C. Fuller, Lauren M. Pierson, Sanikan Wattanawongwan, Armando J. Bernal, and Valeria Yllades


Survey for Caregivers of People with Autism Spectrum in Chile: Access to Health and Education Services, Satisfaction, Quality of Life And Stigma [Encuesta para Cuidadores de Personas del Espectro Autista en Chile. Acceso a Servicios de Salud y Educación, Satisfacción, Calidad de Vida y Estigma], Ricardo Garcia, Matías Irarrázaval, Isabel Lopez, Sofia Riesle, Marci Cabezas Gonzalez, Andrea Moyano, Gabriela Garrido, Daniel Valdez, Cristiane S. de Paula, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava


Lessons Learned From Undocumented Latinx Immigrants: How to Build Resilience and Overcome Distress in the Face of Adversity, Luz M. Garcini, German Cadenas, Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, Alfonso Mercado, Liliana Campos, Cristina Abraham, Michelle Silva, and Manuel Paris


Anti-immigration policy and mental health: Risk of distress and trauma among deferred action for childhood arrivals recipients in the United States, Luz M. Garcini, Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, Alfonso Mercado, Michelle Silva, German Cadenas, Thania Galvan, and Manuel Paris


One more wall to cross: The role of psychologists in addressing integrated health among undocumented Latinx immigrants in inpatient medical settings, Luz M. Garcini, Amanda Venta, Alfonso Mercado, Thania Galvan, Casandra L. Compean, Gabriela Guerrero, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez


Meta-Analysis of Cyber Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration and Victimization: Different Types and their Associations with Face-to-Face IPV among Men and Women, Ohad Gilbar, Ruby Charak, Oscar Trujillo, Jorge I. Cantu, Valeria Cavazos, and Iris Lavi


Perceived Burdensomeness and Thwarted Belongingness Influence the Childhood Polyvictimization and Suicide Ideation Association among Hispanic Undergraduates, Claire Hsieh, Ruby Charak, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Leo Gonzalez, Michelle E. Roley, and Joseph D. Hovey


A Memory-Interference Versus the “Dud”-Effect Account of a DRM False Memory Result: Fewer Related Targets at Test, Higher Critical-Lure False Recognition, Jerwen Jou and Mark Hwang


Social Connectedness, Physical Distancing, and Anxiety in Complying with Shelter-In-Place Orders and Advisories during the Once-In-A-Century COVID-19 Pandemic in the US: A Study of Social Media and Internet Users, Dean Kyne, Candace Robledo, Cliff Clark, Ruby Charak, Meliha Salahuddin, and Jay Morrow


College students and cyberbullying: how social media use affects social anxiety and social comparison, Travis N. Lam, D. Brayden Jensen, Joseph D. Hovey, and Michelle E. Roley-Roberts


Repercussions of the COVID-19 lockdown for autistic people in Mexico: The caregivers’ perspective, Georgina Pérez Liz, Andy Torres, Ana C. Ramirez, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava