Organization and School Leadership Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Persistence and Lived Experiences of Doctoral Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution, Jacob Michael Camacho
Analyzing Teachers' Perceptions of a Principal's Instructional Leadership Practices on a Dual Language Campus Using the Blase and Blase Reflective Growth Model, Selene Canales-Garcia
A Phenomenological Study of Latina Poets as Leaders at Higher Education Institutions, Rodney Gomez
Sensemaking of the Unexpected: A Qualitative Study in Understanding the Actions of South Texas School Board Members to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Angel Magallanes
Exploring Grit Among Hispanic Undergraduates at a South Texas Hispanic-Serving Institution, Lorraine Pedroza
Navigating School Restructuring in the Post-COVID Era: A Principal’s Perspective in Sustaining Organizational Health While Bridging the Academic Achievement Gap, Alma Alicia Perez-Campos
At Risk, Punished, and Pushed Out of School: Leadership Practices Utilized by School Administrators for Discipline Consequences in South Texas Schools, Beulah San Juanita Rangel
Campus Principals’ Actions and Perceptions That Contribute to the Direct Impact of Teacher Retention, Efrain D. Reyna
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Lived Experiences and Career Paths of Women Administrators in Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the U.S. Southwest Border States, Carlos Adalberto Rios
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Implementation of Dual Language Programs for Emergent Bilinguals: Understanding Instructional Decisions of Elementary Principals, Susana Marlet Arredondo
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Development in Principal Efficacy, Lorine Olivarez Bazan
Faculty Perceptions of Online Instruction and Educational Technology in Higher Education, Raul Nick Cabrera
The Relationship Between South Texas Principals’ School Climate, Leadership Style and the Use of Communication Through Social Media and Other Methods, Alberto R. Canales Jr.
A Qualitative Case Study: Exploring Elementary Principals’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Leadership, Cathy De Leon
Texas School Social Workers: Demographics, Work Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Work Barriers and Facilitators, Astrid Gandaria
An Examination of Factors Impacting Student Decisions to Engage in Physical Activity at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Glenn R. Gray
Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Specific Learning Disability: A Quantitative Study, Nora Nevarez
Forecasting Retention Among At-Risk College Freshmen Students Through Completion of a STEM Intervention, Edna Orozco
Comparing Socioeconomic Status to Educational Diagnosis of Serious Emotional Disturbances: A Linear Analysis of Texas Data, Cristina Rangel
Meeting Students’ Needs to Improve Motivation and Higher Academic Achievement in Rio Grande Valley Schools, Tanya Jessica Reyes
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Economic Capital and Hispanic Economically Disadvantaged Student Persistence at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Griselda C. Castilla
The Impact of Distance Learning on Nontraditional High School Students' Attendance and Dropout Prevention, Teresita De Saro
Exploring How Latinx Gender and Sexually Diverse Youth in the Rio Grande Valley Experience and Confront Homophobia: A Qualitative Study of Alumni Community Leaders/Advocates, Heraclio Flores Jr.
A Study of Self Efficacy, Grit, Persistence, and Professional Development of Select Texas Public School Principals Participating in the Principal Pipeline Program, M. Veronica Garza-Kortan
Parental Engagement of Families Living in Colonias: Engaging in Their Children’s Education, Eugenia Hernandez-Moreno
Special Education Teachers’ Self-Efficacy During the Times of a Global Pandemic, Vanessa G. Leal
A Study of South Texas English Learners’ Academic Achievement: A Function of Sense of Belonging, Acculturation, and Student Perception of Teacher-Student Relationships, Cynthia B. Olivarez
Student Success at One Borderlands Hispanic-Serving Institution, Neda Goerlitz Ramirez
School Leadership that Impacts Student Achievement in Blue Ribbon Schools in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Sonya Y. Rodriguez
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Latino/A Student Perspectives on Literacy Practices Affecting College Readiness, Danira Vanessa Cantu
The Relationship between Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, Leadership Style, and Student Achievement in High Poverty Schools, Roldan Castro
A Phenomenological Collective Case Study of Mexican American Gifted Dropouts in South Texas, Albert Irlas
Selected Texas University Stakeholders' Perceptions of Threat Assessment Teams and Their Impact on Campus Safety, Elizabeth Silva
Factors that Contribute to Motivation and Student Achievement as Adolescents Transition from Elementary to Middle School or Junior High in One Urban District in the Rio Grande Valley, Lizette Villarreal Longoria
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Comparative Study of Principals' Perceptions of Bilingual Education in School Districts in South Texas, Enrique H. De la Cruz
The Relationship Between the 9th Grade State Assessment and Extra Curricular School Activities and Gender for Disadvantaged Hispanic Students in South Texas, Paz Elizondo Jr.
The Relationship Between Academic Performance and Student Mobility, Gender, Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status and Number of Moves, Juan C. Garza
Factors that Contribute to Social Emotional Competence in Early Childhood and Parental Resilience, Jackeline Guillon
The Influence of College Preparation in the Relationship between High School Socioeconomic Context and College Enrollment, Jeffery J. Huerta
A Study of Student Experiences of Racial Microaggressions at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Alexandra E. Hughes
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Educator Perspectives of High-Stakes Testing in an Urban School District in Deep South Texas, Sergio R. Garcia
Administrator Perceptions on Service Strengths and Challenges regarding the Implementation of Section 504 Services for Public Education Students in South Texas, Dora Diana Rodriguez
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Hispanic Male Self-efficacy and Its Effect on Persistence, Jennifer Mendoza Culbertson
An Autoethnographic Exploration of the Professional and the Person: A Life's Journey of a Hispanic Superintendent in South Texas, Gonzalo Salazar
Children's Physical Fitness and Academic Performance: A Challenge for Leaders in Title I Schools in the Rio Grande Valley, Maricela Valdez
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
A study of perceived leadership styles as it affects the decision-making process employed by eleven Catholic school principals in South Texas, Mary Olivia Agbakoba
Elementary Teachers' and Principals' Concerns in the Implementation of Inclusion in a South Texas School District, Lauren Y. Arce
Secondary to post-secondary education: Understanding first-generation students' perceptions of transition, Kimberly P. Brumfield
Empowering the Self, the Researcher, and the Leader: A Testimonio of a Latina in Higher Education, Daria Lisa Cardoza
A critical reflection of the self: An autoethnography of a Mexican American educational leader, Adriana Flores-Villarreal
Teacher Retention in Rural Schools Nested in Large Districts: An Ethnographic Qualitative Study, Sandra Gomez Cerda
College Readiness Indicators of First-Generation Hispanic High School Students in South Texas, William Morley
Existing con el Lobo, Traversing la Frontera con Mis Nepantla Coyotes, y Buscando la Vida del Zorro: An Autoethnographic Exploration of a Chicano in Academia, Ernesto Fidel Ramirez
Faculty Perceptions of Effectiveness and Impact of Professional Development for Teaching, Research, and Service, Claudia Vela
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
A case study of Hispanic female school superintendents in rural schools of the Rio Grande Valley in deep south Texas, Irma C. Castillo
Academic relationships between at-risk high school students and teachers within an alternative school setting: "It is more than just academics, it's attitude", Daniel R. Galdeano
A journey to understand dual language and the bilingual world: An autoethnography of a bilingual program director in an urban district, Olivia Hernandez
Elementary students' perceptions of teacher-student relationships, Jayne S. Pocquette
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The effect of a writing course on the English language arts state assessment examination in a South Texas high school, Esmeralda V. Munoz
Influence of property school wealth on fifth grade student achievement in reading and mathematics, Jesus R. Reyna
Effect of instruction and textbook adoption procedures on kindergarten students' learning of the concept of rectangle, Francisco Rivera
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Strategy, politics and Latino graduate education: A descriptive policy analysis of the South Texas/border initiative, Emily Calderon Galdeano
Bicultural self-efficacy, student achievement, and persistence of Mexican American college students, Richard Kirk
Educational practices, funding, and the implementation of a reading first program, Maria Maricela Rodriguez-Salaiz
A collective qualitative case study of challenges encountered by superintendents in a Texas school district from 1979 to 2013, Ana Dalia Villareal Oliveira
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Miguel A. Nevárez: A Life History of Educational Leadership, Rolando Avila
The Effects of Principal's Transformational Leadership Behaviors on Teacher Leadership Development and Teacher Self Efficacy, Socorro M. Espinoza
A Historical Snapshot on the Progression of Educational and Social Opportunities for Mexican American Students in the San Benito Public School System, 1909-2009, Marco Antonio Lara, Jr.
Case Study of A District's Implementation of Culturally Relevant Social Studies Curriculum, Dagoberto Eli Ramirez
Efficacy Beliefs of Beginning Hispanic Teachers and The Organizational Health of Schools in a South Texas School District, Gisela S. Saenz
An Analysis of an Exemplary South Texas Charter School, Mario H. Salinas
Graduation as a function of attendance and discipline of students in the Student Success Initiative of Texas in one south Texas urban school district, Maria Luisa Trevino-Guerra
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Examining Master Schedule Practices in Rio Grande Valley Schools: Effects on Student Attendance, Discipline, and Grade Point Averages, Benito T. Carriaga
The 504 Program Experiences of Parents of Students with Type 1 Insulin-Dependent Diabetes in One South Texas Public School District, Mary Frances Cornwall-Garza
Selected Factors Related to The Mathematics Academic Achievement of Eighth Grade English Language Learners, Anthony Garza
A Study of A High Performing, High Poverty Elementary School on The Texas-Mexico Border, Cynthia Iris Lopez
Self-determination, Success, and College Readiness of First Generation Students in A Higher Education Institution, Manuel Ochoa
Remediation in Mathematics: A Factor in The Retention of Entering Freshmen at A Hispanic Serving Institution, Rolinda May Pena-Park
Academic Rigor in High School Curricula, College-Readiness, and Post-Secondary Performance, Sharon A. Roberts
A History of The Texas Education Agency Instructional Facility Allotment (IFA) Program in Hidalgo County School Districts Located in The Texas Rio Grande Valley from 1997 to 2007, Michael J. Sandroussi
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
A Study of Mexican American Education in The Mercedes Independent School District, 1908-2008: Opportunities and Obstacles?, Beatrice De Leon Edwards