Mechanical Engineering Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Development of the Structure and Control System of a Stewart Platform Robot for Human Balance Recovery Interventions, Rhobenn R. Alvarez Zambrano
Synthesis of Silicon Carbide, Titanium Nitride, and Titanium Carbide Nanofibers: Exploring Novel Approaches with Unique Precursors, Jahaziel Eduardo Cavazos
Validation, Optimization, and Experimentation of Electro-Centrifugal Spinning, Carlos Alberto Delgado
Personalized Driving Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning, Rodrigo J. Gonzalez Salinas
Bridging Human Emotion and Autonomous Vehicle Control: Reinforcement Learning Enhancements in the CARLA Simulator, Timothy Marion Jude Lyons
Natural Language Processing for Automated SysML Diagram Generation, Joshua Andre Ontiveros
In Situ Shear Exfoliation of Layered Materials and Fabrication of Multifunctional Composites, Md Abdur Rahman Bin Abdus Salam
Development of a Mechanical Boot for Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Outpatients, Julian David Trevino
Advancements in Aerial Vehicle Platforms: A Guide for Design, Validation, and Implementation of 3D Printed Drones, Alan Salvador Urteaga
Attachment of 2D Nanomaterials onto 1D Nanofibers for Separation and Sensing Applications, Elmmer A. Vera Alvarado
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Process-Structure-Property Relationships of Nanofibers for Biomedical Applications, Dipasree Bhowmick
Aerodynamic Flow Control Using Micro Rotating Cylinders, Alejandro Daniel Carrizales
Human-Centric Smart Cities: A Digital Twin-Oriented Design of Interactive Autonomous Vehicles, Oscar G. De Leon-Vazquez
TiO2 Coating Methods on Sb2O3 and Their Use as Anode Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Kithzia Czarina Gomez
Wave Excited Mass-Spring-Damper System for a Self-recharging Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Mahmodul Hasan Maheen
Vibration-Based Machine Learning Models for Condition Monitoring of Railroad Rolling Stock, Sergio M. Martinez
Design and Implementation of a Load Sensor in a Bearing Adapter Assembly for Freight Railcar Applications, Prince E. Mensah
Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Sensing, Separation, and Energy Applications, Md Ashiqur Rahman
The Effects of Carbon Coating on the Electrochemical Performance of Metal-Oxide Short Fiber Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, David A. Sanchez
The Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Oxide Nanomaterial-Based Composites and Their Use as Antibacterial Agents, Jo A. Sanchez
Using Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Control of a Quadrotor Dynamics, Edgar Adrian Torres
Near-Optimal Control of a Quadcopter Using Reinforcement Learning, Alberto Velazquez-Estrada
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Electrically Conductive Bearing Adapter Polymer Pad for Use in Freight Railcar Service Applications, Jesse M. Aguilera
Fabrication and Characterization of Force Spun Polymeric Nanofiber for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering Applications, Salahuddin Ahmed
Tribological Characterization of Nickel-Based Cold Spray Coatings for Aerospace and Industrial Manufacturing, Albert Alejandro
An Experimentally Validated Finite Element Model of Thermal Transient Response of a Railroad Bearing Adapter, Javier E. Arroyo
Railcar Wheel Impact Detection Utilizing Vibration-Based Wireless Onboard Condition Monitoring Modules, Marco A. Barrera
Cloth-Water Interaction for Air Humidification in HDH Desalination, Alejandro Corona Martinez
Evaluation of Accelerated Testing Methods to Predict the Effects of Chemical Exposure on Mechanical Properties of Polyester Composites in Municipal Wastewater Service, Roberto A. Garcia
Development of Vegetable Oil-Based Nano-Lubricants Using Ag, h-BN and MgO Nanoparticles as Lubricant Additives, Kollol Sarker Jogesh
Machine Learning Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimization, Noe Martinez Jr.
Self-Diverting Nanofluid In-Situ Gelled Acid for Matrix Acidizing Applications in Carbonate Formations, Javier Alejandro Perez
Investigation of a Simultaneaous Direct and Indirect Contact Dehumidifier Using Parallel Strings for HDH Desalination, Josue Perez Perez
Development of an Electro-Centrifugal Spinning Setup for Nanofiber Production Research, David A. Treviño
Predicting the Remaining Service Life of Railroad Bearings: Leveraging Machine Learning and Onboard Sensor Data, Leonel Villafranca
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Force Spun PVDF and TPU Nanofiber Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Energy Harvesting and Sensor Application, Sk Shamim Hasan Abir
Effect of Obesity on Walking to Running and Running to Walking Transitions, Salvador Baruch Alcorta Bautista
Developing a Prototype Energy Harvesting Device for Powering Wireless Onboard Condition Monitoring Sensor Modules for Railway Service, Martin Amaro Jr.
Novel Coating Methods on Centrifugally-Spun Polymer Fibers for Applications in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Jonathan G. Ayala
Synthesis And Characterization of Copper Oxide Nanofibers, Shishir Barai
Secondary Resonances of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS and NEMS Circular Plates, Julio S. Beatriz
Lubrication Performance of Vegetable Oils Modified with Halloysite Clay Nanotubes (HNT) as Lubricant Additives, Md Abu Sayeed Biswas
Synthesize and Characterization of Aluminum- Tungsten Carbide Nanocomposite, Shuvendu Das
Effect of Additional Weight on Stability of Human Squat Exercise, Jose De Jesus Galarza Lozano
Centrifugally-Spun Ceramic/Carbon Composite Fibers and Their Use as Anode Materials in Li-Ion Batteries, Gabriel Gonzalez
Synthesis and Characterization of Centrifugally Spun Molybdenum-Based Nanomaterials for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Ramiro Gonzalez Jr.
The Processing and Characterization of Nano Composite Nano Fibers for Various Applications, Md Toukir Hasan
Development of a Compact Core Flooding Apparatus for Matrix Acidizing Applications, Antonio Hernandez Zuniga
Fabrication and Characterization of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Nanofibers for Energy Harvesting Applications, Jui Vitthal Kharade
Development of Vegetable Oil-Based Nano-Lubricants Using Montmorillonite Clay (MMT) Nanoparticles as Lubricant Additives, Md Mashfiqur Rahman
Study of Particle Size Effect on the Performance of TiO2 Nanoparticles as Lubricant Additives on Vegetable Oil-Based Nanolubricants, Dario F. Rodriguez
High Performance Electromagnetic Interference Shielding from Lightweight-Flexible Polymer Composite Fiber Structures, Fariha Rubaiya
Production and Characterization of Polyurethane Fibers by Forcespinning Method and Incorporation of Luminiscense Nanoparticles, Sunanda Kumar Saha
Development and Characterization of Nanofiber-Based Thermoelectric and Piezoelectric Composites, Julio Enrique Trevino
Effect of Obesity on Knee Joint during Walking and Squatting, Simon Vasquez III
Using Single-Molecule DNA Flow-Stretching Experiments to See the Effects of Temperature and Viscosity, Fatema Tuz Zohra
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Lead Free Piezoelectric and Triboelectric Energy Film for Energy Harvesting and Sensory Applications, Abu Musa Abdullah
Development of Plant Extract-Based Composite Fibers and Aerogels, Raul C. Barbosa
The Implementation and Comparison of Fuzzy Logic Control Systems to Modern Control Methods on Low-Cost Hardware, Cristian A. Barron
Development of Vegetable Oil Based Nano-lubricants, Vicente Cortes
Optimizing a Railroad Bearing Condition-Monitoring Algorithm for Use with an Onboard Wireless Low-Power Sensor Module, Jonas Regan Leano Cuanang
The Optimization of Efficiency and Infrastructure for Modern Potable Water Treatment Plants, Brent A. DeKock
Processing and Microstructural Characterization of Silicon Carbide, Silicon Nitride, and Tungsten Carbide Fibers, Christian Garcia
Effect of Adding Palm Fiber to Thermal Conductivity of Quick Set Concrete, Monica Garcia
The Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Cooling Garment, Richard James Garza
Assessing the Performance of Reconditioned Railroad Tapered-Roller Bearings Used in Freight Rail Service, Veronica Valeria Hernandez
An Experimental Thrust Measurement Study on the Nozzle Asymmetry of Turbulent Pulsed Jets, Cesar Alberto Leos Jr.
Residual Service Life Prognostic Models for Tapered Roller Bearings, Jennifer Danni Lima
Optimizing Energy Power Consumption of Freight Railroad Bearings Using Experimental Data, Carlos Eliasar Lopez III
Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Effectiveness of Interlayered Systems Containing Metal-Oxide, Conducting Polymer and Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymeric Composites, Shaik Merkatur Hakim Marjuban
Bio-Inspired Wings in High Freestream Turbulence: A Numerical and Experimental Study, Alexia Martinez Ibarra
Water-Soluble Polymers with Ceramic/Metal Nanoparticles for Use as Anode Materials in Lithium-Ion and Sodium-Ion Batteries, Roberto Orrostieta Chavez
Implementation of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals in Fibrous Based Membranes, Ydana Yanell Virgen Gracia
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Application of Solar Water Heaters for Industrial Use, Lucas T. Atkins
Experimental Study of Condensation in Different 3D Printed Regenerators in a Thermoacoustic Cooler, Aibek Bekkulov
Energy Harvesting Techniques to Power Onboard Railway Bearing Condition Monitoring Systems, Jacob Nathaniel Bensen
Biomechanics of Lower Limb during the Golf Swing Using Opensim Modeling, Andrew B. Butler
Graphene-Fibers Hybrid Structures as Adsorbents for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solutions, Dulce C. Capitanachi
Development of Prognostics Techniques for Surface Defect Growth in Railroad Bearing Rolling Elements, Nancy De Los Santos
Development of Flexible Photo-Mechanoluminescent Polymeric Based Systems, Carlos Hernandez
Electrostatically Actuated Double Wall Carbon Nanotubes to Include Intertube van der Waals Forces, Ezequiel Juarez Ocanas
Polymeric PVDF Fibers for Piezoelectric Applications in Energy Harvesting, Misael E. Martinez
Secondary Resonances of Electrostatically Actuated Mems Cantilevers, Christopher I. Reyes
An Experimental Study of Thrust Augmentation with Asymmetrical Nozzle Driven Pulsed Ejector, Orlando Rodriguez
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Radiative Heat Transfer Analysis of Railroad Bearings for Wayside Thermal Detector Optimization, James Alexandro Aranda
Superharmonic Resonance of Second Order for Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Cantilevers, Martin Amador Botello
Antimicrobial Properties and Characterization of Polymer/Composite Nanofibers, David De La Garza
Multifunctional Carbon Systems (Interlaminated Carbon Nanofiber Mats/ Carbon Nanotubes Polymer Composites), Homero Gonzalez Guardiola
Improving Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Flat-Tube Louver-Fin Heat Exchangers by Eliminating Louver Gap Condensate Bridges, Alan L. Jones
Analysis of Flash in Injection Molding Using Flow Simulation and Design of Experiments, Claudia Lizette Lopez
Synthesis and Design of Metals Sulfide/Carbon Composite-Fibers Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries, Jorge Lopez
Fibers for Skin Regeneration, Astrid Michelle Rodriguez Negron
The Effect of Heat Generation in the Railroad Bearing Thermoplastic Elastomer Suspension Element on the Thermal Behavior of Railroad Bearing Assembly, Oscar Osvaldo Rodriguez
Aligning Anatomical Knee Model with Kinematic Experimental Data to Investigate Squat Exercise, Jose Mario Salinas
Lead Doped Carbon Nanofibers in Li-ion Batteries, Omar Torres
Forcespinning of Metal Oxides and Metal Sulfides and Their Applications as Alternative Anode Materials for Lithium-ion and Sodium-ion Batteries, Alejandra Valdez
The Use of Mixed Organic/Ionic Liquid Electrolytes with Forcespun Metal Oxides/Carbon Microfiber Electrodes in Lithium Ion Batteries, Jahaziel Villarreal