Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Development and Analysis of Practical Decision Support Tool Implementations: Case Studies From Small Business to Large Government Enterprise, Alexis Andaverde
RSM for the Optimization of Selective Laser Melting Process Parameters for Manufacturing Initial Layers of Horizontal Overhang Structures, Prince Yaw Asamani
Novel Equimolar Medium Entropy Alloy (Ti-W-Mo) via Selective Laser Melting for High Temperature Applications, Lindsey A. Salazar
A Dedicated Lane Analysis for Supply Chain Resilience in the U.S.-Mexico Border: Cost-Comparison and Simulation Models, Carlo A. Zorola Gonzalez
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Image Segmentation with Human-in-the-loop in Automated De-caking Process for Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing, Vincent Opare Addo Asare-Manu
Developing Control System for Manufacturing Processes, Md Shahriar Forhad
Using Statistical Clustering of Trajectory Data to Support Analysis of Subject Movement in a Virtual Environment, Martín Alejandro Galicia Avila
Gaze Tracking Embedded Collaborative Robots for Automated Metrology and Reverse Engineering, Sachithra H. Karunathilake
Developing Executable Digital Models with Model-Based Systems Engineering – An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveillance Scenario Example, Viviana Guadalupe Lopez
Effects of the Build Orientation and Support Patterns on the Geometric Accuracy in Printing Parts With Overhang Structure: An Experimental Study, Bala Murali Krishna Mohan
Laser Assisted Direct Writing of Liquid Metal for Microprinting Applications, Olga Vargas Cruz
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Numerical Simulation of the Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing Process with Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Yeasir Mohammad Akib
The Deflection and Heat Transfer Analysis of Injection Mold Cavity with SLA Cooling Channel Insert, Olumide Temidayo Aladesiun
Integrating Model-Based Systems Engineering Industry Transformations for Workforce Development, Wilma Analisa Ankobiah
Ultrafast Laser Direct Writing of Conductive Patterns on Modified Polyimide Film for Flexible Electronic Applications, Ishrat Jahan Biswas
A Study of the Surface Properties of Additive Manufactured Inconel 718 After Laser Surface Treatment and CNC Grinding, Sampson K. Canacoo
Single Laser System Approach to Synthesizing and Printing Tin Oxide Nanoparticles for Printed Electronic Applications, Enrique Contreras Lopez
Machine Learning Tools in the Predictive Analysis of ERCOT Load Demand Data, Md Riyad Hossain
Monitoring of Tool Wear and Surface Roughness Using ANFIS Method During CNC Turning of CFRP Composite, Md Mofakkirul Islam
Investigation of Process Parameters to Fabricate Refractory Medium-Entropy Alloy by Selective Laser Melting Process, Abdullah Al Masum Jabir
Disruptions in International Trade: A Perspective on Ports of Entry and Supply Chain Resilience, Jose A. Jara Jr. Guerrero
Femtosecond Pulse Filamentation in Dielectric Media Toward Photonics Sensor Fabrication, Anitha Narayanan
Feasibility Analysis of Embedding Optical Fiber Sensor Into Additively Manufactured Part, Mahmudul Hasan Porag
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Laser-Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) Based Bioprinting of the Collagen I with Retina Photoreceptor Cells, Md Shakil Arman
Optimization of Port-of-Entry Operation in the U.S.: An Anti-human Trafficking Focus, Priscila De Azevedo Drummond
Investigation of Different Hatch Strategies on High Entropy Alloy Fabrication by Selective Laser Melting, Joni Chandra Dhar
Molecular Dynamics Study of Atomic Diffusion in Cantor High Entropy Alloy in the Selective Laser Melting Process, Mathew Z. Farias
Assessing the Feasibility of a Biofilter in Medium-to-High Scale Industries, Javier A. Garcia
Selective Laser Melting of Titanium Diboride: A Study of the Energy Density Effects, Lazaro Lopez Mendez
Development of Injection Molding Pressure Monitoring System Using Piezoelectric Sensor, Mostafa Meraj Pasha
In-Situ Alloying of CuCrFeNiTiAl High Entropy Alloy Using Spark Plasma Sintering, Yash P. Patil
Investigation of Cell Behavior in 3D Printed Lumen Structures for Capillary Regeneration, Victoria Jade Perez
Bioprinting a 3D Tubular Structure with Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells to Observe the Process Compatibility, Taieba Tuba Rahman
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Experimental Study of Graphene Energy Absorbing Layer in Femtosecond Infrared Laser Assisted Bioprinting, Chaoran Dou
Mono and Multi-Objective Optimization and Modeling of Machining Performance in Face Milling of Ti6Al4V Alloy, Al Mazedur Rahman
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Design and Testing of a Modular Laser System with Laser Machining and Bioprinting Capabilities, Jesus Gonzalez
Parametric Study of Selective Laser Alloying of Elemental Titanium and Boron Powders Using an Automated Deposition Mechanism, Julian V. Gonzalez
A Study of Human Balance and Coordination Using a Head Mounted Display, Daniel Gracia de Luna
Design of a Bedside Walker-Cane Hybrid to Aid Senior Adults Avoid Falls during Night Walks, Jorge L. Gutierrez
Evaluation of the Most Significant Factors Influencing the Production Rates of Highway Construction Activities, Angelica M. Neira
Assessment of Some of the Common Practices Used in Scheduling Highway Projects, Jennifer Reyes
An Advanced Approach for Contract Time Determination in Highway Projects, Cuauhtemoc Torres Cantu
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Systematic Approach to High Blood Pressure Risk Analysis and Healthcare Cost Reduction in Young Adults [Metodología Sistemática para el Análisis de Riesgo y Reducción de Costos de Servicios Médicos de Hipertensión en Adultos Jóvenes], Francisco Rafael Torres Diaz
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Development of Lower Rio Grande River Water Quality Transportation Numerical Model for Bi-National River Management, Jose O. Gonzalez
Single Tower Crane Allocation Models Using Ant Colony Optimization, Carlos Abelardo Treviño
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Study of selective laser remelting of 316L S.S. to reduce roughness on inclined surface, Jafar Ghorbani
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A study of the selective laser alloying of elemental titanium and boron powder, Yingbin Hu
Investigation of slective laser melting of mecanically alloyed metastable Al5Fe2 powder, Hugo Montiel
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
A decision support system to measure product suitability for additive manufacturing processes, Cynthia De Vasconcellos Barros
A decision support model for process planning in remanufacturing using fuzzy set theory and genetic algorithm, Juan C. Martinez
A study comparing the pedagogical effectiveness of virtual worlds and of traditional training methods, Benjamin Peters
A Preventive Maintenance Framework in Dairy Production Operations, Maria F. Vargas
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Development of Hydrodynamic Channel Routing Model of The Lower Rio Grande River to Assist in Flood and Stormwater Management, Andrew W. Leeper
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
A Case Study for Financial Feasibility of Automated Costing Support in A Small Machine Shop, Benito A. Gonzalez
Remanufacturing Cleaning Process Evaluation, Comparison and Planning, Ozan Yagar
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Evaluation and Analysis of The Impact of Variability on The Twelve Workstation Factory, Hernando Garrido
Characterizing and Optimizing the Molten Salt Cleaning, Yangyang Long
Using Discrete Event Computer Simulation to Analyze the Effects of Proposed Changes to Personnel in A Hospital Medical Laboratory, Gerardo Morales
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
An information technology suitability index for mass customization, Oscar Leonardo Barrenechea
An Analytic Hierarchy Process approach to assess health service quality, Yan Li
A Stochastic Product Priority Optimization Method for Remanufacturing System Based on Genetic Algorithm, Xiong Xiong
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
A Study on Gas Penetration and Fingering Behavior in Injection Molding of Polymer and Powder Metal Feedstock, Edna I. Orozco
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
A capability measuring system for the evaluation of the mass customization of a product, Luis L. de la Torre
A stochastic production cost model for remanufacturing systems, Gaurang S. Patel
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The use of confidence intervals for the control limits of X¯ and S control charts, Daniel A. Lopez
Extension of stereolithography mold life using gas-assisted injection molding, Dilip Bose Ramalingam Nagarajan
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
The development of Web-based aerobic and anaerobic and muscle static work capacity modules using Legacy cycle approach, Anant Ravindra Deshpande
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Analysis of lifting performance capacity through an integrated learning curve model, Jose Roel Flores
The effects of nationality in the intercultural relationship in a maquila environment, cultural dimensions a practical approach, Daniel Martin Reynoso Ortiz
Expert system development for hard disk drive failure analysis, Fernando Rodriguez Rosas
Human reliability analysis in the performance of advanced cardiac life support tasks, Lucia Veronica Rosas
Analysis of performance capacity of hand grip through an integrated learning curve model, Miguel Torres
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Automated robotic inspection system for electronic manufacturing, Roberto Alejandro Balderas
Alignment, mechanical and thermo-physical characterization of nanofiber-reinforced polyethylene, Veronica M. Diaz-Serrato
The rheological behavior of carbon nanofiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites, Qiang Zeng
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
A neural network-based vision system for automated separation of onion from clod using mechanical harvester, Demian Morquin
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Modeling of a meat cooking process for on-line monitoring and control, Oralia Garcia