School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2025
Global Phase Portraits of Separable Polynomial Rigid Systems with a Center, Hebai Chen, Zhaosheng Feng, and Rui Zhang
Ramanujan–Fine integrals for level 10, Shaun Cooper, Timothy Huber, and Jeffery Opoku
Order-2 Delaunay triangulations optimize angles, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Alexey Garber, and Morteza Saghafian
Dark Soliton and Breather Solutions to the Coupled Sasa–Satsuma Equation, Guangxiong Zhang, Changyan Shi, Chengfa Wu, and Bao-Feng Feng
Submissions from 2024
Exact solutions of stochastic Burgers–Korteweg de Vries type equation with variable coefficients, Kolade Adjibi, Allan Martinez, Miguel Mascorro, Carlos Montes, Tamer Oraby, Rita Sandoval, and Erwin Suazo
Enhancing Tumor Classification Through Machine Learning Algorithms for Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Lawrence Agbota, Edmund F. Agyemang, Priscilla Kissi-Appiah, Lateef Moshood, Akua Osei- Nkwantabisa, Vincent Agbenyeavu, Abraham Nsiah, and Augustina Adjei
Anomaly Detection Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms: A Simulation Study, Edmund F. Agyemang
Women economic empowerment through digitalization: analyzing social networks, risk and time preferences, Edmund F. Agyemang and Godfred A. Bokpin
Predicting Students' Academic Performance Via Machine Learning Algorithms: An Empirical Review and Practical Application, Edmund F. Agyemang, Joseph A. Mensah, Obu-Amoah Ampomah, Louis Agyekum, Justice Akuoko-Frimpong, Amma Quansah, and Oluwaferanmi M. Akinlosotu
On the Total Perimeter of Pairwise Disjoint Convex Bodies, Arseniy Akopyan and Alexey Glazyrin
Enriched Environment Contributes to the Recovery from Neurotoxin-Induced Parkinson’s Disease Pathology, Daphne Alcala Zúñiga, Erika Espinoza-Torres, Ranjit Kumar Das, Magaly Vargas, Alejandro Lopez-Juarez, Masoud M. Zarei, Kelsey Baker, Mario Gil, Hansapani Rodrigo, and Upal Roy
Ivermectin, Colleen Aldous, Eleftherios Gkioulekas, and Philip Oldfield
Offsetting the greenhouse gas footprint of hydropower with floating solar photovoltaics, Rafael M. Almeida, Areefin-Ul-Hassan Chowdhury, Hansapani Rodrigo, Mingxu Li, and Rafael J. P. Schmitt
Students’ use of technological tools to engage in collective mathematical proof activity, Tenchita Alzaga Elizondo and David Brown
Interventions and diversity, equity, and inclusion: Two current directions in research on the teaching and learning of calculus, Tenchita Alzaga Elizondo and Sean Larsen
Collaborative practices in virtual group work on dynamic geometry tasks, Younggon Bae, V. Rani Satyam, and Zareen G. Aga
Weighted Ehrhart Theory: Extending Stanley's nonnegativity theorem, Esme Bajo, Robert Davis, Jesús A. De Loera, Alexey Garber, Sofía Garzón Mora, Katharina Jochemko, and Josephine Yu
On the size of maximal binary codes with 2, 3, and 4 distances, Alexander Barg, Alexey Glazyrin, Wei-Jiun Kao, Ching-Yi Lai, Pin-Chieh Tseng, and Wei-Hsuan Yu
Nonlinear stability analysis of double-diffusive convection in Kelvin–Voigt fluid with chemical reaction, Mahanthesh Basavarajappa and Dambaru Bhatta
Optimizers of three-point energies and nearly orthogonal sets, Dmitriy Bilyk, Damir Ferizović, Alexey Glazyrin, Ryan Matzke, Josiah Park, and Oleksandr Vlasiuk
Conditional quantization for uniform distributions on line segments and regular polygons, Pigar Biteng, Mathieu Caguiat, Tsianna Dominguez, and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Stability of optimal spherical codes, Károly J. Böröczky and Alexey Glazyrin
Topology and the Quantum Hall Effects, Paul Bracken
A Study of Mental Health and the Coping Strategies of College Students in a Hispanic-Serving Institution During the COVID-19 Pandemic, María Teresa Castañeda, Kristina Vatcheva, Alondra Aguilar, Fatima Arevalo, Angela Arteaga, Hubert Bazan, Julianna Castillo, Zuleika Gonzalez, Gabriela Lopez, Deandra Torres, Priscilla Torres, and Sue Anne Chew
Continuous Piecewise Analytic Planar Systems with an Arbitrary Finite Number of Switching Lines, Hebai Chen, Dehong Dai, and Zhaosheng Feng
Nilpotent global centers of generalized polynomial Kukles system with degree three, Hebai Chen, Zhaosheng Feng, and Rui Zahg
Optimizing energy consumption in smart homes using GA-LSTM, Akibor Junior Chukwuka, Bakare-Bolaji Moyosoreoluwa, and Baboucarr Dibba
Predictors of nursing students' stress, anxiety, and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Hispanic-serving University in South Texas: a cross-sectional study, Maria I. Diaz, Eleftherios Gkioulekas, and Nancy Nadeau
Bounds for the Regularity Radius of Delone Sets, Nikolay Dolbilin, Alexey Garber, Egon Schulte, and Marjorie Senechal
On Angles in Higher Order Brillouin Tessellations and Related Tilings in the Plane, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Alexey Garber, Mohadese Ghafari, Teresa Heiss, and Morteza Saghafian
Brillouin Zones of Integer Lattices and Their Perturbations, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Alexey Garber, Mohadese Ghafari, Teresa Heiss, Morteza Saghafian, and Mathijs Wintraecken
On Blow-Up and Explicit Soliton Solutions for Coupled Variable Coefficient Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, Jose M. Escorcia and Erwin Suazo
On Explicit Solutions for Coupled Reaction-Diffusion and Burgers-Type Equations with Variable Coefficients Through a Riccati System, Jose M. Escorcia and Erwin Suazo
Integrable Semi-Discretization for a Modified Camassa-Holm Equation with Cubic Nonlinearity, Bao-Feng Feng, Heng-Chun Hu, Han-Han Sheng, Wei Yin, and Guo-Fu Yu
Ground state solutions of fractional equations with Coulomb potential and critical exponent, Zhaosheng Feng and Yu Su
Machine Learning for Wireless Network Throughput Prediction, Gustavo A. Fernandez
The InvariantRing package for Macaulay2, Luigi Ferraro, Federico Galetto, Francesca Gandini, Hang Huang, Matthew Mastroeni, and Xianglong Ni
Substitution tilings with transcendental inflation factor, Dirk Frettlöh, Alexey Garber, and Neil Mañibo
Functional data learning using convolutional neural networks, Jose Galarza and Tamer Oraby
On Helly Numbers for Crystals and Cut-And-Project Sets, Alexey Garber
Use of hydroxychloroquine in multidrug protocols for SARS-CoV-2, Eleftherios Gkioulekas and Peter A. McCullough
Extensions of polynomial plank covering theorems, Alexey Glazyrin, Roman Karasev, and Alexandr Polyanskii
Gauss circle problem over smooth integers, Ankush Goswami
Algebraic structures on parallelizable manifolds, Sergey Grigorian
The Coulomb Gauge in Non-associative Gauge Theory, Sergey Grigorian
Comparing life-cycle dynamics of Li-ion batteries (LIBs) clustered by operating conditions with SINDy, Kristen L. Hallas, Md Shahriar Forhad, Tamer Oraby, Benjamin Peters, and Jianzhi Li
Statistics for anticyclotomic Iwasawa invariants of elliptic curves, Jeffrey Hatley, Debanjana Kundu, and Anwesh Ray
Ramanujan type congruences for quotients of Klein forms, Timothy Huber, Nathaniel Mayes, Jeffery Opoku, and Dongxi Ye
Further results on vanishing coefficients in the series expansion of lacunary eta quotients, Timothy Huber, James McLaughlin, and Dongxi Ye
Prospective and in-service teachers’ use of pedagogical mathematical practices in approximations of teaching practice, Ashly Jackson, Kaitlyn Stephens Serbin, and Younggon Bae
Study of nanofluid flow in a stationary cone–disk system with temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity, Anagha Susan John, Mahanthesh Basavarajappa, and Igor V. Shevchuk
Study of hybrid nanofluid flow in a stationary cone-disk system with temperature-dependent fluid properties, A. S. John, Mahanthesh Basavarajappa, and G. Lorenzini
Effects of hyposalinity on ion content, organic osmolytes, and lipid peroxidation in the seagrass Halodule wrightii, Joseph L. Kowalski, Kirk Cammarata, Michael W. Persans, Kristina P. Vatcheva, and Sarah Quintanilla
Non-vanishing modulo p of Hecke L-values over imaginary quadratic fields, Debanjana Kundu and Antonio Lei
Studying Hilbert’s 10th problem via explicit elliptic curves, Debanjana Kundu, Antonio Lei, and Florian Sprung
Structure of fine Selmer groups in abelian p-adic Lie extensions, Debanjana Kundu, Filippo Alberto Edoardo Nuccio Mortarino Majno Di Capriglio, and Sujatha Ramdorai
Statistics for Iwasawa invariants of elliptic curves, II, Debanjana Kundu and Anwesh Ray
Heuristics for Anti-cyclotomic ℤp-extensions, Debanjana Kundu and Lawrence C. Washington
Local existence of solutions to a nonlinear autonomous PDE model for population dynamics with nonlocal transport and competition, Michael R. Lindstrom
On the Manifolds with Noncompact Automorphism Groups, Bingyuan Liu
Exploration of the Traffic Safety of Battery Electric Vehicles: A Case Study of Tesla Vehicle-Involved Crashes in Pennsylvania, USA, Chenhui Liu, Meiling Su, Zhuanzhuan Ma, Kejun Long, and Chaoru Lu
Enhanced Resolution Method for Electromagnetic Vortex Imaging Based on Electromagnetic Information Theory, Da Liu, Hongyin Shi, Ting Yang, and Zhijun Qiao
Periodic solutions for a beam equation with concave-convex nonlinearities, Jianhua Liu, Shuguan Ji, and Zhaosheng Feng
An Independent Analysis of a Retrospective Cohort of 30,423 Covid-19 Patients Treated at IHU-Mediterranean in Marseille, France: Part 1, Efficacy of early Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, Valere Lounnas, Eleftherios Gkioulekas, Marc Rendell, Alexis Lacout, Xavier Azalbert, and Christian Perronne
An Independent Analysis of a Retrospective Cohort of 30,423 Covid-19 Patients Treated at IHU-Mediterranean in Marseille, France: Part 2, a Real-life Assessment of Covid-19 Vaccination Efficacy, Valere Lounnas, Eleftherios Gkioulekas, Marc Rendell, Alexis Lacout, Xavier Azalbert, and Christian Perronne
Symmetries and integrable systems, Sen-Yue Lou and Bao-Feng Feng
A second homotopy group for digital images, Gregory Lupton, Oleg R. Musin, Nicholas A. Scoville, P. Christopher Staecker, and Jonathan Treviño-Marroquín
A Finite Element Model for Hydro-thermal Convective Flow in a Porous Medium: Effects of Hydraulic Resistivity and Thermal Diffusivity, S. M. Mallikarjunaiah and Dambaru Bhatta
A novel consumer-centric metric for evaluating hearing device audio performance, Vinaya Manchaiah, Steve Taddei, Abram Bailey, De Wet Swanepoel, and Hansapani Rodrigo
Normalized ground state of a mixed dispersion nonlinear Schrodinger equation with combined power-type nonlinearities, Zhouji Ma, Xiaojun Chang, and Zhaosheng Feng
Sparse Bayesian variable selection in high‐dimensional logistic regression models with correlated priors, Zhuanzhuan Ma, Zifei Han, Souparno Ghosh, Liucang Wu, and Min Wang
Oscillations in Neuronal Activity: A Neuron-Centered Spatiotemporal Model of the Unfolded Protein Response in Prion Diseases, Elliot M. Miller, Tat Chung D. Chan, Carlos Montes-Matamoros, Omar Sharif, Laurent Pujo-Menjouet, and Michael R. Lindstrom
Numerical simulations for fractional differential equations of higher order and a wright-type transformation, Mariana Nacianceno, Tamer Oraby, Hansapani Rodrigo, Y. Sepulveda, Josef A. Sifuentes, Erwin Suazo, T. Stuck, and J. Williams
Effects of missing data imputation methods on univariate blood pressure time series data analysis and forecasting with ARIMA and LSTM, Nicholas Niako, Jesus Melgarejo, Gladys Maestre, and Kristina Vatcheva
A GARCH-MIDAS approach to modelling stock returns, Ezekiel N.N. Nortey, Ruben Agbeli, Godwin Debrah, Theophilus Ansah-Narh, and Edmund F. Agyemang
Conditional optimal sets and the quantization coefficients for some uniform distributions, Evans Nyanney, Megha Pandey, and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Modeling the effect of observational social learning on parental decision-making for childhood vaccination and diseases spread over household networks, Tamer Oraby and Andras Balogh
Conditional constrained and unconstrained quantization for probability distributions, Megha Pandey and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Constrained quantization for the Cantor distribution, Megha Pandey and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
On representations of the super-Yangian of the queer Lie superalgebra, Elena Poletaeva
On the center and the antipode of the super-Yangian of Q(1), Elena Poletaeva
Quantization dimensions for the bi-Lipschitz recurrent iterated function systems, Amit Priyadarshi, Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury, and Manuj Verma
Using a Two-Way Engagement Community- and Family-Centered Pedagogy to Prepare Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers in a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Olga Ramirez, Mayra Ortiz Galarza, and Luis M. Fernandez
Regularization by deep learning in signal processing, Carlos Ramirez Villamarin, Erwin Suazo, and Tamer Oraby
Bioconvection dynamics in rotating and stationary cone-disk systems, Puneet Rana and Mahanthesh Basavarajappa
On modeling arterial blood flow with or without solute transport and in presence of atherosclerosis, Daniel N. Riahi and Saulo Orizaga
Investigating Preservice Teachers’ Conceptualizations of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Through Video Analysis, Bima Sapkota
Assessing Concepts, Procedures, and Cognitive Demand of ChatGPT-generated Mathematical Tasks, Bima Sapkota and Liza Bondurant
Preservice teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching: Focus on lesson planning and reflection, Bima Sapkota and Amanda Huffman Hayes
Exploring International Educators' Learning About Local and Global Social Justice in a Virtual Community of Practice, Bima Sapkota, Xuwei Luo, Muna Sapkota, Murat Akarsu, Emmanuel Deogratias, Daphne Fauber, Rose Mbewe, Fidelis Mumba, Ram Krishna Panthi, and Jill Newton
Pedagogical moves related to analogy that support a unified understanding of eigentheory concepts in a quantum mechanics class, Kaitlyn Stephens Serbin and Megan Wawro
The Inextricability of Students’ Mathematical and Physical Reasoning in Quantum Mechanics Problems, Kaitlyn Stephens Serbin and Megan Wawro
A Generalized Sine-Gordon Equation: Reductions and Integrable Discretizations, Han-Han Sheng, Bao-Feng Feng, and Guo-Fu Yu
Ground state solution of Fractional Schrödinger-Poisson-Slater equation: Double critical case, Yu Su and Zhaosheng Feng
Our Never-Ending Pathway to Innovate Calculus 1: Course Coordination and Active Learning to Specifications Grading and Growth Mindset, Cristina Villalobos, Guillermo Garza, Shaghayegh Azadi Setayesh, Luis M. Fernandez, Andras Balogh, Kaitlyn Stephens Serbin, and Timothy Huber
Existence and non-existence results for cooperative elliptic systems without variational structure, John Villavert
Teaching practices that support revising definition drafts to adhere to mathematical norms, Kristen Vroom, Tenchita Alzaga Elizondo, José Saúl Barbosa, and Stephen Strand II
Multi-Symplectic Method for the Two-Component Camassa–Holm (2CH) System, Xiaojian Xi, Weipeng Hu, Bo Tang, Pingwei Deng, and Zhijun Qiao
Waves in cosmological background with static Schwarzschild radius in the expanding universe, Karen Yagdjian