School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2023
Rogue Waves and Their Patterns in the Vector Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Guangxiong Zhang, Peng Huang, Bao-Feng Feng, and Chengfa Wu
Long-time asymptotics of a complex cubic Camassa-Holm equation, Hongyi Zhang, Yufeng Zhang, and Zhijun Qiao
Multi-Symplectic Simulation on Soliton-Collision for Nonlinear Perturbed Schrödinger Equation, Peijun Zhang, Weipeng Hu, Zhen Wang, and Zhijun Qiao
Figured Worlds of Women Mathematics Education Scholars, Lili Zhou, Ricki L. Geller-McKee, Brooke Max, Hyunyi Jung, Bima Sapkota, Jill Newton, and Lindsay M. Keazer
Rogue peakon, well-posedness, ill-posedness and blow-up phenomenon for an integrable Camassa-Holm type equation, Mingxuan Zhu, Zhenteng Zeng, Zaihong Jiang, Baoqiang Xia, and Zhijun Qiao
p-Adic Statistical Field Theory and Deep Belief Networks, Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo
p-Adic statistical field theory and convolutional deep Boltzmann machines, Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo, Cuiyu He, and B. A. Zambrano-Luna
Hierarchical Wilson–Cowan Models and Connection Matrices, Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo and Brian A. Zambrano-Luna
Submissions from 2022
Using a stochastic continuous-time Markov chain model to examine alternative timing and duration of the COVID-19 lockdown in Kuwait: what can be done now?, Mustafa Al-Zoughool, Tamer Oraby, Harri Vainio, Janvier Gasana, Joseph C. Longenecker, Walid Al Ali, Mohammad AlSeaidan, Susie Elsaadany, and Michael G. Tyshenko
A GPU accelerated Genetic Algorithm for the Construction of Hadamard Matrices, Andras Balogh and Raven Ruiz
Heat and mass transfer of a molten polymer conveying nanoparticles in a wire coating process with temperature-dependent fluid properties: Optimization using Response surface method, Mahanthesh Basavarajappa and Dambaru Bhatta
Study of flow of Buongiorno nanofluid in a conical gap between a cone and a disk, Mahanthesh Basavarajappa and Dambaru Bhatta
Study of Multilayer Flow of a Bi-Viscous Bingham Fluid Sandwiched Between Hybrid Nanofluid in a Vertical Slab with Nonlinear Boussinesq Approximation, Mahanthesh Basavarajappa, Shruthy Myson, and Kuppalapalle Vajravelu
The Spectral Picture and Joint Spectral Radius of the Generalized Spherical Aluthge Transform, Chafiq Benhida, Raul E. Curto, Sang Hoon Lee, and Jasang Yoon
Potential theory with multivariate kernels, Dmitriy Bilyk, Damir Ferizović, Alexey Glazyrin, Ryan Matzke, Josiah Park, and Oleksandr Vlasiuk
Optimal measures for p-frame energies on spheres, Dmitriy Bilyk, Alexey Glazyrin, Ryan Matzke, Josiah Park, and Oleksandr Vlasiuk
Alternative SIAR models for infectious diseases and applications in the study of non-compliance, Marcelo Bongarti, Luke Diego Galvan, Lawford Hatcher, Michael R. Lindstrom, Christian Parkinson, Chuntian Wang, and Andrea L. Bertozzi
Evolution of Eigenvalues of a Geometric Operator Under Ricci Flow on a Riemannian Manifold, Paul Bracken
Monotonicity properties of functionals under Ricci flow on manifolds without and with boundary, Paul Bracken
Local Well-Posedness of the Cauchy Problem for a p -Adic Nagumo-Type Equation, L. F. Chacón-Cortés, C. A. Garcia-Bibiano, and Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo
Multi-scale Hybridized Topic Modeling: A Pipeline for Analyzing Unstructured Text Datasets via Topic Modeling, Keyi Cheng, Stefan Inzer, Adrian Leung, Xiaoxian Shen, Michael Perlmutter, Michael Lindstrom, Joyce Chew, Todd Presner, and Deanna Needell
A simulation study of techno-economics and resilience of the solar PV irrigation system against grid outages, Hemal Chowdhury, Tamal Chowdhury, Md Salman Rahman, Hasan Masrur, and Tomonobu Senjyu
Quantization for Infinite Affine Transformations, Dogan Comez and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Canonical Sequences of Optimal Quantization for Condensation Measures, Doğan Çömez and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Solution of the reconstruction-of-the-measure problem for canonical invariant subspaces, Raul E. Curto, Sang H. Lee, and Jasang Yoon
Congruences for Consecutive Coefficients of Gaussian Polynomials with Crank Statistics, Dennis Eichhorn, Lydia Engle, and Brandt Kronholm
Comparative analysis of all-terrain vehicles, motorcycle and automobile-related trauma in a rural border community of the USA, Haissam S. Elzaim, Kristina Vatcheva, Annelyn Torres-Reveron, Gregery Pequeno, and Monica Michelle Betancourt-Garcia
The impact of COVID-19 on the format and nature of academic conferences in mathematics education, Johann Engelbrecht, Oh Nam Kwon, Marcelo C. Borba, Hyunkyoung Yoon, Younggon Bae, and Kyungwon Lee
The Cartesian analytical solutions for the N-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity, Engui Fan, Zhijun Qiao, and ManWai Yuen
The Reduced Order Method for Solving the Linear Complementarity Problem with an M-Matrix, Xi-Ming Fang, Heng-Jun Zhao, and Zhijun Qiao
Darboux transformation and solitonic solution to the coupled complex short pulse equation, Bao-Feng Feng and Liming Ling
Ground state solution to the biharmonic equation, Zhaosheng Feng and Yu Su
A comparison of statistical methods for modeling count data with an application to hospital length of stay, Gustavo Fernandez and Kristina Vatcheva
Exploring the Effects of Differing Linguistic Accommodation Programs among Bilingual Latinx Students’ Mathematics Self-efficacy and Achievement, Luis M. Fernandez
Number of bounded distance equivalence classes in hulls of repetitive Delone sets, Dirk Frettlöh, Alexey Garber, and Lorenzo Sadun
Euclidean quantum field formulation of p-adic open string amplitudes, A. R. Fuquen-Tibatá, H. García-Compeán, and Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo
Frequentist and Bayesian analysis methods for case series data and application to early outpatient COVID-19 treatment case series, Eleftherios Gkioulekas, Peter A. McCullough, and Vladimir Zelenko
Statistical Analysis Methods Applied to Early Outpatient COVID-19 Treatment Case Series Data, Eleftherios Gkioulekas, Peter A. McCullough, and Vladimir Zelenko
Logarithmic algorithms for fair division problems, Alexandr Grebennikov, Xenia Isaeva, Andrei V. Malyutin, Mikhail Mikhailov, and Oleg R. Musin
Justice and the Mathematics Classroom: Realizing the Goals of the AMTE Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics, Shandy Hauk, Marilyn Strutchens, Dorothy Y. White, Jennifer Bay-Williams, Jenq Jong Tsay, and Billy Jackson
A mesh-free method using piecewise deep neural network for elliptic interface problems, Cuiyu He, Xiaozhe Hu, and Lin Mu
Game between the third party payment service provider and bank in mobile payment market, Hui Jiang, Junhai Ma, and Zhaosheng Feng
Political Corruption and Corporate Risk-Taking, Hinh Khieu, Nam H. Nguyen, Hieu V. Phan, and Jon A. Fulkerson
Diederich-Fornæss index and global regularity in the ∂-Neumann problem: domains with comparable Levi eigenvalues, Bingyuan Liu and Emil J. Straube
Optimized heat transport in Marangoni boundary layer flow of a magneto nanomaterial driven by an exponential interfacial temperature distribution, Joby Mackolil and Mahanthesh Basavarajappa
Thermo-solutal Marangoni convective assisting/resisting flow of a nanofluid with radiative heat flux: A model with heat transfer optimization, Joby Mackolil and Mahanthesh Basavarajappa
A Robust Bootstrap Control Chart for the Log-Logistic Percentiles, Zhuanzhuan Ma, Chanseok Park, and Min Wang
Advanced thermodynamics analysis for sustainable residential sector: a case study of Turkish residential sector, Monirul Islam Miskat, Salman Rahman, Quddus Tushar, Shishir Barai, Nazia Hossain, Fazleh Rabbi, Nadia Sultana Nisha, and Sadiq Sait
General rogue wave solutions to the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Yasuhiro Ohta and Bao-Feng Feng
Towards fast weak adversarial training to solve high dimensional parabolic partial differential equations using XNODE-WAN, Paul Valsecchi Oliva, Yue Wu, Cuiyu He, and Hao Ni
Navigating Mathematics Teacher Preparation During A Time of Crisis, Zareen G. Rahman, Rani Satyam, and Younggon Bae
On three-dimensional rotating viscoelastic jets in the Giesekus model, Daniel N. Riahi and Saulo Orizaga
Predicting the Outcomes of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus: Applications of Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine, Hansapani Rodrigo, Eldré W. Beukes, Gerhard Andersson, and Vinaya Manchaiah
Quantization for a probability distribution generated by an infinite iterated function system, Lakshmi Roychowdhury and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Quantization for a probability distribution generated by an infinite iterated function system, Lakshmi Roychowdhury and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Optimal Quantization for Some Triadic Uniform Cantor Distributions with Exact Bounds, Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Affect graphing: leveraging graphical representations in the study of students’ affect in mathematics, V. Rani Satyam, Younggon Bae, John P. Smith III, and Mariana Levin
Functional consequences of extended high frequency hearing impairment: Evidence from the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale, Udit Saxena, Srikanta K. Mishra, Hansapani Rodrigo, and Moumita Choudhury
An integrable semidiscretization of the modified Camassa-Holm equation with linear dispersion term, Han-Han Sheng, Guo-Fu Yu, and Bao-Feng Feng
Ground state solutions for the fractional problems with dipole-type potential and critical exponent, Yu Su and Zhaosheng Feng
Online list coloring for signed graphs, Melissa Tupper and Jacob A. White
Networks of necessity: Simulating COVID-19 mitigation strategies for disabled people and their caregivers, Thomas E. Valles, Hannah Shoenhard, Joseph Zinski, Sarah Trick, Mason A. Porter, and Michael R. Lindstrom
Wave-breaking analysis and weak multi-peakon solutions for a generalized cubic–quintic Camassa–Holm type equation, Weifang Weng, Zhijun Qiao, and Zhenya Yan
Brooks' theorem for 2-fold coloring, Jacob A. White
Chromatic Quasisymmetric Class Functions of Linearized Combinatorial Hopf Monoids, Jacob A. White
On Equivariant flag f-vectors for balanced relative simplicial complexes, Jacob A. White
Multi-breather solutions to the Sasa-Satsuma equation, Chengfa Wu, Bo Wei, Changyan Shi, and Bao-Feng Feng
General rogue wave solutions to the Sasa-Satsuma equation, Chengfa Wu, Guangxiong Zhang, Changyan Shi, and Bao-Feng Feng
Impact of damping amplitude on chaos detection reliability of the improved 0–1 test for oversampled and noisy observations, Qintai Xiao, Yanan Liao, Wei Xu, Junchao Chen, and Hua Wang
Global in time self-interacting Dirac fields in the de Sitter space, Karen Yagdjian
Qualitative analysis for a two-component peakon system with cubic nonlinearity, Shaojie Yang and Zhijun Qiao
Preferential stiffness and the crack-tip fields of an elastic porous solid based on the density-dependent moduli model, Hyun C. Yoon, S. M. Mallikarjunaiah, and Dambaru Bhatta
Asymptotic Spreading for a Diffusive Chemostat System in Space-Time Periodic Environment, Shuo Zhang, Zhaosheng Feng, and Guo Lin
Definite Condition of the Evolutionary (p)over-right-arrow(x)-Laplacian Equation, Huashui Zhan and Zhaosheng Feng
Dynamical Analysis for a Malaria Transmission Model, Zhihong Zhao, Shaochun Li, and Zhaosheng Feng
Bi-Dbar-Approach for a Coupled Shifted Nonlocal Dispersionless System, Junyi Zhu, Kaiwen Shao, and Zhijun Qiao
Analytical properties for the fifth-order b-family Novikov model, Mingxuan Zhu, Zaihong Jiang, and Zhijun Qiao
Multiple Periodic Vibrations of Auxetic Honeycomb Sandwich Plate with 1:2 Internal Resonance, Shaotao Zhu, Jing Li, Zhijun Qiao, and Ji Zhou
Eigen’s paradox and the quasispecies model in a non-Archimedean framework, Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo
Non-Archimedean quantum mechanics via quantum groups, Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo
Non-Archimedean Statistical Field Theory, Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo
p-Adic analysis: A quick introduction, Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo
Ultrametric Diffusion, Rugged Energy Landscapes and Transition Networks, Wilson A. Zuniga-Galindo
Submissions from 2021
Early ambulatory outpatient sequenced antiviral multidrug COVID-19 treatment (including for Delta or similar variants) for high-risk children and adolescents, Paul Elias Alexander, Howard C. Tenenbaum, Harvey Risch, Richard Urso, Craig M. Wax, Holly Jonely, Ramin Oskoui, Russell Gonnering, Roger G. Hodkinson, and Eleftherios Gkioulekas
Local well-posedness and blow-up for a family of U(1)-invariant peakon equations, Stephen C. Anco, Huijun He, and Zhijun Qiao
Energy on spheres and discreteness of minimizing measures, Dmitriy Bilyk, Alexey Glazyrin, Ryan Matzke, Josiah Park, and Oleksandr Vlasiuk
Local Zeta Functions and Koba–Nielsen String Amplitudes, Miriam Bocardo-Gaspar, Hugo García-Compeán, Edgar Y. López, and Wilson A. Zúñiga-Galindo
An Introduction to Generalized Entropy and Some Quantum Applications, Paul Bracken
Behavior of entanglement entropy near periodic orbits in a hamiltonian dynamical system, Paul Bracken
Stability of peakons and periodic peakons for a nonlinear quartic Camassa-Holm equation, Aiyong Chen, Tongjie Deng, and Zhijun Qiao
General bright and dark soliton solutions to the massive Thirring model via KP hierarchy reductions, Junchao Chen and Bao-Feng Feng
Design of a stand-alone energy hybrid system for a makeshift health care center: A case study, Tamal Chowdhury, Hemal Chowdhury, Samiul Hasan, Md Salman Rahman, M. M. K. Bhuiya, and Piyal Chowdhury
Estimation of the Healthcare Waste Generation During COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh, Tamal Chowdhury, Hemal Chowdhury, Md Salman Rahman, Nazia Hossain, Ashfaq Ahmed, and Sadiq M. Sait
Polynomial Embeddings of Unilateral Weighted shifts in 2-Variable Weighted Shifts, Raul E. Curto, Sang H. Lee, and Jasang Yoon
An Algorithm to Compute CVTs for Finitely Generated Cantor Distributions, Carl P. Dettmann and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Positive solutions for the fractional Schrödinger equations with logarithmic and critical non-linearities, Haining Fan, Zhaosheng Feng, and Xingjie Yan
Latinx Students’ Mathematics Anxiety and Their Study Habits: Exploring Their Relationship at the Postsecondary Level, Luis M. Fernandez, Xiaohui Wang, Olga Ramirez, and Cristina Villalobos
Combining assumptions and graphical network into gene expression data analysis, Demba Fofana, E. O. George, and Dale Brown
Instructor Communication, or Academic Coaching, to Facilitate Student Engagement, Tracia M. Forman and Kristina Vatcheva