Theses and Dissertations
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While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Organocatalyzed Four-component on-water green synthesis of spiroindolinpyranopyrazole, Tanzida Zubair
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Zinc-Mediated Regulatory Function of PSD-95 on NMDAR at Post-Synapses, Luis F. Acosta
Tree Ring Reconstructions of Streamflow for the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Adedolapo Mutiyat Adeyanju
Synthesis and Processing of Polymeric Materials for Hydrogen Storage, Dominic Adrewie
Electrically Conductive Bearing Adapter Polymer Pad for Use in Freight Railcar Service Applications, Jesse M. Aguilera
Fabrication and Characterization of Force Spun Polymeric Nanofiber for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering Applications, Salahuddin Ahmed
Tracking Control of Quadrotors, Shihab Ahmed
A Numerical Simulation of the Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing Process with Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Yeasir Mohammad Akib
The Deflection and Heat Transfer Analysis of Injection Mold Cavity with SLA Cooling Channel Insert, Olumide Temidayo Aladesiun
Targeting Protein Synthesis in Clostridioides difficile to Develop Antimicrobial Candidate, Elvira L. Alanis
Tribological Characterization of Nickel-Based Cold Spray Coatings for Aerospace and Industrial Manufacturing, Albert Alejandro
Paralinguistic and Rhetorical Capabilities of Emojis in Marketing Communication, Jacob Christopher Almaguer
A Small Wolf Eats a Large Apple: An Experimental Investigation of the Temporal Processing of Conceptual Magnitudes, Carolina Alvarez
Behavior of Narrow Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls with Secondary Reinforcement, Abraham Alejandro Alvarez Reyna
Arab American Muslims’ Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services: The Roles of Acculturation, Religion, and Cultural Beliefs, Tharwah Alzoubi
Fish Community Analysis Using Multidirectional ROV Video Surveys in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, Keegan J. Angerer
Integrating Model-Based Systems Engineering Industry Transformations for Workforce Development, Wilma Analisa Ankobiah
Cucurbitacin B: A Potential Natural Agent for Targeting Tumor Immune Cell Population, Emmanuel Anning
De Novo Transcriptome Analysis of Orange Jasmine (Murraya paniculata) Infected with Citrus Greening Disease, Jeffrey Aquino Gomez
An Experimentally Validated Finite Element Model of Thermal Transient Response of a Railroad Bearing Adapter, Javier E. Arroyo
Dynamic Soil Properties in the Lower Rio Grande Valley: Understanding Responses of Infiltration Rate, Bulk Density, Aggregate Stability to Different Tillage Practices, Temiloluwa Faith Awotoye
Winds & Waves: A Collection of Short Stories & Poems [Vientos y Olas: Una Colección de Cuentos y Poemas], Joann Balderrama
Dynamic Soil Properties in the Lower Rio Grande Valley: Carbon and Nitrogen Responses to Different Tillage Practices, Luzyannet Ballesteros Gonzalez
An Exploration of Latinx Generation Z Secondary Teachers’ Lived Experiences, Motivations, and Retention Factors to Teach in the Rio Grande Valley, Kimberly B. Banda
Effects of Macronutrients Intake and Physical Activity on Childhood Obesity of Hispanic Children, Prosanta Barai
Railcar Wheel Impact Detection Utilizing Vibration-Based Wireless Onboard Condition Monitoring Modules, Marco A. Barrera
Recuerdos De Mi Niñez, Noel Barsenas
Quantization for a Nonuniform Triadic Cantor Distribution, Asha Barua
Wildlife Road Mortality Patterns in South Texas and Survey Methodology Improvement, Bradley E. Beer
Intimate Partner Femicide: An Exploratory Study in the Rio Grande Valley, Zoraya Berlanga Aguilar
Ultrafast Laser Direct Writing of Conductive Patterns on Modified Polyimide Film for Flexible Electronic Applications, Ishrat Jahan Biswas
Cinematic Poe: A Survey of Films Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe and Their Importance in Film History, Devon V. Bradley
South Texas Wildlife Activity Across a Fragmented Landscape and Road Mitigation Corridor, Caitlin K. Brett
From Nepantla to Aztlan: Testimonios of Faculty Mothers of Color with Disabilities, Maria Gabriela Bridges
Discourses Surrounding Specific Learning Disability in Reading: An Exploration across Special Education Policies, Martha M. Briseno
Verification in Generalizations of the 2-Handed Assembly Model, David Caballero
A Study of the Surface Properties of Additive Manufactured Inconel 718 After Laser Surface Treatment and CNC Grinding, Sampson K. Canacoo
A Critical Content Analysis: Representation of the Experiences of Emergent Bilingual Mexican American Children in Literature, Cynthia Villarreal Cantu
Effects of Fibers in Dense Graded and Gap Graded Asphalt Concrete, Franher Daniel Cantu
Associative Learning in the Monodelphis domestica Utilizing the CPA Paradigm, Joseph Caleb Cantu
Aliens, Lizbet Cantu Montiel
Conjunctive Management for Groundwater-Surface Water Resources: Numerical Modeling and Potential Assessment of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) at Lower Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, Dwight Zedric Q. Capus
The Molecular Evolution of Insect Opsin Genes, Maria Jose Cardenas Muedano
Understanding the Intersectionality of Bilingual Identities: Language and Biliteracy in Emergent Bilinguals, Natalia Carrillo
Economic Capital and Hispanic Economically Disadvantaged Student Persistence at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Griselda C. Castilla
Orion Beltran and the Roots of the Universe: A Novel [Orion Beltran y las raices del universo: Una novela], Ana K. Chapa
Safety-Aware Longitudinal and Lateral Control of Autonomous Vehicles, Randy Guadalupe Chapa
The Potential Impact of Climate Change on the Distributions of Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides and E. planirostris (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae), Rebecca T. Chastain
Glitch Estimation and Removal Using Adaptive Spline Fitting and Wavelet Shrinkage on the Gravitational Wave Data, Mohammad Abu Thaher Chowdhury
Encoding Color Sequences in Active Tile Self-Assembly, Sonya Cirlos
Latinx Parents’ Experiences Accessing Their Children’s Instruction and Resources Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, Elisa Coy Clark
Alice and Me, Myself, Little David, and the Right Side of My Brain, David Cohen
Examination of Amphibian Community and Environmental Relationships in South Texas Using Environmental DNA (eDNA), Sean Michael Collins
Healthcare in a Time of Crisis: An Investigation of the Association Between Socioeconomic Status, Counties, and Covid-19, Jorge F. Contreras
Single Laser System Approach to Synthesizing and Printing Tin Oxide Nanoparticles for Printed Electronic Applications, Enrique Contreras Lopez
Quantifying and Predicting Drought Performance in Woody Semi-Arid Seedlings in South Texas: Implications for Enhancing Drought Resilience in Restoration, Zarek Contreras
Cloth-Water Interaction for Air Humidification in HDH Desalination, Alejandro Corona Martinez
Effects of Tributyltin Exposure on 8-OHdG and dsDNA Expressions, Oxidative and Nitrative Stress in the American Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, Mohan Kumar Dash
Machine Learning Based Surrogate Model for Hurricane Storm Surge Forecasting in the Laguna Madre, Cesar E. Davila Hernandez
Assessment of Nitrogen-Based Fertilizer Transport and Microbial Activities in Sandy Soil Profiles in South Texas, Gladys De la Rosa
Exploring Parent Perspective on Classroom Placements of Twins, Bereniz Delgadillo
The Impact of Distance Learning on Nontraditional High School Students' Attendance and Dropout Prevention, Teresita De Saro
Salas Y Gómez Benthic Habitat and Community assessment of Seamounts and Oceanic Islands, Kara Eckley
Harvester Ant (Pogonomyrmex sp.) Seed Preferences and Distribution in a Suburban Setting, Lilly V. Elliott
My Journey as an Elementary Science Teacher: From Linear to Authentic, Johanna Lynn Esparza
Life In/Verse: A Poetry Collection, David A. Estringel
Search for Gravitational Waves from Core Collapse Supernovae in Ligo's Observation Runs Using a Network of Detectors, Shahrear Khan Faisal
Postprandial Hemodynamics in Hispanics with and Without a Family History of Type 2 Diabetes, Gabriel Alejandro Figueroa
Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Mangrove and Saltmarsh Habitats, Elena A. Flores
Exploring How Latinx Gender and Sexually Diverse Youth in the Rio Grande Valley Experience and Confront Homophobia: A Qualitative Study of Alumni Community Leaders/Advocates, Heraclio Flores Jr.
Forecasting Salinity in the Laguna Madre Using Deep Learning, Martin J. Flores Jr.
Neural Networks and Stochastic Differential Equations, Stephanie L. Flores
Emergency Preparedness: Perceptions of People with Disabilities, Lidia Adamina Fonseca
Liminal Beings Are We, John Kenneth Froozan II
Modeling Functions into an Angular Displacement of an Elastic Pendulum, Brenda Lee Garcia
Monsters & Men, Christopher Ernest Garcia
Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) Trophic Web Reconstruction Using Stable Isotopes in Two Systems in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, Elizabeth Mogus Garcia
Dismembering Monstrous Metaphors in Latinx Speculative Fiction, Danielle Garcia-Karr
Huérfanos: A Memoir, Mauricio Garcia
Financial Literacy and Consumer Well-Being: Examining the Role of Gender Role Ideology, Lorena Garcia Ramon
Evaluation of Accelerated Testing Methods to Predict the Effects of Chemical Exposure on Mechanical Properties of Polyester Composites in Municipal Wastewater Service, Roberto A. Garcia
Emotion Identification Ability and Perspective-Taking in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Ana Lucia Garrido Huerta
A Study of Self Efficacy, Grit, Persistence, and Professional Development of Select Texas Public School Principals Participating in the Principal Pipeline Program, M. Veronica Garza-Kortan
Mathematics Teachers’ Working with Cooperative Learning, Jaime Gomez
Computational Complexity in Tile Self-Assembly, Timothy Gomez
A Decomposition Formula for the Multi-Soliton Solutions to the 'Good' Boussinesq Equation, Aldo Gonzalez
Engaging Students during Research through the Use of Games, Francisco Gonzalez
What Are the Testimonios of Immigrant Students in a South Texas Middle School and How Do Their Narratives of Schooling Emerge in Their Stories?, Jessica Marie Gonzalez
‘Let’s Rock!’: Analyzing Music as a Literary Precursor to the Sublime in the Works of Lynch, Jesus Ivan Gonzalez
Rotational Spectroscopy of Nonafluoro-tert-butyl Alcohol, Zayra Leticia Gonzalez
Iterated Rascal Triangles, Jena M. Gregory
Latinas in STEM Education: Paying it Forward, Evangelina Guillen
Mosaico De Fantasía: A Collection of Microrrelatos and Short Stories, Jennifer Gutierrez
Hardware Isolation Approach to Securely Use Untrusted GPUS in Cloud Environments for Machine Learning, Lucas D. Hall