Theses and Dissertations
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While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Developing Executable Digital Models with Model-Based Systems Engineering – An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveillance Scenario Example, Viviana Guadalupe Lopez
¿Dónde Vamos?: Exploring Neoliberal Gentrification Within an Oak Cliff Barrio, Luis E. Macias Barrientos
Wave Excited Mass-Spring-Damper System for a Self-recharging Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Mahmodul Hasan Maheen
Long-Term Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Criteria Air Pollutants Concentration Trends in the Lower Rio Grande Valley Region of Texas, USA, Md Salahuddin Majumder
Quasipolynomials and the Unimodality of Gaussian Polynomials, Paul Marsh
Fungal Plant Pathogens Affecting Crops in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Isabel Martinez
Vibration-Based Machine Learning Models for Condition Monitoring of Railroad Rolling Stock, Sergio M. Martinez
Mitigate the flood risk at the parking lots at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - Edinburg Campus, Mishell Carolina Mazon
The Wackiness of Wacky World, Michael Dan McCormick
Rhythmic Ritual: Hand Papermaking as A Transformative Process, Keatan McKeever
Optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Transient Detection in Optical Astronomy With Augmented Datasets, Wendy Mendoza
Design and Implementation of a Load Sensor in a Bearing Adapter Assembly for Freight Railcar Applications, Prince E. Mensah
The Impacts of Caregiving and Social Support on Stress for Multiple Sclerosis: A Study on Informal Caregivers, Jacqueline Mercado
Effects of the Build Orientation and Support Patterns on the Geometric Accuracy in Printing Parts With Overhang Structure: An Experimental Study, Bala Murali Krishna Mohan
Teachers’ Perspectives on Multimodal Texts in Middle School Reading Language Arts Classrooms in the Rio Grande Valley, Angelica Montoya Ybarra
No Middle Ground: Demagogic Rhetorical Practices at the Truth and Courage Bus Stop in Harlingen, TX, Kymberly O. Morquecho
Vertical Transmission of Zika Virus in Monodelphis domestica, Mohini Moulick
An Analysis of Antichimeral Ramanujan Type Congruences for Quotients of the Rogers-Ramanujan Functions, Ryan A. Mowers
Monitoring of AC Motors Parameters Using Industrial Internet of Things, Mohammad Muheisen
Thin Film Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Nanostructured Materials: Tailoring Size, Porosity, Morphology of Zinc Stannate Perovskites (ABX3), Christopher Munoz
An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Board Chairperson Activism, Board Gender Diversity, Board Gender Inclusion, and Firm Performance, Phyu Phyu Aung Myint
Evaluation of Black Holes in an Evolving Universe, John P. Naan
Intellibeehive, Christian Ivan Narcia-Macias
Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Specific Learning Disability: A Quantitative Study, Nora Nevarez
Effects of Missing Data Imputation Methods on Univariate Time Series Forecasting with Arima and LSTM, Nicholas Niako
Electrolysis Degradation of Cyanuric Acid in Wastewater at Cu/GO Cathodes, Chioma Chinwe Nwakanobi
Postsecondary Students with Disabilities: Predictors of Academic Performance/GPA, Uzoamaka Barbara Okori
Forecasting Retention Among At-Risk College Freshmen Students Through Completion of a STEM Intervention, Edna Orozco
Performance Improvements of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Using Carbon-Based Fillers, Leonardo A. Ortega Ruiz
Attitudes Towards Mathematics of Developmental Mathematics Students in a Community College, Benjamin Ortiz
Two essays on credit risk correlation, Theophilus Teye Osah
Reimagining Associate Degree Nursing Education: An Insider’s View, Ntiense E. Otu
Identification of Heart Disorders With Symbolic Aggregate Approximation, Moses K. Owusu
Using Deep Learning for Encrypted Traffic Analysis of Amazon Echo, Surendra Pathak
Biological Optimization of Polymer-Based Antiretroviral Drug Towards the Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT), Arkajyoti Paul
Robust Uncertainty Estimation Framework in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Active SLAM, Bryan Joseph Pedraza
A Data-Driven Method for Damage Detection in an Open Deck Steel Truss Railroad Bridge Under the Moving Train Load, Mahesh Pokhrel
Development of Intensity Duration Frequency Curve of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Binaya Poudel
Exploring a Bilingual Teacher Implementation of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction Through Preview, View and Review, Vivian Pratts
Impacts of Land Use on Stormwater Runoff in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and Improving Long Term Municipal Stormwater Management Systems, Maria Vanessa Pruneda
Initial Investigation of Using the Waste Rubber Tires as a New Sustainable Material for Electric Conductive Rigid Pavement, Islam Radwan
Robust and Uncertainty-Aware Image Classification using Bayesian Vision Transformer Model, Fazlur Rahman Bin Karim
Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Sensing, Separation, and Energy Applications, Md Ashiqur Rahman
A Novel Technique to Solve Fractional Differential Equations Using Fractional-Order B-Polynomial Basis Set, Md Habibur Rahman
Examining Nonadherence to Family Values and Anxiety in College Latinas, Veronica Paola Ramirez
Translanguaging Practices and Perspectives of Three Bilingual Teachers, Lillian Ramos
Fifth Grade Teachers Use of Cooperative Learning in Science, Liza Ramos
Comparing Socioeconomic Status to Educational Diagnosis of Serious Emotional Disturbances: A Linear Analysis of Texas Data, Cristina Rangel
Electronic Books: Educational Enhancement or Novelty?, Felipe O. Reyes
Meeting Students’ Needs to Improve Motivation and Higher Academic Achievement in Rio Grande Valley Schools, Tanya Jessica Reyes
An Exploration of Online Doctoral Students and the Ways They Cultivate Connections, Shannon Reynolds
Enhancing Time Series Hashing Performance via Deep Orthogonal Hashing, Mahmudul Hasan Robin
Problems in Algorithmic Self-assembly and a Genetic Approach to Patterns, Andrew Rodriguez
The Relationship Between the Volume and Complexity of Books Read Based on Accelerated Reader Assessment Data and the 5th-Grade Students’ Reading Achievement Scores, Glenda Edna Rodriguez
Symphony No. 1, Isaac Rodriguez
Competencies of Modern Musician Entrepreneurs: The Role of Digitalization in the Music Industry, Richard A. Rodriguez
A Thin Line or Intimations of Violence, Saul A. Rodriguez
Aedes aegypti Host Preference on Canines Versus Human Volatile Skin Compounds, Melissa Bernadette Rosalez
Time-Domain Analysis of Accreting Ultra Compact White Dwarf Binaries from Continuous Space-Based Observations, Luis E. Salazar Manzano
Overexpression of UBTF Correlates with Aggressive Phenotypes of Prostate Cancer Cells, Guillermo Andres Saldana
The Effect of Cybersecurity Training on Government Employee’s Knowledge of Cybersecurity Issues and Practices, Juan Jaime Saldana II
The Witch in the Woods: An Exploration of Female Representation in Mexican American and Japanese Folklore, Sydni D. Salinas
Addressing Engagement: Student Perceptions of Meaningful Gamification in Online Courses, Jessica M. Sanchez-Barrera
The Effects of Carbon Coating on the Electrochemical Performance of Metal-Oxide Short Fiber Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, David A. Sanchez
The Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Oxide Nanomaterial-Based Composites and Their Use as Antibacterial Agents, Jo A. Sanchez
Abort Mission: An Audio Drama, Maribel Salome Sanchez
Investigating Programmer Bias Transfer to Computer Tasks Among Hispanic CSCI/CMPE Students in a Minority-Serving Institution, Ana Cecilia Sánchez Ramos
A Girl and Her Knife: A Feature-Length Screenplay, Alyssa C. Sandoval
Road Mitigation Structure and Road Effect Zone Impacts on Rodent Community Composition, Activity, and Predator-Prey Dynamics in South Texas, Adam F. Sanjar
Case Studies of Algebra 1 Teachers Selection and Implementation of Mathematics Tasks Toward Situated Learning, Luis Román Sauceda
Piezoresistivity of Electrically Conductive Asphalt Concrete, Mateo Schmit Mendoza
Defect-Based Approaches to Achieving Robust Modes in Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Systems, Fargol Seifollahi
How Can Increased Parental Involvement Facilitate Greater Student Engagement and Academic Success Within One RGV Middle School, Jaime H. Serna
Examining Social Factors Influencing Latino Students' Academic Learning in Rio Grande Valley via a Quantitative Design, David T. Smith
Geospatial Analysis Based on Hurricane Storm Surge Scenarios on Coastal South Texas and North Mexico, Layda Belia Spor Leal
A Case Study of Student and Faculty Experiences in a High-Achieving Early College High School Along the Texas-Mexico Border, Kelly Louis Stuart
A Descriptive Case Study of Students’ Lived Experiences in a Dyslexia Lab – Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Gladys M. Suarez
Spatiotemporal Modulated Non-Hermitian Structures and Their Application in Photonic Devices, Amir Targholizadeh
Invading The Integrity of Deep Learning (DL) Models Using LSB Perturbation & Pixel Manipulation, Ashraful Tauhid
UTRGV Edinburg Campus Two-Dimensional Flood Modeling for Development of Flood Inundation Map, Roxana Tello
Using Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Control of a Quadrotor Dynamics, Edgar Adrian Torres
Breaking Bridges: A Latina's Role in Familismo and Higher Education, Desiree Trejo
NRC-SIM: A Node-RED Based Multi-Level, Many-Core Cache Simulator, Ezequiel Treviño
Congruences for Quotients of Rogers-Ramanujan Functions, Maria Del Rosario Valencia Arevalo
Laser Assisted Direct Writing of Liquid Metal for Microprinting Applications, Olga Vargas Cruz
A Machine Learning Approach to Obese-Inflammatory Phenotyping, Tania Mayleth Vargas
Near-Optimal Control of a Quadcopter Using Reinforcement Learning, Alberto Velazquez-Estrada
Electromagnetic Field Analysis, Materials Characterization, and Advanced Modeling of Modern Guitar Pickups, Luis Alonso Villarreal
An Investigation of Standardized Assessment Performance for Middle School Students Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Michael Norman Voth
Biochar Reduces the Pupation and Eclosion of a Specialist (Manduca sexta) and a Generalist Pest (Spodoptera frugiperda), Nischal Wagle
Red Snapper Abundance, Growth, and Movement at Different Structural Configurations in the Rio Grande Valley Artificial Reef, Marybeth J. Weihbrecht
Indium Doped Zinc Stannate-PDMS Based Piezoelectric Generator for Harvesting Mechanical Energy and Sensory Application, Tamanna Zakia