Theses and Dissertations
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While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Development of an Electro-Centrifugal Spinning Setup for Nanofiber Production Research, David A. Treviño
Mental Health in The Catcher in the Rye and Thirteen Reasons Why, Zugay Trevino
The Relationship Among Learners’ At-Risk Indicators and Ninth Grade Algebra I Achievement, Sara E. Tudon
Structures and Regulations of Translation Initiation Factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Protein Biosynthesis to Develop New Potential Antimicrobial Agents, Nicolette Valdez
Network Analysis of Scientific Research in the Gulf of Mexico, Juliet S. Vallejo
Boundary Feedback Control of the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations, Camille Renee Vasquez
Effects of Disturbance (Mowing) on Florivory and Floral Defenses in Solanum elaeagnifolium, a Noxious and Worldwide Invasive Weed, Alejandro Rafael Vasquez Marcano
Removal of Arsenic (III) and Arsenic (V) from Aqueous Solution via Common Sunflower Helianthus annuus by Phytoremediation, Irving A. Vazquez Hurtado
Predicting the Remaining Service Life of Railroad Bearings: Leveraging Machine Learning and Onboard Sensor Data, Leonel Villafranca
Traveling Wave Solutions for the Negative Order Hierarchy of the D-Akns Equations, Brayton Isaac Wario
The Effects of ESL Training on High School Teachers and Their Response to ELLs, Benjamin Watt
Latina Preservice Teachers Embodying Teacher Identity through Improvisation, Zulema Williams
The Impacts of Ownership and COVID-19 on Firm Performance-Three Essays, Jian Xu
Conspicuous Asceticism: Collapsing Consumers' Hungry Ghosts, Ash Zareian
Total Synthesis of Mansouramycin A, Abigail M. Zepeda
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Force Spun PVDF and TPU Nanofiber Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Energy Harvesting and Sensor Application, Sk Shamim Hasan Abir
El Guitarrista y Sus Cambios de Codigos: Cruzando Fronteras Musicales [The Guitarist and Code-Switching: Crossing Musical Borders], Hector Manuel Aguilar
Hydraulic Characterization of Porous Media for Remediation Applications in Geo-Environmental Engineering: Laboratory Experiment and Numerical Modeling, Syed Istiyak Ahmed
Winners and Losers in Reforestation Efforts in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, and the Predictive Power of Xylem Anatomy on Long-Term Growth and Survival, Clifton F. Albrecht
Effect of Obesity on Walking to Running and Running to Walking Transitions, Salvador Baruch Alcorta Bautista
Planning a Renewable Power System in Texas as an Introduction to Smart Power Grid, Ghaleb S. Al Duhni
Two Essays on Finance of Climate Change, Abdullah Al Masum
Smart Metering Communication Protocols and Performance Under Cyber Security Vulnerabilities, Oscar A. Alvarez
Developing a Prototype Energy Harvesting Device for Powering Wireless Onboard Condition Monitoring Sensor Modules for Railway Service, Martin Amaro Jr.
Essays in Workplace Safety Issues in Finance, Md Ruhul Amin
To a More Sustainable Construction Method for Electrically Conductive Heated Pavement Systems, Mohammad Anis
Laser-Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) Based Bioprinting of the Collagen I with Retina Photoreceptor Cells, Md Shakil Arman
The Skeletal Structure of Hot Mix Asphalt and the Effects of Fiber Additives, Samantha A. Avila
Novel Coating Methods on Centrifugally-Spun Polymer Fibers for Applications in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Jonathan G. Ayala
The Impact of an Executive High Performance Work System on Business Model Innovation, Ravi Bala
Synthesis And Characterization of Copper Oxide Nanofibers, Shishir Barai
Contributions to the Heat Capacity of Neutron Stars, Pedro Paulo Barboza Sanson
Significant Gene Array Analysis and Cluster-Based Machine Learning for Disease Class Prediction, Myrine A. Barreiro-Arevalo
Microwave Assisted Depolymerization of Waste Pet Bottles via Glycolysis, Kingsley Bassey
Learning to Detect Pedestrian Flow in Traffic Intersections from Synthetic Data, Abhijit Baul
Secondary Resonances of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS and NEMS Circular Plates, Julio S. Beatriz
Perspectives on Bilingualism in Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Rio Grande Valley, Rosa N. Benavidez Saldivar
Bullet-Proof Boll Weevil: The History of Boll Weevil Eradication, Evan A. Berg
Lower Rio Grande Valley Tap Water Hardness Removal Using Conductive Concrete Cathode in Electrochemical Precipitation, Mirza Addaito Billah
Lubrication Performance of Vegetable Oils Modified with Halloysite Clay Nanotubes (HNT) as Lubricant Additives, Md Abu Sayeed Biswas
Characterization of the RF Magnetron Sputtered p-Si & n-Si on Si Substrate and Effect of Process Parameters on their Structural & Electrical Properties, Prosanto Biswas
Necessitation through Growing Entanglements: Why We “Can’t Live Without” Some Products, Jakob Braun
Virtual Screening for Potential New Chemotherapeutic Agents for the GPR119 Receptor, a Target for Type II Diabetes, Jennifer Lizeth Bravo
Numerical Modeling for Patch Antennas, Luis Mario Bres Castro
The Impact of Using an Online Learning Management System on Student Biology Achievement in a Hispanic Rural High School, Brent J. Burkott
Role of Caspase-8 on Human Retinal Microvasculature Endothelial Cells (HRMEC) Migration in Hyperglycemia, Paola A. Campano
Latino/A Student Perspectives on Literacy Practices Affecting College Readiness, Danira Vanessa Cantu
Latinas and Service-Learning in Higher Education: Voices, Experiences and Perspectives, Maria Cristina Cantu-Gutierrez
Evolutionary Development Study of Firebrat (Thermobia domestica), Luis Cantu Jr.
Blood Flow Through an Artery in the Presence of a Stenosis, Martin Carrillo
The Relationship between Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, Leadership Style, and Student Achievement in High Poverty Schools, Roldan Castro
Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) Behavior and Accelerometer Telemetry in the Bahia Grande of Texas, Jonathan Truett Cawlfield
Ad Infinitum: The Bourgeois Construction of an American Lady, Miriam M. Cepeda
How Are Police Lineups Represented in Popular Crime Shows in the U.S.A? An Examination of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Luis Fernando Chavarria
Metamaterial Inspired Multi-Band Antenna for MM-Wave 5G Wireless Communication, Mohammad Ashif Hossain Chowdhury
Automated Identification of Lines in Data from Gravitational Wave Detectors, Thomas A. Cruz
Dynamical Casimir Effect in a Superconducting Circuit Periodic Lattice, Andres Cuellar Vega
Hawkish or Dovish: The Effect of Female CEO Leadership on Strategic Conformity, Organizational Innovation and Strategic Change, Hazel Husne Dadanlar
Exploring Self-Perceived Employability in People with Disabilities and Other Intersecting Identities, Kerra Lajoy Daniel
Spectrum Sharing and Interference in Smart Homes, Biswajit Kumar Dash
Synthesize and Characterization of Aluminum- Tungsten Carbide Nanocomposite, Shuvendu Das
Assessing the Anthropogenic Footprint on the Channel Sinuosity of the Rio Grande the Delta, Edoardo Davila
Optimization of Port-of-Entry Operation in the U.S.: An Anti-human Trafficking Focus, Priscila De Azevedo Drummond
OPA1 Modulation of Mitochondrial Dynamics in AC16 Cardiomyocytes, Patrick De La Torre Schutz
Positive Well-Being and Satisfaction with Life: Variables Affecting the Quality of Life of People with Bipolar Disorder, Maria Del Trevino-Zuniga
Investigation of Different Hatch Strategies on High Entropy Alloy Fabrication by Selective Laser Melting, Joni Chandra Dhar
The Relationship between Mindfulness, Social Anxiety Traits, and Emotions, Maria Jackeline Diaz
Intimate Partner Violence in the Rio Grande Valley: The Role of Culture, Tania Diaz
Robust Distributed Formation Control of UAVs with Higher-Order Dynamics, Md Nur-A-Adam Dony
Relationship between Cognitive Performance, Physical Activity, and Socio-Demographic/ Individual Characteristics among Aging Americans, Imtiaz Masfique Dowllah
Molecular Dynamics Study of Atomic Diffusion in Cantor High Entropy Alloy in the Selective Laser Melting Process, Mathew Z. Farias
Topologically Robust Bulk State in Non-Hermitian Acoustic System, Jannatul Ferdous
An Exploration of Teacher Language Ideologies around Linguistic Diversity in Adolescent Writing, Cody Fernandez
Comparison of Statistical Methods for Modeling Count Data with an Application to Length of Hospital Stay, Gustavo A. Fernandez
Chemical Investigation of Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) Leaves and Roots, Jorge L. Flores
An Assessment on Microplastic Pollution in the Resacas of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, Wesley D. Franklin
Effect of Additional Weight on Stability of Human Squat Exercise, Jose De Jesus Galarza Lozano
Investigation of the C—CN Bond Activation of Fluorinated Benzonitriles with [Ni(dmpe)] and Dft Benchmarking Study with [Ni(dippe)], Dominique C. Gallegos
Characterization of Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease and HIV-1 Associated Neurocognitive Disorders, Armando Garces III
A GIS-Based Model to Assess On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Contamination Risk to Local Water Resources, Alvaro Garcia
System for HIV-1 Treatment to the Brain, Caroline Rose Garcia
Effects of Victim Gendering and Humanness on People’s Responses to the Physical Abuse of Humanlike Agents, Hideki Garcia Goo
Assessing the Feasibility of a Biofilter in Medium-to-High Scale Industries, Javier A. Garcia
Inoculation of Juvenile Monodelphis domestica with Zika Virus Using Various Routes of Infection, Juan Garcia Jr.
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of the Efficient Water Fixtures and Electric Appliances Used to Minimize Water and Energy Consumption in Homes in the U.S, Miranda N. Garcia
Escaping Machismo: Educating a New Generation of Mentors for Latina Students, Nayeli Elizavet Garcia
Characterization of Soil Nematode Community as Influenced by Weedy Plants and Edaphic Properties, Orlando Garcia
Removal of Arsenic (Iii) and Arsenic (V) from Aqueous Solution via Solanum lycopersicum Phytoremediation and Essential Nutrient Analysis, Grecia W. Garcia Salazar
Cowboy Conversations, Abraham Garza
Understanding the Ecological Role, Population Dynamics, and Geographic Distribution of Manihot Walkerae, Gisel Garza
Centrifugally-Spun Ceramic/Carbon Composite Fibers and Their Use as Anode Materials in Li-Ion Batteries, Gabriel Gonzalez
Synthesis and Characterization of Centrifugally Spun Molybdenum-Based Nanomaterials for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Ramiro Gonzalez Jr.
Early Embryology in Collembola with an Emphasis on Wing Development, Samantha A. Gonzalez
Factors That Influence Hispanic Female Pursuit of an Associate of Arts Degree at a Hispanic Serving Institution, Maria Victoria Guadarrama
Mariachi Programs at the University Level: Investigating Eurocentric Stereotypes, Clyde M. Guerra