Theses and Dissertations
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While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Implementation of Dual Language Programs for Emergent Bilinguals: Understanding Instructional Decisions of Elementary Principals, Susana Marlet Arredondo
Image Segmentation with Human-in-the-loop in Automated De-caking Process for Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing, Vincent Opare Addo Asare-Manu
The role of TC-PTP-mediated suppression of autophagy during skin carcinogenesis, Obed Asare
Advanced Prognostic Modeling for Breast Cancer Patients: Leveraging Data-Driven Approaches for Survival Analysis, Theophilus Gyedu Baidoo
An Investigative Study of Potential Factors That Contribute to High Under-Five Mortality Rate in Africa, David Banahene
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Development in Principal Efficacy, Lorine Olivarez Bazan
An Automatic Solver for Optimal Control Problems, Marcel Efren Benitez
Analyzing the on Source Window of Supernova SN2019EJJ With a Multi Layered Signal Enhancement Algorithm With Coherent Waveburst and a Convolutional Neural Network, Michael Gale Benjamin
Process-Structure-Property Relationships of Nanofibers for Biomedical Applications, Dipasree Bhowmick
South Texas Elegy: Life During a Global Pandemic, Brianna Bullion
Dopamine Dysregulation in Antiretroviral Drugs Treated Neuronal Cells, Andrea S. Bustos
Faculty Perceptions of Online Instruction and Educational Technology in Higher Education, Raul Nick Cabrera
Teacher Perceptions of Instructional Feedback, Rita Caltabiano-Carrillo
The Relationship Between South Texas Principals’ School Climate, Leadership Style and the Use of Communication Through Social Media and Other Methods, Alberto R. Canales Jr.
Perspectives on Educational Technology Integration from District and School Leaders Before, During, and After the Lifting of the COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions, Alma Delia Cardenas-Rubio
Activation of OPA1 Processing in Differentiated Myoblast Cells, Omar Agustin Carrillo
Aerodynamic Flow Control Using Micro Rotating Cylinders, Alejandro Daniel Carrizales
Simulating Motion Success With Muscle Deficiency in a Musculoskeletal Model Using Reinforcement Learning, Daniel Castillo
Flowers for the Dead, Joaquin Castillo Jr.
Professional Development, Digital Platforms, and Middle School Education During COVID-19, Cynthia Susan Castro
The Effects of Caffeine on Activity Levels and Motor Behaviors in the Honeybee, Apis mellifera, Johana Castro
The Quiet and Other Fantastical Tales, Emily Nicole Cerda
A Psychometric Validation of the Spanish Translation of the Coping Inventory in a Latinx Population, Daniela Chavez
Creation of a College Math Club for High School Students, Lilian N. Chavez
Effect of Elevated Temperature and Roundup Exposure on Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Status in the American Oyster, Afsana Chowdhury
Matrix Completion Problems for the Positiveness and Contraction Through Graphs, Louis C. Christopher
A Narrative Analysis of the January 6th Capitol Riot: Melodramatic Political Discourse, Joel Corte
Sweet Potato in the Lower Rio Grande Valley: Evaluating Performance Across Several Cultivars, Jon Dale
Analysis of Post-Translational Modifications (PTM) Crosstalk, Amit Das
Mano de Obra: Exploring Processes and Materiality in Artwork, Karla Gabriela De La Fuente
A Qualitative Case Study: Exploring Elementary Principals’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Leadership, Cathy De Leon
Human-Centric Smart Cities: A Digital Twin-Oriented Design of Interactive Autonomous Vehicles, Oscar G. De Leon-Vazquez
A Victim No More: An Arts-Based Autoethnographic Inquiry, Richard D. Edmonson
“Screen Riders” an Exploration of Breaking Away From the Norms of Cinematic Storytelling, Jake Alexander Escamilla
Navigating Context and Perception: A Qualitative Study on Instructional Coaching, Christie Lizette Esparza
How an instructor's noticing for equity can foster students' sense of belonging and mathematical confidence, Sthefania Espinosa
Cover Crops Influence Arthropod Community Dynamics Through Seasonal Variation and Cascading Effects, Adegboyega Fajemisin
Level of Opportunity for Translanguaging in a One-Way Dual Language Program, Cristina Flores
Pronombres de la tercera persona del zapoteco de Macuiltianguis [Third Person Pronouns in Macuiltianguis Zapotec], Paula Margarita Foreman
Developing Control System for Manufacturing Processes, Md Shahriar Forhad
Essays on Behavioral Decision Making in Crowdfunding Environments, Bright Frimpong
Growth Rates, Morphology, and Potential for Mariculture of the Southern Population of Crassostrea virginica in the Lower Laguna Madre, Texas, Jerad Lee Fuelling
Sustainable Cities: Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Integrating Piezoelectric Harvesters Into Roadways, Heba Mohamed Gaber
Using Statistical Clustering of Trajectory Data to Support Analysis of Subject Movement in a Virtual Environment, Martín Alejandro Galicia Avila
Texas School Social Workers: Demographics, Work Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Work Barriers and Facilitators, Astrid Gandaria
Nepantla – Examining the Sacred Middle Ground of Syncretism, Jose Luis Garcia III
Examining the Increasing Prevalence of Academic Dishonesty: An Investigation of Students’ Perceptions of Academic Integrity in Higher Education, Luis Angel Garcia
Formation Control of Multiple Quadrotors, Miguel Alejandro Garcia
Tamaulipan thornforest restoration: factors influencing restoration outcomes and impacts of cover crops during replanting, Jerald T. Garrett
The Processing of /ɪ/-/i/ and /ɑ/-/æ/ Contrasts in Spanish-English Bilingualism, Elizabeth M. Garza
Quality of Life Among Caregivers of Individuals With 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and Intellectual Disability, Sandra Garza Ochoa
Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Motion Time Series: A Case Study in Activity Recognition, Luis Carlos Garza Perez
Soil Moisture Dynamics in Cover Cropping Systems: From Local to Global Scales, Manish Gautam
Graphene-Conductive Ink Coated Laser Engraved Kapton Electrochemical Biosensor for the Detection of Dopamine and Immune Sensing, Dipannita Ghosh
A Preliminary Characterization and Assessment of Mesophotic Octocoral Microbiomes in the Western Gulf of Mexico, Edward P. Gniffke
Microwave-Assisted Depolymerization of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) via Ethanolysis, Mayra Alejandra Gomez Cortez
TiO2 Coating Methods on Sb2O3 and Their Use as Anode Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Kithzia Czarina Gomez
Mathematical Evaluation of Ulnar Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEPS), Maribel Carmen Gomez
Irreverent Womanhood: The Healing of Intergenerational and Cultural Trauma in the Chicanx and Latinx Sonic Poetry of Amalia Ortiz and Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Yasmine A. Gomez
Understanding the Distribution and Abundance of Asclepias prostrata in South Texas, Elizabeth Ann Gonzalez
Attitudes and Compassion of Student Counselors-In-Training Toward Individuals Who Are Homeless, Kristine R. Gonzalez
Latino Men’s Barriers and Obstacles Towards Treatment Seeking Attitudes, Rebecca Gonzalez
Generational Gap: Tales from a Vaquero Fracasado, Shawn Michael Gonzalez
An Examination of Factors Impacting Student Decisions to Engage in Physical Activity at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Glenn R. Gray
Essays on the Influence of Review and Reviewer Attributes on Online Review Helpfulness: Attribution Theory Perspective, Rakesh Guduru
Population Genetics Among Rhipicephalus sanguineus Ticks in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Bianca Liana Guerra
A Combinatorial Proof of Supercranks For Partitions With a Fixed Number of Parts, Jacob J. Gutierrez
Exploring the Localization of Light in Discrete Systems With Conducted Symmetries, Aria Hajikhani
Design of Topological Structures with desired-shape mid-gap state, Elnaz Hamdarsi
The First Peoples of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas and Northern Mexico: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Defining the Paleoindian Period, Starr Elena Hein
Simple Mechanically Reconfigurable Patch Antennas, Luis Alonso Hernandez Galvan
Student Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Collegiate Recovery Programs and Collegiate Recovery Communities, Michael Anthony Herold
Factors Influencing the Faunal Recolonization of Restored Thornscrub Forest Habitats, Audrey J. Hicks
Determination of Effective Index of Refraction of Structured Materials (Photonic Crystals), Md Arafat Hossain
Chemical Investigation of Dichloromethane Extract of Aloe Vera Peels: An Agricultural Waste, Nazmul Huda
Professional Development for Teaching in the Digital Age: Addressing Teachers’ Digital Competency, Blanca Nery Ibarra
Investigating the Localization of FOXO4 Transcription Factor in U87MG Glioblastoma Cell Line, Millat Jahan
Self-Perceived Stigma of Caregivers With Children on the Autism Spectrum in Latin America, Leah Michelle Jara
Data Science for Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship, Saikou Jawla
Strategies Community College Mexican American Adult College Algebra Students Use When Graphing Function Transformations, Roxana Pamela Jimenez
Being a Trafficked Teacher: An AsianCrit Autoethnography Exploring the Exploitation of Filipino Migrant Teachers in Louisiana, Christopher R. Jose
Gaze Tracking Embedded Collaborative Robots for Automated Metrology and Reverse Engineering, Sachithra H. Karunathilake
Effect of pre-growth conditions on foodborne pathogen survival kinetics in fresh produce, Avninder Kaur
Understanding the Developmental Regulation of OPA1 Processing in C2C12 Myoblasts, Harpreet Kaur
Estimating the Functional Consequences of Intra-Specific Trichome Variation of Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum on the Specialist Herbivore, Manduca sexta, Satinderpal Kaur
Study of Population Dynamics of Sugarcane Aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) in Rio Grande Valley, Texas, Neetu Khanal
Monitoring the Effectiveness of Wildlife Exits and Bobcat Use Along a South Texas Highway, Jamie E. Langbein
An Investigation Into Optimal Descent Trajectories for Multipurpose Long Range Space Vehicles Under Advanced Conditions, John M. Levis
Examining Factors Among People With Opioid Use Disorder and Comorbid Mental Health Disorders, Tori Denae Livingston
Identifying Direct FOXO Targets Through Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assays with Sequencing, Alma Lopez
Age-Related Oligodendrocyte Lineage and Learning Abnormalities Driven by Nf1 Mutation in Mice, Saul Lopez