Content Posted in 2019
Academic and social aspects of recent immigrant children's school experiences in a public elementary school in a U.S.- Mexico border town in South Texas, Alicia Judith Bolt
A case study of Spanish language use in a Texas border colonia, Maria E. Diaz
A comparison of fish communities over different reef configurations in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, Catheline Y. M. Froehlich
A completely integrable system and parametric representation of solutions of the Wadati-Konno-Ichikawa hierarchy, Zhijun Qiao
A Countryside Remembrance, Carl C. Wright
A Crooked River: Rustlers, Rangers, and Regulars on the Lower Rio Grande, 1861–1877 by Michael L. Collins (review), George T. Diaz
Acute effects of whole body vibration exercises with various frequencies and amplitudes on arterial stiffness in males, Omar Apodaca
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient, Viktoriia Radchuk, Thomas Reed, Céline Teplitsky, Martijn van de Pol, Anne Charmantier, Christopher Hassall, Peter Adamík, Frank Adriaensen, Markus P. Ahola, and Karl S. Berg
Adaptive Workflow Design Based on Blockchain, Daniel Narh Treku and Jun Sun
Additional studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
Addressing the high cervical cancer rates along the Texas-Mexico border through community outreach, patient navigation, and provider training/telementoring, M. P. Salcedo, Rose Gowen, M. Lopez, E. Baker, A. M. Rodriguez, A. Milbourne, S. Fisher-Hoch, Tony Ogburn, M. Daheri, L. B. Guerra, P. Toscano, M. Gasca, J. Morales, L. Valdez, V.L.J. Nagle, B. Cavazos, Elena L. Marin, E. Robles, N. Burkhalter, B. Reininger, S. G. Parra, M. Fernandez, E. Hawk, and K. M. Schmeler
A digital backend for the low frequency all sky monitor, Louis Percy Dartez
A distribution-free stochastic frontier model with endogenous regressors, Levent Kutlu
Advances in molecular quantum chemistry contained in the Q-Chem 4 program package, Shervin Fatehi
A Dynamic Stochastic Frontier Model with Threshold Effects: U.S. Bank Size and Efficiency, Pavlos Almanidis, Mustafa U. Karakaplan, and Levent Kutlu
A Green Chemoselective and Practical Approach Toward N-(2-Azetidinonyl) 25-Disubstituted Pyrroles, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Elvira Rhodes, and Bimal K. Banik
A hierarchy of nonlinear evolution equations and finite-dimensional involutive systems, Zhijun Qiao
A Highly Efficient Bismuth Salts-Catalyzed Route for the Synthesis of Alpha-Aminophosphonates, Antara Banik, Sahil Batta, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, and Bimal K. Banik
Alternative Restoration Treatments to Maximize Growth and Survival of Tamaulipan Thornscrub Species During Seeding Establishment, Jennifer Lynn Vela
A Microwave-Assisted Bismuth Nitrate-Catalyzed Unique Route Toward 14-Dihydropyridines, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Stephanie Maldonado, and Bimal K. Banik
Analysis of Variables Related to Corridor Use by Ocelots and Bobcats in South Texas, Sarah E. Nordlof
Analytic derivative couplings between configuration-interaction-singles states with built-in electron-translation factors for translational invariance, Shervin Fatehi, Joseph Subotnik, Yihan Shao, and Ethan Alguire
An analysis of sempre, mesmo and bem:Brazilian Portuguese word order as applied to EFL instruction, Katherine Christoffersen
An Effective Microwave-Induced Iodine-Catalyzed Method for the Synthesis of Quinoxalines via Condensation of 12-Diamines With 12-Dicarbonyl Compounds, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra Mukherjee, Robert R. Rodriguez, and Bimal K. Banik
A new completely integrable Liouville's system produced by the Kaup-Newell elgenvalue problem, Zhijun Qiao
A new integrable equation with cuspons and W/M-shape-peaks solitons, Zhijun Qiao
A new integrable two-component system with cubic nonlinearity, Junfeng Song, Changzheng Qu, and Zhijun Qiao
An Expeditious Iodine-Catalyzed Synthesis of 3-Pyrrole-Substituted 2-Azetidinones, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Jessica Cruz, Ram N. Yadav, and Bimal K. Banik
An Expeditious Synthesis of 3-Amino B-Lactams Derived From Polyaromatic Compounds, Gildardo Rivera, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Sonam Jaggi, R. Christopher Gonzales, and Bimal K. Banik
An Expeditious Synthesis of N-Substituted Pyrroles via Microwave-Induced Iodine-Catalyzed Reactions Under Solventless Conditions, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra Mukherjee, and Bimal K. Banik
An Expert System for Local Flood Response Coordination and Training, Xiaoyin Zhang, Gary Moynihan, Andrew Ernest, and Joseph Gutenson
An Extended Jahn-Teller Hamiltonian for Large-Amplitude Motion: Application To Vibrational Conical Intersections in CH3SH and CH3OH, Mahesh B. Dawadi, Bishnu P. Thapaliya, and David S. Perry
Animal Habitat Utilization and the Impacts of Small-scale Disturbances on Vegetation Within Larch Forests in Northeastern Siberia, Aaron Phillip White
An Integrated Multidisciplinary Nanoscience Concentration Certificate Program for STEM Education, Karen S. Martirosyan, Mikhail M. Bouniaev, Malik Rachmanov, Ahmed Touhami, Nazmul Islam, Davood Askari, Tarek Trad, Dmitri Litvinov, and Sergey E. Lyshevski
An investigation into wayside hot-box detector efficacy and optimization, Constantine Tarawneh, James Aranda, Veronica Hernandez, Stephen Crown, and Joseph Montalvo
An involutive system and integrable C. Neumann system associated with the modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy, Zhijun Qiao
A novel nano-energetic system based on bismuth hydroxide, Mkhitar A. Hobosyan, Srbuhi A. Yolchinyan, and Karen S. Martirosyan
An Overview of the Genus Nardostachys, Asima Chatterjee, Utpal Dutta, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Anupam Nayak, Bidyut Basak, Avijit Banerji, and Julie Banerji
Anthropology’s Science Wars Insights from a New Survey, Mark Horowitz, William Yaworsky, and Kenneth Kickham
Anti-Japanese Sentiment, International Diplomacy, and the Texas Alien Land Law of 1921, Brent M. S. Campney
Application of forgiveness in rehabilitation psychology: a positive option for change, Susan Stuntzner, Jacquelyn A. Dalton, and Angela MacDonald
A program for optical observations of advanced LIGO early triggers in the southern hemisphere, Matthew Benacquista, Chris Belczynski, Martin Beroiz, Maria Branchesi, Carlos Colazo, Mario Contreras Diaz, Mancheno Dominguez, Diego Garcia Lambas, Shengnan Liang, Lucas Macri, Tania Peñuela, Beatriz Sanchez, Marcos Schneiter, and Cristina V. Torres
Army of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in the Mexican War,1846-1848 by James M. McCaffrey (review), Joseph E. Chance
Asimafoetidnol: A New Sesquiterpenoid Coumarin From the Gum Resin of Ferula Assa-Foetida, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Manas Banerjee, Subrata Laskar, and Bidyut Basak
Assessing Coral Assemblages Inhabiting Relic Coral Banks Off the South Texas Coast, Rebekah E. Rodriguez
Assessing the factor structure of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and cumulative effect of abuse and neglect on mental health among adolescents in conflict-affected Burundi, Ruby Charak, JTVM de Jong, Lidewyde H. Berckmoes, Herman Ndayisaba, and Ria Reis
Assessment of the Revised Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scales among Adolescents and Adults with Severe Mental Illness, Ruby Charak, Brianna M. Byllesby, Christopher J. Fowler, Carla Sharp, Jon D. Elhai, and B. Christopher Frueh
Associations of Specific and Multiple Types of Childhood Abuse and Neglect with Personality Pathology among Adolescents Referred for Mental Health Services, Ruby Charak, Noor B. Tromp, and Hans M. Koot
Asymmetric Supercapacitors With Dominant Pseudocapacitance Based on Manganese Oxide Nanoflowers in a Neutral Aqueous Electrolyte, Qiang Li, Xing Sun, Karen Lozano, and Yuanbing Mao
A third grade bilingual teacher's knowledge and practices for developing reading comprehension, Miriam Guerra
A Three-Domain Structure for the delta Subunit of the DNA Polymerase III Holoenzyme delta Domain III Binds delta' and Assembles Into the DnaX Complex, James M. Bullard, Arthur E. Pritchard, Min Sun Song, Bradley P. Glover, Anna Wieczorek, Joe Chen, Nebojsa Janjic, and Charles S. McHenry
A time-varying true individual effects model with endogenous regressors, Levent Kutlu, Kien C. Tran, and Mike G. Tsionas
At-risk Hispanic students' perception of afterschool programs: a new model targeting the needs of English language learners, Cynthia Wise Galvan
AVID through student perspectives: a qualitative study on AVID students' experiences in the program, Aidee Vasquez
A Voice in Your Ear: Podcasts as a Strategy to Support Successful Student Transition into Medical Education, Michael LaPelusa, Valerie Terry, and Arden D. Dingle
“A Voice In Your Ear” Podcast – The Second Year, Michael LaPelusa, Joy Alvarado, Ignacio Escobedo, Valerie Terry, and Arden D. Dingle
Battese-coelli estimator with endogenous regressors, Levent Kutlu
Beyond the Adaptationist Legacy: Updating Our Teaching to Include a Diversity of Evolutionary Mechanisms, Rebecca M. Price and Kathryn E. Perez
Bifurcations of traveling wave solutions for an integrable equation, Jibin Li and Zhijun Qiao
Biochar Enhances Nitrous Oxide Reduction in Acidic but Not in Near-Neutral pH Soil, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, Jerome Lechot, Rafaela Feola Conz, Abmael da Silva Cardoso, and Johan Six
Book Review: Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard?, Jamie Starling
Book Review: San Miguel, Chicana/o Struggles for Education: Activism in the Community, Maritza De La Trinidad
Book review: The Black Civil Rights Movement on the Border, Brent M. S. Campney
Brief history of Brazil, Irving W. Levinson
Brief History of México, Irving W. Levinson
Broadband sound propagation in a seagrass meadow throughout a diurnal cycle, Kevin M. Lee, Megan S. Ballard, Gabriel R. Venegas, Jason D. Sagers, Andrew R. McNeese, Jay R. Johnson, Preston S. Wilson, and Abdullah Rahman
Calmodulin Lobes Facilitate Dimerization and Activation of Estrogen Receptor-Alpha, Zhigang Li, Yonghong Zhang, Andrew C. Hedman, James B. Ames, and David B. Sacks
Carbon Abatement and Emissions Associated with the Gasification of Walnut Shells for Bioenergy and Biochar Production, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, Emma C. Suddick, and Johan Six
Carbon tax or cap-and-trade: Which is more viable for Chinese remanufacturing industry?, Xu Hu, Zhaojun Yang, and Jun Sun
Category of nonlinear evolution equations, algebraic structure, and r -matrix, Zhijun Qiao, Cewen Cao, and Walter Strampp
Category-selective Attention Modulates Unconscious Processing: Evidence from ERP, Chengzhen Liu, Zhiyi Sun, Jerwen Jou, Ulla Martens, Qinlin Yang, Jiang Qiu, Qinglin Zhang, and Shen Tu
Characterization of Continuously Oscillating Neurons (CONs) of the Medial Septum of Rats, Nadia Noel Carreon
Chicana/Latina Feminist Critical Qualitative Inquiry Meditations on Global Solidarity, Spirituality, and the Land, Cynthia M. Saavedra and Michelle Salazar Perez
Chicano Education in the Era of Segregation by Gilbert G. Gonzalez (review), Robert M. Salmon
Childhood Obesity and Academic Outcomes in Young Adulthood, Igor Ryabov
Clio: An Autonomous Vertical Sampling Vehicle for Global Ocean Biogeochemical Mapping, Michael V. Jakuba, John A. Breier, Daniel Gomez-Ibanez, Kaitlyn Tradd, and Mak A. Saito
Cloning and Characterization of EF-Tu and EF-Ts From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Stephanie O. Palmer, Edna Y. Rangel, Alberto E. Montalvo, Alexis T. Tran, Kate C. Ferguson, and James M. Bullard
Combining Qualitative Research Perspectives and Methods for Critical Social Purposes The Neoliberal U.S. Childhood Public Policy Behemoth, Michelle Salazar Perez, Gaile S. Cannella, and Cynthia M. Saavedra
Coming to Understand Diversity and Education: Life Experiences and Educational Opportunities, Steven Paul Chamberlain
Comment on Rojas-Bracho and Colleagues (2019): Unsubstantiated Claims Can Lead to Tragic Conservation Outcomes, Karl W. Flessa, Luis Calderon-Aguilera, Carlos E. Cintra-Buenrostro, David L. Dettman, Gregory P. Dietl, David H. Goodwin, David K. Jacobs, Michal Kowalewski, Steven M. Nelson, Kirsten Rowell, Bernard R. Schone, Jansen A. Smith, and Francisco Zamora-Arroyo
Communication and collaboration among providers, John Lowdermilk, Cheryl W. Fielding, Leila Flores-Torres, Alonso Andrew, and Lisa Becerra
Communication: Conical Intersections Between Vibrationally Adiabatic Surfaces in Methanol, Mahesh B. Dawadi and David S. Perry
Communication or Piracy? Library Values, Copyright, and Cloud Computing, Justin White
Concept of a reflective power limiter based on nonlinear localized modes, Elena Makri, Hamidrez Ramezani, Tsampikos Kottos, and Ilya Vitebsky
Conspicuous consumption among Hispanics: Evidence from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, Igor Ryabov
Continuing studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
Contours of a Very Special Border, Irving W. Levinson
COP1 Mediates the Coordination of Root and Shoot Growth by Light Through Modulation of PIN1- and Pin2-Dependent Auxin Transport in ArabidoPsis, Massimiliano Sassi, Yanfen Lu, Yonghong Zhang, Juan Wang, Pankaj Dhonukshe, Ikram Blilou, Minqiu Dai, Juan Li, Ximing Gong, Yvon Jaillais, Xuhong Yu, Jan Traas, Ida Ruberti, Haiyang Wang, Ben Scheres, Teva Vernoux, and Jian Xu
Corporate social responsibility of Islamic labeled firms, Ahmed Elnahas, Ghada Ismail, Rwan El-Khatib, and M. Kabir Hassan
Correlation Between Luminescent Properties and Local Coordination Environment for Erbium Dopant in Yttrium Oxide Nanotubes, Yuanbing Mao, John Bargar, Michael Toney, and Jane P. Chang
Correlation of Amyloid Beta and Spatial Learning and Memory Deficits on a Thy1-APP Mouse Model for Alzheimer's Disease, Amber Lynn Betz
Corridos in Migrant Memory (review), Jose A. P. Alaniz
Coughing up Casts – an Adult Case of Plastic Bronchitis, Michael LaPelusa, Ayesha Hamid, Dayan Ojeda-Damas, Rehan Ansari, Supraja Thunuguntla, Daniella Concha, Carlos Ramos, Laura Garcia, and James Hanley
Cross case analysis of three middle school mathematics teachers, Sandra Quiroz
Crossing Linguistic Borders: Teaching Writing Skills in Two Languages to Translators-in-Training, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Crucial Positively Charged Residues for Ligand Activation of the GPR35 Receptor, Pingwei Zhao, Tom R. Lane, Helen G.L. Gao, Dow P. Hurst, Evangelia Kotsikorou, Long Le, Eugen Brailoiu, Patricia H. Reggio, and Mary E. Abood
Culturing embryonic cells from the parthenogenetic clonal marble crayfish Marmorkrebs Procambarus virginalis Lyko, 2017 (Decapoda: Astacidea: Cambaridae), Heriberto DeLeon III, Juan Garcia Jr., Dionn Carlo Silva, Oscar Quintanilla, Zen Faulkes, and John Thomas III
Daoism and Dialogism: A Dialogue between the East and the West, Xiaodi Zhou
Decomposition patterns and nitrogen dynamics of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans)leaf litter in disturbed estuaries linked to the Lower Laguna Madre, Texas, Mario Alberto Marquez
Deconstructing the rhetoric of fear in post 9/11 young adult literature, Ronald Dean Straight
Derivative couplings and analytic gradients for diabatic states, with an implementation for Boys-localized configuration-interaction singles, Shervin Fatehi
Derivative couplings between TDDFT excited states obtained by direct differentiation in the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, Shervin Fatehi
Design and configuration of laser tweezers microscopy for force measurements on single DNA molecules, Carlos Jeziel Gonzalez Banuelos
Detecting submarine groundwater discharge with synoptic surveys of sediment resistivity, radium, and salinity, John A. Breier, Crystaline F. Breier, and Henrietta Edmonds
Detection of gravitational wave signals from NS-NS inspirals in presence of non-stationary noise, Wenhui Wang
Development of a DNA Barcoding Reference Library for Identification of Medicinal Plant Materials Used in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas: a Representative Case Study Using Arnica (Asteraceae), Hector G. Aguilar de Alba
Disciplinary Segregation’s Effects on Inmate Behavior: Institutional and Community Outcomes, Youngki Woo, Laurie A. Drapela, Michael F. Campagna, Mary K. Stohr, Zachary K. Hamilton, Xiaohan Mei, and Elizabeth Thompson Tollefsbol
Discovery and Characterization of the Cryptic Psi Subunit of the Pseudomonad DNA Replicase, Thale C. Jarvis, Amber A. Beaudry, James M. Bullard, Urs Ochsner, H. Garry Dallmann, and Charles S. McHenry
Disparity In The Superintendency, Ava J. Munoz, Shirley J. Mills, Anita Pankake, and Sandra Whaley
DNA Polymerase III Holoenzyme From Thermus Thermophilus Identification Expression Purification of Components and use to Reconstitute a Processive Replicase, James M. Bullard, Jennifer C. Williams, Wendy K. Acker, Carsten Jacobi, Nebojsa Janjic, and Charles S. McHenry
‘Doing’ Llama Face Stew: A Late Moche Culinary Assemblage as a Domestic Dedicatory Deposit, Guy S. Duke
Doxycycline Didn’t Cure the Fever! An Interesting Case of Large Granular Lymphocytic (LGL) Leukemia with Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)., Dayan Ojeda Damas, Ayesha Hamid, Kevin Wu, Michael LaPelusa, Nabeel Sarhill, and Henry Kwang
Dropout prevention: factors contributing to the resiliency of at-risk Hispanic students and their pursuit of a high school diploma, William Roach
E-Book Acceptance among Undergraduate Students: A Look at the Moderating Role of Technology Innovativeness, Madison N. Ngafeeson and Jun Sun
Effect of Molten Salt Synthesis Processing Duration on the Photo- and Radioluminescence of UV- Visible- and X-Ray-Excitable La 2 Hf 2 O 7 :Eu 3+ Nanoparticles, Jose P. Zuniga, Santosh K. Gupta, Maya Abdou, and Yuanbing Mao
Effect of Polymer Concentration Rotational Speed and Solvent Mixture On Fiber Formation Using Forcespinning®, Nancy Obregon, Victor Agubra, Mahad Pokhrel, Howard Campos, David Flores, David De la Garza, Yuanbing Mao, Javier Macossay-Torres, and Mataz Alcoutlabi
Effects of U.S. Interest Rates on the Real Exchange Rate in Mexico, André Varella Mollick
Endogeneity in Panel Stochastic Frontier Models: An Application to the Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry, Mustafa U. Karakaplan and Levent Kutlu
English Fluency of Recent Hispanic Immigrants to the United States in 1980 and 1990, Alberto Dávila and Marie T. Mora
Entry and Stability of Cross-National Marriages in the United States, Igor Ryabov and Yuanting Zhang
Estimating efficiency in a spatial autoregressive stochastic frontier model, Levent Kutlu
Estimation of cost efficiency without cost data, Levent Kutlu and Ran Wang
Evaluation of an educational breastfeeding program for a non-profit agency in South Texas, Marcela Urbina Zavala
Examining the perceptions of trust between principals and teachers in elementary schools with high student academic achievement, Gabriela Rodriguez
Excess of Glucocorticoid Induces Cardiac Dysfunction via Activating Angiotensin II Pathway, Sreerupa Ghose Roy, Priyanka De, Debasri Mukherjee, Vivek Chander, Aditya Konar, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, and Arun Bandyopadhyay
Experimental observation of lasing shutdown via asymmetric gain, M. Chitsazi, S. Factor, J. Schindler, Hamidrez Ramezani, F. M. Ellis, and T. Kottos
Experimental study of condensation in a thermoacoustic cooler with various 3D printed regenerators using water vapor as the working fluid, Aibek Bekkulov, Andrew Luthen, and Ben Xu
Exploring English Language Learners' Identity Negotiation in a Sixth Grade English Language Arts Classroom, Carolina G. Lopez
Exploring the Hispanic health paradox in mental health outcomes: Evidence from the US-Mexico border, Laryssa Mykyta, Suad Ghaddar, and Leonel Vela
Exploring the Impact of a Positive Psychology and Creative Journal Arts Intervention with Latina/o Adolescents, Javier Cavazos Vela, Wayne D. Smith, Keely Rodriguez, and Yvette Hinojosa
Exposure To Clouburst In LEH: Post Tramautic Stress Disorder and Associated Factors, Ruby Charak and Lundup Spalzes
Expression of Integrin and TGFBI in Human Retinal Pericytes, Andrew T C Tsin, Brenda Su, Laura Valdez, and Edgar Serrato
Extra studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, Antonio Zavaleta, and Thomas Daniel Knight
Facile Molten-Salt Synthesis of Double Perovskite La2BMnO 6 Nanoparticles, Yuanbing Mao
Factors Associated with Employment among Latinos Living with HIV/AIDS, Shaun Michael Burns, Lydia R. L. Young, and Suzanne Maniss
Factors shaping the ontogeny of vocal signals in a wild parrot, Karl S. Berg, Steven R. Beissinger, and Jack W. Bradbury
Famous Mexican films, Irving W. Levinson
Farmer to Pharmacist: Curcumin as an Anti-Invasive and Antimetastatic Agent for the Treatment of Cancer, Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Fictions of the Cosmos: Science and Literature in the Seventeenth Century by Aït-Touati (review), Anthony J. DeSantis
First generation Hispanic high school students going to college: experiences that support decisions and college going pathways, Norma Ibarra-Cantú
First language use by adequate formal schooling adult English language learners in a university English language institute, Joel S. Garza
Fluvial Geomorphologic and Hydrodynamic Assessment in the Tidal Portion of the Lower Rio Grande River, US-Mexico Borderland, Andrew Ernest, N. B. Chang, and I. J. Huang
Foreign Languages Teaching Challenges: Stages, Practices and Methodologies, Khalid Aada
Forgiveness and psychosocial reactions to disability: a pilot study to examine change in persons with spinal cord injury, Susan Stuntzner, Ruth Lynch, Robert Enright, Michael Hartley, and Angela MacDonald
Further studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
Gauging wetland restoration status using benthic-based structural and functional metrics, Claudia Alejandra Tamez
GEC1-kappa Opioid Receptor Binding Involves Hydrophobic Interactions GEC1 has Chaperone-Like Effect, Yong Chen, Chongguang Chen, Evangelia Kotsikorou, Diane L. Lynch, Patricia H. Reggio, and Lee Yuan Liu-Chen
Gender and Business Outcomes of Black and Hispanic New Entrepreneurs in the United States, Marie T. Mora and Alberto Davila
Genetic analysis localizes a novel locus on chromosome 4q for the glaucoma endophenotype, cup-to-disc ratio: The Jiri Eye Study, Sarah E. Miller, Nicholas B. Blackburn, Suman S. Thapa, Sandra Laston, Satish Kumar, Juan M. Peralta, Janarden Subedi, John Blangero, Sarah Williams-Blangero, and Matthew P. Johnson
Gen-Z ambassadors: students supporting persons with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers in the Rio Grande Valley, Sofia G. Homes, Samantha R. Woo, Ashley G. Caldera, Sergio N. Gonzalez-Eymard, Rosa V. Pirela, Francisco Fernandez, and Gladys E. Maestre
Globular cluster simulations by MOCCA code, Dongming Jin
Gratitude and Kindness: Just What the Doctor Ordered, Kathleen E. Glynn
Health Disparities 2018: Closing the Gap, Office of the Associate Dean of Research UTRGV School of Medicine
Hemodynamic and neuromuscular responses to exercises performed on stable and unstable surface with and without blood flow restriction, Agnelia Tiffany Hernandez
Highly Stereoselective B-Lactam Synthesis via the Staudinger Reaction Using Poly Aromatic Imines, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Monica Xavier, and Bimal K. Banik
High-order rogue waves of a long-wave–short-wave model of Newell type, Jungchao Chen, Liangyuan Chen, Bao-Feng Feng, and Ken-ichi Maruno
High precision optical cavity length and width measurements using double modulation, A. Staley, D. Hoak, A. Effler, K. Izumi, S. Dwyer, K. Kawabe, E. J. King, Malik Rakhmanov, R. L. Savage, and D. Sigg
High-Resolution Studies of Tropolone in the S 0 and S 1 Electronic States: Isotope Driven Dynamics in the Zero-Point Energy Levels, John C. Keske, Wei Lin, Wallace C. Pringle, Stewart E. Novick, Thomas A. Blake, and David F. Plusquellic
History of the Lincoln County War by Maurice Garland Fulton and Robert M. Mullin (review), Felix D. Almaraz Jr.
How Cities Won the West: Four Centuries of Urban Change in Western North America (review), Linda English
How Do Consumers Adopt Imported Products in an Era of Product Overcrowding?, Arturo Z. Vasquez-Parraga and Miguel Sahagun
Impact of Specialized Nursery Care for Late Preterm Infants on NICU Admission Rate and Length of Stay, Laura Hunt, Gene Hallford, Candace Robledo, Edgardo Szyld, and Clara Song
Importance of Electronic Relaxation for Inter-Coulombic Decay in Aqueous Systems, Shervin Fatehi
Inaugural Research Symposium, Office of the Associate Dean of Research UTRGV School of Medicine
Infrastructure and FDI Inflows Into Mexico: A Panel Data Approach, André Varella Mollick and Rene Ramos-Duran
In Search of Popularity: Non-Conforming Reputations of Hispanic Adolescent Graffiti Writers, Igor Ryabov
In Search of Somatic Therapy by Setsuko Tsuchiya (review), Susan Stuntzner
Insight on planning and assessing the teaching-learning process, Khalid Aada
Interaction of Mitochondrial Elongation Factor Tu With Aminoacyl-tRNA and Elongation Factor Ts, Ying Chun Cai, James M. Bullard, Nancy L. Thompson, and Linda L. Spremulli
Investigating elementary teachers' instructional planning and teaching experiences with long-term English learners: a qualitative study, Melinda V. Lopez
Investigations of Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Two Marine Seep Environments: Part 2—Isotopic Kinetics, Eric W. Chan, Allan M. Shiller, Dongjoo J. Joung, Eleanor C. Arrington, David L. Valentine, Molly C. Redmond, John A. Breier, Scott A. Socolofsky, and John D. Kessler
Iron-mediated stabilization of soil carbon amplifies the benefits of ecological restoration in degraded lands, Lucas C. R. Silva, Timothy A. Doane, Rodrigo S. Correa, Vinicius Valverde, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, and William R. Horwath
Isabella Greenway, an Enterprising Woman by Kristie Miller (review), Thomas A. Britten
Jewish Life in the American West. Edited by Ava F. Kahn (review), Harriett Denise Joseph
Jewish Roots in Southern Soil: A New History (review), Harriett Denise Joseph
Jewish Stars in Texas: Rabbis and Their Work by Hollace Ava Weiner (review), Harriett Denise Joseph
La Intencion Pictorica en Tres Novelas de Corte Realista de Ana Maria Matute, Viviana Carvajal
Latent classes of childhood maltreatment, adult sexual assault, and revictimization in men: Differences in masculinity, anger, and substance use., Ruby Charak, Lee R. Eshelman, and Terri L. Messman-Moore
Latent Classes of Childhood Poly-victimization and Associations with Suicidal Behavior among Adult Trauma Victims: Moderating Role of Anger, Ruby Charak, Brianna M. Byllesby, Michelle E. Roley, Meredith A. Claycomb, Tory A. Durham, Jana Ross, Cherie Armour, and Jon D. Elhai
Latent Classes of Lifetime Sexual Victimization Characteristics in Women in Emerging Adulthood: Differential Relations With Emotion Dysregulation, Ruby Charak, David DiLillo, Terri L. Messman-Moore, and Kim L. Gratz
Latina Mothers' Expectations and Perceptions about a Dual Language Education in the Rio Grande Valley, Rosalinda A. Cobarrubias
Latino and Non-Latino Parental Treatment Preferences for Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders, Laura D. Seligman, Joseph D. Hovey, Marina Ibarra, Gabriela Hurtado, Carla E. Marin, and Wendy K. Silverman
Law and translation at the U.S.-Mexico border: Translation policy in a diglossic setting, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Leaders of the Mexican American Generation: Biographical Essays ed. by Anthony Quiroz (review), Harriett Denise Joseph
LEP Language Disability, Immigration Reform, and English-Language Acquisition, Alberto Dávila and Marie T. Mora
Libelous Letters in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England, Gary Schneider
Limit distributions of random walks on stochastic matrices, Santanu Chakraborty and Arunava Mukherjea
Linguistic Terrorism in the Borderlands: Language Ideologies in the Narratives of Young Adults in the Rio Grande Valley, Katherine Christoffersen
Link Rot, Reference Rot, and Link Resolvers, Justin White
Living on ,the Edge of America: At Home on the Texas-Mexico Border by Robert Lee Maril (review), Robert M. Salmon
Long-Range PCR Amplification of DNA by DNA Polymerase III Holoenzyme From Thermus Thermophilus, Wendy Ribble, Shawn D. Kane, and James M. Bullard
Luminescent Properties of Ensemble and Individual Erbium-Doped Yttrium Oxide Nanotubes, Yuanbing Mao, Xia Guo, Thai Tran, Kang L. Wang, C. Ken Shih, and Jane P. Chang
"Maese Pedro" y Sei Personaggi in Cerca d'Autore: procedimientos teatrales de la narrativa cervantina en la obra de Luigi Pirandello, Mara Theodoritsi
Managerial networking of public and private sector: a study of Thai executives, Dean Kyne
Manifest Manhood and the Antebellum American Empire By Amy S. Greenberg (review), Gerhard Grytz
Mapping Indigenous Self-Determination in Highland Guatemala, Patricia A. McAnany, Sarah M. Rowe, Israel Quic Cholotio, Evelyn Caniz Menchu, and Jose Mendoza Quic
Melodrama, Sickness, and Paranoia: Todd Haynes and the Woman’s Film, Linda Belau and Ed Cameron
Memorias: A West Texas Life by Salvador Guerrero and Arnoldo de León (review), Robert M. Salmon
Mesobot : An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Tracking and Sampling Midwater Targets, Dana R. Yoerger, Molly Curran, Justin Fujii, Christopher R. German, Daniel Gomez-Ibanez, Annette F. Govindarajan, Jonathan C. Howland, Joel K. Llopiz, Peter H. Wiebe, Brett W. Hobson, Kakani Katija, Michael Risi, Bruce H. Robinson, Stephen M. Rock, Cailean J. Wilkinson, and John A. Breier
Mexican Cuisine - From the Maya to McDonalds, Irving W. Levinson
Mexican Revolution at age 100, Irving W. Levinson
Mexico's 2018 election, Irving W. Levinson
Microwave-Assisted Ruthenium Trichloride-Catalyzed Synthesis of Pyrrole Fused With Indole System in Water, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Antara Banik, Sahil Bhatta, and Bimal K. Banik
Microwave Measurements of the Tropolone-Formic Acid Doubly Hydrogen Bonded Dimer, Aaron M. Pejlovas, Agapito Serrato, Wei Lin, and Stephen G. Kukolich
Microwave Spectra and ab Initio Studies of Ar-Propane and Ne-Propane Complexes: Structure and Dynamics, Karen I. Peterson, David Pullman, Wei Lin, Andrea J. Minei, and Stewart E. Novick
Microwave Spectra and Structure of the Cyclopropanecarboxylic Acid-Formic Acid Dimer, Aaron M. Pejlovas, Wei Lin, and Stephen G. Kukolich
Minisuperspace canonical quantization of the Reissner-Nordström black hole via conditional symmetries, T. Christodoulakis, Nikolaos Dmiakis, Petros A. Terzis, Babak Vakili, E. Melas, and Th. Grammenos
Mitigating N2O emissions from soil: from patching leaks to transformative action, C. Decock, Juhwan Lee, M. Necpalova, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, D. M. Tendall, and Johan Six
Molten-Salt Synthesis of Complex Metal Oxide Nanoparticles, Jose P. Zuniga, Maya Abdou, Santosh K. Gupta, and Yuanbing Mao
More studies in Brownsville history, Milo Kearney
More studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
N2O emissions from California farmlands: A review, Elizabeth Verhoeven, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, Charlotte Decock, Gina Garland, Taryn Kennedy, Emma Suddick, William Horwath, and Johan Six
N-(4-Methylphenyl) Benzenepropanamide - the First Isolated Amide From the Genus Paederia, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Anupam Nayak, Bidyut Basak, Avijit Banerji, Julie Banerji, Asima Chatterjee, Thierry Prang, and Alain Neuman
Negative-order Korteweg–de Vries equations, Zhijun Qiao
Nevin's History: A Novel of Texas by Jim Sanderson (review), James B. Sullivan
New integrable hierarchy, its parametric solutions, cuspons, one-peak solitons, and M/W-shape peak solitons, Zhijun Qiao
New studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, Antonio Zavaleta, and Thomas Daniel Knight
NextGen advises "Trying to Manage", Douglass Steinhauff, Joel Henrique Ellwanger, Monika Lewinska, Edmond Sanganyado, Yongsheng Ji, Buddini Iroshika Karawdeniya, Naike Bochatay, Eric Britt Moore, Aminata Coulibaly, Shaima Ibrahim, Déna Skye Jansen, Joshua I. James, David M. Cole, Anna Lipkin, Beth McKinnon Adamowicz, Science Management Associates, Shervin Fatehi, Maria Helena Holmstrom, and Rosa Li
Niclosamide Induces Protein Ubiquitination and Inhibits Multiple Pro-Survival Signaling Pathways in the Human Glioblastoma U-87 MG Cell Line, Benxu Cheng, Liza Doreen Morales, Yonghong Zhang, Shizue Mito, and Andrew Tsin
No language policy without translation policy: A comparison of Flanders and Wales, Meylaerts Reine and Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Novel Patterns of Torsion-Inversion-Rotation Energy Levels in the ν11 Asymmetric CH-Stretch Spectrum of Methylamine, Mahesh B. Dawadi, C. Michael Lindsay, Andrei Chirokolava, David S. Perry, and Li Hong Xu
Novel silica filled deep eutectic solvent based nanofluids for energy transportation, Changhui Liu, Hui Fang, Xinjian Liu, Ben Xu, and Zhonghao Rao
Novel silica filled deep eutectic solvent based nanofluids for energy transportation, Changhui Liu, Hui Fang, Xinjian Liu, Ben Xu, and Zhonghao Rao
Nuclear quantum effects in the structure and lineshapes of the N2 near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectrum, Shervin Fatehi
Observation of Fano Asymmetry in Raman Spectra of SrTiO3 and Cax Sr1-xTiO3 Perovskite Nanocubes, Sarbajit Banerjee, Dae In Kim, Richard D. Robinson, Irving P. Herman, Yuanbing Mao, and Stanislaus S. Wong
Occupational Deprivation or Occupational Adaptation of Mexican Americans on Renal Dialysis, Shirley A. Wells
On closed subsets of non-commutative association schemes of rank 6, Jose Vera
On different integrable systems sharing the same nondynamical r -matrix, Zhijun Qiao and Walter Strampp
Ongoing studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
On the use of MODIS EVI to assess gross primary productivity of North American ecosystems, Daniel A. Sims, Abdullah Rahman, Vicente D. Cordova, Bassil Z. El-Masri, Dennis D. Baldocchi, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Allen H. Goldstein, David Y. Hollinger, Laurent Misson, Russell K. Monson, Walter C. Oechel, Hans P. Schmid, Steven C. Wofsy, and Liukang Xu
On toroidal knots, chirality, and molecules, Ramiro Garza
On Translation Policy, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Optical imaging of finger for blood pressure monitoring of the driver, Mohammad Motasim Bellah, Mohammad Raziul Hasan, and Samir M. Iqbal
Optical isolation via 𝒫𝒯 -symmetric nonlinear Fano resonances, F. Nazari, Hamidrez Ramezani, M.K. Moravvej-Farshi, N. Bender, D. N. Christodoulides, and T. Kottos
Optimization and validation of an enzymatic method to quantify glucose in potato tubers, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, Tatiana Emanuelli, Dilson Antonio Bisognin, and Sergio T. de Freitas
Output Growth and Unexpected Government Expenditures, Diego Escobari and André Varella Mollick
Parental Incarceration and Social Status Attainment of Hispanic Young Adults, Igor Ryabov
Particle dynamics in the rising plume at Piccard Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Cayman Rise, Margaret L. Estapa, John A. Breier, and Chris R. German
Paths to Recovery for Gay and Bisexual Drug Addicts: Healing Weary Hearts By P. Shulte (review), Susan Stuntzner
Patterns of Childhood Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence, Emotion Dysregulation, and Mental Health Symptoms Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Emerging Adults: A Three-step Latent Class Approach, Ruby Charak, Lillianne Villarreal, Rachel M. Schmitz, Michiyo Hirai, and Julian D. Ford
Peakon, pseudo-peakon, and cuspon solutions for two generalized Camassa- Holm equations, Jibin Li
Perceived Fit between Green IS and Green SCM: Does it Matter?, Zhaojun Yang, Jun Sun, Yali Zhang, and Yin Wang
Phenotypic Variations in Violence Involvement: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Igor Ryabov
Physical Science Day: Design, Implementation, and Assessment, Liang Zeng, Mark A. Cunningham, Steven C. Tidrow, K. Christopher Smith, and Jerry Contreras
Physical violence and vulnerable adolescents: the roles of school climate and presence of similar peers, Igor Ryabov
Physiological aging of potato tubers produced during fall and spring growing seasons and stored under different temperatures, Dilson A. Bisognin, Sergio T. de Freitas, Auri Brackmann, Jeronimo Luiz Andriolo, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, Douglas Renator Muller, and Mauricio Guerra Bandinelli
Phytochemical Investigation of Magnolia Grandiflora Green Seed Cones: Analytical and Phytoceutical Studies, Bo Garza, Alondra Echeverria, Felipe Gonzalez, Orlando Castillo, Thomas Eubanks, and Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Plastic Sheath Fragment Within Renal Pelvis: An Unusual and Rare Complication of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy, Joseph Boateng, Moktar Sheikh-Salah, and Danilo K. Asase
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds As Anticancer Agents: Evaluation of Synthesis and in Vitro Cytotoxicity, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Jose C. Granados, John D. Short, and Bimal K. Banik
Polyvictimization, Emotion Dysregulation, Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Behavioral Health Problems Among Justice-Involved Youth: A Latent Class Analysis, Ruby Charak, Julian D. Ford, Cosby A. Modrowski, and Patricia K. Kerig
Positional Verbs in Colonial Valley Zapotec, John Foreman and Brooke D. Lillehaugen
Post-Migration Experiences of Female Immigrant Spouses from the Former Soviet Union, Igor Ryabov
Potential of MODIS EVI and surface temperature for directly estimating per-pixel ecosystem C fluxes, Abdullah Rahman, Daniel A. Sims, Vicente D. Cordova, and Bassil Z. El-Masri
Potential of MODIS ocean bands for estimating CO2 flux from terrestrial vegetation: A novel approach, Abdullah Rahman, Vicente D. Cordova, John A. Gamon, Hans Peter Schmid, and Daniel A. Sims
Pregnancy, Motherhood, and Choice in Twentieth-Century Arizona by Mary S. Melcher (review), Linda English
Pressure effect on an ocean-based humidification-dehumidification desalination process, Yingchen Yang
Principal Component Regression Analysis of Nutrition Factors and Physical Activities with Diabetes, Ke-Sheng Wang, Ying Lu, Xin Xie, Shaoquing Gong, Chun Xu, and Zhanxin Sha
Processing quality of potato tubers produced during autumn and spring and stored at different temperatures, Sergio T. de Freitas, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, Ana Cecilia S. Gomez, Auri Brackmann, Fernando Nicoloso, and Dilson A. Bisognin
Professional Learning Communities and School Culture: A Case of Study in District-Wide Implementation of a PLC, Jaime Lopez
Prohibiting Pet Crayfish Does Not Consistently Reduce Their Availability Online, Zen Faulkes
Pulsar J0453+1559, the 10th double neutron star system in the universe, Jose Guadalupe Martinez
Pumping Iron - How Do Race and Gender Affect the Risk of Anemia in a Cohort of Predominantly Hispanic Heart Failure (HF) Patients Seen in a Community Hospital in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV)?, Michael LaPelusa, Andrea M. Cordero-Reyes, Francisco Avellan, Daniella Concha, Laura Garcia, and James Hanley
Random Walks and Half-Lives in Chilean and Mexican Peso Real Exchange Rates: 1980 - 2003, André Varella Mollick
Rare DEGS1 variant significantly alters de novo ceramide synthesis pathway, Nicholas B. Blackburn, Joanne E. Curran, Laura F. Michael, Peter J. Meikle, Juan M. Peralta, Marian Mosio, Scott McAhern, Hai H. Bui, Melissa A. Bellinger, Corey Giles, Satish Kumar, Ana C. Leandro, Marcio Alameida, Jacquelyn M. Weir, Michael C. Mahaney, Thomas D. Dyer, Laura Almasy, John L. VandeBerg, Sarah Williams-Blangero, David C. Glahn, Ravindranath Duggirala, Mark Kowola, and John Blangero
Recent Demographic Change in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas: The Importance of Domestic Migration, Igor Ryabov and Stephen M. Merino
Reconstitution of a Minimal DNA Replicase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Stimulation by Non-Cognate Auxiliary Factors, Thale C. Jarvis, Amber A. Beaudry, James M. Bullard, Nebojsa Janjic, and Charles S. McHenry
Reconstruction of Structured Quadratic Pencils from Eigenvalues on Ellipses and Parabolas, R. Ibragimov and Vesselin Vatchev
Recruitment patterns of juvenile fish at an artificial reef in the Gulf of Mexico, Rachel Noel Arney
Redemption Denied: Variations of the Underworld Descent in Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian and The Road, Nathan W. Calley
Remarkable Iodine-Catalyzed Synthesis of Novel Pyrrole- Bearing N-Polyaromatic B-Lactams, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Gildardo Rivera, Isabel Salinas, Hector Aguilar, and Bimal K. Banik
Resaca ecosystem development: colonization and succession of the macroinvertebrate community, Leah M. McIntosh
Research Symposium 2019, Health Disparities: Community Engagement, Office of the Associate Dean of Research UTRGV School of Medicine
Resolving authorship disputes by mediation and arbitration, Zen Faulkes
Restoration Strategies to Migrate Shrub Encroachment into Coastal Prairies, Erick Mark Verderber
Restoring Semi-Arid Thornscrub Forests: Seeding Growth and Survival in Response to Shelter Tubes, Grass-Specific Herbicide, and Herbivore Exclosures, Krysten Noelle Dick
Return Predictability: The Dual Signaling Hypothesis of Stock Splits, Ahmed Elnahas, Lei Gao, and Ghada Ismail
Review: Americans in the Treasure House: Travel to Porfirian Mexico and the Cultural Politics of Empire. by Jason Ruiz, George T. Diaz
Review: Thompson, Laurie Ann. Emmanuel’s Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah. Illus. Sean Qualls. New York: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2015. Print., Elena M. Venegas
Riemann-Hilbert approach for the FQXL model: A generalized Camassa-Holm equation with cubic and quadratic nonlinearity, Zhen Wang and Zhijun Qiao
Role-identity prominence of the 'migrant' role-identity in migrant college students, Raul Garza
Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Mercapto-Methylimidazole-Induced Gastric Acid Secretion and Stress-Induced Gastric Ulceration, Uday Bandyopadhyay, Dipak Das, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Mrinalini Bhattacharjee, and Ranajit K. Banerjee
School district consolidation policies: endogenous cost inefficiency and saving reversals, Mustafa U. Karakaplan and Levent Kutlu
Sedimentation and barnacle recruitment and growth in a shallow coastal lagoon of south Texas, John Jack Gray
Seldom Heard: Ranchers, Ranchos and Rumors of the South Texas Brush Country by Dian L. Malouf (review), Thomas A. Britten
Simulation of electronic processes of nanoenergetic gas generator using Cabrera Mott oxidation model, Zamart Ramazanova
Site Formation Processes of Submerged Shipwrecks. Matthew E. Keith (review), Russell K. Skowronek
Species Identification and Habitat Assessment of the South Texas Siren, Taylor C. LaFortune
Stakeholders' perceptions of parental involvement and home-school connections in a South Texas border town, Cynthia A. Lopez
Stereochemical Preference Toward Oncotarget: Design Synthesis and in Vitro Anticancer Evaluation of Diastereomeric B-Lactams, Fabian Olazarán-Santibáñez, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Pilar Carranza-Rosales, Gildardo Rivera, and Isias Balderas-Rentería
Still more studies in Brownsville history, Milo Kearney
Still more studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
Structural Basis for Ca 2+-Induced Activation and Dimerization of Estrogen Receptor Alpha by Calmodulin, Yonghong Zhang, Zhigang Li, David B. Sacks, and James B. Ames
Structural Basis for Sequence Specific DNA Binding and Protein Dimerization of HOXA13, Yonghong Zhang, Christine A. Larsen, H. Scott Stadler, and James B. Ames
Structural integrity of conventional and modified railroad bearing adapters for onboard monitoring, Joseph Montalvo, Alexis Trevino, Arturo A. Fuentes, and Constantine Tarawneh
Structure of PolC Reveals Unique DNA Binding and Fidelity Determinants, Ronald J. Evans, Douglas R. Davies, James M. Bullard, Jeffrey Christensen, Louis S. Green, Joseph W. Guiles, Janice D. Pata, Wendy K. Ribble, Nebojsa Janjic, and Thale C. Jarvis
Studies in Brownsville history, Milo Kearney
Studies in Brownsville & Matamoros history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
Studies in Matamoros and Cameron County history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
Studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, and Antonio Zavaleta
Supplementary studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, Antonio Zavaleta, and Thomas Daniel Knight
Surgical Blog: An Important Supplement to Traditional Scientific Literature, Jane Y. Zhao and Minerva Angelica Romero Arenas
Temperature and relative humidity effects on water loss and hemolymph osmolality of Littoraria angulifera (Lamarck, 1822), Phillip J. Rose
Tests of general relativity with the binary black hole signals from the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1, B. P. Abbott and Soma Mukherjee
The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise Durations on Arterial Compliance in Recreationally Active Males, Joe Angel Lopez
The acute effects of different blood flow restriction settings on blood lactate, electromyography and leg strength during bilateral knee extensions, Guillermo Eduardo Perez
The Acute Effects of Different Warm-up Techniques of Power Output, Agility, and Flexibility in Athletes, Kristopher Manuel Nava
The Acute Effects of Shred Matrix on Hemodynamic Responses, Substrate Utilization, Endurance, Arterial Compliance, and Body Water Distribution, Samuel R. Buchanan
The Apache Wars: The Hunt for Geronimo, the Apache Kid, and the Captive Boy Who Started the Longest War in American History by Paul Andrew Hutton (review), Thomas A. Britten
The Captured: A True Story of Abduction by Indians on the Texas Frontier. By Scott Zesch (review), Thomas A. Britten
The Economics of Counterfeiting, Elena Quercioli and Lones Smith
The Effects of Cuento Therapy on Reading Achievement and Psychological Outcomes of Mexican-American Students, Sylvia Z. Ramirez, Jain Sachin, Leila L. Flores-Torres, Roxanna Perez, and Carlson Ralph
The effects of enhanced discharge education on knowledge retention in first time stroke/TIA patients, Edward M. Stiner, Jr.
The effects of labeling Hispanic English language learners as learning disabled, Sandra Irma Rodriguez
The feminization of the literary voice and the rhetorical tradition in The Lais of Marie de France, The Mirror of Simple Souls, and The Book of the City of Ladies, Elisa B. Filippone
The Harness Maker’s Dream: Nathan Kallison and the Rise of South Texas by Nick Kotz (review), Anthony K. Knopp
The Impact of Chinese Purchases of U.S. Government Debt on the Treasury Yield Curve, Radhames A. Lizardo, André Varella Mollick, and Esteban Silva-Ochoa
The Impact of Pictorial Representations in Teaching Math Word Problems to a Child with Autism, Hossein Shirvani
The Impact of the Japanese Purchases of U.S. Treasuries on the Dollar/Yen Exchange Rate, André Varella Mollick and Gokce Soydemir
The influence of CEO political outspokenness on stock market reaction and firm performance, Keshab Acharya, Michael A. Abebe, and Mark Kroll
The Injustice Never Leaves You: Anti-Mexican Violence in Texas By Monica Munoz Martinez (review), Brent M. S. Campney
“The Most Turbulent and Most Traumatic Years in Recent Mexican-American History”: Police Violence and the Civil Rights Struggle in 1970s Texas, Brent M. S. Campney
The phenology of sand crabs, Lepidopa benedicti (Decapoda: Albuneidae), Zen Faulkes
The queries to Google Search as predictors of migration flows from Latin America to Spain, Dawid Wladyka
The relationship between course design, sense of community, and student achievement of students in online courses, Maria Eugenia Perez-Butron
The Relationship Between Social Presence, Student Satisfaction and Academic Achievement in Fully Online Asynchronous Courses, Martin Rodriguez
The Rice HGW Gene Encodes A Ubiquitin-Associated (UBA) Domain Protein That Regulates Heading Date and Grain Weight, Juan Li, Huangwei Chu, Yonghong Zhang, Tongmin Mou, Changyin Wu, Qifa Zhang, and Jian Xu
The River Has Never Divided Us: A Border History of La Junta de los Rios. By Jefferson Morgenthaler. (review), Gerhard Grytz
Thermally Induced Disorder-Order Phase Transition of Gd 2 Hf 2 O 7 :Eu 3+ Nanoparticles and its Implication on Photo-and Radioluminescence, Santosh K. Gupta, Maya Abdou, Partha Sarathi Ghosh, Jose P. Zuniga, and Yuanbing Mao
The Road to Doctoral Success and Beyond, Veronica Castro, Elda E. Garcia, Javier Cavazos Vela, and Alma Castro
The role of app development and mobile computing in motivating the secondary mathematics classroom, Jennifer Lee Marquez
The Role of Language in Anatomy and Physiology Instruction, Angela M. Chapman, Hsuying C. Ward, Ashwini Tiwari, Amy Weimer, Jaime B. Duran, Federico Guerra, and Robert Paul Sale
The Role of Residential Segregation in Explaining Racial Gaps in Childhood and Adolescent Obesity, Igor Ryabov
The Southern Journey of a Civil War Marine: The Illustrated Note-book of Henry O. Gusley (review), Charles V. Waite
The Spanish American Homeland: Four Centuries in New Mexico's Rio Arriba by Alvar W. Carlson (review), Robert M. Salmon
The status of women and the Arab Spring, Karen Pimentel
The Struggle Itself Toward the Heights Is Enough to Fill a Man's Heart: Calling, Moral Duty, Meaningfulness and Existential Self of Zookeepers, Luisa G. Allen
The Sustainability of the U.S. Current Account Deficit: Revisiting Mann's Rule, Radhames A. Lizardo and André Varella Mollick
The Uncompromising Diary of Sallie McNeill, 1858-1867 (review), Linda English
“The Valley of the Shadow of Books”: George Gissing, New Women, and Morbid Literary Detachment, Marisa Palacios Knox
Three Decades of Engendering History: Selected Works of Antonia I. Castañeda ed. by Linda Heidenreich and Antonia I. Castañeda (review), Karla A. Lira
Thyroid Lobectomy vs Total Thyroidectomy for Low Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Systematic Review, Susana Vargas-Pinto and Minerva Angelica Romero Arenas
TiO 2 Fibers: Tunable Polymorphic Phase Transformation and Electrochemical Properties, Edna Garcia, Qiang Li, Xing Sun, Karen Lozano, and Yuanbing Mao
Tío Cowboy: Juan Salinas, Rodeo Roper and Horseman (review), Thomas A. Britten
Toward the Ultrasonic Sensing of Organic Carbon in Seagrass-Bearing Sediments, Gabriel R. Venegas, Abdullah Rahman, Kevin M. Lee, Megan S. Ballard, and Preston S. Wilson
Traducir en pro de la educación del pueblo: la labor traductora de la Sociedad de Amigos de la Educación Popular, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translating for minorities in Wales: a look at translation policies, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translating to change the nation: The case of José Pedro Varela, a reformer in late 19th century Uruguay, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translation Policy in a Linguistically Diverse World, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Two Homologous EF-G Proteins From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Exhibit Distinct Functions, Stephanie O. Palmer, Edna Y. Rangel, Yanmei Hu, Alexis T. Tran, and James M. Bullard
Understanding Offender Needs Over Forms of Isolation Using a Repeated Measures Design, Michael F. Campagna, Melissa A. Kowalski, Laurie A. Drapela, Mary K. Stohr, Elizabeth Thompson Tollefsbol, Youngki Woo, Xiaohan Mei, and Zachary K. Hamilton
US airport ownership, efficiency, and heterogeneity, Levent Kutlu and Patrick McCarthy
Valley of the Guns: The Pleasant Valley War and the Trauma of Violence by Eduardo Obregón Pagán (review), Jamie Starling
Vaquita Face Extinction from Bycatch. Comment on Manjarrez-Bringas, N. et al., Lessons for Sustainable Development: Marine Mammal Conservation Policies and Its Social and Economic Effects., Karl W. Flessa, Luis Calderon-Aguilera, Carlos E. Cintra-Buenrostro, David L. Dettman, Gregory P. Dietl, David H. Goodwin, David K. Jacobs, Michal Kowalewski, Steven M. Nelson, Kirsten Rowell, Bernard R. Schone, Jansen A. Smith, and Francisco Zamora-Arroyo
Variable Moving Average Transform Stitching Waves, Vesselin Vatchev
Victor Considerant and the Failure of La Réunion, Rondel V. Davidson
Vision and Christomimesis in the Ruler Portrait of the Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram, Riccardo Pizzinato
Voice-over documentaries: synchronization techniques in English-Spanish and English-Polish translation, Katarzyna Sepielak
WALLABY early science − V. ASKAP HI imaging of the Lyon Group of Galaxies 351, B. Q. For, L. Staveley-Smith, T. Westmeier, M. Whiting, S. -H. Oh, B. Koribalski, J. Wang, O. I. Wong, G. Bekiaris, L. Cortese, A. Elagali, D. Kleiner, K. Lee-Waddell, Juan P. Madrid, A. Popping, J. Rhee, T. N. Reynolds, J. D. Collier, C. J. Phillips, M. A. Voronkov, O. Mueller, and H. Jerjen
WALLABY early science − V. ASKAP HI imaging of the Lyon Group of Galaxies 351, Juan P. Madrid, Bi-Qing For, Lister Staveley-Smith, Tobias Westmeier, M. Whiting, S. -H. Oh, and Baerbel Koribalski
Wars for Empire: Apaches, the United States, and the Southwest Borderlands by Janne Lahti (review), Thomas A. Britten
Website Usability: A Re-Examination through the Lenses of ISO Standards, Louis K. Faulk, Hy Sockel, and Kuanchin Chen
“We listened to each other:” Social-emotional growth in literature circles, Elena M. Venegas
What Legally Prescribed Functions Tell Us: Role Differences Between Adult and Juvenile Probation Officers, Moana Hafoka, Youngki Woo, Ming-Li Hsieh, Jacqueline van Wormer, Mary K. Stohr, and Craig Hemmens
"When a Translator Joins the Revolution: A Paratextual Analysis of Manuel García de Sena’s La independencia", Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
When the Eagle Screamed: The Romantic Horizon in AmericanDiplomacy, 1800-1860 by William H. Goetzmann (review), Elmer W. Flaccus
Who Will Stay, Who Will Leave: Decision-Making of Residents Living in Potential Hurricane Impact Areas During a Hypothetical Hurricane Event in the Rio Grande Valley, Dean Kyne, Arlett Sophia Lomeli, William Donner, and Erika Zuloaga
Women Letter-Writers in Tudor England by James Daybell (review), Gary Schneider
Wrap-around services to older adults with dementia: collaboration, education, and prevention as a model for integration of primary care and neurobehavioral health, Gladys E. Maestre and Francisco Fernandez
Yet more studies in Rio Grande Valley history, Milo Kearney, Anthony K. Knopp, Antonio Zavaleta, and Thomas Daniel Knight
“You live in the United States, you speak English,” decían las maestras How New Mexican Spanish speakers enact, ascribe, and reject ethnic identities, Katherine Christoffersen and Naomi Lapidus Shin