Writing and Language Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2025
The B3 Scholar Seal: Designing and implementing an alternative to the SoBL at a Hispanic-serving institution in south Texas, Katherine Christoffersen and Dania López García
Submissions from 2024
Writing Centers’ Entanglements with Neoliberal Success, Crystal Bazaldua, Tekla Hawkins, and Randall W. Monty
Developing Community-Based Sociolinguistic Corpora to Promote Social Justice, Ryan M. Bessett, Katherine Christoffersen, Ana M. Carvalho, Isabella Calafate, and Mayte Vega Mudy
Conocimiento through Spiritual Activism: A Self-Reflexive Approach to Challenging Deficit Beliefs and Reimagining the Value of Teaching in Higher Education, Alyssa G. Cavazos
Exploring Undergraduate Latine Students’ Learning Experiences in STEM Courses, Alyssa G. Cavazos, Javier Cavazos Vela, and Alonso Troncoso
Teaching Philosophy Statements: The Impact of a Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Faculty Learning Community at a Hispanic Serving Institution, Alyssa G. Cavazos, Cristina Trejo, Javier Cavazos Vela, Stephanie Garza-Ochoa, Yaritza Marin, and Alexis Racelis
Validation of the Spanish version of the IVI_C VRQoL in children from 8 to 18 years old, Carlos Fresno Cañada, Joan Gispets Parcerisas, Nazaret Fresno, Héctor Salvador Hernandez, Ana Llorca Cardeñosa, Alejandro Martinez Roda, and Joan Prat Bartomeu
Closed Captions en español. Live Captioning Quality in Spanish-language Newscasts in the U.S., Nazaret Fresno
A Man Born When He is Old, Gabriel González Núñez
Mormonism through the Lens of Translation Studies, Gabriel González Núñez
The Literary Landscape for Twentieth-Century Spanish-Speaking LDS Poets, Gabriel González Núñez
Translation Policy in the United States, Gabriel González Núñez
‘The way we do our translation’: a case study of translation policy for Spanish speakers in the public parks of Sonoma County, California, Gabriel González Núñez, Ángel María Casas Grageab, and Christina Guerrero Harmon
Expanding Understandings of Race in Postsecondary Language Classrooms: A Call for Multiraciality in Teacher Identity Research, Marcela Hebbard
Toward a Pedagogy of Linguistic Justice Through Empathy in OWI, Marcela Hebbard, Janine Morris, and Catrina Mitchum
Driving in Cars with Noise: Reflections on an Audio Research Methodology, Randall W. Monty
Dreaming a Decolonial Praxis: Dreams, Visual Interpretations, and Decolonial Aesthetics, Alejandra I. Ramírez
Enacting Invitational Rhetorics: Leveraging Networks of Care in the US Asylum Process, Monica Reyes, Randall W. Monty, Jorge E. Camarillo, and Cindy Bernal
Submissions from 2023
Negotiating the Messiness of Teaching Linguistic Justice Online: Reflections of Multilingual Writing Instructors During COVID, Forster Kudjo Agama, Marcela Hebbard, and Bernadette M. López-Fitzsimmons
A cross dialectal comparison of first person singular subject pronoun expression in Southern Arizona and Southeast Texas, Ryan M. Bessett
Exploring Implicit Linguistic Bias: A Self-reflection Guide, Alyssa G. Cavazos
Exploring the impact of a student-faculty partnership program at a Hispanic Serving Institution, Alyssa G. Cavazos, Lesley Chapa, and Javier Cavazos Vela
Advancing a Transnational, Transdisciplinary and Translingual Professional Development Framework for Teaching Assistants in Writing and Spanish Programs: An Update, Alyssa G. Cavazos, Marcela Hebbard, José Esteban Hernández, Crystal Rodriguez, and Geoffrey Schwarz
A preliminary development and validation of the Translingual Disposition Questionnaire with Latinx students, Alyssa G. Cavazos and Mehmet A. Karaman
Student perceptions of community-engaged scholarship courses: Developing a sociolinguistic corpus on the U.S.–Mexico Border, Katherine Christoffersen, Aubrey Villanueva, and Ryan M. Bessett
Cognitive Prosodies, Displacements, and Translation: Tropes on the Move in Persuasive Discourse, Jose M. Davila-Montes
Fugitive administrative rhetorics, Norma Denae Dibrell, Andrew Hollinger, and Maggie Shelledy
Motivation to learn Korean as L2 or L3 in a bilingual, bicultural community, Minhee Eom and Jean Braithwaite
Live captioning accuracy in English‑language newscasts in the USA, Nazaret Fresno
Media accessibility: in search for alliances, Nazaret Fresno and Gian Maria Greco
Reporting at the border:Translation in periodicals at the Texas-Tamaulipas border during the 19th century, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
“Make a reasonable effort”: Translation policy for Texas state websites, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez and Nazaret Fresno
The Backchannel: A re/turn to digital communities, Andrew Hollinger and Manny Piña
Destins de femmes: French Women Writers, 1750-1850, John C. Isbell
Perceptual sensitivity to stress in native English speakers learning Spanish as a second language, Ramsés Ortín and Miquel Simonet
The accuracy of automatic and human live captions in English, Pablo Romero-Fresco and Nazaret Fresno
Precarious Citizenship: Ambivalence, Literacy, and Prisoner Reentry, Maggie Shelledy
Review: Expanding Writing Center Research with Discourse Analysis, Sara Swaim and Randall W. Monty
Submissions from 2022
El juego en la enseñanza del francés entre las técnicas y práctica de clase, Khalid Aada
On playful language divergences. Code-switching among Spanish-Portuguese bilinguals, Ana M. Carvalho and Katherine Christoffersen
Exploring translanguaging events through a multilingual writing course design, Alyssa G. Cavazos
Honrando Voces Diversas: A Framework for Equity-Minded Teaching Partnerships, Alyssa G. Cavazos and Lesley Chapa
Insights from a faculty learning community on translingual community-engaged pedagogy at a Hispanic serving institution, Alyssa G. Cavazos and Sandra I. Musanti
The Day After. Access to the Final 2016 US Presidential Debate After its Live Broadcast, Nazaret Fresno
Subtitling speed in Media Accessibility research: some methodological considerations, Nazaret Fresno and Katarzyna Sepielak
Translating (or Not) a South American Philosopher The paratexts of the works of José Enrique Rodó in English, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translation Studies and Public Policy, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
The Role of Interpreting and Translation in Promoting Linguistic Human Rights, Gabriel González Núñez
A leadership journey: How advising shapes an institutional culture, Jacquelyn Jones, Melissa Welker, Jonikka Charlton, and Janna Arney
Spanish heritage speakers’ processing of lexical stress, Ramsés Ortín
Phonological processing of stress by native English speakers learning Spanish as a second language, Ramsés Ortín and Miquel Simonet
Historicizing Power and Legitimacy After the Social Justice Turn: Resisting Narcissistic Tendencies, Cecilia D. Shelton and Sarah Warren-Riley
Submissions from 2021
Technologically-Aided Transcription Methods for Bilingual Sociolinguistic Corpora: Findings, Resources, and Considerations, Katherine Christoffersen, Ryan M. Bessett, and Ana M. Carvalho
Toda lengua es válida aquí en esta clase: Translanguaging pedagogy and critical language awareness in sociolinguistics courses on the U.S.-Mexico border, Katherine Christoffersen and Kimberly Regalado
Access to prominent political events on the World Wide Web: the case of the final 2016 US presidential debate, Nazaret Fresno
Closed captioning quality in the information society: the case of the American newscasts reshown online, Nazaret Fresno
Live Captioning Accuracy in Spanish-Language Newscasts in the United States, Nazaret Fresno
Strengthening respeakers’ training in Spain: the research-practice connection, Nazaret Fresno and Pablo Romero-Fresco
Dancing with the Devil Revisited, Marlene Galván
“You’re not Listening, or I’m not Saying it Right”: Reflecting on Borderland as Methodology, Marlene Galván and Randall W. Monty
“Don't give me bullshit”: Constructing a Framework of Response to Fake News, Genevieve Garcia de Mueller and Randall W. Monty
Política de Tradução em um mundo linguisticamente diverso, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez and Luciane Bittencourt Gomes Batista de Oliveira
Introducing Global Citizenship in Language Teacher Education through the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Ramsés Ortín
Submissions from 2020
Foreign Languages Teaching Challenges: Stages, Practices and Methodologies, Khalid Aada
Insight on Planning and Assessing the Teaching-Learning Process, Khalid Aada
Reflective Teaching Practices Between Theory and Reality in a Demanding Society, Khalid Aada
The contemporary educational agenda: Education and reality, Khalid Aada
La Pera stories: cognitive and cultural alignment of narrative production by bilinguals in the U.S. – Mexican borderlands, Jose M. Davila-Montes and Lyon Rathbun
Football for all: the quality of the live closed captioning in the Super Bowl LII, Nazaret Fresno, Katarzyna Sepielak, and Maciej Krawczyk
Review of Brokering Tareas: Mexican Immigrant Families Translanguaging Homework Literacies, Marlene Galván
The Story of A Shipwrecked Slave: The Role of Esteban De Dorantes As An Interpreter In The Early Exploration And Conquest of The Americas, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Uncommonly Common: Reconsidering Creativity and Beauty in Technical Communication, Kathleen S. Hardesty and Andrew Hollinger
Becoming Transfronterizo Collaborators: A Transdisciplinary Framework For Developing Translingual Pedagogies In Wac/Wid, Marcela Hebbard and Yanina Hernández
(Dis)similarity and Identity: On Becoming Quasi-WPA, Andrew Hollinger and Jessie Borgman
Culturally Relevant Care Through the Lens of Duoethnography, Jacqueline B. Koonce and Karin A. Lewis
When the Classroom Becomes a Screen: Finding Our Talent Zones for Teaching, Beatrice Mendez Newman
Accounts of Asylum: A Call Toward Transnational Literacies of Displacement, Monica Reyes
Análisis de y desde la mirada en "Largo noviembre de Madrid" y en otros cuentos de Juan Eduardo Zúñiga, Elena Vega-Sampayo and Jose M. Davila-Montes
Ethos in Early Chinese Rhetoric: The Case of “Heaven”, Yong-Kang Wei
Submissions from 2019
El francés como desafío plurilingüistico en el contexto educativo de México, Khalid Aada
Teaching in a Multicultural and Demanding Society, Khalid Aada
Encouraging Languages other than English in First-Year Writing Courses: Experiences from Linguistically Diverse Writers, Alyssa G. Cavazos
Linguistic Terrorism in the Borderlands: Language Ideologies in the Narratives of Young Adults in the Rio Grande Valley, Katherine Christoffersen
Evaluación de programas de lengua: perspectivas profesionales e investigadoras, Julio Ciller and Ramsés Ortín
On Not Taming the Wild Tongue: Challenges and Approaches to Institutional Translation in a University Serving a Historically Minoritized Population, Jose M. Davila-Montes, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez, and Francisco Guajardo
The shape of translation policy: a comparison of policy determinants in Bangor and Brownsville, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translating to change the nation: The case of José Pedro Varela, a reformer in late 19th century Uruguay, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Where We Are, A. Abby Knoblauch, Alissa Surges, Amanda Rose Pratt, Amanda Smothers, Ashanka Kumari, Brittany Roberts, Bronwyn Williams, Charlie Cat via Jenn Fishman, Christina V. Cedillo, and Randall W. Monty
Undergirding Writing Centers' Responses to the Neoliberal Academy, Randall W. Monty
Rape Narratives & Survival within Counter-geographies: (Dis)Pleasure in Disrupting Globalized Universals, Monica Reyes
“If It Hadn’t Been for Writing, I Think I Would Have Lost My Mind:” Resilient Dwelling and Rhetorical Agency in Prison Writing, Maggie Shelledy
Submissions from 2018
Advancing a Transnational, Transdisciplinary and Translingual Framework: A Professional Development Series for Teaching Assistants in Writing and Spanish Programs, Alyssa G. Cavazos, Marcela Hebbard, José Esteban Hernández, Crystal Rodriguez, and Geoffrey Schwarz
Enthymeme, metonymy and method: comparing genre-bound rhetorical deviations between languages through corpus studies, Jose M. Davila-Montes
Crossing Linguistic Borders: Teaching Writing Skills in Two Languages to Translators-in-Training, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez