Writing and Language Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2018
Transfer of Variable Grammars in Third Language Acquisition, Ramsés Ortín and Carmen Fernandez-Florez
Javier Sicilia: Advocate of deliberative democracy in the Americas, Lyon Rathbun
Submissions from 2017
Translingual oral and written practices: Rhetorical resources in multilingual writers’ discourses, Alyssa G. Cavazos
Comparing native speaker ratings and quantitative measures of oral proficiency in IELTS interviews, Katherine Christoffersen
What Students Do with Words: Language Use and Communicative Function in Full and Partial Immersion Classrooms, Katherine Christoffersen
“You live in the United States, you speak English,” decían las maestras How New Mexican Spanish speakers enact, ascribe, and reject ethnic identities, Katherine Christoffersen and Naomi L. Shin
Translation as a Rhetoric of Meaning, Jose M. Davila-Montes
Positional Verbs in Colonial Valley Zapotec, John Foreman and Brooke D. Lillehaugen
Approaching Engagement in Audio Description, Nazaret Fresno
Law and translation at the U.S.-Mexico border: Translation policy in a diglossic setting, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translation and Public Policy Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Case Studies, Gabriel González Núñez and Reine Meylaerts
You’re Going to Need This for College, Andrew Hollinger
The (Un)Hero in the American West: Reexamining the Male/Female Binary of Nineteenth Century Travel Diaries, Monica Reyes
Submissions from 2016
A contrastive analysis of dar ‘give’ in English and Brazilian Portuguese: semantic-syntactic relationships and implications for L2 instruction, Katherine Christoffersen
Dominant Discourses and Language Socialization in the Literacy Practices of a Spanish-Speaking Church, Katherine Christoffersen
On Attitudes Toward Spanish Varieties: A Bilingual Perspective, Julio F. C. Ciller and Carmen F. Florez
Audio Description Washes Brighter? A Study in Brand Names and Advertising, Jose M. Davila-Montes and Pilar Orero
Carving Characters in the Mind. A Theoretical Approach to the Reception of Characters in Audio Described Films, Nazaret Fresno
‘What Should I Say?’ Tentative Criteria to Prioritize Information in the Audio Description of Film Characters, Nazaret Fresno, Judit Castellà, and Olga Soler-Vilageliu
On Translation Policy, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translation Policy in a Linguistically Diverse World, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Opening the Door for Cross-Disciplinary Literacy: Doing History and Writing in a High School to University Collaboration, Beatrice Mendez Newman and Penny Rosas
The Writing Center as Cultural and Interdisciplinary Contact Zone, Randall W. Monty
Building Rhetorical Theory through Discursively Constructed Borders, Randall W. Monty and Alyssa G. Cavazos
Submissions from 2015
Latina/o Academics’ Resilient Qualities in Their Linguistically Diverse Practices, Alyssa G. Cavazos
Latinas/os succeeding in academia: the effect of mentors and multiethnic coursework, Alyssa G. Cavazos
Multilingual faculty across academic disciplines: language difference in scholarship, Alyssa G. Cavazos
Audio describing characters : what features do audiences remember?, Nazaret Fresno, Judit Castellà Mate, Anna Matamala, and Olga Soler Vilageliu
Del aula al tribunal: guía para la interpretación en el sistema de justicia de los Estados Unidos [Elena M. De Jongh. From the Classroom to the Courtroom: A Guide to Interpreting in the U.S. Justice System], Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translating for minorities in Wales: a look at translation policies, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Everyday Borders of Transnational Students: Composing Place and Space with Mobile Technology, Social Media, and Multimodality, Randall W. Monty
Submissions from 2014
Does child code-switching demonstrate communicative competence?: A comparison of simultaneous and sequential bilinguals, Katherine Christoffersen
Less is More. Effects of the Amount of Information and Its Presentation in the Recall and Reception of Audio Described Characters, Nazaret Fresno, Judit Castellà Mate, and Olga Soler Vilageliu
"When a Translator Joins the Revolution: A Paratextual Analysis of Manuel García de Sena’s La independencia", Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
The Discourse of First-Year Writers at Border Sites: Discerning the Transcultural, Bilinguistic Strategies of English Language Learners in College, Beatrice Méndez-Newman
Work placements in doctoral research training in the humanities: Eight cases from Translation Studies, Anthony Pym, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez, Marta Miquel-Iriarte, Sara Ramos Pinto, Carlos Teixeira, and Wine Tesse
Submissions from 2013
An analysis of sempre, mesmo and bem:Brazilian Portuguese word order as applied to EFL instruction, Katherine Christoffersen
An Ecological View of Language Choice in a Bilingual Program: A Dynamic Model of Social Structures, Katherine Christoffersen
Translating for linguistic minorities in Northern Ireland: a look at translation policy in the judiciary, healthcare, and local government, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Translating to Communicate with Linguistic Minorities: State obligations under international law, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Latino/a Student (Efficacy) Expectations: Reacting and Adjusting to a Writing-about-Writing Curriculum Change at an Hispanic Serving Institution, I. Moriah McCracken and Valerie A. Ortiz
Review Essay: Multimodality in Local and Disciplinary Praxes, Randall W. Monty
Submissions from 2012
Mentor Texts and Funds of Knowledge: Situating Writing within Our Students’ Worlds, Beatrice Mendez Newman
Submissions from 2010
Understanding the Experiences of Latina/O Students: A Qualitative Study for Change, Alyssa G. Cavazos and Javier Cavazos Vela
The illusion of transparency at an HSI: Rethinking service and public identity in a south Texas writing program, Jonikka Charlton and Colin Charlton
Submissions from 2009
Reflections of a Latina Student-Teacher: Refusing Low Expectations for Latina/o Students, Alyssa G. Cavazos
La traducción de la persuasión publicitaria, Jose M. Davila-Montes
Living Authors, Living Stories: Integrating Local Authors into Our Curriculum, Beatrice Méndez-Newman
The Corrido: A Border Rhetoric, Mark Noe
Submissions from 2007
Miguel Hernández, Lacan y la búsqueda del yo poético, Jose M. Davila-Montes
Submissions from 2006
Traducción y herencia, Jose M. Davila-Montes
Submissions from 2005
La transformación de la visión de John Quincy Adams sobre Mexico, Lyon Rathbun
Submissions from 2003
Centering in the Borderlands: Lessons from Hispanic Student Writers, Beatrice Mendez Newman
Submissions from 2002
Attitudes toward Spanish language maintenance or shift (LMLS) in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, Hugo A. Macias, Pamela L. Anderson, and Ralph Carlson
Submissions from 2001
The Debate over Annexing Texas and the Emergence of Manifest Destiny, Lyon Rathbun
Submissions from 2000
The Ciceronian Rhetoric of John Quincy Adams, Lyon Rathbun
Submissions from 1986
English for Academic Listening: Teaching the Skills Associated with Listening to Extended Discourse, Pamela L. Anderson-Mejias