B3 Scholarship & Creative Works Collection

B3 Scholarship & Creative Works Collection


The B3 Scholarship & Creative Works Collection is a repository for scholarship that includes a bilingual, bicultural, and biliterate (B3) component that aligns with the mission of the Office for Bilingual Integration.

The mission of the Office of the Vice Provost for Bilingual Integration is to accelerate the expansion of UTRGV as a Spanish-English bilingual, bicultural, and biliterate (B3) Hispanic-Serving Institution reflective of the surrounding community. 

Based on this mission, we define these terms as follows:

  • Bilingual: Spanish and English language
  • Bicultural: Mexican American or Latino/a/x/e cultures
  • Biliterate: Literacy in Spanish and English

The purpose of the B3 Scholarship & Creative Works Collection is to support and highlight scholarship that builds on the human, (bi)cultural, linguistic, social, community, and economic assets of the Río Grande Valley and Texas to integrate B3 into the university’s core values of excellence, inquiry, discovery, and creativity. This collection highlights research that honors and sustains our linguistic and (bi)cultural past and transforms our future.

If you are interested in adding any of your research products to the B3 Scholarship & Creative Works Collection, please contact us at bilingualintegration@utrgv.edu.


Submissions from 2024


Community-Engaged Pedagogy for Equitable HSI Teacher Preparation: Bridging Community, School, and University Cultures, Pauli Badenhorst, Sandra I. Musanti, Veronica L. Estrada, Patricia Robles, and Amy Montoya


Developing Community-Based Sociolinguistic Corpora to Promote Social Justice, Ryan M. Bessett, Katherine Christoffersen, Ana M. Carvalho, Isabella Calafate, and Mayte Vega Mudy


Examining One-Way Dual Language Elementary Latinx Bilingual Learners’ Trajectory on a State Standardized Reading Assessment, J. Joy Esquierdo and Isela Almaguer


Validation of the Spanish version of the IVI_C VRQoL in children from 8 to 18 years old, Carlos Fresno Cañada, Joan Gispets Parcerisas, Nazaret Fresno, Héctor Salvador Hernandez, Ana Llorca Cardeñosa, Alejandro Martinez Roda, and Joan Prat Bartomeu


Closed Captions en español. Live Captioning Quality in Spanish-language Newscasts in the U.S., Nazaret Fresno


Translation Policy in the United States, Gabriel González Núñez


Using a Two-Way Engagement Community- and Family-Centered Pedagogy to Prepare Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers in a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Olga Ramirez, Mayra Ortiz Galarza, and Luis M. Fernandez


Entre rayas: exilio, erotismo y epistemologíasliminales. Huellas de Emily Dickinson en Otra vez Eros, de Cristina Peri Rossi [Between Dashes: Exile, Eroticism, and Liminal Epistemologies. Traces of Emily Dickinson in Eros Again, by Cristina Peri Ross], Elena Vega-Sampayo and Jose M. Davila-Montes

Submissions from 2023


Analyzing reading scores of elementary Latinx bilingual learners in a one-way dual language education program, Isela Almaguer and J. Joy Esquierdo


Musicking across Hemispheres: A Transatlantic Approach to Western Music History and Curricular Reform at a Hispanic Serving Institution, Andres R. Amado


Student perceptions of community-engaged scholarship courses: Developing a sociolinguistic corpus on the U.S.–Mexico Border, Katherine Christoffersen, Aubrey Villanueva, and Ryan M. Bessett


Cognitive Prosodies, Displacements, and Translation: Tropes on the Move in Persuasive Discourse, Jose M. Davila-Montes


Contextualizing the Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Framework for teachers of Emergent Bilinguals, Luis M. Fernandez and Mayra Ortiz Galarza


Reporting at the border:Translation in periodicals at the Texas-Tamaulipas border during the 19th century, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez


“Make a reasonable effort”: Translation policy for Texas state websites, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez and Nazaret Fresno


Chapter 1 “A veces encuentro más palabras en español”: Taking a stance towards translanguaging as a socially just pedagogy for bilingual teacher preparation, Sandra I. Musanti


“Entender las diferencias entre ambos idiomas”. Inclusividad lingüística y conciencia metalingüística crítica en la preparación de maestras/os bilingües, Sandra I. Musanti

Submissions from 2022


Benedicto Sáenz 'Libera Me': Occidentalisms in Latin America Nineteenth-Century Sacred Music, Andres R. Amado


On playful language divergences. Code-switching among Spanish-Portuguese bilinguals, Ana M. Carvalho and Katherine Christoffersen


Insights from a faculty learning community on translingual community-engaged pedagogy at a Hispanic serving institution, Alyssa G. Cavazos and Sandra I. Musanti


Translating (or Not) a South American Philosopher The paratexts of the works of José Enrique Rodó in English, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez


Translation Studies and Public Policy, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez


The Role of Interpreting and Translation in Promoting Linguistic Human Rights, Gabriel González Núñez

Submissions from 2021


Technologically-Aided Transcription Methods for Bilingual Sociolinguistic Corpora: Findings, Resources, and Considerations, Katherine Christoffersen, Ryan M. Bessett, and Ana M. Carvalho


Toda lengua es válida aquí en esta clase: Translanguaging pedagogy and critical language awareness in sociolinguistics courses on the U.S.-Mexico border, Katherine Christoffersen and Kimberly Regalado


Latinx Students’ Mathematics Anxiety and Their Study Habits: Exploring Their Relationship at the Postsecondary Level, Luis M. Fernandez, Xiaohui Wang, Olga Ramirez, and M. Cristina Villalobos


Live Captioning Accuracy in Spanish-Language Newscasts in the United States, Nazaret Fresno


Strengthening respeakers’ training in Spain: the research-practice connection, Nazaret Fresno and Pablo Romero-Fresco


La Enseñanza en el Aula Bilingüe: Content, Language, and Biliteracy, Sandra Mercuri, Sandra I. Musanti, and Alma D. Rodríguez


“I don’t like English because it is jard.” Exploring multimodal writing and translanguaging practices for biliteracy in a dual language classroom, Laura B. Ramos and Sandra I. Musanti


Translanguaging in higher education in the US: leveraging students’ bilingualism, Alma D. Rodríguez, Sandra I. Musanti, and Alyssa G. Cavazos

Submissions from 2020


La Pera stories: cognitive and cultural alignment of narrative production by bilinguals in the U.S. – Mexican borderlands, Jose M. Davila-Montes and Lyon Rathbun


The Story of A Shipwrecked Slave: The Role of Esteban De Dorantes As An Interpreter In The Early Exploration And Conquest of The Americas, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez


Collaboration of Researchers and Stakeholders: Transforming Educator Preparation, Bobbette M. Morgan, Alma D. Rodriguez, Irma S. Jones, James A. Telese, and Sandra I. Musanti


Embracing a Translanguaging Stance and Redefining Teacher Preparation Practices in a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Sandra I. Musanti, Alyssa G. Cavazos, and Alma D. Rodríguez


Transformando A Sala De Aula Universitária: O Uso Do Photovoice Como Ferrmenta Metodológica [TRANFORMING THE UNIVERSITY CLASSROOM: THE USE OF PHOTOVOICE AS A METHODOLOGICAL TOOL], Sandra I. Musanti and Bettina Steren dos Santos


Análisis de y desde la mirada en "Largo noviembre de Madrid" y en otros cuentos de Juan Eduardo Zúñiga, Elena Vega-Sampayo and Jose M. Davila-Montes


Language and Literacy Practices of Bilingual Education Preservice Teachers at a Hispanic-Serving College of Education, Elena M. Venegas, Veronica L. Estrada, Janine M. Schall, and Leticia De Leon

Submissions from 2019


Linguistic Terrorism in the Borderlands: Language Ideologies in the Narratives of Young Adults in the Rio Grande Valley, Katherine Christoffersen


On Not Taming the Wild Tongue: Challenges and Approaches to Institutional Translation in a University Serving a Historically Minoritized Population, Jose M. Davila-Montes, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez, and Francisco Guajardo


The shape of translation policy: a comparison of policy determinants in Bangor and Brownsville, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez


Fostering identity negotiation in sixth-grade ELLS: Examining an instructional unit on identity in English Language Arts, Carolina G. Lopez and Sandra I. Musanti


“It’s Making Me a Better Teacher.” Transforming Latinx Teacher Candidates Clinical Field Experiences in a Hispanic Serving Institution, Sandra I. Musanti, Alma D. Rodriguez, and Patricia Alvarez McHatton

Submissions from 2018


Crossing Linguistic Borders: Teaching Writing Skills in Two Languages to Translators-in-Training, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez


Interdisciplinary biliteracy: Leveraging biliteracy development for all bilingual learners, Sandra Mercuri and Sandra I. Musanti


“Siento que siempre tengo que regresar al inglés”: Embracing a translanguaging stance in a Hispanic-serving institution, Sandra I. Musanti and Alyssa G. Cavazos

Submissions from 2017


What Students Do with Words: Language Use and Communicative Function in Full and Partial Immersion Classrooms, Katherine Christoffersen


“You live in the United States, you speak English,” decían las maestras How New Mexican Spanish speakers enact, ascribe, and reject ethnic identities, Katherine Christoffersen and Naomi L. Shin


Translation as a Rhetoric of Meaning, Jose M. Davila-Montes


Law and translation at the U.S.-Mexico border: Translation policy in a diglossic setting, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez


Translation and Public Policy Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Case Studies, Gabriel González Núñez and Reine Meylaerts


Challenging Inquiry and Building Community: Analyzing ESL and Bilingual Teachers’ Narratives, Sandra I. Musanti


A Novice Bilingual Teacher’s Journey: Teacher’s Noticing as a Pathway to Negotiate Contradictory Teaching Discourses, Sandra I. Musanti


Developing Academic Literacy: What Novice Teachers Can Learn from the Case of Teaching Latino/Bilingual Learners Science and Mathematics, Sandra I. Musanti and Sandra Mercuri


Translanguaging in bilingual teacher preparation: Exploring pre-service bilingual teachers’ academic writing, Sandra I. Musanti and Alma D. Rodríguez

Submissions from 2016


Dominant Discourses and Language Socialization in the Literacy Practices of a Spanish-Speaking Church, Katherine Christoffersen


Audio Description Washes Brighter? A Study in Brand Names and Advertising, Jose M. Davila-Montes and Pilar Orero

Submissions from 2015


Mitigation of Disagreement in Peer Review among L2 Learners and Native Speakers in a College Writing Class (Mitigación del Impacto de las Opiniones de Desacuerdo en el Proceso de Revisión por Pares entre Estudiantes de una Segunda Lengua y Hablantes Nativos en una Clase de Escritura a Nivel Universitario), Katherine Christoffersen


Youth Digital Cultural Consumption and Education, Monica Pini, Sandra I. Musanti, and Teresa Cerratto Pargma

Submissions from 2014


Does child code-switching demonstrate communicative competence?: A comparison of simultaneous and sequential bilinguals, Katherine Christoffersen


“Porque sé los dos idiomas.” Biliteracy Beliefs and Bilingual Preservice Teacher Identity, Sandra I. Musanti


Preparing Latina/o Bilingual Teachers to Teach Content in Spanish to Emergent Bilingual Students on the US–Mexico Border, Alma D. Rodríguez and Sandra I. Musanti

Submissions from 2013


“Let’s suppose that. . . .”: Developing Base-10 Thinking, Sylvia Celedon-Pattichis and Sandra I. Musanti


An Ecological View of Language Choice in a Bilingual Program: A Dynamic Model of Social Structures, Katherine Christoffersen


Promising Pedagogical Practices for Emergent Bilinguals in Kindergarten: Towards a Mathematics Discourse Community, Sandra I. Musanti and Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis

Submissions from 2012


“They need to know they can do math”: Reaching for Equity through the Native Language in Mathematics Instruction with Spanish-speaking Students, Sandra I. Musanti and Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis


Reflexiones sobre Lenguaje, Cultura y Equidad en la Enseñanza de Matemáticas en una Escuela Primaria Bilingüe de Estados Unidos, Sandra I. Musanti, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, and Mary E. Marshall

Submissions from 2011


Situating Mathematics Professional Development: A Bilingual Teacher and Researchers’ Collaboration, Sandra I. Musanti, Mary E. Marshall, Karla Ceballos, and Sylvia Celedon-Pattichis

Submissions from 2010


Bilingual teachers’ reflections on students’ native language and culture to teach mathematics, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Sandra I. Musanti, and Mary E. Marshall


Critical incidents and reflection: turning points that challenge the researcher and create opportunities for knowing, Don Halquist and Sandra I. Musanti


Collaboration and teacher development: Unpacking resistance, constructing knowledge, and navigating identities, Sandra I. Musanti and Lucretia Pence


Teacher Education and Professional Development in the Context of Argentinean Educational Policies: Current Trends and Challenges, Monica Pini, Sandra I. Musanti, Jorge Gorostiaga, Myriam Feldfeber, and Dalila Andrade Oliveira

Submissions from 2009


Reflections on Language and Mathematics Problem Solving: A Case Study of a Bilingual First-Grade Teacher, Sandra I. Musanti, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, and Mary E. Marshall

Submissions from 2008


Teachers of Latino students reflect on the implementation of a mathematical task, Leslie H. Kahn, Sandra I. Musanti, Laura Kondek McLeman, José María Menéndez-Gómez, and Barbara Trujillo

Submissions from 2007


Young Latino students' learning in problem-based reform Mathematics classrooms: Developing mathematical thinking and communication, Mary Marshall, Sandra I. Musanti, and Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis

Submissions from 2006


Traducción y herencia, Jose M. Davila-Montes

Submissions from 2005


Teaching/Learning Centers: Professional Development for Teachers of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students, Holbrook Mahn, Dee McMann, and Sandra I. Musanti