Content Posted in 2021
100 handwritten get-well letters to Manuela "Mela" Solis
10 1/2 Things About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (10 1/2 Frightening Facts About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), William F. Strong and Alexandra Seymour
16 de Septiembre Celebration, University of Texas Pan American
1 December 2013 Abundance and Size of Sand Crabs, Lepidopa benedicti (Decapoda: Albuneidae), In Southern Texas, Jessica H. Murph and Zen Faulkes
1q21.1 distal copy number variants are associated with cerebral and cognitive alterations in humans, Ida E. Sønderby, Dennis van der Meer, Clara Moreau, Tobias Kaufmann, G. Bragi Walters, Maria Ellegaard, Nicholas B. Blackburn, John Blangero, Joanne E. Curran, and Juan M. Peralta
2004 court supervised Dominion excavation., Reed, McLain and Guerrero, L.L.P.
2004 court supervised Dominion excavation confirmed Dominion pipe missing north and south of Business 83., Reed, McLain and Guerrero, L.L.P.
2004 court supervised Dominion excavation confirmed Dominion pipe missing north and south of Business 83., Reed, McLain and Guerrero, L.L.P.
4-1BBL as a Mediator of Cross-Talk between Innate, Adaptive, and Regulatory Immunity against Cancer, Alejandra G. Martinez-Perez, Jose J. Perez-Trujillo, Rodolfo Garza-Morales, Maria J. Loera-Arias, Odila Saucedo-Cardenas, Aracely Garcia-Garcia, Humberto Rodriguez-Rocha, and Roberto Montes-de-Oca-Luna
4-D Printing of Pressure Sensors and Energy Harvesting Devices for Engineering Education, Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, Aditya Akundi, and Hoejin Kim
A Battle for Attention, Michael Lara
Abigail Villarreal (1439), Maria Salmon
A Biodistribution and Toxicity Study of Cobalt Dichloride–NAcetyl Cysteine (C4) as an Implantable MRI Marker for Prostate Cancer Treatment, Steven J. Frank, Mary J. Johansen, Karen S. Martirosyan, Mihai Gagea, and Carolyn S. Van Pelt
Abril Hernandez (1509), Gisela Salinas
Absolute Impunity: On the Legacies of 9/11 & the Policies of the War on/of Terror, Bryant William Sculos
Abuelito, Josie Herrera
Academic and Professional Integrity: New Snake Oil in Old Bottles?, Gordon A. Crews
Academic Credit for Police and Correctional Academy Courses: The Criminal Justice Training Assessment (CJTA) Approach, Jack Greene, Sutham Cheurprakobkit, Angela West Crews, Gordon A. Crews, Prahba Unnithan, and Eric C. Schultz
A Case Report of a Patient on Therapeutic Warfarin Who Died of COVID-19 Infection with a Sudden Rise in D-Dimer, Reita N. Agarwal, Hersheth Aggarwal, Ashmit Verma, and Manish Tripathi
Acculturation and Filial Piety as Mediators of the Relationship Between Caregiver Burden and Gender-Role Expectations in Hispanic-American Rehabilitation Services Students, Roy K. Chen, Bryan Austin, and Chien-Chun Lin
A Chicana Heroine Redirects El Movimiento, Marci R. McMahon
A Comparison of Health Disparities among Transgender Adults in Colorado (USA) by Race and Income, Kristie L. Seelman, Sarah R. Young, Megan Tesene, Luis R. Alvarez-Hernandez, and Leo Kattari
A Comparison of Salinity Effects from Hurricanes Dolly (2008) and Alex (2010) in a Texas Lagoon System, Joseph L. Kowalski, Hudson R. DeYoe, Gilbert H. Boza Jr., Donald L. Hockaday, and Paul V. Zimba
A Comparison of the Prevalence of Cirrhosis in a Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Population Based on Body Mass Index, Abbie Thompson, Alexa Perlick, Angel Rendon, Colton Wayne, and Sarvani Uppati
A Comprehensive Method for Fractionating Soil Organic Matter Not Protected and Protected from Decomposition by Physical and Chemical Mechanisms, César Plaza, José M. Fernández, Engil Isadora Pujol pereira, and Alfredo Polo
A Concise Review of the Multimodality Imaging Features of Renal Cell Carcinoma, Ali Morshid, Elif S. Duran, Woongsoon J. Choi, and Cihan Duran
Acquired Factor VIII Deficiency Presenting as Gross Hematuria in a Hispanic, Pregnant Patient with Previously Undiagnosed Connective Tissue Disease, Christine Loftis, Emilia C. Dulgheru, and Rosa White
Ada Lee Richmond Chisum, Ada Lee Richmond Chisum and Robert Everett Norton
Additions to Philippine slender skinks of the Brachymeles bonitae complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) IV: Resurrection and redescription of Brachymeles burksi, Cameron D. Siler, Elyse S. Freitas, Jennifer A. Sheridan, Stephanie N. Maguire, Drew R. Davis, Jessa L. Watters, Kai Wang, Arvin C. Diesmos, and Rafe M. Brown
Addressing LGBTQ+ Bullying In Your School, Brian Cheslik
Adela Castilleja, Adela Castilleja and Oralia Betancourt
Adela Sloss Vento (1901-1998) [Artículo], Cynthia E. Orozco and Jazmin León
Adela Sloss-Vento: Civil Rights Activist, Public Intellectual & Feminist (PowerPoint), Cynthia E. Orozco
Adela Sloss-Vento: Civil Rights Activist, Public Intellectual & Feminist (Video), Cynthia E. Orozco
Adela Sloss Vento: Intelectual, feminista y activista de los Derechos Civiles (PowerPoint), Cynthia E. Orozco
Adela Weaver, Adela Weaver and Andy Longoria Perez
ADHD treatment in Latin America and the Caribbean, Guilherme Polanczyk, Luis Augusto Rohde, Claudia Szobot, Marcelo Schmitz, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, and José J. Bauermeister
Adolescent satanists in America: Religious commitment or developmental stage?, Gordon A. Crews
Adolfo Ramirez, Adolfo Ramirez and Corina Cantu
A drone-based survey for large, basking freshwater turtle species, Amy P. Bogolin, Drew R. Davis, Richard J. Kline, and Abdullah Rahman
Advancing a Transnational, Transdisciplinary and Translingual Framework: A Professional Development Series for Teaching Assistants in Writing and Spanish Programs, Alyssa G. Cavazos, Marcela Hebbard, José E. Hernández, Crystal Rodriguez, and Geoffrey Schwarz
Advocates, San Juana Granado
A Dying Author, Jerome Teelucksingh
Aerial detection of waste disposal sites near Donna Reservoir in south Texas., C. F. Webster, James H. Everitt, D. E. Escobar, and M. R. Davis
Aerial photograph of McAllen around Business 83 and 23rd Street., Reed, McLain and Guerrero, L.L.P.
A Fishing Adventure, Luis Sandoval
A Flexible Piezoelectric Energy Harvester-Based Single-Layer WS2 Nanometer 2D Material for Self-Powered Sensors, Quan Wang, Kyung-Bum Kim, Sang Bum Woo, Yooseob Song, and Tae Hyun Sung
A fragment on Euler's constant in Ramanujan's lost notebook, Bruce C. Berndt and Timothy Huber
A fresh start in ambersnail (Gastropoda: Succineidae) taxonomy: finding a foothold using a widespread species of Oxyloma, Kathryn E. Perez, Marco A. Martinez Cruz, Brent W. Steury, and Gary M. Barker
A Game Theoretical Analysis of Non-Linear Blockchain System, Lin Chen, Lei Xu, Zhimin Gao, Ahmed Sunny, Keshav Kasichainula, and Weidong Shi
A Game-Theoretic Framework to Regulate Freeriding in Inter-Provider Spectrum Sharing, Mostafizur Rahman, Murat Yuksel, and Thomas Quint
Age differences in early onset substance use and depression symptoms prior to age 18 with adult major depressive disorder in the United States, Annu Karithara, K. Ozuna, K. Wang, and C. Xu
A geometric formulation of Lax integrability for nonlinear equationsin two independent variables, Paul Bracken
A Gravitational-wave Measurement of the Hubble Constant Following the Second Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo, B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, S. Abraham, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, Malik Rakhmanov, K. E. Ramirez, Satzhan Sitmukhambetov, Robert Stone, D. Tuyenbayev, W. H. Wang, and Adam Zadrozny
A gravitational wave observatory operating beyond the quantum shot-noise limit: Squeezed light in application, J. Abadie, B. P. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, M. R. Abernathy, Matthew Benacquista, Teviet Creighton, H. Daveloza, Maria E. Diaz, R. Grosso, Soumya Mohanty, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, Joseph D. Romano, Robert Stone, and A. S. Stroeer
Agriculture News Release - 1973-11-27, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1973-12-04, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1974-06-27, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1974-07-16, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1975-03-11, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1975-08-01, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1977-02-24, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1977-06-07, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1977-08-05, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1977-09-23, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-02-01, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-04-18, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-04-19, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-05-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-05-04, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-05-29, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-06-12, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-08-21, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-09-10, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-10-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-10-18, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-10-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1979-12-05, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1980-04-07, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1980-04-09, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1980-05-02, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1980-05-07, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1980-06-04, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1980-06-24, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1980-10-01, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1980-12-11, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1988-09-28, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1989-05-25, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1989-08-04, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1989-08-07, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1990-01-12, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1990-02-08, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1990-03-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1990-05-25, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1990-09-26, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1990-11-21, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1990-12-21, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1992-05-06, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1992-12-08, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1992-12-24, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-01-07, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-01-11, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-01-27, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-02-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-02-17a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-02-17b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-02-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-02-23, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-02-24, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-04, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-05a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-05b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-10a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-10b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-10c, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-12, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-17a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-17b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-03-31, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-04-08, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-04-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-05-14, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-04a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-04b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-09a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-09b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-10, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-15, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-28, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-06-30, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-01a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-01b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-01c, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-01d, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-16a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-16b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-16c, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-21, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-27, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-07-30, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-08-05, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-08-06, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-08-13, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-08-26, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-09a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-09b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-10, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-21a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-21b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-23a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-23b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-24a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-24b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-28, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-09-30, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-10-07, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-10-14, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-10-15, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-10-19, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-10-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-10-27, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-11-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-11-04, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-11-10a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-11-10b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-11-23, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-11-29, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-12-02, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-12-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-12-06, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-12-08, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-12-09, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-12-30a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1993-12-30b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-01-27, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-02-03a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-02-03b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-02-08, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-02-24, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-03-17, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-03-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-04-05a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-04-05b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-04-14, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-04-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-04-26, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-04-28, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-05-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-05-12, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-05-13, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-05-17, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-05-18, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-05-20, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-05-24, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-06-07, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-06-08, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-06-17a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-06-17b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-06-21, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-06-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-06-24, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-06-30, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-07-14, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-07-20, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-07-21, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-07-27a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-07-27b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-08-02a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-08-02b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-08-03, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-08-05, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-08-10, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-08-12a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-08-12b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-08-24, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-09-22, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-09-27a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-09-27b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-09-28a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-09-28b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-09-28c, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-09-29, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-09-30, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-10-03a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-10-03b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-10-03c, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-10-05a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-10-05b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-11-30, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-12-02, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-12-06, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-12-08a, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-12-08b, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1994-12-15, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
Agriculture News Release - 1996-03-29, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture and E. De la Garza
A Handy Guide To The Most Texas-Loving Pages On Facebook, William F. Strong
A high-precision SAR echo simulation method based on FDTD, Bin Zou, Yanqiu Jia, and Zhijun Qiao
A high-resolution HLA reference panel capturing global population diversity enables multi-ethnic fine-mapping in HIV host response, Yang Luo, Masahiro Kanai, Wanson Choi, Xinyi Li, John Blangero, Joanne E. Curran, Ravi Duggirala, Harald H. H. Goring, Michael C. Mahaney, and Juan M. Peralta
Air pollution exposure and preeclampsia among US women with and without asthma, Pauline Mendola, Maeve Wallace, Danping Liu, Candace Robledo, Tuija Männistö, and Katherine Grantz
Airway Epithelial Innate Immunity, Sebastian L. Johnston, David L. Goldblatt, Scott E. Evans, Michael J. Tuvim, and Burton F. Dickey
A Journey, Jill Swanson
A Journey into Our Own Backyard: Helping Students Discover Their Voices and the Treasures of Home, Karina Stiles-Cox
Alaska (6 Reasons Texas Is Better Than Alaska), William F. Strong
Alberto Escobedo (1508), Dorysa Rivera
Albino Guerra, Albino Guerra and Jose Trinidad Molina
A Letter Home to Parents, Jennifer Jennings Davis
Alexandro Gomez, Alexandro Gomez and Linda Pena
Alfonso Rene Ramirez, Alfonso Rene Ramirez and Douglas E. Erickson
Algebro-geometric Solutions for the Degasperis--Procesi Hierarchy, Yu Hou, Peng Zhao, Engui Fan, and Zhijun Qiao
Algoritmo de Tratamiento Multimodal para Preescolares Latinoamericanos con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH), Juan David Palacio, Matilde Ruiz-García, José J. Bauermeister, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Gloria C. Henao, and Guillermo Agosta
Alice Amada Aceituno Jensen, Alice Amada Aceituno Jensen and Nora Lisa Tellez
Alice Fawcett, Alice Fawcett and Douglass E. Erickson
Alice Savage Pfeifer, Alice Pfeifer and Robert Everett Norton
Alicia Cano, Alicia Cano and Robert Andrew Nelson
Alicia Longoria Longoria - Part 01, Alicia Longoria Longoria and Carole B. Turner
Alicia Longoria Longoria - Part 02, Alicia Longoria Longoria and Carole B. Turner
Alligator Boots, Johana Reséndez
All School Shooters Are Not Created Equal: Identifying New Typologies of K-12 School Violence Perpetrators, Gordon A. Crews and Garrison A. Crews
All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars in the early O3 LIGO data, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, S. Abraham, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, Volker Quetschke, Karla E. Ramirez, and Wen Hui Wang
All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run, Richard Abbott, Thomas D. Abbott, Fausto Acernese, K. Ackley, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, F. Llamas, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, and Wenhui Wang
All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, F. Llamas, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, and Wen Hui Wang
All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, S. Abraham, F. Acernese, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, K. E. Ramirez, and W. H. Wang
Alma López’s California Fashions Slaves: Denaturalizing Domesticity, Labor, and Motherhood, Marci R. McMahon
Alondra Sanchez (1547), Feliz Rodriguez
A Lover and a Fighter: The Genome Sequence of an Entomopathogenic Nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Xiaodong Bai, Byron J. Adams, Todd A. Ciche, Sandra Clifton, Randy Gaugler, Kwi-suk Kim, and Parwinder Grewal
Alterations in Activation, Cytotoxic Capacity and Trafficking Profile of Peripheral CD8 T Cells in Young Adult Binge Drinkers, José Luis Zaldivar Fujigaki, América Guadalupe Arroyo Valerio, Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga, Esperanza Gabriela Gutiérrez Reyes, David Kershenobich, and Joselin Hernández Ruiz
Alternatively Assessing Conceptual Learning in an Emergency Clinical Environment—A Mixed Methods Design, Zhidong Zhang and Alice Yang Zhang
Alternative therapies for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, Jameela Banu, Erika Varela, and Gabriel Fernandes
A Machine Vision Based Automated Quality Control System for Product Dimensional Analysis, Aditya Akundi and Mark Reyna
A Magneto-Mechanical Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Designed to Scavenge AC Magnetic Field from Thermal Power Plant with Power-Line Cables, Quan Wang, Kyung-Bum Kim, Sang-Bum Woo, Yooseob Song, and Tae-Hyun Sang
Amancio Chapa, Amancio Chapa Sr. and Robert Everett Norton
Amanda Garza (1450), Andrew Garza
American, Alejandra Villanueva
A Method for Repeated, Longitudinal Sampling of Individual Aedes aegypti for Transmission Potential of Arboviruses, E. Handly Mayton, Heather Hernandez, Christopher Vitek, and Rebecca C. Christofferson
Amistades: The Development of Relationships Between Preservice Teachers and Latino Families, John A. Sutterby, Renee Rubin, and Michelle Abrego
A molecular modelling approach for identifying antiviral selenium-containing heterocyclic compounds that inhibit the main protease of SARS-CoV-2: an in silico investigation, Ahmed Rakib, Zulkar Nain, Saad Ahmed Sami, Shafi Mahmud, Ashiqul Islam, Shahriar Ahmed, and Asif Shahriar
A Mysterious Revelation With My Abuelita, Bernice Barrón
Ana Alonzo (1403), Daniel Porras
An Accurate Representation of What?: Student Perceptions of Standardized Writing Assesment, Kristen Getchell and Lindsay Illich
An action for a classical string, the equation of motion and group invariant classical solutions, Paul Bracken
Ana Hernandez, Ana Hernandez and Robert Andrew Nelson
An Algorithm to Compute CVTs for Finitely Generated Cantor Distributions, Carl P. Dettmann and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Análisis molecular del gen GABRB3 en pacientes con autismo: estudio exploratorio [Molecular analysis of the GABRB3 gene in autistic patients: an exploratory study], Ernesto Solís-Añez, Wilmer Delgado-Luengo, Lisbeth Borjas-Fuentes, William Zabala, Nailet Arráiz, Lennie Pineda, María Gabriela Portillo, Sandra González-Ferrer, José Antonio Chacín, Joaquín A. Peña, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Analysis of intervention effectiveness using early outbreak transmission dynamics to guide future pandemic management and decision-making in Kuwait, Michael G. Tyshenko, Tamer Oraby, Joseph C. Longenecker, Harri Vainio, Janvier Gasana, Walid Q. Alali, Mohammad AlSeaidan, Susie ElSaadany, and Mustafa Al-Zoughool
Analysis of Localized Diabatic States beyond the Condon Approximation for Excitation Energy Transfer Processes, Ethan Alguire, Shervin Fatehi, Yihan Shao, and Joseph E. Subotnik
Analysis of PTPRK polymorphisms in association with risk and age at onset of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer risk, and cholesterol, Yang Chen, Chun Xu, Sam Harirforoosh, Xingguang Luo, and Ke-Sheng Wang
Analytical Properties for the Fifth Order Camassa-Holm (FOCH) Model, Mingxuan Zhu, Lu Cao, Zaihong Jiang, and Zhijun Qiao
Ana Mendiola, Ana Mendiola and Juan F. Gonzalez
An analogue study examining Attitude Change Theory and its implications for dissemination and implementation of empirically supported treatments, Laura D. Seligman, Andrew L. Geers, Erin F. Swedish, Joseph D. Hovey, and Gabriela Hurtado
An Application of Prolongation Algebras to Determine Bäcklund Transformations for Nonlinear Equations, Paul Bracken
An Assessment of Gender and Racial/Ethnic Diversity amongst Neurology Residents and Physicians, Fabiola Valenzuela and Minerva Romero Arenas
An Assessment of Storm Surge Risk in Coastal Communities in the Rio Grande Valley, Dean Kyne
Andrea Hernandez, Andrea Hernandez and Laura Trevino
Andrea Juarez (1561), Leslie Torres
Andres M. Garza (1626), Leslie Torres
Andres Silva, Andres Silva and Betty Lou Garza
Andrew Champion - Part 01, Andrew Champion and Robert Everett Norton
Andrew Champion - Part 02, Andrew Champion and Robert Everett Norton
Andrew Jackson Munger, Andrew Jackson Munger and Johan-Carl Eric Seagren
An ecotoxicological approach to microplastics on terrestrial and aquatic organisms: A systematic review in assessment, monitoring and biological impact, Omar A. Vazquez and Saydur Rahman
An effective method to obtain contour of fisheye images based on explicit level set method, Xuegang Wu and Zhijun Qiao
An endoplasmic reticulum trafficking signal prevents surface expression of a voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ channel splice variant, Masoud M. Zarei, M. Eghbali, A. Alioua, M. Song, H.-G Knaus, E. Stefani, and L. Toro
A new, flaccid, decurrent leaf variety of Juniperus poblana from Mexico: J. poblana var. decurrens R. P. Adams, Robert P. Adams and Andrea E. Schwarzbach
An Examination of the Demotivational Factors Inhibiting Hispanic Students' Participation in the CPA Exam, Akinloye Akindayomi, Deborah Gonzalez, and Linda Acevedo
An Exploratory Study of Consumer Adoption of Online Shopping: Mediating Effect of Online Purchase Intention, Songpol Kulviwat, Ramendra Thakur, and Chiquan Guo
An Extraordinary Woman, Amy M. López
Angelica Montemayor, Angelica Montemayor and Sandra Cardenas
An Inexpensive and Comprehensive Method to Examine and Quantify Field Insect Community Influenced by Host Plant Olfactory Cues, Rupesh R. Kariyat, Jesus Chavana, and Jasleen Kaur
An Insight into the Role of Vitamins other than Vitamin D on Bone, R. E. Salazar and Jameela Banu
An Integrated Lean Supply Chain Framework for U.S. Hospitals, Subhajit Chakraborty and Jorge A. Gonzalez
An Intrinsic Characterization of Bonnet Surfaces Based on a Closed Differential Ideal, Paul Bracken
An Introduction to Generalized Entropy and Some Quantum Applications, Paul Bracken
Anita Cardenas, Anita Cardenas and Leticia Miroslava Gamboa
Announcement of the Pharr-San Juan Public Schools, 1917-1918
Ann Seildick, Ann Seildick and Robert Andrew Nelson
An Occult Primer: Investigating Goth, Satanic, & Other Alternative Belief System Related Crimes, Gordon A. Crews
A Note on the Fundamental Solution of the Heat Operator on Forms, Paul Bracken
Another One Bites the Joint: A Case of Reactive Arthritis in an Otherwise Healthy Hispanic Male, Christine E. Loftis and Emilia C. Dulgheru
A Novice Bilingual Teacher’s Journey: Teacher’s Noticing as a Pathway to Negotiate Contradictory Teaching Discourses, Sandra I. Musanti
Antecedents of Members’ Trust Propensity and Its Impact on Self- Disclosure Intention in Mobile-Based Online Dating Apps, Bao Q. Duong, Jaeung Lee, Emmanuel Wusuhon Yanibo Ayaburi, and Sung Simon Jin
Antibiotic Stewardship in Skin and Soft Tissue Infections, Shah Z. Ali and Jose Campo Maldonado
Antibody-Drug Conjugates for Cancer Therapy: Chemistry to Clinical Implications, Nirnoy Dan, Saini Setua, Vivek K. Kashyap, Sheema Khan, Meena Jaggi, Murali M. Yallapu, and Subhash C. Chauhan
Anticancer Activity of Cissus quadrangularis: An in vitro 2D Model Based Study, Saba Sheikh, Anupam Dhasmana, Sahabjada Siddiqui, and Ejazul Haque
Antioxidant Properties of Pecan Shell Bioactive Components of Different Cultivars and Extraction Methods, Cameron Cason, Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy, Juan Moreira, and Achyut Adhikari
Antonia Salinas, Antonia Salinas and Arculana Garcia
Antonio de Mendoza: First Viceroy of Mexico, Hubert J. Miller
Antonio L. Ayala, Antonio L. Ayala and Ricardo Alfredo Villarreal
Antonio Villarreal, Antonio Villarreal and Ricardo Alfredo Villarreal
Antonio Villegas Jr - Part 01, Antonio Villegas Jr. and Robert Everett Norton
Antonio Villegas Jr - Part 02, Antonio Villegas Jr. and Robert Everett Norton
Antonio Villegas Jr - Part 03, Antonio Villegas Jr. and Robert Everett Norton
Antonio Villegas Sr., Antonio Villegas Sr. and Robert Everett Norton
Anxiety, depression and smoking status among adults of Mexican heritage on the Texas-Mexico Border, Anna V. Wilkinson, Kristina Vatcheva, Adriana Pérez, Belinda M. Reininger, Joseph B. McCormick, and Susan P. Fisher-Hoch
A photoanode with hierarchical nanoforest TiO 2 structure and silver plasmonic nanoparticles for flexible dye sensitized solar cell, Brishty Deb Choudhury, Chen Lin, Sk Md Ali Zaker Shawon, Javier Soliz-Martinez, Hasina Huq, and Mohammed Jasim Uddin
A Pile of Stuff on the Table and Reimagining Distance, Colin Charlton and Andrew Hollinger
APOC3 genetic variation, serum triglycerides, and risk of coronary artery disease in Asian Indians, Europeans, and other ethnic groups, Shiwali Goyal, Yosuke Tanigawa, Weihua Zhang, Jin-Fang Chai, Marcio Almeida, Juan M. Peralta, Donna M. Lehman, Joanne E. Curran, Ravi Duggirala, and John Blangero
APOE Gene Associated with Cholesterol-Related Traits in the Hispanic Population, STEPHANIE LOZANO, Victoria I. Padilla, Manuel Lee Avila, Mario Gil, Gladys E. Maestre, KeSheng Wang, and Chun Xu
Apolinar Perez, Apolinar Perez and Veronica Garcia
A polyhedral model of partitions with bounded differences and a bijective proof of a theorem of Andrews, Beck, and Robbins, Felix Breuer and Brandt Kronholm
Applicability of double Channel Technique in AlGaN/GaN HEMT for future biosensing applications, L. Arivazhagan, D. Nirmal, Anwar Jarndal, Hasina Huq, Subhash Chander, S. Bhagyalakshmi, Pavan Kumar Reddy, J. Ajayan, and Arathy Varghese
Application of an evidence-based, out-patient treatment strategy for COVID-19: Multidisciplinary medical practice principles to prevent severe disease☆, Elliot M. Frohman, Nicole R. Villemarette-Pittman, Adriana Rodriguez, Robert Glanzman, Sarah Rugheimer, Oleg Komogortsev, Scott S. Zamvil, Roberto A. Cruz, Thomas C. Varkey, and Ashley N. Frohman
Applications of Next-Generation Sequencing in Cancer Research and Molecular Diagnosis, KeSheng Wang and Chun Xu
Applications of the lichnerowicz Laplacian to stress energy tensors, Paul Bracken
Approaching Engagement in Audio Description, Nazaret Fresno
Approaching the motional ground state of a 10-kg object, Chris Whittle, E. D. Hall, S. E. Dwyer, N. Mavalvala, Vivishek Sudhir, R. Abbott, A. Ananyeva, C. Austin, L. Barsotti, and Karla E. Ramirez
Approximate Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Using B-Polynomial Bases, Muhammad I. Bhatti, Md. Habibur Rahman, and N. Dimakis
A prospective cross-sectional study of tuberculosis in elderly Hispanics reveals that BCG vaccination at birth is protective whereas diabetes is not a risk factor, Julia M. Scordo, Genesis P. Aguillón-Durán, Doris Ayala, Ana P. Quirino-Cerrillo, Eminé Rodriguez-Reyna, Francisco Mora-Guzmán Dr, Jose A. Caso, Eder Ledezma-Campos, Larry Schlesinger, Jordi B. Torrelles, and Blanca I. Restrepo
A Qualitative Study of Intercultural Friendship through New Social Media, Yanrong Yvonne Chang
Are U.S. academics and professionals ready for IFRS? An explanation using technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior, Murad Moqbel, Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol, and Aziz Bakay
A Review of Conceding Composition: A Crooked History of Composition's Institutional Fortunes, Andrew Hollinger
A Review of Temporary Functional Deafferentation, Victoria Cuello
A Review on Application of Model Based Systems Engineering to Manufacturing and Production Engineering Systems, Aditya Akundi and Viviana Lopez
Ariana Garcia-Picon (1428), Brandy Saavedra
Arithmetic properties of septic partition functions, Timothy Huber, Mayra Huerta, and Nathaniel Mayes
Article Processing Charge Waiver Policies as a Barrier to Oncology Scholarship in Low-and Lower-Middle-Income Countries, Ulysses G. Gardner, Petria S. Thompson, Jason C. Burton, Caleb Stewart, Clifton D. Fuller, Michael K. Rooney, and Ethan B. Ludmir
Artifact in action 1: The writers transition archive, Colin Charlton and Andrew Hollinger
Artifact in Action 2: Writing a Linguistic Autobiography, Amy Weimer
Artifact in Action 3: Wreck-It Ralph as Critical Lens, John Skarl
Artifact in Action 4: Negotiating Purpose, Andrew Hollinger and Colin Charlton
Artifact in Action 5: A Towards a Living Survey of Transitional Student Reading Habits and Social Media Usage, Colin Charlton and Andrew Hollinger
Art Imitates Life: Violence and the Music of Metal and Rap, Gordon A. Crews and Angela D. Crews
Arturo Rodriguez (1512), Jose J. Rios
A Salute To Veterans of the Lower Rio Grande Valley 2021, UTRGV University Library, Special Collections & Archives
A Secure and Flexible FPGA–based Blockchain System for IIoTs, Han-Yee Kim, Lei Xu, Weidong Shi, and Taeweon Suh
A short solution of the kissing number problem in dimension three, Alexey Glazyrin
ASL and Theatre: Here’s What Not To Do, Brian Cheslik
A Sneak Peek into College Writing: Conducting a Plagarism Workshopfor High School Students, Mary-Lynn Chambers and Abigail G. Scheg
A social commerce investigation of the role of trust in a social networking site on purchase intentions, Nick Hajli, Julian Sims, Arash H. Zadeh, and Marie-Odile Richard
Assessing changes in clusters of wildlife road mortalities after the construction of wildlife mitigation structures, Thomas J. Yamashita, Trinity D. Livingston, Kevin W. Ryer, John H. Young Jr., and Richard J. Kline
Assessing climate change impacts on live fuel moisture and wildfire risk using a hydrodynamic vegetation model, Wu Ma, Lu Zhai, Alexandria Pivovaroff, Jacquelyn Shuman, Polly Buotte, Junyan Ding, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Ryan G. Knox, Max Moritz, and Rosie A. Fisher
Assessing the Impact of the Lead/Lag Times on the Project Duration Estimates in Highway Construction, Mohamed Abdel-Raheem, Jennifer Reyes, Xiaohui Wang, and Grecia Silva Sanchez
Assessing the mediating role of social support in childhood maltreatment and psychopathology among college students in Northern Ireland, Susan Lagdon, Jana Ross, Martin Robinson, Ateka A. Contractor, Ruby Charak, and Cherie Armour
Assessment of Two Novel Host-Derived Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) Isolates Against the Citrus Pest, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), Jonathan Cisneros, Justin Wendel, Stefan Jaronski, Christopher Vitek, Matthew Ciomperlik, and Daniel Flores
Association Analyses of Variants in the DIO2 Gene with Early-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Pima Indians, Saraswathy Nair, Yunhua Li Miller, Emilio Ortega, Sayuko Kobes, Clifton Bogardus, and Leslie J. Baier
Association of a serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) 5-HTTLPR polymorphism with body mass index categories but not type 2 diabetes mellitus in Mexicans, Valeria Peralta-Leal, Evelia Leal-Ugarte, Juan P. Meza-Espinoza, Ingrid P. Dávalos-Rodríguez, Anabel Bocanegra-Alonso, Rosa I. Acosta-González, Enrique Gonzales, Saraswathy Nair, and Jorge Durán-González
Association of differential gene expression with imatinib mesylate and omacetaxine mepesuccinate toxicity in lymphoblastoid cell lines, Hemant Kulkarni, Harald H. H. Goring, Vincent P. Diego, Shelley A. Cole, Ken R. Walder, Greg R. Collier, John Blangero, and Melanie A. Carless
Association of HIV-1 Infection and Antiretroviral Therapy With Type 2 Diabetes in the Hispanic Population of the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA, Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga, Dora A. Martinez, Alvaro Diaz-Badillo, Liza D. Morales, Rector Arya, Christopher Jenkinson, Joanne E. Curran, John Blangero, Ravi Duggirala, Srinivas Mummidi, and Ruben D. Martinez
Association of Insurance Status with Health Outcomes Following Traumatic Injury: Statewide Multicenter Analysis, Vatsal Chikani, Maureen Brophy, Anne Vossbrink, Khaleel Hussaini, Christopher Salvino, Jeffrey Skubic, and Rogelio Martinez
Association of Total and Differential White Blood Cell Counts to Development of Type 2 Diabetes in Mexican Americans in Cameron County Hispanic Cohort, Kristina Vatcheva, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, Mohammad H. Rahbar, MinJae Lee, Rene L. Olvera, and Joseph B. McCormick
Associations of cannabis use disorder with cognition, brain structure, and brain function in African Americans, Marinka M. G. Koenis, Joke Durnez, Amanda Rodrigue, Samuel R. Mathias, Aaron F. Alexander-Bloch, Jennifer Barrett, Gaelle E. Doucet, Sophia Frangou, Joanne E. Curran, and John Blangero
A Study of Human Balance and Coordination Using a Head Mounted Display, Daniel Gracia De Luna, Roel Tijernia, Alley Butler, Emmett Tomai, Douglas Timmer, and Dumitru Caruntu
A Study of Personal Cloud Computing: Compatibility, Social Influence, and Moderating Role of Perceived Familiarity, Murad Moqbel, Valerie L. Bartelt, and Mohammed Al-Suqri
A Survey of the Epistolary Dimension in Peninsular Contemporary Women Poets [Panorama de lo epistolar en la poesía española peninsular contemporánea escrita por mujeres], Elena Vega-Sampayo
A theory of theta functions to the quintic base, Timothy Huber
A Thirty State Analysis of Teacher Supervision and Evaluation Systems in the ESSA Era, Ian M. Mette, Israel Aguilar, and Douglas Wieczorek
A time to remember. Interview with Pablo M. Coronado, University of Texas at Brownsville
Attachment, Emotion Dysregulation, and Physical IPV in Predominantly Hispanic, Young Adult Couples, Deanna L. Pollard and Arturo L. Cantos
Attachment strength and on-farm die-off rate of Escherichia coli on watermelon surfaces, Vijay Singh Chhetri, Kathryn Fontenot, Ronald Strahan, Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy, Cameron Cason, Karuna Kharel, and Achyut Adhikari
Attentional bias towards threat in sexually victimized Hispanic women: A dot probe study, Michiyo Hirai, Elizabeth N. Hernandez, Delia Y. Villarreal, and George A. Clum
Attitudes toward people with disabilities in the social context of dating and marriage: A comparison of American, Taiwanese, and Singaporean college students, Roy K. Chen, M. G. Brodwin, E. Cardoso, and F. Chan
Attitudes toward Using and Teaching Confidence Intervals: A Latent Profile Analysis on Elementary Statistics Instructors, Hyung Won Kim, Woo Jin Kim, Aaron T. Wilson, and Ho Kyoung Ko
Audio describing characters : what features do audiences remember?, Nazaret Fresno, Judit Castellà Mate, Anna Matamala, and Olga Soler Vilageliu
Augusto Guerra, Augusto Guerra and Robert Everett Norton
Aurora E. Estrada: Inmigrante Mexicana en Mercedes, Texas, Dirigente de su Comunidad y Docente en la Localidad de Cuero, Texas (PowerPoint), Cynthia E. Orozco
Aurora E. Orozco: Mexican Immigrant in Mercedes, Texas/Community Leader and Educator in Cuero, Texas (PowerPoint), Cynthia E. Orozco
Aurora E. Orozco: Mexican Immigrant in Mercedes, Texas/Community Leader and Educator in Cuero, Texas (Video), Cynthia E. Orozco
Aurora Jackson, Aurora Jackson and Ricardo Alfredo Villarreal
Aurora Rosalez (1546), Victoria Escamilla
Aurora V. Diaz, Aurora V. Diaz and Diana Yvette Garza
Austin Middle School Yearbook, 1975
Author Biographies, "New Beginnings" Volume 1, Issue 1., Andrew Keese
Automatic Camera Trap Classification Using Wildlife-Specific Deep Learning in Nilgai Management, Matthew Kutugata, Jeremy Baumgardt, John A. Goolsby, and Alexis Racelis
A visit from La Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, University of Texas Pan American
"A White-and-Negro Environment Which Is Seldom Spotlighted" The Twilight of Jim Crow in the Postwar Urban Midwest, Brent M. S. Campney
Bank net interest margins, the yield curve, and the 2007–2009 financial crisis, Peter V. Egly, David W. Johnk, and Andre V. Mollick
Bartolome de Las Casas: Protector of the Indians, Hubert J. Miller
Bartolo Nava and Hermalinda Nava, Bartolo Nava, Hermelinda Nava, and Norma L. Rodriguez Gomez
Basic representations for Eisenstein series from their differential equations, Timothy Huber
Bass Boat Heroes (In Praise Of The Bass Boat Heroes), William F. Strong
Bayesian Cox Proportional Hazards Model in Survival Analysis of HACE1 Gene with Age at Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease, Ke-Sheng Wang, Ying Liu, Shaoqing Gong, Chun Xu, Xin Xie, Liang Wang, and Xingguang Luo
Bayesian Survival Analysis of Genetic Variants in PTPRN2 Gene for Age at Onset of Cancer, Ke-Sheng Wang, Yue Pan, Weize Wang, and Chun Xu
Bay Leaf Extract‐Based Near‐Infrared Fluorescent Probe for Tissue and Cellular Imaging, Benilde Adriano, Nycol Cotto, Neeraj Chauhan, Vinitha Karumuru, Meena Jaggi, Subhash C. Chauhan, and Murali M. Yallapu
Bazan Family Reunion 2006 photography album
BCL9 and C9orf5 are associated with negative symptoms in schizophrenia: meta-analysis of two genome-wide association studies, Chun Xu, Nagesh Aragam, Xia Li, Erika Cynthia Villa, Liang Wang, David Briones, Brenda Bin Su, Michael A. Escamilla, and KeSheng Wang
Before We Had Social Media, We Had Dairy Queen, William F. Strong
Beliefs about Mental Illness in a Spanish Speaking Latinx American Sample, Michiyo Hirai, Serkan Dolma, Laura L. Vernon, and George A. Clum
Belinda Paiz (1518), Veronica Levrier
Benilde Cano, Benilde Cano and Mytla Pecina
Benito Garcia, Benito Garcia and Douglass E. Erickson
Benjamin Thompson Andis, Benjamin Thompson Andis and Eduardo Rodriguez
Benzopyrazine-Based Small Molecule Inhibitors As Trypanocidal and Leishmanicidal Agents: Green Synthesis, In Vitro, and In Silico Evaluations, Jonathan Rock, Daniel Garcia, Omar Espino, Shaila A. Shetu, Manuel J. Chan-Bacab, Rosa Moo-Puc, Navin B. Patel, Gildardo Rivera, and Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Berenice Sainz (1435), Miriam Cerda
Berta Elena Villarreal, Berta Elena Villarreal and Edula Ramirez
Bertha Marines, Bertha Marines and Lucila Mendez
Beulah Bell Stuart, Beulah Bell Stuart and Crystal Maria Cantu
Beulah Hebel, Beulah Hebel and Roel Garza
Beyond just sea-level rise: considering macroclimatic drivers within coastal wetland vulnerability assessments to climate change, Michael J. Osland, Nicholas M. Enwright, Richard H. Day, Christopher A. Gabler, Camille L. Stagg, and James B. Grace
Bifurcation Type Change of AC Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Resonators due to DC Bias, Dumitru Caruntu and Kyle N. Taylor
Bilingual and ESL Pre-Service Teachers Learn about Effective Instruction for ELLs through Meaningful Collaboration, Alma D. Rodríguez
Bilingual problem-solving training for caregivers of adults with dementia: A randomized, factorial-design protocol for the CaDeS trial, Shannon B. Juengst, Charlene Supnet, Chung Lin (Novelle) Kew, Valeria Silva, Marlene Vega, Gang Han, Brendan Kelley, Matthew Lee Smith, and Gladys E. Maestre
Bilingual Teacher Educators at an HSI: A Border Pedagogy for Latinx Teacher Development, Alcione N. Ostorga, Christian E. Zuniga, and Kip Austin Hinton
Binary Black Hole Population Properties Inferred from the First and Second Observing Runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo, B. P. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, S. Abraham, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, Malik Rakhmanov, Karla E. Ramirez, Satzhan Sitmukhambetov, D. Tuyenbayev, W. H. Wang, and Adam Zadrozny
Binational reflections on pathways to groundwater security in the Mexico–United States borderlands, Rosario Sanchez, José Agustin Breña-Naranjo, Alfonso Rivera, Randall T. Hanson, Antonio Hernández-Espriú, Rick J. Hogeboom, Anita Milman, Jude A. Benavides, Adrian Pedrozo-Acuña, Julio Cesar Soriano-Monzalvo, Sharon B. Megdal, Gabriel Eckstein, and Laura Rodriguez
Binding Pattern Elucidation of NNK and NNAL Cigarette Smoke Carcinogens with NER Pathway Enzymes: an Onco- Informatics Study, Qazi Mohammad Sajid Jamal, Anupam Dhasmana, Mohtashim Lohani, Sumbul Firdaus, Md Yousuf Ansari, Ganesh Chandra Sahoo, and Shafiul Haque
Bioactive nanotherapeutic trends to combat triple negative breast cancer, Pallabita Chowdhury, Upasana Ghosh, Kamalika Samanta, Meena Jaggi, Subhash C. Chauhan, and Murali M. Yallapu
Bioactive nanotherapeutic trends to combat triple negative breast cancer, Pallabita Chowdhury, Upasana Ghosh, Kamalika Samanta, Meena Jaggi, Subhash C. Chauhan, and Murali M. Yallapu
Biocompatible Gold Nanorod Conjugates for Preclinical Biomedical Research, Anton Liopo, André Conjusteau, Dmitri Tsyboulski, Boris Ermolinsky, Alexander V. Kazanksy, and Alexander Oraevsky
Biological basis for cerebral dysfunction in schizophrenia in contrast with Alzheimer’s disease, Rodrigo O. Kuljis, Luis V. Colom, and Leonel E. Rojo
Biological Flora of the Tropical and Subtropical Intertidal Zone: Literature Review for Rhizophora mangle L., Hudson R. DeYoe, Robert I. Lonard, Frank W. Judd, Richard Stalter, and Ilka Feller
Biological Inventory, Natural History, and Human Impact of Palo Alto National Battlefield, Norman L. Richard and Alfred T. Richardson
Biomarkers of hypoxia exposure and reproductive function in Atlantic croaker: A review with some preliminary findings from the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone, Peter Thomas and Md. Saydur Rahman
Biotic homogenization or riparian refugia? Urban and wild land snail assemblages along a subtropical precipitation gradient, Kathryn E. Perez, Briante S. Lewis Najev, Bradley O. Christoffersen, and Jeffrey C. Nekola
Biotic homogenization or riparian refugia? Urban and wild land snail assemblages along a subtropical precipitation gradient, Kathryn E. Perez, Briante S. Lewis Najev, Bradley O. Christoffersen, and Jeffrey C. Nekola
Black Lives Matter and the politics of redemption, Charles Olney
Black Metallers and Gangster Rappers: “Anti-Cultures” Make Strange Bedfellows, Gordon A. Crews and Angela West Crews
Blanca Vega (1438), Naina Celie
Blas Quiroja, Blas Quiroja and Juan T. Cavazos
Bone, Biomarker, Body Composition, and Performance Responses to 8 Weeks of ROTC Training, Breanne S. Baker, Samuel R. Buchanan, Christopher D. Black, Michael G. Bemben, and Debra A. Bemben
Bonnie Bell Edwards, Bonnie Bell Edwards and Crystal Marie Cantu
Book Notes: "Language Policy" David Cassels Johnson,New York; Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 291 pp.; $36 (soft cover); ISBN: 9780230251700 (soft cover), Alexandre Couture Gagnon
Book Notes: "Love's True Colors" Tiffany Price, Initiate Media Pty Ltd., 2016; ISBN: 0994596820, Mary-Lynn Chambers
Book Notes: "Nevertheless, She Persisted: Jane Eyre at 170", Diana Dominguez
Book Notes: "Providing a Voice for a People: The Longevity of Gloria Anzaldua's Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza", Valerie Garza
Book Review. Ian McEwan’s Solar. New York: Nan A. Talese, 2010. 287 Pages. (Hardback, $26.95). ISBN 978-0-385-53341-6., Mimosa Stephenson
Book Review of Preparing Educators to Engage Families: Case Studies Using an Ecological Systems Framework, Michelle H. Abrego and Jesus Abrego
Border crossings from Mexico to the U.S. and the role of border homicides, André Varella Mollick, Rene Cabral, and Eduardo Saucedo
“Borikén Libre”: Spaces of Resistance in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, Luis R. Alvarez-Hernandez
Bounded rationality alters the dynamics of paediatric immunization acceptance, Tamer Oraby and Chris T. Bauch
Braceros, Mexicans, Americans, and Schools: (Re) imagining Teaching and Learning in Mexican America, Francisco Guajardo, Stephanie Alvarez, Miguel Guajardo, Samuel García Jr., José Ángel Guajardo, and Jocabed Márquez
Breaking Down Healthcare's Silos: University of Kansas Medical Center's Interprofessional Education Fostering 'HIM Without Walls', Rosann M. O'Dell, Norbert Belz, Judy A. Bielby, Kay Folck, Murad Moqbel, and Lauren Pulino
Brenda Cortes (1446), Ivanna Garcia
Brief history of Brownsville and Matamoros, University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Bringing History Home, Bernice Barrón
Bringing History to Life, Jill Swanson
Bronc Olympics PSA, University of Texas Pan American
Brown spot in table grape Redglobe controlled in study with sulfur dioxide and temperature treatments, Cassandra A. Young, Robin A. Choudhury, Carlos H. Crisosto, and W. Douglas Gubler
Brownsville downtown aerial, facing south
Brownsville downtown aerial - M683
Brownsville downtown aerial - S45862, Walcott & Mothershed Inc.
Brownsville herald (Brownsville, Tex.) [1920s in review], Brownsville Herald Publishing Co.
Buena Vida, Elizabeth Gill Vidaurri
Building Patterned Shapes in Robot Swarms with Uniform Control Signals, David Caballero, Angel A. Cantu, Timothy Gomez, Austin Luchsinger, Robert Schweller, and Tim Wylie
Burnside chromatic polynomials of group-invariant graphs, Jacob A. White
Business Strategy and Cost of Bank Loans, Md Ruhul Amin and Abdullah Al Masum
B&w photograph of the Bazan family
Ca2+/calmodulin regulates Kvβ1.1-mediated inactivation of voltage-gated K+ channels, Sandip M. Swain, Nirakar Sahoo, Sophie Dennhardt, Roland Schönherr, and Stefan H. Heinemann
Cabrito, Romeo Revuelta
Cameron County/Matamoros at the Crossroads: Assets and Challenges for Accelerated Regional and Binational Development, David V. Gibson, Pablo Rhi-Perez, Margaret Cotrofeld, Oralia De Los Reyes, and Mark Gipson
Camila Pena (1433), Itzel Pina
Campaign for Engineering, University of Texas Pan American
Candido Ferguson Longoria, Candido Ferguson Longoria and Eddie Longoria Perez
Caracterización de la ceroidolipofuscinosis en niños venezolanos [Characterization of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in Venezuelan children], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, W. Delgado, M. L. Hernández, J. J. Cardozo, E. Mora, and L. Soto-Faneite
Carbon Fibers Coated with Ternary Ni-Co-Se Alloy Particles as Low-cost Counter Electrode for Flexible Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, Brishty Deb Choudhury, Chen Lin, Sk Md Ali Zaker Shawon, Javier Soliz-Martinez, Jose Gutierrez, Muhammad N. Huda, Federico Cesano, Karen Lozano, Jin Zhong Zhang, and M. Jasim Uddin
Carbon Nanotori Structures for Thermal Transport Applications on Lubricants, Jaime Taha-Tijerina, Karla Aviña, Juan Manuel Martínez, Patsy Yessenia Arquieta-Guillén, and Marlon González-Escobedo
Cardiometabolic Responses in Individuals with/without Family History of Type 2 Diabetes, Christopher J. Cavazos
CARDIOMETABOLIC RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH RENAL FUNCTION IN APPARENTLY HEALTHY YOUNG STUDENTS: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY, Lucia M. Perez-Navarro, Rafael Valdez-Ortiz, Araceli Alegria-Diaz, Miguel Murgia-Romero, Rafael Jimenez-Flores, Rafael Villalobos-Molina, Srinivas Mummidi, Ravindranath Duggirala, and Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga
Cardiovascular disease risk among the Mexican American population in the Texas-Mexico border region, by age and length of residence in United States, Jennifer J. Salinas, Bassent Abdelbary, Anne R. Rentfro, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, and Joseph B. McCormick
Card Reading_1, Doña Maria
Card Reading_2, Doña Maria
Card Reading_3, Cristina Simmons F.
Card Reading_Lecture_1, Treviño
Card Reading_Lecture_2, Chris Simmons
Caregiver Criticism, Help-giving and the Burden of Schizophrenia Among Mexican American Families, Bianca T. Villalobos, Jodie Ullman, Tracy Wang Krick, Darcy Alcántara, Alex Kopelowicz, and Steven R. Lopez
Carl Frederick Griffin, Carl Frederick Griffin and Robert Everett Norton
Carolina Garcia, Carolina Garcia and Lucila Mendez
Cartan frames and algebras with links to integrable systems differential equations and surfaces, Paul Bracken
Cartan’s Approach to Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Paul Bracken
Carving Characters in the Mind. A Theoretical Approach to the Reception of Characters in Audio Described Films, Nazaret Fresno
Case Report: PAFAH1B1 Mutation and Posterior Band Heterotopia With Focal Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Treated by Responsive Neurostimulation, Frank G. Gilliam, Paddy Ssentongo, Michael Sather, and Yuka I. Kawasawa
Causes, consequences, and treatment of osteoporosis in men, Jameela Banu
Celestino Bernal, Celestino Bernal and Efrain Bernal
Celia Cuenca Cardenas, Celia Cuenca Cardenas and Merardo Macal
Celia Rocha, Celia Rocha and Maria Isabel Huerta
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Degeneration In Early Stage Diabetic Retinopathy, Sonal V. Jha, Laura Valdez, and Andrew T C Tsin
Cemetery census, 1974-1980, Hidalgo County Historical Commission
CEO Networks and Bank Risk Taking, Dave Jackson and Fang Fang
Cervantes: The Enduring Survival of the Creative Mind in Don Quixote, Nan Darbous Marthaller
Cervical cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV), and HPV vaccination: Exploring gendered perspectives, knowledge, attitudes, and cultural taboos among Mexican American adults, Daisy Y. Morales-Campos, S. A. Snipes, Edna K. Villarreal, L. C. Crocker, A. Guerrero, and M. E. Fernandez
Cesar Moreno (1505), Angelica Diaz
Challenges Faced by Mexican Americans when Accessing Mental Health Care Service Utilization along the South Texas – Mexico border, Romeo Escobar, John M. Gonzalez, Denise A. Longoria, and Nelda Rodriguez
Challenging the age of austerity: Disruptive agency after the global economic crisis, David J. Bailey, Mònica Clua-Losada, Nikolai Huke, Olatz Ribera-Almandoz, and Kelly Rogers
Chalupa Time, Nidia Látigo
Chamuscando Con Abuelo, Juan Flores Jr.
Change in Pensamiento, Lesley Chapa
Changes in Endothelial Function after Acute Resistance Exercise Using Free Weights, Yu Lun Tai, Erica M. Marshall, Jason C. Parks, Xian Mayo, Alaina Glasgow, and J. Derek Kingsley
Changes in Spatial Patterns of Caragana stenophylla along a Climatic Drought Gradient on the Inner Mongolian Plateau, Li-Na Xie, Hong-Yu Guo, Christopher A. Gabler, Qing-Fang Li, and Cheng-Cang Ma
Changes in the breeding bird community of subtropical evergreen forest in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, 1970s-1990s, Timothy Brush and Alberto Cantu
CHAPTER 11 Lydia Mendoza, “Reina de la Música Tejana”: Self-Stylizing Mexicanidad through China Poblana in the US-Mexico Borderlands, Marci R. McMahon
Characterization and Performance of Minimum Quantity Lubricants in Through-Tool Drilling, Amla Patil, Jay Raval, Tim Bangma, Immanuel Edinbarough, Bruce Tai, David Stephenson, Suleiman Obeidat, and Wayne Nguyen Hung
Characterization of Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancer in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, Jared A. Sperling and Rachel Giese
Characterizing the Quantum Phase Transition using a Flat Band in Circuit QED Lattices, Gui-Lei Zhu, Xin-You Lü, and Hamidrez Ramezani
Charles Edward Cameron, Charles Edward Cameron and Robert Everett Norton
Charles Waite, Charles Waite and Matthew Stuber
Charles W. Griffith - Part 01, Charles W. Griffith and Robert Everett Norton
Charles W. Griffith - Part 02, Charles W. Griffith and Robert Everett Norton
Charlie Edgar Langston, Edgar Charlie Langston and Patricia Laura Pena
Chemical Modification of Ginsenoside on Cell Viability and Cytokine Secretion, Brandi Betts-Obregon, Magaly Salinas, Dale Oladunni, George R. Negrete, and Andrew Tsin
Chemical shift assignments of the N-terminal domain of PSD95 (PSD95-NT), Yonghong Zhang, Johannes W. Hell, and James B. Ames
Chicharras, Arnoldo Mendoza
Chiral metamaterial-based microwave sensors, Nantakan Wongkasem, Amornthep Sonsilphong, and Mario Gonzalez
Chloroplast capture by a new variety, Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev, from the Balkan peninsula: A putative stabilized relictual hybrid between J. sabina and ancestral J. thurifera, Robert P. Adams, Andrea E. Schwarzbach, and Alexander N. Tashev
Chloroplast capture in Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev, from the Balkan peninsula: A new variety with a history of hybridization with J. thurifera, Robert P. Adams, Andrea E. Schwarzbach, and Alexander N. Tashev
Choices, Brenda Ávila-Gutiérrez
Chris Ortiz, Chris Ortiz and Sandra Cardenas
Christian Hernandez (1429), Fabiola Angon
Christopher Castro (1424), Juliana Castro
Chromosome Xq23 is associated with lower atherogenic lipid concentrations and favorable cardiometabolic indices, Pradeep Natarajan, Akhil Pampana, Sarah E. Graham, Sanni Ruotsalainen, Paul S. de Vries, Jai G. Broome, Juan M. Peralta, John Blangero, Joanne E. Curran, and James P. Pirruccello
Circular noting the creation of the Instituto de Educacion Comercial college after the peace treaty
Cirrhosis and Advanced Fibrosis in Hispanics in Texas: The Dominant Contribution of Central Obesity, Jingjing Jiao, Gordon P. Watt, MinJae Lee, Mohammad H. Rahbar, Kristina Vatcheva, Jen-Jung Pan, Joseph B. McCormick, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, Michael Fallon, and Laura Beretta
Cissus quadrangularis Linn. Stem Ethanolic Extract Liberates Reactive Oxygen Species and Induces Mitochondria Mediated Apoptosis in KB Cells, Saba Sheikh, Sahabjada Siddiqui, Anupam Dhasmana, Ejazul Haque, Mohammed Kamil, Mohtashim Lohani, Mohammad Arshad, and Snober Shabnam Mir
Citizen and Officer Perceptions of Community Policing in Ghana: Policing of, by, and for the People, or just to the People?, Angela West Crews and Gordon A. Crews
City of McAllen : Hidalgo County, TX [map], Exploration Technologies, Inc.
Civic agriculture in review: Then, now, and future directions, Allison Kaika and Alexis Racelis
Clarita Flores, Clarita Flores and Francisco Flores
Classical and Quantum Integrability: A Formulation That Admits Quantum Chaos, Paul Bracken
Claudia V. Baez (1441), Aricia Flores
Claudio Tamez, Claudio Tamez and Frank Flores
Clay Brazeal and Elizabeth B. Sammons, Clay Brazeal, Elizabeth B. Sammons, and Robert Everett Norton
Clemencia Rodriguez, Clemencia Rodriguez and Ana Maria Herrera
Clifton Lentz, Clifton Lentz and Eduardo Rodriguez
Clima familiar en el trastorno por déficit de atención-hiperactividad [Family environment in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Isabel Montiel-Barbero, and Joaquín A. Peña
Climate and plant controls on soil organic matter in coastal wetlands, Michael J. Osland, Christopher A. Gabler, James B. Grace, Richard H. Day, Meagan L. McCoy, Jennie L. McLeod, Andrew S. From, NIcholas M. Enwright, Laura C. Feher, and Camille L. Stagg
Climate Change and Corporate Cash Holdings: Global Evidence, Abdullah Al Masum, Siamak Javadi, Mohsen Mollagholamali, and Ramesh P. Rao
Clinical Implications of Exosomes: Targeted Drug Delivery for Cancer Treatment, Andrew Massey, Shabnam Malik, Mohammed Sikander, Kyle Doxtater, Manish Tripathi, Sheema Khan, Murali M. Yallapu, Meena Jaggi, Subhash C. Chauhan, and Bilal B. Hafeez
Clinical indicators for success of misoprostol treatment after early pregnancy failure, Candace Robledo, J. Zhang, J Troendle, K. Barnhart, M. D. Creinin, C. Westhoff, X. Huang, and M. Frederick
Clinical Predictors of Response to Depression Treatment in Persons with Epilepsy, Juliana Hager and Frank Gilliam
Clinical Significance of MUC13 in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, Sheema Khan, Nadeem Zafar, Shabia S. Khan, Saini Setua, Stephen Behrman, Zachary E. Stiles, Murali M. Yallapu, Prabhakar Pradhan, Meena Jaggi, and Subhash C. Chauhan
Clinicians’ Perceptions of The Health Status of Formerly Detained Immigrants, Kathryn Hampton, Ranit Mishori, Marsha Griffin, Claire Hillier, Elizabeth Pirrotta, and Nancy E. Wang
Close to Home, Marcos Garza
Clotilde Elizondo, Clotilde Elizondo and Francisca Rodriguez
Coaching Teachers of English Language Learners, Alma D. Rodríguez, Michelle H. Abrego, and Renee Rubin
Cognitive And Language Development in Older and Younger Siblings of Children With ASD, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Esther Bromberg, Zoila González, and José A. Chacín
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders in Youth, Laura D. Seligman and Thomas H. Ollendick
CO-independent modification of K+ channels by tricarbonyldichlororuthenium(II) dimer (CORM-2), Guido Gessner, Nirakar Sahoo, Sandip M. Swain, Gianna Hirth, Roland Schönherr, Ralf Mede, Matthias Westerhausen, Hans Henning Brewitz, Pascal Heimer, and Diana Imhof
Collab-Hub: A system for creating telematic musical performance environments for Max and web-based instruments, Nick Hwang, Anthony T. Marasco, and Eric Sheffield
Collaborating with a Killer: The Unique Perspective of Prison Life from a Man on Death Row, Gordon A. Crews and Angela D. Crews
Collaboration and teacher development: Unpacking resistance, constructing knowledge, and navigating identities, Sandra I. Musanti and Lucretia Pence
Collaboration of Researchers and Stakeholders: Transforming Educator Preparation, Bobbette M. Morgan, Alma D. Rodriguez, Irma S. Jones, James A. Telese, and Sandra I. Musanti
Collection of works by faculty and staff - 2005, University of Texas at Brownsville
Collection of works by faculty and staff - 2007, University of Texas at Brownsville
Collection of works by faculty and staff - 2009, University of Texas at Brownsville
College and Career Ready: Aligning Local Organizations to end Please-the-teacher Syndrome, Serena Mari Garcia
Combinatorics of generalized q-Euler numbers, Timothy Huber and Ae Ja Yee
Combining assumptions and graphical network into gene expression data analysis, Demba Fofana, E. O. George, and Dale Brown
Coming Full Circle: The 2017 LTC International Convening, Carla Della Gatta
Commanding general's signatures and seals
Commentary on: Aesthetic Surgery Research Funding: Where Does It Come From and to Whom Does It Go?, Luis Rios Jr.
Common Genetic Variants in the HNF1B Gene Contribute to Diabetes and Multiple Cancers, Ke-Sheng Wang, Daniel Owusu, Yue Pan, and Chun Xu
Cómo Elaborar Nuestras Unidades Didácticas (PowerPoint), Joy Esquierdo
Cómo Salír Adelante en Nuevo Santander: Rancheros y Vecínos, Armando C. Alonzo
Comparative Analysis of Xenorhabdus koppenhoeferi Gene Expression during Symbiotic Persistence in the Host Nematode, Ruisheng An and Parwinder Grewal
Comparative Molecular Docking Studies with ABCC1 and Aquaporin 9 in the Arsenite Complex Efflux, Shiv Poojan, Anupam Dhasmana, Qazi Mohammad Sajid Jamal, Mohd Haneef, and Mohtashim Lohani
Comparative study of Leachate Characterization: Implication for Sustainable Environmental Management, Osakpolor Marvellous Omorogieva and Victory Itua Igberase
Comparing empirical kinship derived heritability for imaging genetics traits in the UK biobank and human connectome project, Si Gao, Brian Donohue, Kathryn S. Hatch, Shuo Chen, Tianzhou Ma, Yizhou Ma, Mark D. Kvarta, Bhim M. Adhikari, Neda Jahanshad, and John Blangero
Comparing native speaker ratings and quantitative measures of oral proficiency in IELTS interviews, Katherine Christoffersen
Comparing the trends of postpartum depression screening scores during and before the COVID-19 pandemic, Elif S. Duran, Dung Dang, and Tony Ogburn
Comparison of Dosing Schemes for Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy After Thyroidectomy, Fabiola Valenzuela, Luis Berrios, Candace Robledo, Samuel Snyder, Javier Malcolm Barney, Henry Reinhart, and Minerva Romero Arenas
Comparison of leaf-clipping and leaf-piercing techniques as applied to the seagrass Syringodium filiforme, Joseph L. Kowalski, Hudson R. DeYoe, Christian P. Krull, and Terry C. Allison
Comparison of the efficacy of carbamazepine, haloperidol and valproic acid in the treatment of children with Sydenham's chorea: clinical follow-up of 18 patients, Joaquín A. Peña, Eduardo Mora, J. J. Cardozo, Omaira Molina, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Comparison of Voluntary versus Mandatory Vaccine Discussions in Online Health Communities: A Text Analytics Approach, Massara Alazazi and Bin Wang
Complete mitochondrial genomes of two species of Stichopathes Brook, 1889 (Hexacorallia: Antipatharia: Antipathidae) from Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Cynthia M. Asorey, Javier Sellanes, Daniel Wagner, and Erin E. Easton
Complex Chromosomal Rearrangement Involving 15q11-q13 Interstitial Triplication in a Patient with a Severe Phenotype: A New Clinical Report, Lekha Chilakamarri and Lizbeth Mellin
Complexity, Interation, and Epistemology: Mixtecs, Zapotecs, and Olmecs in Early Formative Mesoamerica, Jeffrey P. Blomster
Complications and Comorbidities in Hispanic Patients Who Develop Traumatic and Nontraumatic Acute Compartment Syndrome, Jorge Alejandro Bernal, Annelyn Torres-Reveron, and Jose Andres Gonzales
Composing a new community infused with bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural realities, Amy A. Weimer, J. Joy Esquierdo, and Francisco Guajardo
Composing a new community infused with bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural realities, Amy A. Weimer, J. Joy Esquierdo, and Fancisco Guajardo
Composing Her Growing Identities as a Mexican American, Xiaodi Zhou
Concha M. Cortez, Concha M. Cortez and Joseph S. Hoy
Connections of zero curvature and applications to nonlinear partial differential equations, Paul Bracken
Consenso experto en tiempos de COVID-19: aplicaciones del método Delphi en materia de salud [Expert consensus in times of COVID-19: health applications of the Delphi method], José D. Martínez-Ezquerro, Sonia Maria Ruiz-Cejudo, Alejandra Bustamante-Fuentes, Alvaro Diaz-Badillo, Esperanza M. García-Oropesa, Elena B. López-Sosa, Yoscelina E. Martínez-López, Óscar O. Moctezuma-Chávez, Edna J. Nava-González, and Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga
Conservation genetics of cyprinid fishes in the upper Nueces River basin in central Texas, Evan W. Carson, Ashley H. Hanna, Gary P. Garrett, Robert J. Edwards, and John R. Gold
Consignment auction liquidation in Canada: A field study, Marvin Lovett
Constraints on Cosmic Strings Using Data from the Third Advanced LIGO–Virgo Observing Run, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, S. Abraham, F. Acernese, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, Karla E. Ramirez, and W. H. Wang
Constructing Maya Communities: Ethnography for Archaeology, John W. Fox, Garrett W. Cook, and Arthur J. Demarest
Constructing the Absent — Preservation and Restoration of Architecture, Remei Capdevila-Werning
Consuelo Flores, Consuelo Flores and Josefina Flores
Consumer Acceptance of Personal Cloud: Integrating Trust and Risk with the Technology Acceptance Model, Murad A. Moqbel and Valerie L. Bartelt
Contamination resulting from railroad activity: track 3, Reed, McLain and Guerrero, L.L.P.
Contextual and Organizational Factors in Sustainable Supply Chain Decision-Making: Grey Relational Analysis and Interpretative Structural Modeling, Zhaojun Yang, Xiaoting Guo, Jun Sun, and Yali Zhang
Continuous-time controlled branching processes, Ines Garcia, George Yanev, Manuel Molina, Nikolay Yanev, and Miguel Velasco
Contributor Biographies, David Aguilar, Omar Baz Radwan, Edward Mahoney, Aamir Aziz, Sulaim Sarfraz, and Adele Hannon
Contributor Biographies, "Journeys", Natalie Garza
Contributor Biographies, "The Sacrifice of Survival", Natalie Garza and Valerie Garza
Contributors' Biographies, Monica Reyes, Imen Mzoughi, Sarah Foust Vinson, Susan Larkin, Beatrice Mendez Newman, and David Aguilar
Contributors’ Biographies, David Aguilar, A.D. Beason-Manes, Jenn Jennings Davis, Sarah Dierlam, Fathima E.V, Alison D. Ligon, Cindy Lutenbacher, Angelic Rodgers, and Ronald Dean Straight
Contributors’ Biographies, "The Writer's Experience", Ruth Mikal Garza and Craig E. Price
Controlled Branching Processes with Continuous Time, Miguel Gonzalez, Manuel Molina, Ines Del Puerto, Nikolay Yanev, and George Yanev
Coping Strategies among Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Cluster Analysis, Noor Ismael, Lisa Mische Lawson, Murad Moqbel, and Lauren Little
Cora Carson, Cora Carson and Cynthia E. Garza
Corporate Cash Holding, Agency Problems and Economic Policy Uncertainty, Siamak Javadi, Mohsen Mollagholamali, Ali Nejadmalayeri, and Saud Al-Thaqeb
Corroded, rusted 2 inch pipe in close proximity to 4 inch pipe., Reed, McLain and Guerrero, L.L.P.
Corroded, rusted, 4 inch pipe and casing dripping contaminated water in area of contaminated soil, Reed, McLain and Guerrero, L.L.P.
Corroded, rusted, uncapped, buried underground natural gas 2 inch valve and contaminated soil., Reed, McLain and Guerrero, L.L.P.
Cosme Casares Munoz, Cosme Casares Munoz and Leticia Miroslava Gamboa
Coupling of c-Src to large conductance voltage-and Ca2+-activated K+ channels as a new mechanism of agonist-induced vasoconstriction, A. Alioua, Aman Mahajan, Kazuhide Nishimaru, Masoud M. Zarei, Enrico Stefani, and Ligia Toro
Courage and Sacrifice, Ruby Martínez
Covert Computation in Staged Self-Assembly: Verification Is PSPACE-Complete, David Caballero, Timothy Gomez, Robert Schweller, and Tim Wylie
COVID-19 and chronic diabetes: the perfect storm for reactivation tuberculosis?: a case series, Genesis P. Aguillón-Durán, Ericka Prieto-Martinez Dr, Doris Ayala, Juan García Jr., John M. Thomas III, Juan Ignacio García, Brandon Michael Henry, Jordi B. Torrelles, Joanne Turner, Eder Ledezma-Campos, and Blanca I. Restrepo
COVID-19 and Delayed Cerebral Ischemia—More in Common Than First Meets the Eye, Pervinder Bhogal, Levansri Makalanda, Ameer E. Hassan, Dave Fiorella, Tommy Andersson, Muhammad Ahmad, Hansjörg Bäzner, Ounali Jaffer, and Hans Henkes
COVID-19 and Women-Led Businesses around the World, Yu Liu, Siqi Wei, and Jian Xu
COVID-19, ferrosenescence and neurodegeneration, a mini-review, Adonis Sfera, Carolina Osorio, Gerald Maguire, Leah Rahman, Jafri Azaal, Michael Cummings, and Jose E. Campo Maldonado
COVID-19 or Flu? Discriminative Knowledge Discovery of COVID-19 Symptoms from Google Trends Data, Md Imrul Kaish, Md Jakir Hossain, Evangelos E. Papalexakis, and Jia Chen
COVID-19 Pandemic and Intimate Partner Violence: an Analysis of Help-Seeking Messages in the Spanish-Speaking Media, Luis R. Alvarez-Hernandez, Iris Cardenas, and Allison Bloom
COVID-19 student mental health check II, Dianna Blankenship and Irma S. Jones
Covid-19 y autismo: impacto en las personas con autismo y sus familias en Uruguay, Gabriela Garrido, María Cecilia Montenegro, Cecilia Amigo, Daniel Valdez, Natalia Barrios, Sebastián Cukier, Alexia Rattazzi, Analía Rosoli, Ricardo García, Cristiane S. Paula, Georgina Pérez Liz, and Cecilia Montiel-Nava
Creating Awareness, Citlali González
Creating Sustainable Foundations for Rhizomes of Mexican American Art Since 1848, Karen M. Davalos and Constance Cortez
Creating Win-Win Partnerships And Adding Relevance To Educator Preparation, Michelle Abrego, Bobbette M. Morgan, and Jesus Abrego
Crescencio Rios Hernandez, Crescencio Rios Hernandez and Corina Castillo
CRISPR Cas9 Genome Editing in Human Cell Lines with DONOR Vector Made by Gibson Assembly, Nirakar Sahoo, Victoria Cuello, Shreya Udawant, Carl Litif, Julie A. Mustard, and Megan Keniry
CRISPR Systems for COVID-19 Diagnosis, Hossein Rahimi, Marziyeh Salehiabar, Murat Barsbay, Mohammadreza Ghaffarlou, Taras Kavetskyy, Ali Sharafi, Soodabeh Davaran, Subhash C. Chauhan, Hossein Danafar, and Murali M. Yallapu
Crossing Borders toward Young Transnational Lives, G. Sue Kasun and Cinthya M. Saavedra
Crossing Linguistic Borders: Teaching Writing Skills in Two Languages to Translators-In-Training, Gabriel Gonzalez Nunez
Cross-Pollinating the Mind: Reflections at the Crossroads of English and STEM Studies, Cindy Lutenbacher and Alison Ligon
Cruz Silva, Cruz Silva and Ana Maria Herrera
¿Cuál tratamiento para cuál niño? Comorbilidad y Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad, Cecilia Montiel-Nava and Joaquín A. Peña
Cucurbitacin D exhibits potent anticancer activity in cervical cancer, Mohammed Sikander, Bilal B. Hafeez, Shabnam Malik, Abdulrhman Alsayari, Fathi T. Halaweish, Murali M. Yallapu, Subhash C. Chauhan, and Meena Jaggi
Cucurbitacin D Reprograms Glucose Metabolic Network in Prostate Cancer, Mohammed Sikander, Shabnam Malik, Neeraj Chauhan, Parvez Khan, Sonam Kumari, Vivek Kumar Kashyap, Sheema Khan, Aditya Ganju, Fathi T. Halaweish, Murali M. Yallapu, Meena Jaggi, and Subhash C. Chauhan
Culturally Relevant Books: Connecting Hispanic Students to the Curriculum, Alma D. Rodríguez
Cultural Narratives and Counterstories: Examining Representation in “Prietita y la Llorona”, Christian E. Zuniga
Curanderismo Experience_1, Señor Trevino, Mrs. Bravo, Mrs. Balderas, and Robert Noriega
Curanderismo Experience_2, Robert Noriega
Curanderismo Practices, Doña Maria
Curanderismo Practices_Remedies, Treviño
Curanderismo Profession; Card Reading_5
Curanderismo Slide Show Audio, Mike Cantu
Curanderismo Slide Show Audio_2, Mike Cantu
Curanderismo Slide Show Audio_4
Curanderismo Slide Show Audio_5
Curandersimo Practices_Temples, Alfonso Treviño
Curcumin: A Folklore Remedy from Kitchen on the Way to Clinic As Cancer Drug, Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Curcumin Nanoformulation for Cervical Cancer Treatment, Mohd S. Zaman, Neeraj Chauhan, Murali M. Yallapu, Rishi K. Gara, Diane M. Maher, Sonam Kumari, Mohammed Sikander, Sheema Khan, Nadeem Zafar, Meena Jaggi, and Subhash C. Chauhan
Curcumin nanoformulations: a future nanomedicine for cancer, Murali M. Yallapu, Meena Jaggi, and Subhash C. Chauhan
Current Available Computer-Aided Detection Catches Cancer but Requires a Human Operator, Florentino Saenz Rios, Giri Movva, Hari Movva, and Quan D. Nguyen
Cynthia Ann Parker (Quanah Parker: A Mother’s Day Story), William F. Strong
Cytidine deaminase as a molecular target in cancer: an insight, Claudia A. Almaraz and Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Daddy's Girl, Erika Faubion
Dancing with the Devil Revisited, Marlene Galván
Darrell Brumley, Darrell Brumley and Harry Carter Quin
Data mining in telemedicine, Md Fashiar Rahman, Yuxin Wen, Honglun Xu, Tzu-Liang Tseng, and Satya Akundi
Data on foliar nutrient concentration of invasive plants in the recipient habitat and their native habitat, Pushpa Soti, Matthew Purcell, and Krish Jayachandran
Data on race, inequality, and social capital in the U.S. counties, Dongkyu Kim, Mi-Son Kim, and Natasha Altema McNeely
Dataset on the epidemiology and genetic diversification of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes and genotypes in Mexico, Eduardo Dominguez-de-la-Cruz, María de Lourdes Muñoz, Ericel Hernández-García, Gerardo Pérez-Ramírez, Randy E. David, Joel Navarrete-Espinosa, Alvaro Diaz-Badillo, Miguel Moreno-Galeana, and Cesar Armando Brito-Carreón
Datos epidemiológicos del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad en una muestra de niños marabinos [Epidemiological data about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a sample of Marabino children], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Joaquín A. Peña, and Isabel Montiel-Barbero
Datos normativos del cuestionario sobre el comportamiento de niños versión para padres (CBCL) y versión para profesores (TRF) en una muestra de niños venezolanos [Normative data of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Teacher's Report Form in a sample of Venezuelan children], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Isabel Montiel-Barbero, and Joaquín A. Peña
David E. DeMatthews and Elena Izquierdo (eds.): Dual Language Education: Teaching and Learning in Two Languages, Alcione N. Ostorga
David Gomez (1447), Lesly Mendoza
David J. Sweeten - Part 01, David J. Sweeten and Robert Everett Norton
David J. Sweeten - Part 02, David J. Sweeten and Robert Everett Norton
Deaf Cultural Capital and its Conflicts with Hearing Culture: Navigational Successes and Failures, Ashley Greene-Woods, Natalie J. Delgado, Beverly Buchanan, Misty Sides, Abbas Ali Behmanesh, Brian Cheslik, Caroline K. Koo, and M. Diane Clark
Dear Abuelita Lala, Marisol Rodríguez-Portales
Debra Torres (1624), Leslie Torres
Debt market illiquidity and correlated default risk, Siamak Javadi and Mohsen Mollagholamali
Deciphering the Role of Ion Channels in Early Defense Signaling against Herbivorous Insects, Akanksha Gandhi, Rupesh R. Kariyat, Amaravadhi Harikishore, Marzieh Ayati, Anirban Bhunia, and Nirakar Sahoo
Decline in mild stroke presentations and intravenous thrombolysis during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology Multicenter Collaboration, Santiago Ortega-Gutierrez, Mudassir Farooqui, Alicia M. Zha, Alexandra L. Czap, Jacob Sebaugh, Shashvat M. Desai, Ashutosh P. Jadhav, Nirav Vora, Tudor G. Jovin, and Ameer E. Hassan
Decline in subarachnoid haemorrhage volumes associated with the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Than N. Nguyen, Diogo C. Haussen, Muhammad M. Qureshi, Hiroshi Yamagami, Toshiyuki Fujinaka, Ossama Y. Mansour, Mohamad Abdalkader, Michael Frankel, Zhongming Qiu, and Ameer E. Hassan
Deed - Eli Jackson and Martin Jackson to John Closner, Porcion 71, original grantee Narciso Cavazos, Eli Jackson, Martin Jackson, and John Closner
Deed - Eli Jackson, et al. to John Closner, Porcion 71, original grantee Narciso Cavazos, Eli Jackson, Amalia Jackson, Amanda Jackson, Nathaniel Jackson, Robert Jackson, and John Closner
Deed for sale from Davis Family to L. N. Box, H. Rutledge, and Nathaniel Jackson, 1878, Luciana G. Davis, L. H. Box, and Starr County Court Clerk
Deepen electronic health record diffusion beyond breadth: game changers and decision drivers, Xuan Wang, Jun Sun, Ying Wang, and Yi Liu
Deep-sea biodiversity at the extremes of the Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges with implications for conservation, Alan M. Friedlander, Whitney Goodell, Jonatha Giddens, Erin E. Easton, and Daniel Wagner
Defect detection in freight railcar tapered-roller bearings using vibration techniques, Constantine Tarawneh, Joseph Montalvo, and Brent Wilson
Déficit de atención e hiperactividad en los trastornos del espectro autista [Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder in autism spectrum disorders], Cecilia Montiel-Nava and Joaquín A. Peña
Deficit of Kcnma1 mRNA expression in the dentate gyrus of epileptic rats, Boris Ermolinsky, Massoud F. Arshadmansab, Luis F. Pacheco Otalora, Masoud M. Zarei, and Emilio R. Garrido-Sanabria
Deficit of Kcnma1 mRNA expression in the dentate gyrus of epileptic rats, Boris Ermolinsky, Massoud F. Arshadmansab, Luis F. Pacheco Otalora, Masoud M. Zarei, and Emilio R. Garrido-Sanabria
Delays in thrombolysis during COVID-19 are associated with worse neurological outcomes: the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology Multicenter Collaboration, Dinesh V. Jillella, Fadi Nahab, Thanh N. Nguyen, Mohamad Abdalkader, David S. Liebeskind, Nirav Vora, Vivek Rai, Diogo C. Haussen, Raul G. Nogueira, Shashvat M. Desai, and Ameer E. Hassan
Deleting Relationships in the Digital World, Sharaf Rehman and Nikkie Saldivar Hodgson
Delia Hooks, Delia Hooks and Veronica Garcia
Delia O. Ramirez Alaniz, Delia O. Ramirez Alaniz and Ruben Alaniz
Democracy and Delinquency: An International Comparison of Youth Violence Associated with Alternative Lifestyles, Beliefs, and Practices, Gordon A. Crews and Angela West Crews
Demonyms of Texas (Texas Demonyms: Dallasites, Victorians, and Everything In-Between), William F. Strong
Demystifying Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Among Students in Higher Education, Sundra D. Kincey, Aziza Zemrani, and Theresa L. Bailey
Depolarization-initiated endogenous cannabinoid release and underlying retrograde neurotransmission in interneurons of amygdala, Sodikdjon A. Kodirov, Kathrin Bonni, Michael Wehrmeister, and Beat Lutz
Depression in Mexican Americans with Diagnosed and Undiagnosed Diabetes, Rene L. Olvera, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, Douglas E. Williamson, Kristina Vatcheva, and Joseph B. McCormick
Depression, Obesity, and Metabolic Syndrome: Prevalence and Risks of Comorbidity in a Population-Based Study of Mexican Americans, Rene L. Olvera, Douglas E. Williamson, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, Kristina Vatcheva, and Joseph B. McCormick
Depth-Resolved Multispectral Sub-Surface Imaging Using Multifunctional Upconversion Phosphors with Paramagnetic Properties, Zaven Ovanesyan, L. Christopher Mimun, Gangadharan Ajith Kumar, Brian G. Yust, Chamath Dannongoda, Karen S. Martirosyan, and Dhiraj K. Sardar
Derivative Couplings with Built-In Electron-Translation Factors: Application to Benzene, Shervin Fatehi and Joseph E. Subotnik
Dermatomyositis- Related Intestinal Dysmotility, Christine Loftis, Rosa White, and Emilia C. Dulgheru
Description of duties under Mexican laws for the municipal authority of Monterrey
Design and Validation of a Portable Handheld Device to Produce Fine Fibers Using Centrifugal Forces, Gregory Potter, Raul Barbosa, Alexa Villarreal, Alexandra Salinas, Hector Guzman, Heriberto De Leon, Javier A. Ortega, and Karen Lozano
Design of a stand-alone energy hybrid system for a makeshift health care center: A case study, Tamal Chowdhury, Hemal Chowdhury, Samiul Hasan, Md Salman Rahman, M. M. K. Bhuiya, and Piyal Chowdhury
Desktop scanning electron microscopy in plant-insect interactions research: A fast and effective way to capture electron micrographs with minimal sample preparation, Sakshi Watts, Ishveen Kaur, Sukhman Singh, Bianca Jimenez, Jesus Chavana, and Rupesh R. Kariyat
Detecting and reconstructing gravitational waves from the next galactic core-collapse supernova in the advanced detector era, Marek J. Szczepańczyk, Javier M. Antelis, Michael Benjamin, Marco Cavaglia, Dorota Gondek-Rosińska, Travis Hansen, Soma Mukherjee, Gaukhar Nurbek, Satzhan Sitmukhambetov, and Oscar Valdez
Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content, Alexandra G. Konings, Sassan S. Saatchi, Christian Frankenberg, Michael Keller, Victor Leshyk, William R. L. Anderegg, Vincent Humphrey, Ashley M. Matheny, Anna Trugman, and Bradley O. Christoffersen
Detecting optical transients using artificial neural networks and reference images from different surveys, Katarzyna Wardęga, Adam Zadrozny, Martin Beroiz, Richard S. Camuccio, and Mario C. Diaz
Detection methods for stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds: a unified treatment, Joseph D. Romano and Neil J. Cornish
Detection of Duodenal versus Gastric Primary Neuroendocrine Tumors with 68Ga-DOTATATE PET, Shiv Govindji, Muhammad Bassel Darwish, Annie Laurie Benzie, Patrick James McLaren, Edward Cho, Houssam Osman, and Dhiresh Rohan Jeyarajah
Detection of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, Ali Naini, Robert Gilkerson, Sara Shanske, and Jiuhong Pang
Determinants of penetrance and variable expressivity in monogenic metabolic conditions across 77,184 exomes, Julia K. Goodrich, Moriel Singer-Berk, Rachel Son, Abigail Sveden, Jordan Wood, Eleina England, Joanne B. Cole, John Blangero, Ben Weisburd, and Ravi Duggirala
Determinants of Salary Dispersion among Political Science Faculty: The Differential Effects of Where You Work (Institutional Characteristics) and What You Do (Negotiate and Publish), Vicki Hesli Claypool, Brian David Janssen, Dongkyu Kim, and Sara McLaughlin Mitchell
Developing Teachers Who Are Reflective Practitioners: A Complex Process, Alcione N. Ostorga
Developmental Origins of Cardiovascular Disease, Edwina H. Yeung, Candace Robledo, Nansi S. Boghossian, Cuilin Zhang, and Pauline Mendola
Development of a Cyberinfrastructure for Assessment of the Lower Rio Grande Valley North and Central Watersheds Characteristics, Linda Navarro, Ahmed Mahmoud, Andrew Ernest, Abdoul Oubeidillah, Jessica Johnstone, Ivan Rene Santos Chavez, and Christopher Fuller
Development of antimicrobial chitosan based nanofiber dressings for wound healing applications, Lee Cremar, Jorge Gutierrez, Jennifer Martinez, Luis A. Materon, Robert Gilkerson, Fenghua Xu, and Karen Lozano
Development of a real time human face recognition software system, Askar Boranbayev, Seilkhan Boranbayev, Mukhamedzhan Amirtaev, Malik Baimukhamedov, and Askar Nurbekov
Development of Learners Engaging With Hispanic Communities to Address COVID-19 inequities- Si Se Puede!, Giuiseppe A. Fonseca
Development of polyvinylpyrrolidone/paclitaxel self-assemblies for breast cancer, Pallabita Chowdhury, Prashanth K.B. Nagesh, Sheema Khan, Bilal B. Hafeez, Subhash C. Chauhan, Meena Jaggi, and Murali M. Yallapu
Devotion, David Quiroz
Dewitt Talmage Knight - Part 01, Dewitt Talmage Knight and Robert Everett Norton
Dewitt Talmage Knight - Part 02, Dewitt Talmage Knight and Robert Everett Norton
Dexamethasone as Abortive Treatment for Refractory Seizures or Status Epilepticus in the Inpatient Setting, Alexander B. Ramos, Roberto A. Cruz, Nicole R. Villemarette-Pittman, Piotr W. Olejniczak, and Edward C. Mader Jr.
Diabetes and Physical Activity, Jameela Banu
Diabetes Awareness Virtual Book Display, Raquel Estrada
Diabetes mellitus correlates with increased biological age as indicated by clinical biomarkers, Nadine Bahour, Briana Cortez, Hui Pan, Hetal Shah, Alessandro Doria, and Cristina Aguayo‑Mazzucato
Diagnoses, Intervention Strategies, and Rates of Functional Improvement in Integrated Behavioral Health Care Patients, Ana J. Bridges, Samantha J. Gregus, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Arthur R. Andrews III, Bianca T. Villalobos, Freddie A. Pastrana, and Timothy A. Cavell
Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 detection: A hybrid methodology. Pruebas de diagnóstico para detectar la COVID-19: una metodología híbrida., Alvaro Diaz-Badillo, María de Lourdes Muñoz, María Concepción Morales-Gómez, José D. Martínez-Ezquerro, Rosa María Quispe-Siccha, and Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga
Diana Gonzalez (1415), Esteban Carrizal
Didio Cecilio Rodriguez, Didio Cecilio Rodriguez and Linda Pena
Differences between pharmacists’ perception of counseling and practice in the era of prescription drug misuse, J. D. Thornton, Precious Anyanwu, Vaishnavi Tata, Tamara Al Rawwad, and Marc L. Fleming
Differences in Immune Defense Evasion of Selected Inbred Lines of Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora in Two White Grub Species, Ruisheng An, Marcio Voss, Ganpati B. Jagdale, and Parwinder Grewal
Different Approximation Algorithms for Channel Scheduling in Wireless Networks, Qiufen Ni, Chuanhe Huang, Panos M. Pardalos, Jia Ye, and Bin Fu
Differential changes in mGlu2 and mGlu3 gene expression following pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus: A comparative real-time PCR analysis, Boris Ermolinsky, Luis F. Pacheco Otalora, Massoud F. Arshadmansab, Masoud M. Zarei, and Emilio R. Garrido-Sanabria
Differential expression of voltage-gated K+ currents in medial septum/diagonal band complex neurons exhibiting distinct firing phenotypes, Emilio R. Garrido-Sanabria, Miriam G. Perez-Cordova, and Luis V. Colom
Differential response by bronzed cowbirds to songs of potential hosts in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Mary J. Janecka and Timothy Brush
Digital Testimonio As a Signature Pedagogy for Latin@ Studies, Rina Benmayor
Digital Transformation Through Internet of Things Services, Tayfun Keskin and Frederick J. Riggins
Dihydropyridines as Calcium Channel Blockers: An Overview, Thelma Salazar, Andres Gonzalez, and Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Dimensional Latent Structure of ICD-11 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Complex PTSD, and Adjustment Disorder: Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria, Ruby Charak, Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Mark Shevlin, Menachem Ben-Ezra, Thanos Karatzias, and Philip Hyland
Disconnect to Connect: Encouraging Student Writing Through Interactive Technologies, Natalie M. Dorfeld
Discovering the Plan behind the Gordian Knot New Trends in Social and Liberal Sciences, Russell K. Skowronek
Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev in Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Central and Southern Italy and relictual polymorphisms found in nrDNA, Robert P. Adams, Adam Boratynski, Katarzyna Marcysiak, Francesco Roma-Marzio, Lorenzo Peruzzi, Fabrizio Bartolucci, Fabio Conti, Tuğrul Mataraci, Andrea E. Schwarzbach, Alexander N. Tashev, and Sonja Siljak-Yakovlev
Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev in western Turkey (Anatolia), Robert P. Adams, Adam Boratynski, Tuğrul Mataraci, Alexander N. Tashev, and Andrea E. Schwarzbach
Discrepancia entre padres y profesores en la evaluación de problemas de conducta y académicos en niños y adolescentes [Discrepancy between parents and teachers in the evaluation of behavior and educational problems in children and adolescents], Cecilia Montiel-Nava and Joaquín A. Peña
Disease Modeling and Disease Gene Discovery in Cardiomyopathies: A Molecular Study of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Generated Cardiomyocytes, Satish Kumar, Joanne E. Curran, Kashish Kumar, Erica De Leon, Ana C. Leandro, Juan M. Peralta, Sarah Williams-Blangero, and John Blangero
Disentangling diverse responses to climate change among global marine ecosystem models, Ryan F. Heneghan, Eric Galbraith, Julia L. Blanchard, Cheryl S. Harrison, Nicolas Barrier, Catherine Bulman, William Cheung, Marta Coli, Tyler D. Eddy, and Maite Erauskin-Extramiana
Disentangling the Effects of Vapor Pressure Deficit and Soil Water Availability on Canopy Conductance in a Seasonal Tropical Forest During the 2015 El Niño Drought, Yilin Fang, L. Ruby Leung, Brett T. Wolfe, Matteo Detto, Ryan G. Knox, Bryan Powell, Charlotte Grossiord, Chonggang Xu, Bradley O. Christoffersen, and Pierre Gentine
(Dis)similarity and Identity: On Becoming Quasi-WPA, Andrew Hollinger and Jessie Borgman
Diversifying the “HSI Bubble”: Black and Asian women faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Elena M. Venegas, Jacqueline B. Koonce, Lorenza Lancaster, Julissa Bazan, and Adriana Garza
Diving below the Spin-down Limit: Constraints on Gravitational Waves from the Energetic Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, S. Abraham, F. Acernese, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, Karla E. Ramirez, and W. H. Wang
DNA damage is overcome by TRIP13 overexpression during cisplatin nephrotoxicity, Taketsugu Hama, Prashanth K.B. Nagesh, Pallabita Chowdhury, Bob M. Moore II, Murali M. Yallapu, Kevin R. Regner, and Frank Park
DNA sequencing and taxonomy of unusual serrate Juniperus from Mexico: Chloroplast capture and incomplete lineage sorting in J. coahuilensis and allied taxa, Robert P. Adams, M. Socorro Gonzalez-Elizondo, Martha Gonzalez-Elizondo, David Ramirez Noya, and Andrea E. Schwarzbach
DNA-Topology Simplification by Topoisomerases, Andreas Hanke, Riccardo Ziraldo, and Stephen D. Levene
Documents and correspondence pertaining to Dr. Irene Ledesma
Do early-successional weeds facilitate or compete with seedlings in forest restoration? Disentangling abiotic versus biotic factors, Mylen Arias, Rupesh R. Kariyat, Kimberly Wahl-Villarreal, Stephany Mendez, Jesus Chavana, and Bradley O. Christoffersen
Does Integrated Behavioral Health Care Reduce Mental Health Disparities for Latinos? Initial Findings, Ana J. Bridges, Arthur R. Andrews III, Bianca T. Villalobos, Freddie A. Pastrana, Timothy A. Cavell, and Debbie Gomez
Does Mask Usage Worsen Symptoms in Patients With Rhinosinusitis Balloon Sinuplasty Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic?, Arianna Victoria Ramirez, Macaulay A. Ojeaga Jr., Victor Espinoza, Blake Hensler, and Vincent Honrubia
Does Mask Usage Worsen Symptoms in Patients With Rhinosinusitis Balloon Sinuplasty Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic?, Arianna Victoria Ramirez, Macaulay A. Ojeaga Jr., Victor Espinoza, Blake Hensler, and Vincent Honrubia
Does maternal asthma contribute to racial/ethnic disparities in obstetric and neonatal complications?, Katrina F. Flores, Candace Robledo, Beom Seuk Hwang, Kira Leishear, Katherine Grantz, and Pauline Mendola
Dolores Tanguma, Dolores Tanguma and Diana Maria Tanguma
Dominant Discourses and Language Socialization in the Literacy Practices of a Spanish-Speaking Church, Katherine Christoffersen
Dominga Rodriguez - Part 01, Dominga Rodriguez and Maria Del Rosario Ybarra
Dominga Rodriguez - Part 02, Dominga Rodriguez and Maria Del Rosario Ybarra
Dominga T. Esparza, Dominga T. Esparza and Diana Barrientes
Domingo Alcazar, Domingo Alcazar and Jose Trinidad Molina
Donald Trump's Impact on the Republican Party, Michael Espinoza
Do nursing and pharmacy students practice what they preach on safe drug storage and disposal? A cross-sectional study, Tamara Al Rawwad, Patrici K. Schrader, Andrea Brooks, Lillian Duong, and Douglas Thornton
Dorothy Irene Hoekstra, Dorothy Irene Hoekstra and Patricia Laura Pena
Dorothy Josephine Maples, Dorothy Josephine Maples and Dawn Owen Chatham
Dose response of the 16p11.2 distal copy number variant on intracranial volume and basal ganglia, Ida E. Sønderby, Ómar Gústafsson, Nhat Trung Doan, Nicholas B. Blackburn, John Blangero, Joanne E. Curran, and Juan M. Peralta
Do the specific countries in which a multinational corporation operates affect its private loan contracts?, Brandon Ater and Bowe Hansen
DOUBLE COMPACT OBJECTS. III. GRAVITATIONAL-WAVE DETECTION RATES, Michal Dominik, Emanuele Berti, Richard O'Shaughnessy, Ilya Mandel, Krzysztof Belczynski, Christopher Fryer, Daniel E. Holz, Tomasz Bulik, and Francesco Pannarale
Double play: Notes from a high school English professor, John Skarl
Do U.S. firms fly higher when bypassing the U.S. capital markets? An investigation of the short-term performance of foreign IPOs, Robert N. Killins and Peter V. Egly
Downregulation of BK channel expression in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy, Luis F. Pacheco Otalora, Eder F. Hernandez, Massoud F. Arshadmansab, Sebastian Francisco, Michael Willis, Boris Ermolinsky, Masoud M. Zarei, H.-G Knaus, and Emilio R. Garrido-Sanabria
Draft Genome Sequences of 13 Vibrio cholerae Strains from the Rio Grande Delta, Jeffrey W. Turner, Jorge Duran-Gonzalez, David A. Laughlin, Daniel Unterweger, David Silva, Boris Ermolinsky, Stefan Pukatzki, and Daniele Provenzano
‘Dreadful Sorry:’ Spots of Passion and the Memory of Being Human in Kaufman’s “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and Pope’s ‘Eloisa to Abelard’[i], June-Ann Greeley
Dressed to Kill? School Dress Codes and Student Rights vs. School Safety Issues, Michelle Belanger, Sylvere ap Leanan, John D. Hewitt, Robert Regoli, Jeffrey P. Rush, Ereka Watson, and Gordon A. Crews
Driving in Mexico, William F. Strong
Droplet Spray Behavior of an Atomization-Based Cutting Fluid (ACF) System for Machining of Titanium Alloys, Chandra Nath, Shiv G. Kapoor, Anil K. Srivastava, and Jon Iverson
Dr Pepper: The Story of Texas’ Favorite Soft Drink, William F. Strong
Drug-based therapeutic strategies for COVID-19-infected patients and their challenges, Khatereh Zarkesh, Elaheh Entezar-Almahdi, Parisa Ghasemiyeh, Mohsen Akbarian, Marzieh Bahmani, Shahrzad Roudaki, Rahil Fazlinejad, Soliman Mohammadi-Samani, Negar Firouzabadi, Majid Hosseini, and Fatemeh Farjadian
Drug violence in Mexico and its impact on the fiscal realities of border cities in Texas: evidence from Rio Grande Valley counties, Akinloye Akindayomi and Sergio Garcia
Dune and Vegetation Stability at South Padre Island, Texas, United States of America, Frank W. Judd, Kenneth R. Summy, Robert I. Lonard, and Ruben A. Mazariegos
Early ambulatory outpatient sequenced antiviral multidrug COVID-19 treatment (including for Delta or similar variants) for high-risk children and adolescents, Paul Elias Alexander, Howard C. Tenenbaum, Harvey Risch, Richard Urso, Craig M. Wax, Holly Jonely, Ramin Oskoui, Russell Gonnering, Roger G. Hodkinson, and Eleftherios Gkioulekas
Early Civil Rights in the Lower Rio Grande Valley 1900-1930 (PowerPoint), Elizabeth Salinas and Samuel Hernández
Early Civil Rights in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, 1900-1930 (Video), Samuel Hernández and Elizabeth Salinas
Early Civil Rights in the Rio Grande Valley: Mexican American Activism In The Early Twentieth Century (Elementary Social Studies K-5), Maritza De La Trinidad
Early Civil Rights in the Rio Grande Valley: Mexican American Activism In The Early Twentieth Century (High School Social Studies), Maritza De La Trinidad
Early Civil Rights in the Rio Grande Valley: Mexican American Activism In The Early Twentieth Century (Middle School Social Studies), Maritza De La Trinidad
Easing the transitions: Finding ways to work in solidarity across the high school/college divide, Elizabeth Wardle
Ecological resilience indicators for salt marsh ecosystems, Scott T. Allen, Camille L. Stagg, Jorge Brenner, Kathleen L. Goodin, Don Faber-Langendoen, Christopher A. Gabler, and Katherine Wirt Ames
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Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Edcouch-Elsa 50th Anniversary walkout in front of Edcouch-Elsa Highschool
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout in front of Edcouch-Elsa High School
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout in front of Edcouch-Elsa High School
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout in front of Edcouch-Elsa High School
Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout in front of Edcouch-Elsa High School
Edcouch-Elsa bus in front of Edcouch-Elsa High School
Eddie Clarence Hedges - Part 01, Eddie Clarence Hedges and Robert Everett Norton
Eddie Clarence Hedges - Part 02, Eddie Clarence Hedges and Robert Everett Norton
Edilberto Flores, Edilberto Flores and Manuel Rodriguez
Editorial: Carbon- and Inorganic-Based Nanostructures for Energy Applications, Federico Cesano, M. Jasim Uddin, Yuanbing Mao, and Muhammad N. Huda
Editorial: Discovery and Development of Drugs for Neglected Diseases: Chagas Disease, Human African Trypanosomiasis, and Leishmaniasis, Gildardo Rivera, Navin B. Patel, and Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Editorial: Intellectual Disability and Assistive Technology, Fleur Heleen Boot, Julia S. Louw, Hung Jen Kuo, and Roy Chen
Edna Doris Parks Dubois - Part 01, Edna Doris Dubois Parks and Robert Everett Norton
Edna Doris Parks Dubois - Part 02, Edna Doris Dubois Parks and Robert Everett Norton
EDSC: An Event-Driven Smart Contract Platform, Mudabbir Kaleem, Keshav Kasichainula, Rabimba Karanjai, Lei Xu, Zhimin Gao, Lin Chen, and Weidong Shi
Eduarda Ramirez, Eduarda Ramirez and Linda Pena
Eduardo Castellanos, Eduardo Castellanos
Eduardo Guerra, Eduardo Guerra and Velma Iris Rodriguez
Eduardo Vela and Francisca Recio Vela, Eduarda Vela, Francisca Recio Vela, and Robert Everett Norton
Education and Crime, Gordon A. Crews
Edward Vidaurre (1633), Noreen Rivera
Effective School Leadership in High-Performing High-Poverty Elementary Schools in South Texas, George Padilla, Federico Guerra Jr., and Roberto Zamora
Effect of Additional Weight on Human Squat Exercise Stability: Ground Reaction Forces and Centers of Pressure, Jose Galarza and Dumitru Carantu
Effect of binder on the physical stability and bactericidal property of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanocoatings on food contact surfaces, Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy and Yen-Con Hung
Effect of exotic invasive old world climbing fern (lygodium microphyllum) on soil properties, Pushpa G. Soti and Krish Jayachandran
Effect of hot water treatment of in-shell pecans on physicochemical properties and consumer acceptability of roasted pecan kernels, Karuna Kharel, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy, Charles J. Graham, and Achyut Adhikari
Effect of PDGF-BB on Human Retinal Pericytes, Matthew N. Parvus, Cristian Mercado, Francisco Elisarraras, Daniela Gonzalez, and Andrew Tsin
Effect of pecan variety and the method of extraction on the antimicrobial activity of pecan shell extracts against different foodborne pathogens and their efficacy on food matrices, Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy, Cameron Cason, Juan Moreira, and Achyut Adhikari
Effect of surrounding vegetation on microbial survival or die-off on watermelon surface in an agriculture setting, Vijay Singh Chhetri, Kathryn Fontenot, Ronald Strahan, Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy, Katheryn J. Parraga Estrada, and Achyut Adhikari
Effects of conjugated linoleic acid and exercise on bone mass in young male Balb/C mice, Jameela Banu, Arunabh Bhattacharya, Mizanur Rahman, Marianne O'Shea, and Gabriel Fernandes
Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Metformin on Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Children: Randomized Clinical Trial, Nayely Garibay-Nieto, Gloria Queipo-García, Flor Alvarez, Mayra Bustos, Erendira Villanueva, Fernando Ramírez, Mireya León, Estibalitz Laresgoiti-Servitje, Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga, and Ravi Duggirala
Effects of Control Release Fertilizers on Nutrient Leaching, Palm Growth and Production Cost, Pushpa Soti, Angie Fleurissaint, Stewart Reed, and Krish Jayachandran
Effects of Donor- and Supporter-Based Campaign Networks on Crowdfunding Campaign Success, Bin Wang, Babajide Osatuyi, and Wanrong Hou
Effects of Employee Personality on the Relationships between Experienced Incivility, Emotional Exhaustion, and Perpetrated Incivility, Jennifer L. Welbourne, Gerardo A. Miranda, and Ashwini Gangadharan
Effects of Language Concordance and Interpreter Use on Therapeutic Alliance in Spanish-Speaking Integrated Behavioral Health Care Patients, Bianca T. Villalobos, Ana J. Bridges, Elizabeth A. Anastasia, Carlos A. Ojeda, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, and Debbie Gomez
Effects of n-3 fatty acids on autoimmunity and osteoporosis, Gabriel Fernandes, Arunabh Bhattacharya, Mizanur Rahman, Khaliquz Zaman, and Jameela Banu
Effects of Patch Size, Fragmentation, and Invasive Species on Plant and Lepidoptera Communities in Southern Texas, James A. Stilley and Christopher A. Gabler
Effects of perceived privacy protection: does reading privacy notices matter?, Xiaojing Sheng and Penny M. Simpson
Effects of Scarification, Phytohormones, Soil Type, and Warming on the Germination and/or Seedling Performance of Three Tamaulipan Thornscrub Forest Species, Paula Luera, Kimberly Wahl-Villarreal, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Abeny Treviño, Pushpa Soti, and Christopher A. Gabler
Effects of Sentiments on the Morphing of Falsehoods and Correction Messages on Social Media, Kelvin K. King, Bin Wang, and Diego Escobari
Effects of solvent used for fabrication on drug loading and release kinetics of electrosprayed temozolomide-loaded PLGA microparticles for the treatment of glioblastoma, Daniel A. Rodriguez de Anda, Nareg Ohannesian, Karen S. Martirosyan, and Sue Anne Chew
Effects of temperature and illumination on background matching in Mediterranean geckos (Hemidactylus turcicus), Frederic Zaidan and Pamela L. Wiebusch
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Herpetologists, Drew R. Davis and Bryony Allen
Efficacy and Safety of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma in Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Mila B. Ortigoza, Hyunah Yoon, Keith S. Goldfeld, Andrea B. Troxel, Johanna P. Daily, Yinxiang Wu, Yi Li, Danni Wu, Gia F. Cobb, and Andrew N. Dentino
E. H. Shary - Milton Glen Torno (All E. H. Shary Surgaen sold) (Tract 25, 5 acres; Tracts 11 and 12, 20 acres, all in Section 58 of the Geo. H. Paul Subdivision), 1945-1955, E H. Shary; Milton Glen Torno; Edward H. Vogel Sr; Blaine H. Holcomb; C R. Latham; Southtex Land Sales, Inc.; John H. Shary Estate; and Christine K. Torno
Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of a Schrödinger Operator Associated with a Finite Combination of Dirac-Delta Functions and CH Peakons, Shouzhong Fu, Zhijun Qiao, and Zhong Wang
El Arte de Criar Hijos Felices: Equilibrio entre Disciplina y Afecto, Cecilia Montiel-Nava
El Baile, Manuel F. Medrano
Electrocardiographic abnormalities among Mexican Americans: Correlations with diabetes, obesity, and the metabolic syndrome, Saulette R. Queen, Beverly Smulevitz, Anne R. Rentfro, Kristina Vatcheva, David D. McPherson, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, Joseph B. McCormick, and Susan T. Laing
Electromagnetic pollution alert: Microwave radiation and absorption in human organs and tissues, Nantakan Wongkasem
Electrophysiological and morphological heterogeneity of slow firing neurons in medial septal/diagonal band complex as revealed by cluster analysis, E. R. Garrido-Sanabria, M. G. Perez, C. Banuelos, T. Reyna, S. Hernandez, María Teresa Castañeda Licón, and Luis V. Colom
Electrospinning piezoelectric fibers for biocompatible devices, Bahareh Azimi, Mario Milazzo, Andrea Lazzeri, Stefano Berrettini, M. Jasim Uddin, Zhao Qin, Markus J. Buehler, and Serena Danti
El Grito, Alfredo Salinas
Elias Cavazos - Part 01, Elias Cavazos and Robert Everett Norton
Elias Cavazos - Part 02, Elias Cavazos and Robert Everett Norton
Eligio (Kika) de la Garza - Part 01, Eligio (Kika) de la Garza and Diane Tyink
Eli Jackson Cemetery Pharr, Texas 108, 2004-2006, Diana Cardenas
Eli Jackson Cemetery Pharr, Texas, 1973-2009, Frances W. Isbell
Elizabeth Ewing Christenson, Elizabeth Ewing Christenson and Robert Everett Norton
Eliza E. Barrera - Part 01, Eliza E. Barrera and Corina Cantu
Eliza E. Barrera - Part 02, Eliza E. Barrera and Corina Cantu
El Jardin Hotel, E. C. Kropp Co.
El Jardin Hotel - K-27-D-8, Wittenbach Drug Co.
Ella Hunger Hawthorne and Ewart Sterling Hawthorne - Part 01, Ella Hunger Hawthorne and Ewart Sterling Hawthorne
Ella Hunger Hawthorne and Ewart Sterling Hawthorne - Part 02, Ella Hunger Hawthorne and Ewart Sterling Hawthorne
Ella Longoria - Part 01, Ella Longoria and Larry William Clubb
Ella Longoria - Part 02, Ella Longoria and Larry William Clubb
Elma Garza, Elma Garza and Douglass E. Erickson
Elma Krumdieck Koch Dutschman, Elma Krumdieck Koch Dutschman and Robert Everett Norton
Elmer Charles Gates, Elmer Charles Gates and Robert Everett Norton
El razonamiento clínico desde el ciclo básico, una opción de integración en las ciencias médicas, María Teresa Castañeda Licón, Hugo Esteban Rodríguez Uribe, Octelina Castillo Ruiz, Erick D. Lopez, and José M. Rodriguez
Elton Edward Kenny, Edward Elton Kenny and Norma Leticia Rodriguez Gomez
Elucidating the effects of oxygen- and nitrogen-containing functional groups in graphene nanomaterials for applied electrochemistry by density functional theory, Sanju Gupta and N. Dimakis
Elvia Partida (1432), Amanda Partida
Elvira Rodriguez, Elvira Rodriguez and Sandra Cardenas
Embedded Curriculum with Industry-recognized Certifications to Improve the Marketability of Engineering Technology Graduates, Immanuel Edinbarough and Jesus A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez
Emergence of cationic polyamine dendrimersomes: design, stimuli sensitivity and potential biomedical applications, Partha Laskar and Christine Dufès
Emergency general surgery in pregnancy, Jeffrey J. Skubic and Ali Salim
Emerging issues in COVID-19 vaccination in Tropical Areas: Impact of the Immune Response against Helminths in Endemic Areas, Leonor Chacin-Bonilla, Nathalie Chacón-Fonseca, and Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales
Emma Guevara (1607), Leslie Torres
Emma Martinez, Emma Martinez and Linda Pena
Emmily Zuniga (1440), Jorge I. De Leon Jr.
Employees’ Social Networking Site Use Impact on Job Performance: Evidence from Pakistan, Murad Moqbel and Fizza Aftab
Employing the Urban Education Typology Through a Critical Race Spatial Analysis, John A . Williams III, Marlon James, Ana Carolina Díaz Beltrán, Jemimah Young, Mónica Vásquez Neshyba, and Quinita Ogletree
Encefalomielitis aguda diseminada en niños [Disseminated acute encephalomyelitis in children], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, F. Hernández, Enoe Medrano, O. Valbuena, and J. J. Cardozo
Encouraging Languages other than English in First-Year Writing Courses: Experiences from Linguistically Diverse Writers, Alyssa G. Cavazos
End of Life Decision-Making Challenges in a Latino Patient with COVID-19: Facing Barriers, Irma Huayanay, Celia Pantoja, and Chelsea Chang
Endogenous n-3 fatty acids protect ovariectomy induced bone loss by attenuating osteoclastogenesis, Md Mizanur Rahman, Arunabh Bhattacharya, Jameela Banu, Jing X. Kang, and Gabriel Fernandes
Endophytic Beauveria bassiana increases galling of ‘Rutgers’ tomato roots with Meloidogyne incognita, Shalini Yerukala, Ernest C. Bernard, Kimberly D. Gwinn, David M. Butler, Parwinder Grewal, and Bonnie H. Ownley
Endothelial Senescence and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a COVID-19 Based Hypothesis, Adonis Sfera, Carolina Osorio, Carlos M. Zapata Martín del Campo, Shaniah Pereida, Jose Campo Maldonado, and Zisis Kozlakidis
Endovascular Thrombectomy for Mild Strokes: How Low Should We Go? A Multicenter Cohort Study, Amrou Sarraj, Ameer E. Hassan, Sean I. Savitz, James C. Grotta, Chunyan Cai, Kaushik N. Parsha, Christine M. Farrell, Bita Imam, Clark W. Sitton, and Sujan T. Reddy
Endovascular thrombectomy in patients with large core ischemic stroke: a cost-effectiveness analysis from the SELECT study, Amrou Sarraj, Elena Pizzo, Kyriakos Lobotesis, James C. Grotta, Ameer E. Hassan, Michael G. Abraham, Spiros Blackburn, Arthur L. Day, Mark J. Dannenbaum, and William Hicks
Endovascular thrombectomy time metrics in the era of COVID-19: observations from the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology Multicenter Collaboration, Alexandra L. Czap, Alicia M. Zha, Jacob Sebaugh, and Ameer E. Hassan
Endovascular Treatment for Acute Stroke Patients With a Pre-stroke Disability: An International Survey, Sanjana Salwi, Jan A. Niec, Ameer E. Hassan, Christopher J. Lindsel, Pooja Khatri, J. Mocco, Jeffrey L. Saver, and Eva A. Mistry
Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke With the Penumbra System in Routine Practice: COMPLETE Registry Results, Osama O. Zaidat, Johanna T. Fifi, Ashish Nanda, Benjamin Atchie, Keith Woodward, Arnd Doerfler, Alejandro Tomasello, Inder Paul Singh, Wondwossen G. Tekle, and Ameer E. Hassan
End Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (Capnography) in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Madeline Elaine Huff and Kenneth T. Shelton
Enduring and Prevailing: Ambiguity in Faulkner's Nobel Acceptance Speech, David Rampton
Energy Harvesting Device for Powering Onboard Condition Monitoring Modules in Rail Service, Martin Amaro Jr., Constantine Tarawneh, Heinrich D. Foltz, and Roberto A. Garcia
Energy on spheres and discreteness of minimizing measures, Dmitriy Bilyk, Alexey Glazyrin, Ryan Matzke, Josiah Park, and Oleksandr Vlasiuk
Engaging in Writing Dialogue: High School to College Writing Symposium, Mark Dziedzic and Gretchen McClain
Engineering Information, University of Texas Pan American
Enhancing Student Learning in Introductory Physics Through Funds of Knowledge, Liang Zeng and Guang Zeng
Enhancing Student Learning of Global Warming Through Reflective Writing, Liang Zeng and Guang Zeng
Enhancing the Rehabilitation Counseling Process: Understanding the Obstacles to Asian Americans' Utilization of Services, Roy K. Chen, Song-Jae Jo, and Chandra M. Donnell
Enlaces in Reflections and (Re)memberings as Latina Border- Crossers: Journeys of Childhood and Professional Un/ Welcomings, Ana Carolina Díaz Beltrán, Paty Abril-Gonzalez, Cinthya Saavedra, and Michelle Salazar Perez
Enterprise Social Media Use and Impact on Performance: The Role of Workplace Integration and Positive Emotions, Murad Moqbel and Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah
Entre Dos Tierras: Identidades Culturales de Mujeres Jovenes Transfronterizas (Mexico/EEUU), Iris Rubi Monroy Velasco and Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto
Entropy in Quantum Mechanics and Applications to Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Paul Bracken
Environmental and Genetic Correlations Between the Metabolic Syndrome (MS) and System Variables Representing Adaptive Immunity, Innate Immunity and Hemostasis, Jewel Udenwagu, Unyime-Abasi Eyobio, Stephanie Onyechi, Vincent P. Diego, Marcio A. Almeida, Tom E. Howard, and John Blangero
Environmental correlates of assemblages of fishes in the Tilostoc River of central Mexico, Juan Manuel Rivas-González, Felipe de Jesús Rodríguez-Romero, María de Lourdes Ruiz-Gómez, Diego Alfonso Viveros-Guardado, and Christopher M. Taylor
Environmental Drivers of Mesophotic Echinoderm Assemblages of the Southeastern Pacific Ocean, Ariadna Mecho, Boris Dewitte, Javier Sellanes, Simon van Gennip, Erin E. Easton, and Joao B. Gusmao
Environmental education and awareness: the present and future key to the sustainable management of Ramsar convention sites in Kenya, Parita Shah and George Atisa
Environmental forcing on zooplankton distribution in the coastal waters of the Galápagos Islands: spatial and seasonal patterns in the copepod community structure, Diego F. Figueroa
Environmental Impact on Direct Neuronal Reprogramming In Vivo in the Adult Brain, Andrew Grande, Kyoko Sumiyoshi, Alejandro Lopez-Juarez, Jennifer Howard, Bhuvaneswari Sakthivel, Bruce Aronow, and Kenneth Campbell
Environmental Noise in Advanced LIGO Detectors, P. Nguyen, R. M. S. Schofield, A. Effler, C. Austin, V. B. Adya, M. Ball, S. Banagiri, K. Banowetz, C. Billman, and Karla E. Ramirez
Epidemiological Surveillance of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Stroke Care Using Artificial Intelligence, Raul G. Nogueira, Jason M. Davies, Rishi Gupta, Ameer E. Hassan, Thomas Devlin, Diogo C. Haussen, Mahmoud H. Mohammaden, Christopher P. Kellner, and Wondwossen G. Tekle
Epidemiology of deviance, Gordon A. Crews
Epidermal-specific deletion of TC-PTP promotes UVB-induced epidermal cell survival through the regulation of Flk-1/JNK signaling, Minwoo Baek, Mihwa Kim, Jae Sung Lim, Liza D. Morales, Joselin Hernandez, Srinivas Mummidi, Sarah Williams-Blangero, Ik-Soon Jang, Andrew Tsin, and Dae Joon Kim
Epilepsia mioclónica juvenil: Estudio de 13 pacientes venezolanos [Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: study on 13 Venezuelan patients], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Sandra González-Ferrer, Jessica Freda, and Enoe Medrano
Eric John Dube, Eric John Dube and Robert Everett Norton
Ernest A. Polzin - Part 01, Ernest A. Polzin and Denice Leslie Kemp
Ernest A. Polzin - Part 02, Ernest A. Polzin and Denice Leslie Kemp
Esclerosis Múltiple en niños: clarificando su ubicación dentro del espectro desmielinizante. [Multiple Sclerosis in children: clarifying its place among the demyelinating spectrum.], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, María Elena Ravelo, Solmary González, and Eduardo Mora La-Cruz
Esdras Alvarado (1423), Axel Rosas
Esme Campos (1405), Alyssa Rodriguez
Esperanza Olivarez, Esperanza Olivarez and Silvia Ann Olivarez
Esperanza Rising, Elvia Basoria
Estacíón de Bombeo para el Regadío Hidalgo : Conservemos el legado de Hidalgo, Lauraine Miller and Hidalgo Chamber of Commerce
Esteban Garcia - Part 01, Esteban Garcia and Hubert J. Miller
Esteban Garcia - Part 02, Esteban Garcia and Hubert J. Miller
Esteban Garcia - Part 03, Esteban Garcia and Hubert J. Miller
Esteban Garcia - Part 04, Esteban Garcia and Hubert J. Miller
Esteban Garcia - Part 05, Esteban Garcia and Hubert J. Miller
Esteban Garcia - Part 06, Esteban Garcia and Hubert J. Miller
Esteban Garcia - Part 07, Esteban Garcia and Hubert J. Miller
Esteban Garcia - Part 08, Esteban Garcia and Hubert J. Miller
Estella Guerrero, Estella Guerrero and Sandra Alvear
Estella Holland, Estella Holland and Steve Rene Carrales
Estella Minerva Cuellar, Estella Minerva Cuellar and Janis Gray Wood
Estimaciones de la prevalencia del trastorno por déficit de atención-hiperactividad en niños marabinos [Estimations of the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Marabino children], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Joaquín A. Peña, M. López, M. Salas, J. R. Zurga, Isabel Montiel-Barbero, D. Pirela, and J. J. Cardozo
Estimating the Inner Ring Defect Size and Residual Service Life of Freight Railcar Bearings Using Vibration Signatures, Jennifer Lima, Constantine Tarawneh, Jesse Aguilera, and Jonas Cuanang
Estimation of the Healthcare Waste Generation During COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh, Tamal Chowdhury, Hemal Chowdhury, Md Salman Rahman, Nazia Hossain, Ashfaq Ahmed, and Sadiq M. Sait
Estudio de asociación entre la estirpe histológica y el estadio clínico de los tumores testiculares con los marcadores tumorales [Correlation study of histologic pattern and clinical stage of testicular tumors with tumor markers], Edson David Rodríguez-Valle, Miguel Maldonado-Ávila, Yunuen Rodríguez-Sánchez, Fabiola Arévalo-García, Jorge Jaspersen-Gastelum, Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga, Arturo Reading-Bernal, Joel Nava-Palacios, Eloy Rico-Frontana, and Mario Silvino Almanza-González
Estudio piloto de metilfenidato y entrenamiento a padres en el tratamiento de niños con trastorno por déficit de atención hiperactividad [A pilot study of methylphenidate and parent training in the treatment of children with attention-deficit hiperactivity disorder], Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Joaquín A. Peña, G. Espina-Mariñes, M. E. Ferrer-Hernández, A. Lopez-Rubio, S. Puertas-Sánchez, and J. J. Cardozo
Ethel Mae Guy, Ethel Mae Guy and Patricia Laura Pena
Ethos in Early Chinese Rhetoric: The Case of “Heaven”, Yong-Kang Wei
Evaluación de programas de lengua: perspectivas profesionales e investigadoras, Julio Ciller and Ramsés Ortín
Evaluating the Impacts of Dam Construction and Longshore Transport upon Modern Sedimentation within the Rio Grande Delta (Texas, U.S.A.), Samantha Moore, Elizabeth A. Heise, Marty Grove, Anthony Reisinger, and Jude A. Benavides
Evaluation of single electron transfer reduction products of 3-oxoindoles as antibacterial agents, Debasish Bandyopadhyay, Irani Biswas, Subrata Laskar, and Bidyut Basak
Evaluation of the United States COVID-19 vaccine allocation strategy, Md Rafiul Islam, Tamer Oraby, Audrey McCombs, Mohammad Mihrab Chowdhury, Mohammad Al-Mamun, Michael G. Tyshenko, and Claus KadelkaI
Evan Jones Rees, Evan Jones Rees and Robert Everett Norton
Everett Ray Hill - First interview, Everett Ray Hill and Eduardo Rodriguez
Everett Ray Hill - Second interview, Everett Ray Hill and Patricia Laura Pena
Every breath you take: An examination of the natural phenomenon of stalking, Gordon A. Crews, Sara K. Green, and Paige A. Heinrich
Every day is Halloween: A Goth primer for law enforcement, Gordon A. Crews
Evidence of relictual introgression or incomplete lineage sorting in nrDNA of Juniperus excelsa and J. polycarpos in Asia Minor, Robert P. Adams, Metin Armagan, Adam Boratynski, Bouchra Douaihy, Magda Dou Dagher-Kharrat, Vahid Farzaliyev, Salih Gucel, Tuğrul Mataraci, and Andrea E. Schwarzbach
Ewart Sterling Hawthorne, Ewart Sterling Hawthorne and Robert Everett Norton
Exactly the Same but Completely Different: The Evolution of Bram Stoker's Dracula from Page to Screen, Simon Bacon
Examination of the impact of acculturation, stress, and religiosity on mental health variables for second-generation Arab Americans, Mona M. Amer and Joseph D. Hovey
Examining Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy in a Preservice Social Studies Education Course, Paul G. Fitchett, Tehia V. Parker, and Ben Salyers
Examining Incivility Through a Moral Lens: Coworker Morality Appraisals, Other-Condemning Emotions, and Instigated Incivility, Gerardo A. Miranda and Jennifer L. Welbourne
Examining the Prevalence Rates of Preexisting Maternal Medical Conditions and Pregnancy Complications by Source: Evidence to Inform Maternal and Child Research, Candace A. Robledo, Edwina H. Yeung, Pauline Mendola, Rajeshwari Sundaram, Nansi S. Boghossian, Erin M. Bell, and Charlotte Druschel
Examining the Role of Buzzing Time and Acoustics on Pollen Extraction of Solanum elaeagnifolium, Mandeep Tayal and Rupesh R. Kariyat
Exempting battery electric vehicles from traffic restrictions: Impacts on market and environment under Pigovian taxation, Xu Hu, Zhaojun Yang, Jun Sun, and Yali Zhang
Existence and stability of the doubly nonlinear anisotropic parabolic equation, Huashui Zhan and Zhaosheng Feng
Explaining the Accounting Disclosure Index of Stock Exchanges by Foreign Exchange Market Activity, Aziz Bakay and Murad Moqbel
Explaining the nonlinear response of stock markets to oil price shocks, Diego Escobari and Shahil Sharma
Explaining user acceptance of social networking: Employee's perspective, Murad Moqbel
Exploratory Data Mining Techniques (Decision Tree Models) for Examining the Impact of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus: Machine Learning Approach, Hansapani Rodrigo, Eldré W. Beukes, Gerhard Andersson, and Vinaya Manchaiah
Explorer, Castaway, Slave, Shaman: How Texas’ First ‘Tourist’ Rambled His Way Across The Territory, William F. Strong
Exploring Latino Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes and Beliefs about Learning and Teaching Science: What Are the Critical Factors?, Maria E. Diaz
Exploring the Impact of a Positive Psychology Intervention with Latina/o Adolescents, Javier Cavazos Vela, Christian Garcia, James F. Whittenberg, James Ikonomopoulos, and Stacey Lee Gonzalez
Expression of LPP3 in Bergmann glia is required for proper cerebellar sphingosine-1-phosphate metabolism/signaling and development, Alejandro Lopez-Juarez, Sara Morales-Lázaro, Roberto Sánchez-Sánchez, Manjula Sunkara, Hilda Lomelí, Iván Velasco, Andrew J. Morris, and Diana Escalante-Alcalde
Extending the frequency reach of pulsar timing array based gravitational wave search without high cadence observations, Yan Wang, Soumya Mohanty, and Zhoujian Cao
Extremism in Society, Gordon A. Crews
Fabrication of Nd3+ and Yb3+ doped NIR emitting nano fluorescent probe: A candidate for bioimaging applications, D. Karthickraja, G. A. Kumar, D. K. Sardar, S. Karthi, Gamage C. Dannangoda, Karen S. Martirosyan, M. Prasath, M. Gowri, and E. L. Girija
Facebook: A Technique of Modern Power, Monica Reyes
Factores de riesgo asociados a recaída de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico en pacientes de primer nivel de atención exitosamente tratados con inhibidor de la bomba de protones [Risk factors associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease relapse in primary care patients successfully treated with a proton pump inhibitor], Aurelio López-Colombo, M. S. Pacio-Quiterio, L. Y. Jesús-Mejenes, J. E. G. Rodríguez-Aguilar, M. López-Guevara, A. J. Montiel-Jarquín, Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga, E. R. Morales-Hernández, V. R. Ortiz-Juárez, and L. Ávila-Jiménez
Family-friendly backlash—Fact or fiction? The case of organizations' on-site child care centers, Teresa J. Rothausen, Jorge A. Gonzalez, Lisa L. O'Dell, and Nicole E. Clarke
Family history and obesity in youth, their effect on acylcarnitine/aminoacids metabolomics and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Structural equation modeling approach, Maria Elena Romero-Ibarguengoitia, Felipe Vadillo-Ortega, Augusto Enrique Caballero, Isabel Ibarra-Gonzalez, Arturo Herrera-Rosas, Maria Fabiola Serratos-Canales, Mireya Leon-Hernandez, Antonio Gonzalez-Chavez, Srinivas Mummidi, Ravindranath Duggirala, and Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga
Fargesin Inhibits EGF-Induced Cell Transformation and Colon Cancer Cell Growth by Suppression of CDK2/Cyclin E Signaling Pathway, Ga-Eun Lee, Cheol-Jung Lee, Hyun-Jung An, Han Chang Kang, Hye Suk Lee, Joo Young Lee, Sei-Ryang Oh, Sung-Jun Cho, Dae Joon Kim, and Yong-Yeon Cho
Fármacos no-estimulantes para el tratamiento del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad en Niños [Non-stimulant drugs for treatment of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)], Joaquín A. Peña, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, and Juan D. Velásquez
Felicita Guerra, Felicita Guerra and Ana Maria Herrera
Felix Dominguez, Felix Dominguez and Terrie Dominguez
Festival Dances of Mexico - UTPA Folkloric Company, University of Texas Pan American
Fidela R. Cantu, Fidela R. Cantu and Corina Cantu
Field notes on the biology of the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger in west Ecuador., Karl S. Berg
Filip Palda: In memoriam, Alexandre Couture Gagnon
Finding Your Place, Emma Montiel
First description of deep benthic habitats and communities of oceanic islands and seamounts of the Nazca Desventuradas Marine Park, Chile, Jan M. Tapia-Guerra, Ariadna Mecho, Erin E. Easton, María de los Ángeles Gallardo, Matthias Gorny, and Javier Sellanes
First Ecological Characterization of Whip Black Coral Assemblages (Hexacorallia: Antipatharia) in the Easter Island Ecoregion, Southeastern Pacific, Jan M. Tapia-Guerra, Cynthia M. Asorey, Erin E. Easton, Daniel Wagner, Matthias Gorny, and Javier Sellanes
First Light for Station V of the Low-Frequency All-Sky Monitor Radio Telescope, Timothy Dolch, Philip Andrews, Brent Cole, Teviet Creighton, Louis Percy Dartez, Alexander Dulemba, and Fredrick A. Jenet
First Responder (1409), Cesar Coronado
Fish Oil with Higher DHA Content and Voluntary Exercise Decreases Postmenopausal Bone Loss, Jameela Banu and Gabriel Fernandes
Flavor of My Youth, Juan Vega
Flipping a Virtual EFL Public Speaking Class Integrated With MOOCs During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Zhuo Li and Xiaodi Zhou
Flowering and seed production in the subtropical seagrass, Halodule wrightii (shoal grass), Joseph L. Kowalski and Hudson R. DeYoe
Floyd Clay Everhard, Floyd Clay Everhard and Robert Everett Norton
Folie à Deux in the 21st Century: QAnon and the American Dream Delusion, Gordon A. Crews, Christina S. Bentch, and Garrison A. Crews
Foreign Portfolio Investment Inflows to the United States: The Impact of Investor Risk Aversion and U.S. Stock Market Performance, Peter V. Egly, David W. Johnk, and Daniel Perez Liston
For Good And Bad, Texas’ Highways Have Stories To Tell (Miles And Miles Of Texas), William F. Strong
For Our Children, Carla Pérez-Valdez
Four b&w photographs of the Bazan family
Fragmentation And Segmentation: Marketing Global Benefits, Russell P. Adams
Frailty Index in the Colonias on the US-Mexico Border: A Special Report, Eron G. Manusov, Carolina Gomez De Ziegler, Vincent P. Diego, Gerardo Munoz-Monaco, and Sarah Williams-Blangero
Frances Gonzalez, Frances Gonzalez and Sandra Irene Alvear
Frances Loraine Jensen, Frances Loraine Jensen and Robert Everett Norton
Frances Wood Borman, Frances Wood Borman and Betty Fogarty
Francisca Aguilar, Francisca Aguilar and Juan Martin Guerra
Francisca M. Castro - Part 01, Francisca M. Castro and Augustine Farias
Francisca M. Castro - Part 02, Francisca M. Castro and Augustine Farias
Francisca M. Castro - Part 03, Francisca M. Castro and Augustine Farias
Francisca M. Castro - Part 04, Francisca M. Castro and Augustine Farias
Francisca M. Castro - Part 05, Francisca M. Castro and Augustine Farias
Francisca M. Castro - Part 06, Francisca M. Castro and Augustine Farias
Francisca Olvera, Francisca Olvera and Guadalupe Torres
Francisco Dominguez, Francisco Dominguez and Mary Elva Salas
Francisco Gomez, Francisco Gomez and Velma Iris Rodriguez
Francisco Ramirez, Francisco Ramirez and Ricardo Alfredo Villarreal
Francisco Vecchio, Francisco Vecchio and Paula Saenz
Franciso Vela - Part 01, Francisco Vela and Carole B. Turner
Franciso Vela - Part 02, Francisco Vela and Carole B. Turner
Frank Anderson and Dorothy Anderson, Frank Anderson, Dorothy Anderson, and Sandra Veronica Barrera
Frank Faulkner, Frank Faulkner and Silvia Ann Olivarez
Frisco builds Pensacola station - The Frisco Employes' Magazine, St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad
Fr. Jorge Gómez (1414), Aaron Cervantez
From Prescription to Possibility: Becoming a Writer in J.M. Coetzee’s "Youth", Craig Smith
Front Matter and TOC vol. 1 no. 1, Crosspol
Front Matter and TOC vol. 2 no. 1, Crosspol
Front Matter and TOC vol. 3 no. 1, Crosspol
Frontotemporal Dementias in Latin America: History, Epidemiology, Genetics, and Clinical Research, Jorge J. Llibre-Guerra, Maria Isabel Behrens, Mirna Lie Hosogi, Lucia Montero, Teresa Torralva, Nilton Custodio, Erika Mariana Longoria-Ibarrola, Margarita Giraldo-Chica, David Aguillón, and Gladys E. Maestre
Front Porch Melodies, Christie García
Full Issue vol. 1 no. 1, Crosspol
Full Issue vol. 2 no. 1, Crosspol
Full Issue vol. 3 no. 1, Crosspol
Full Recovery From Cocaine-Induced Toxic Leukoencephalopathy: Emphasizing the Role of Neuroinflammation and Brain Edema, Edward C. Mader Jr., Alexander B. Ramos, Roberto A. Cruz, and Lionel A. Branch
Fundamental solutions for the Dirac equation in curved spacetime and generalized Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, Karen Yagdjian and Anahit Galstian
Fungi Isolated From House Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on Penned Cattle in South Texas, Cherity A. Ysquierdo, Pia U. Olafson, and Donald B. Thomas
Fun Ride, George Saldaña
Further evidence supporting a potential role for ADH1B in obesity, Liza D. Morales, Douglas T. Cromack, Devjit Tripathy, Marcel Fourcaudot, Satish Kumar, Joanne E. Curran, Melanie A. Carless, Harald H. H. Goring, Shirley L. Hu, Juan C. Lopez-Alvarenga, Päivi Pajukanta, Kerrin S. Small, Rector Arya, Srinivas Mummidi, John Blangero, Ravindranath Duggirala, and Christopher P. Jenkinson
Gabriela Vergara (1510), Luis Vergara
Gastrin Induces Nuclear Export and Proteasomal Degradation of Menin in Enteric Glial Cells, Sinju Sundaresan, Cameron A. Meininger, Anthony J. Kang, Amanda L. Photenhauer, Michael M. Hayes, Nirakar Sahoo, Jolanda Lindenberg, Jolanta Grembecka, Tomasz Cierpicki, and Lin Ding
Gender of authors in the Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis: changes over time [GÉNERO DE LOS AUTORES DE LA REVISTA MEXICANA DE ANÁLISIS DE LA CONDUCTA: CAMBIOS A TRAVÉS DEL TIEMPO], Hugo Curiel, Emily S. L. Curiel, Alicia Roca, and Alan Poling
Gender Politics and Dualistic Othering: Possession, Christianity and the Repudiation of the Maternal/Feminine in Desire Under the Elms, Aamir Aziz and Sulaim Sarfraz
Gender-specific differences in clinical and metabolic variables associated with NAFLD in a Mexican pediatric population, Eréndira Villanueva-Ortega, María José Garcés-Hernández, Arturo Herrera-Rosas, Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga, Estibalitz Laresgoiti-Servitje, Galileo Escobedo, Gloria Queipo, Sergio Cuevas-Covarrubias, and Guadalupe Nayely Garibay-Nieto
Generalized Linear Mixed Model Analysis of Urban-Rural Differences in Social and Behavioral Factors for Colorectal Cancer Screening, Ke-Sheng Wang, Xuefeng Liu, Muyiwa Ategbole, Xin Xie, Ying Liu, Chun Xu, Changchun Xie, and Zhanxin Sha
Generations Connected, Sylvia Garza
Genetic and genomic architecture in eight strains of the laboratory opossum Monodelphis domestica, Xiao Xiong, Paul B. Samollow, Wenqi Cao, Richard Metz, Chao Zhang, Ana C. Leandro, John L. VandeBerg, and Xu Wang
Genetic correlation of the plasma lipidome with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and insulin resistance in Mexican American families, Hemant Kulkarni, Manju Mamtani, Gerard Wong, Jacquelyn M. Weir, Christopher K. Barlow, Thomas D. Dyer, Laura Almasy, Michael Mahaney, Anthony G. Comuzzie, Ravindranath Duggirala, Peter J. Meikle, John Blangero, and Joanne E. Curran
Genetic influence on cognitive development between childhood and adulthood, Josephine Mollon, Emma Knowles, Samuel R. Mathias, Ruben Gur, Juan M. Peralta, Daniel J. Weiner, Elise B. Robinson, Raquel E. Gur, John Blangero, Laura Almasy, and David C. Glahn
Genetic influences on externalizing psychopathology overlap with cognitive functioning and show developmental variation, Josephine Mollon, Emma E. M. Knowles, Samuel R. Mathias, Amanda Rodrigue, Tyler M. Moore, Monica E. Calkins, Ruben C. Gur, Juan M. Peralta, Daniel J. Weiner, John Blangero, and Laura Almasy
Genetic influences on response to novel objects and dimensions of personality in Papio baboons, Zachary Johnson, Linda Brent, Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga, Anthony G. Comuzzie, Wendy Shelledy, Stephanie Ramirez, Laura Cox, Michael C. Mahaney, Yung-Yu Huang, and John Mann
Genetics of serum carotenoid concentrations and their correlation with obesity-related traits in Mexican American children, Vidya S. Farook, Lavanya Reddivari, Srinivas Mummidi, Sobha Puppala, Rector Arya, Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga, Sharon P. Fowler, Roy G. Resendez, Joanne E. Curran, Christopher Jenkinson, John Blangero, and Ravi Duggirala
Genetic variants and physical activity interact to affect bone density in Hispanic children, Ruixue Hou, Shelley A. Cole, Mariaelisa Griff, Yujie Wang, Karin Haack, Sandra Laston, Nitesh R. Mehta, Roman J. Shypailo, Margaret L. Gourlay, and Anthony G. Comuzzie
Genetic Variants in the SORL1 Gene Are Associated with Age at Onset of Alzheimer Disease: A Survival Analysis, Ke-Sheng Wang, Xuefeng Liu, Liang Wang, David Briones, and Chun Xu
Genome sequencing unveils a regulatory landscape of platelet reactivity, Ali R. Keramati, Ming-Huei Chen, Lisa R. Yanek, Arunoday Bhan, John Blangero, Benjamin A. T. Rodriguez, Joanne E. Curran, Michael Mahaney, Harald HH Goring, and Ravi Duggirala
Genome-Wide Association Studies of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder in a Diverse Cohort of US Veterans, Tim B. Bigdeli, Ayman H. Fanous, Yuli Li, Nallakkandi Rajeevan, Frederick Sayward, Giulio Genovese, Rishab Gupta, Krishnan Radhakrishnan, Anil K. Malhotra, and Michael A. Escamilla
Genome-wide association study identifies loci influencing concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma, John C. Chambers, Weihua Zhang, Joban Sehmi, Xinzhong Li, Mark N. Wass, Pim Van der Harst, Hilma Holm, Serena Sanna, Maryam Kavousi, and Chun Xu
Genome-wide meta-analyses identify three loci associated with primary biliary cirrhosis, Xiangdong Liu, Pietro Invernizzi, Yue Lu, Roman Kosoy, Yan Lu, Ilaria Bianchi, Mauro Podda, and Chun Xu
Genome-Wide Methylome Analyses Reveal Novel Epigenetic Regulation Patterns in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Yongsheng Li, Cynthia Camarillo, Juan Xu, Tania Bedard Arana, Yun Xiao, Zheng Zhao, Hong Chen, Mercedes Ramirez, Juan Zavala, Michael A. Escamilla, and Chun Xu
Genomic variations in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and karyotypes without numerical or structural changes, Cristiano Luiz Ribeiro, Irene P. Pinto, Samara S. S. Pereira, Lysa B. Minasi, Fernanda de S. M. Kluthcouski, Adriano de M. Arantes, Aparecido D. Cruz, Marcio Almeida, and Tom E. Howard
Genoveva Castaneda Dominguez, Enriqueta Jalifi, Genoveva Castaneda Dominguez, Enriqueta Jalifi, and Diana Barrientes
Genz and Mendell-Elston Estimation of the High-Dimensional Multivariate Normal Distribution, Lucy Blondell, Mark Kos, John Blangero, and Harald H. H. Goring
Geographic variation in Juniperus drupacea: DNA sequencing and volatile leaf oils: Further evidence of putative Pleistocene genetic isolation between Europe and Asia, Robert P. Adams, Adam Boratynski, Magda Dou Dagher-Kharrat, Hagar V. Leschner, Tuğrul Mataraci, and Andrea E. Schwarzbach
Geographic variation in nrDNA and four cpDNA regions of Juniperus excelsa: Analysis of new records from Bulgaria, Cyprus and southwestern Turkey, Robert P. Adams, Salih Gucel, Tuğrul Mataraci, Alexander N. Tashev, Bouchra Douaihy, Magda Dou Dagher-Kharrat, Vahid Farzaliyev, and Andrea E. Schwarzbach
George Strohmeyer - Part 01, George Strohmeyer and Robert Everett Norton
George Strohmeyer - Part 02, George Strohmeyer and Robert Everett Norton
George Todd Lewis, George Todd Lewis and Johan-Carl Eric Seagren
Geospatial relationships of air pollution and acute asthma events across the Detroit–Windsor international border: Study design and preliminary results, Lawrence D. Lemke, Lois E. Lamerato, Xiaohong Xu, Jason C. Booza, John J. Reiners Jr., Delbert M. Raymond III, Paul J. Villeneuve, Eric Lavigne, Dana Larkin, and Helene J. Krouse
Gertrude Cannon Gorman - Part 01, Gertrude Cannon Gorman and Denice Leslie Kemp
Gertrude Cannon Gorman - Part 01, Gertrude Cannon Gorman and Denice Leslie Kemp
Gertrude Cannon Gorman - Part 02, Gertrude Cannon Gorman and Denice Leslie Kemp
Getting on and Moving Up the Property Ladder: Real Hedging in the US Housing Market Before and After the Crisis, Damian S. Damianov and Diego Escobari
Ghost Children, William F. Strong
Gilberto Flores, Gilberto Flores and Efrain Bernal
Gilberto Lopez, Gilberto Lopez and Juan Martin Guerra
Gilbert Raul Longoria, Raul Gilbert Longoria and Helen Louise Weaver Williams
Gillespie Parish Baker - Part 01, Gillespie Parish Baker and Robert Everett Norton
Gillespie Parish Baker - Part 02, Gillespie Parish Baker and Robert Everett Norton
Global Famine after Nuclear War, Lilia Xia, Alan Robock, Kim J. N. Scherrer, Cheryl S. Harrison, Jonas Jaegermeyr, Charles G. Bardeen, Owen B. Toon, and Ryan F. Heneghan
Globally conservative solutions for the modified Camassa–Holm (MOCH) equation, Zhaonan Luo, Zhijun Qiao, and Zhaoyang Yin
Global prevalence of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders, Mayada Elsabbagh, Gauri Divan, Yun-Joo Koh, Young Shin Kim, Shuaib Kauchali, Carlos Marcín, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Vikram Patel, Cristiane S. Paula, Chongying Wang, Mohammad Taghi Yasamy, and Eric Fombonne
Gloria Ramirez (1515), Anthony Trevino
Glutathione: A small molecule with big sense, Cristina E. Raya and Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Goldsby May Poag Goza, Goldsby May Poag Goza and Crystal Marie Cantu
Golf cart leading the 50th Anniversary walk
Golf cart leading the 50th anniversary walkout
Golf cart watching the Edcouch-Elsa 50th anniversary walkout
Gooble, Gobble, We Accept Her, We Accept Her, One Of Us, One Of Us: An Examination of the Views of Self for Incarcerated School Violence Perpetrators, Gordon A. Crews and Garrison A. Crews
Good Texas Books (Here’s Your Texas Themed Reading List for 2017), William F. Strong
Good Writing, Sally Jarzab
Gradient-based compressive sensing for noise image and video reconstruction, Huihuang Zhao, Yaonan Wang, Xiaojiang Peng, and Zhijun Qiao
Grandma (Nonnie Was A Writing Role Model), William F. Strong
Grandpa's Station Wagon, Johana Reséndez
Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis in a Pediatric Male, Florentino Saenz Rios, Sandhya Devaraj, Giri Movva, Hari Movva, and Quan D. Nguyen
Graphic Novels and Manga Virtual Book Display, Raquel Estrada
Grappling with COVID-19 by imposing and lifting nonpharmaceutical interventions in Sri Lanka: A modeling perspective, Mahesh Jayaweera, Chamath Dannongoda, Dilum Dilshan, Janith Dissanayake, Hasini Perera, Jagath Manatunge, and Buddhika Gunawardana
Greenhouse Gas Emission Efficiencies of World Countries, Levent Kutlu
Greenhouse Gas Emission Inefficiency Spillover Effects in European Countries, Levent Kutlu and Ran Wang
Green User Electronics Lifecycle Behavior and Planning Mechanisms, Yaojie Li, Xuan Wang, Thomas Stafford, and Hanieh Javadi Khasraghi
Gregory Selber, Gregory Selber and Kristen Weischedel
Group Vibrational Mode Assignments as a Broadly Applicable Tool for Characterizing Ionomer Membrane Structure as a Function of Degree of Hydration, Neili Loupe, Khaldoon Abu-Hakmeh, Shuitao Gao, Luis Gonzalez, Matthew Ingargiola, Kayla Mathiowetz, Ryan Cruse, Jonathan Doan, Isaiah Salas, and N. Dimakis
Growth Factors in the Human Body: A Conceptual Update, Estefania Alexandre and Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Gsx2 controls region-specific activation of neural stem cells and injury-induced neurogenesis in the adult subventricular zone, Alejandro Lopez-Juarez, Jennifer Howard, Kristy Ullom, Lindsey Howard, and Andrew Grande
Guadalupe Barrera, Guadalupe Barrera and Rolando Pena
Guadalupe Cano, Guadalupe Cano and Andy Longoria Perez
Guadalupe de la Garza - Part 01, Guadalupe de la Garza and Rocio Patricia Rodriguez
Guadalupe de la Garza - Part 02, Guadalupe de la Garza and Rocio Patricia Rodriguez
Guadalupe de la Garza - Part 03, Guadalupe de la Garza and Rocio Patricia Rodriguez
Guadalupe Garcia, Guadalupe Garcia and Carl David Kotzur
Guadalupe Liscano de Gil, Guadalupe Gil Liscano and Rolando Gil
Guadalupe Lopez, Guadalupe Lopez and Lucila Mendez
Guadalupe M. Nava, Guadalupe M. Nava and Maria Zapata
Guadalupe Palomarez, Guadalupe Palomarez and Guadalupe Torres
Guadalupe Pena, Guadalupe Pena and Linda Pena
Guadalupe Ramirez, Guadalupe Ramirez and Laura Trevino
Guidelines for Developing a Place-Based Unit, Greg A. Smith
Guillermo Campos (1406), Myrna Campos
Gumaro Flores, Gumaro Flores and Efrain Bernal
GWTC-2.1: Deep Extended Catalog of Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo During the First Half of the Third Observing Run, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, F. Llamas, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, and W. H. Wang
GWTC-2: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First Half of the Third Observing Run, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, S. Abraham, Teviet Creighton, Mario C. Diaz, Soma Mukherjee, Volker Quetschke, Malik Rakhmanov, Karla E. Ramirez, and W. H. Wang
Háblame en Cristiano, Alicia Guerrero Morley
Harmonic Maps Surfaces and Relativistic Strings, Paul Bracken
Harold E. Brehm, Harold E. Brehm and Robert Everett Norton
Harold Norman Hansen, Harold Norman Hansen and Robert Everett Norton
Harry Carter Quin, Harry Carter Quin and Darrell Brumley
Harry Cole, Harry Cole and Marilyn R. Nowak
Harry Potter and Zones of Shade: Using Contemporary Literature to Examine the Impacts of Social Control, Garrison A. Crews and Gordon A. Crews
Harvey Jack Ferguson - Part 01, Harvey Jack Ferguson and Robert Everett Norton
Harvey Jack Ferguson - Part 02, Harvey Jack Ferguson and Robert Everett Norton
Healing Activist Trauma in Su Teatro’s Production of Milta Ortiz’s Más, Marci R. McMahon
Healing Take_2, Don Jose
Health Care, The Arab Spring and After, Sonia Alianak
Health Disparities in Kidney Transplantation: An Equity Analysis, Shirley A. Wells
Hector Saenz (1500), Marisol Lozano
Hemodynamic response and pulse wave analysis after upper- and lower-body resistance exercise with and without blood flow restriction, Yu Lun Tai, Erica M. Marshall, Jason C. Parks, and J. Derek Kingsley
Hemorrhagic stroke outcomes of KApSR patients with co-morbid diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, Amanda L. Trout, Christopher J. McLouth, Patrick Kitzman, Michael R. Dobbs, Lisa Bellamy, Kelley Elkins, and Justin F. Fraser
Henrietta King (The Queen of King Ranch), William F. Strong
Henry Ambrose Hodges - Part 01, Henry Ambrose Hodges and Robert Everett Norton
Henry Ambrose Hodges - Part 02, Henry Ambrose Hodges and Robert Everett Norton
Henry Sanford Winston - Part 01, Henry Sanford Winston and Robert Everett Norton
Henry Sanford Winston - Part 02, Henry Sanford Winston and Robert Everett Norton
Hepatitis C Virus in Mexican Americans: a population-based study reveals relatively high prevalence and negative association with diabetes, Gordon P. Watt, Kristina Vatcheva, Laura Beretta, Jen-Jung Pan, Michael Fallon, Joseph B. McCormick, and Susan P. Fisher-Hoch
Heritability and genetic correlation between GERD symptoms severity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammation markers in families living in Mexico City, Arturo Reding-Bernal, Valentin Sánchez-Pedraza, Hortensia Moreno-Macías, Sergio Sobrino-Cossio, María Elizabeth Tejero-Barrera, Ana Isabel Burguete-García, Mireya Leon-Hernandez, María Fabiola Serratos-Canales, Ravi Duggirala, and Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga
Heritability of Determinants of the Metabolic Syndrome among Healthy Arabs of the Oman Family Study, Riad A. Bayoumi, Saeed A.S. Al-Yahyaee, Sulayma A. Albarwani, Syed G. Rizvi, Saleh Al-Hadab, Firial F. Al-Ubaidi, Ali T. Al-Hinai, Mohammed N. Al-Kindi, Haleema T. Adnan, and Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga
Heritability of Ocular Traits in Hispanics, Aaron T. Gomez, Gladys E. Maestre, Jesus D. Melgarejo, Vincent P. Diego, Nicholas B. Blackburn, Juan B. Yepez, Michele Petitto, Felipe A. Murati, Rosa V. Pirela, Carlos A. Chavez, Winston Lee, Lama A. Al-Aswad, Rando Allikmets, C. Gustavo De Moraes, Matthew P. Johnson, Joseph D. Terwilliger, Joseph H. Lee, and John Blangero
Hernan Cortes: Conquistador and Colonizer, Hubert J. Miller
Heterocycles in the Treatment of Neglected Tropical Diseases, Kush K. Maheshwari and Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Hexagon tilings of the plane that are not edge-to-edge, D. Frettlöh, Alexey Glazyrin, and Z. Lángi
Hexagon tilings of the plane that are not edge-to-edge, Dirk Frettlöh, Alexey Glazyrin, and Z. Lángi
Hidalgo County marriage license no. 705 of Alfredo Rodriguez and Maria Petra Bazan
[Hidalgo County] Ranch cemetery survey, 1979-1987, McAllen Genealogical Society and Hidalgo County Historical Society
Hidalgo Irrigation Pumphouse : Preserving Hidalgo Heritage, Lauraine Miller and Hidalgo Chamber of Commerce
Hidalgo Pump House, Abraham García
Hidden Histories, David Quiroz
Hidden Treasures in the Unknown 3CR Extragalactic Radio Sky: A Multiwavelength Approach, V. Missaglia, F. Massaro, E. Liuzzo, A. Paggi, R. P. Kraft, W. R. Forman, A. Jimenez-Gallardo, Juan P. Madrid, F. Ricci, and C. Stuardi
Highlights of the La Joya Coyotes 2004-2005 football season
High prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis by carotid ultrasound among Mexican Americans: discordance with 10-year risk assessment using the Framingham risk score, Susan T. Laing, Beverly Smulevitz, Kristina Vatcheva, Anne R. Rentfro, David D. McPherson, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, and Joseph B. McCormick
High School Counselors’ Support and Latina/o Students’ Career Development, Javier Cavazos Vela, Brandé Flamez, and Ashley Clark
High-throughput production with improved functionality and graphitization of carbon fine fibers developed from sodium chloride-polyacrylonitrile precursors, Mandana Akia, Lee Cremar, Manuel Seas, Jahaziel Villarreal, Alejandra Valdez, Mataz Alcoutlabi, and Karen Lozano
High variation in immune responses and parasite phenotypes in naturally acquired Trypanosoma cruzi infection in a captive nonhuman primate breeding colony in Texas, USA, Angel M. Padilla, Phil Y. Yao, Tre J. Landry, Gretchen M. Cooley, Susan M. Mahaney, Isabela Ribeiro, John L. VandeBerg, and Rick L. Tarleton
Hispanic Heritage Month 2021, Shannon Pensa and William Flores
Historia precolombina 1a. Parte Pueblos de la antigüedad DE LOS OLMECAS A LOS MAYAS, Servando Z. Hinojosa
Historias, Elizabeth Salinas
Historias Americanas: Engaging History and Citizenship in the Rio Grande Valley Documentary, Maritza De La Trinidad, Francisco Guajardo, Dominique Taylor, and Elizabeth Salinas
Historias Americanas: Implementing Mexican American Studies in K-12 Social Studies Curriculum in the Rio Grande Valley, Maritza De La Trinidad, Stephanie Alvarez, Joy Esquierdo, and Francisco Guajardo
Historias Americanas - Presentación Primavera 2021, Samuel Hernández and Elizabeth Salinas
Historias Americanas Spring 2021 PPT Presentation, Samuel Hernández and Elizabeth Salinas
Historias Americanas Spring 2021 Video Presentation, Samuel Hernández and Elizabeth Salinas
Historias/Stories: Our Shared Memories, Amy Arriaga López
Historical Landmarks of Brownsville Part 1, University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Historical Landmarks of Brownsville Part 2, University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Historical Landmarks of Brownsville Part 3, University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Historical Landmarks of Brownsville Part 4, University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Historical Landmarks of Brownsville Part 5, University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
(His)torical (Re)presentations of the Child, Cinthya M. Saavedra and Ellen Demas
Historiographical Perspectives of the Third Reich: Nazi Policies towards the Arab World and European Muslims, Jesus Montemayor
History of Hidalgo County elected officials from 1852 to 1963, Shannon Pensa
Hitting the ‘reset button’: The role of digital reorientation in successful turnarounds, Michael A. Abebe, Chanchai Tangpong, and Hermann Ndofor
HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND) Biomarker Identification: Significance Analysis of Microarrays and Two Persuasive Approaches with Random Forest, Hansapani Rodrigo, Bryan Martinez, Roberto De La Garza, and Upal Roy
“HOLD THE LINE”: The Defense of Jim Crow in Lawrence, Kansas, 1945–1961, Brent M. S. Campney
Holy Smoke "Hard to Say Goodbye" music video, University of Texas Pan American and Holy Smoke
Homesick For Texas (Homesick for Texas: Songs & Tributes to the Lone Star State), William F. Strong
Homogamy or Heterogamy: The Effects Of CEO Marriage on Family Firm Performance, Xi Yang, Wanrong Hou, and Wencang Zhou
Horner's syndrome secondary to neuroblastoma, Roberto A. Cruz, T. K. Tran, Nicky R. Holdeman, Christian Cajavilca, and Rosa A. Tang
Hot water treatment as a kill-step to inactivate Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes and Enterococcus faecium on in-shell pecans, Karuna Kharel, Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy, Charles J. Graham, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, and Achyut Adhikari
How A Bad Survey And Powerful Connections Added 1,000 Square Miles To Texas’ Lands, William F. Strong
Howard B. Millen, Howard B. Millen and Robert Everett Norton
Howard Gordon, Howard Gordon and Edna D. Salinas
Howard Leroy Rust - Part 01, Howard Leroy Rust and Robert Everett Norton
Howard Leroy Rust - Part 02, Howard Leroy Rust and Robert Everett Norton
Howard Smith - Part 01, Howard Smith and Robert Everett Norton
Howard Smith - Part 02, Howard Smith and Robert Everett Norton
‘How Could This Happen?’: A Century of Marti-Colon Cemetery, Justin White
"How Delineate the Wretch": Dismantling the Othered Figure Through the Voice of Mary Shelley's Scientific Monster, Adele Hannon
How Many Simultaneous Audit Committee Memberships Are Too Many?, Jimmy Carmenate, Cori O. Crews, Vineeta D. Sharma, and John R. Sparger
How Much Did You Spend on Textbooks This Semester?, Justin White
How Three Gifts To UT Gave All Texans A Fourth: The Gift Of The Stars, William F. Strong
How to Build A Resume and Interviewing Skills by Michael R. Barger, University of Texas Pan American and Michael R. Barger
How to Write about Writing, Monica Reyes
Hoyt Hagar, Hoyt Hagar and Aubrey D. Gates
Human Face Sketch to RGB Image with Edge Optimization and Generative Adversarial Networks, Feng Zhang, Huihuang Zhao, Wang Ying, Qingyun Liu, Alex Noel Joseph Raj, and Bin Fu
Huygens' principle for the generalized Dirac operator in curved spacetime, Karen Yagdjian
Hydraulic architecture explains species moisture dependency but not mortality rates across a tropical rainfall gradient, Alexandria L. Pivovaroff, Brett T. Wolfe, Nate G. McDowell, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Stuart J. Davies, L. Turin Dickman, Charlotte Grossiord, Riley T. Leff, Alistair Rogers, and Shawn P. Serbin
Hydro-thermal convective solutions for an aquifer system heated from below, Dambaru Bhatta
Hyman Hurwitz and the Possibilities and Limitations of the Sympathetic Imagination in the Work of Hazlitt, Wordsworth, and Coleridge, Lindsay Dearinger
Hyperbolic Systems Modeling Currency Hoarding, Elena Quercioli and Jeffrey Rauch
I Am, Lucy Pérez Garza
IamWe: Digital Storytelling, Personal Journeys, and Praxis, Mariela Nuñez-Janes and David Oliveira Franco
IAT-TiMeS: Intra-Arterial Thrombectomy Transfer Metric Study in Texas, Tzu-Ching Wu, Christy Ankrom, Michele Joseph, Alyssa Trevino, Liang Zhu, Steven Warach, Roberta R. Novakovic, Mark P. Goldberg, Lee A. Birnbaum, and Ameer E. Hassan
Ida Elnora Smith - Part 01, Ida Elnora Smith and Carole B. Turner
Ida Elnora Smith - Part 02, Ida Elnora Smith and Carole B. Turner
Identidades públicas y privadas de mujeres jóvenes transfronterizas, Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto and Iris Rubi Monroy Velasco
Identificación y Diagnóstico Clínico del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad, Cecilia Montiel-Nava and Joaquín A. Peña
Identifying consumer segments based on COVID-19 pandemic perceptions and responses, Xiaojing Sheng, Seth C. Ketron, and Yubing Wan
Identifying nitrogen source and seasonal variation in a Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) communityof the south Texas coast, Ashley Elizabeth Murphy, Carlos E. Cintra-Buenrostro, and Alejandro Fierro-Cabo
Identifying Relevant Predictors of Latina/o Adolescents’ Vocational Outcome Expectations, Christian Garcia, Javier Cavazos Vela, Federico Guerra, and Clarissa Garcia
Idleness, Diligent Indolence, and Embodiment: Creativity and the Composition Classroom, Lindsay Illich
If You Can’t Take the Heat: Cultural Beliefs about Questionable Conduct, Stigma, Punishment, and Withdrawal among Mexican Police Officers, Jorge A. Gonzalez and Lorena R. Pérez-Floriano
I Influence Too: The Role of Professors in Developing Bilingual Teachers' Spanish Proficiency, Zulmaris Diaz and Gina Lydia Garza-Reyna
I’m Mad, Too, Eddie!, William F. Strong
Impact of COVID-19 on Otolaryngology Literature, Yeshwant R. Chillakuru, Eleanor F. Gerhard, Timothy Shim, Samuel H. Selesnick, Lawrence R. Lustig, John H. Krouse, Ehab Y. Hanna, Timothy L. Smith, Edward W. Fisher, Joseph E. Kerschner, and Ashkan Monfared
Impact of COVID-19 on the Hospitality Industry and Implication for Operations and Asset Management, A. J. Singh and Bing Wang
Impact of the Next Gen PET Curriculum on Science Identity, Robynne M. Lock, Ben Van Dusen, Steven Maier, and Liang Zeng
Impaired postprandial skeletal muscle vascular responses to a mixed meal challenge in normoglycaemic people with a parent with type 2 diabetes, Ryan D. Russell, Katherine M. Roberts-Thomson, Donghua Hu, Timothy Greenaway, Andrew C. Betik, Lewan Parker, James E. Sharman, Stephen M. Richards, Stephen Rattigan, Dino Premilovac, Glenn D. Wadley, and Michelle A. Keske
Implications of helminth immunomodulation on COVID-19 co-infections, Nathalie Chacon, Leonor Chacin-Bonilla, and Italo M. Cesar
Importance of low-relief nursery habitat for reef fishes, Michael A. Dance, Ray R. Rooker, Richard J. Kline, Antonietta Quigg, Gregory R. Stunz, R. J. David Wells, Kirsten Lara, Jessica Lee, and Bobbie Suarez
Importation and Preliminary Evaluation of the Stem Boring Moth Buakea kaeuae as a Potential Biological Control Agent of Invasive Guineagrass, Megathyrsus maximus, Ann T. Vacek, John A. Goolsby, Paul-Andre Calatayud, Bruno Le Ru, Boaz Musyoka, and Rupesh R. Kariyat
Impossible Origins: Trauma Narrative and Cinematic Adaptation, Linda Belau
Impossible Reconciliations: The Postcolonial Paradoxes of Journeys in Maryse Condé’s Heremakhonon, Melissa Sande
Improvement in Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Safety With the Current Recommendations from ASERF, ASAPS, and ISAPS, Luis Rios Jr. and Varun Gupta
Improvement of cardiometabolic markers after fish oil intervention in young Mexican adults and the role of PPARα L162V and PPARγ2 P12A, Aristea Binia, Carolina Vargas-Martínez, Mónica Ancira-Moreno, Laura M. Gosoniu, Ivan Montoliu, Elí Gámez-Valdez, Diana C. Soria-Contreras, Adriana Angeles-Quezada, Rocío Gonzalez-Alberto, and Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga
Improvement of light intensity and efficiency of n-ZnO/NiO/p-GaN heterojunction-based white light emitting diodes using micro-/nanolens array, Apurba Adhikary, Md Shamim Ahsan, Md Mahbub Hossain, Md Bipul Hossain, S. H. Shah Newaz, Farid Ahmed, and Ik-Bu Sohn
Improvement of Printing Quality for Laser-induced Forward Transfer based Laser-Assisted Bioprinting Process using a CFD-based numerical model, Jie Qu, Chaoran Dou, Ben Xu, Jianzhi Li, Zhonghao Rao, and Andrew Tsin
Improving OB Trauma Care using a Standardized Protocol, Johanna Renee Ridley, Madeline Elaine Huff, and Abaigeal Thompson
Improving the Success of Non-Traditional Students in an Introductory Computing Course, Christine F. Reilly, Laura M. Grabowski, and Gustavo Dietrich
Ina Buss, Ina Buss and Marilyn R. Nowak
Income Inequality, Social Mobility, and Electoral Participation in the U.S. Counties: Revisiting the Inequality-Participation Nexus, Dongkyu Kim, Mi-Son Kim, and Sang-Jic Lee
Increasing Public Health Mosquito Surveillance in Hidalgo County, Texas to Monitor Vector and Arboviral Presence, Clarissa D. Guerrero, Steven Hinojosa, Diana Vanegas, Niko Tapangan, Matthew Guajardo, Sara Alaniz, Narda Cano, Christopher Vitek, John Thomas, Valerie Hernandez, and Juan Garcia Jr.
Independent test assessment using the extreme value distribution theory, Marcio Almeida, Lucy Blondell, Juan M. Peralta, Jack W. Kent Jr., Goo Jun, Tanya M. Teslovich, Christian Fuchsberger, Andrew R. Wood, Alisa K. Manning, Thomas D. Dyer, Ravindranath Duggirala, and John Blangero
In-depth analysis of N2O fluxes in tropical forest soils of the Congo Basin combining isotope and functional gene analysis, Nora Gallarotti, Matti Barthel, Elizabeth Verhoeven, Engil Isadora Pujol pereira, Marijn Bauters, Simon Baumgartner, Travis W. Drake, Pascal Boeckx, Joachim Mohn, and Manon Longepierre
Indicadores funcionales y estructurales para evaluar el estado de conservación de humedales costeros en el sur de Tamaulipas, Alejandro Fierro-Cabo
Indigenous Peoples of Mesoamerica and the Rio Grande Delta of South Texas - TEKS, Maritza De La Trinidad
Individual Journalistic Bias Leads to Public Propaganda: The Integration of Social Intuitionist Model (SIM) and Hierarchy of Influences Model (HIM), Young Joon Lim and Jennifer Lemanski
Individual Privacy Empowerment: Exploring the Trade-Offs Between Information Sensitivity and Compensation, Bright Frimpong and Jun Sun
Industrialización y Auge de la Agricultura Comercial en los Estados Unidos, 1880-1930, Sonia Hernández
Industrialization & the Rise of Commercial Agriculture in the United States, 1880-1930, Sonia Hernández
Industrial Structure and Political Outcomes: The Case of the 2016 US Presidential Election, Thomas Ferguson, Paul D. Jorgensen, and Jie Chen
Infectious Disease Transmission by Arline Travel, Daniele Provenzano and Sofy Barocio
Influence of Land Use Intensity and Management on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Avocado Symbiosis, Pushpa Soti, Bulent Toprak, Nina De La Rosa, and Krish Jayachandran
Influence of microbial priming and seeding depth on germination and growth of native wildflowers, Daniela Barrera, Juan Luera, Kaitlynn Lavallee, and Pushpa Soti
Informative Recording-1965 Act, Don Ignacio
Inhibition of Bone Loss by Cissus quadrangularis in Mice: A Preliminary Report, Jameela Banu, Erika Varela, Ali N. Bahadur, Raheela Soomro, Nishu Kazi, and Gabriel Fernandes
In Media(s) Res: Learning in Transition, Emma Cole
In My Own Backyard, Diana Rocha
In Search of the Community University Student, Laura M. Villarreal
Insights to the genetic structure of Calanus helgolandicus (Calanoida: Copepoda) from deep-sea specimens in the Balearic Sea, Diego F. Figueroa, Joan E. Cartes, and Nicole J. Figueroa
Inspiring a Leader, Juan Flores
Instructor Communication, or Academic Coaching, to Facilitate Student Engagement, Tracia M. Forman and Kristina Vatcheva
Integrating Political Trust, Job Precariousness, and Employee Outcomes: Contrasting China, Germany, Mexico, and the United States, Leonel Prieto, Balaji Janamanchi, Li Wenjing, Doreen Hanke, Lei Wang, Homero Aguirre-Milling, Qing Ma, and José Fernando Hernández González
Integrating stackable, competency-based microcredentials into academic programs, Rene Corbeil and Maria Elena Corbeil
Integrating Wellness within Group Counseling for Latinx Adolescents, Javier Cavazos Vela, James Ikonomopoulos, Christian Garcia, James F. Whittenberg, and Stacey Lee Gonzalez
Intended Continued Use Social Networking Sites: Effects on Job Satisfaction and Performance, Ned Kock, Murad Moqbel, Kevin Barton, and Valerie L. Bartelt
Interaction pattern for the complex of B-DNAFullerene compounds with a set of known replication proteins using docking study, Sumbul Firdaus, Anupam Dhasmana, Vandana Srivastava, Tasneem Bano, Afreen Fatima, Qazi Mohammad Sajid Jamal, Roshan Jahan, Gulshan Wadhwad, and Mohtashim Lohani
INTERACTION PATTERN OF FULLERENE FAMILY WITH DIFFERENT FORMS OF DNA, Sumbul Firdaus, Mohtashim Lohani, Anupam Dhasmana, and Mohd. Haneef
Interdisciplinary biliteracy: Leveraging biliteracy development for all bilingual learners, Sandra Mercuri and Sandra I. Musanti
Interferon gamma release assays for detection of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis in older Hispanic people, Julia M. Scordo, Genesis P. Aguillón-Durán, Doris Ayala, Ana Paulina Quirino-Cerrillo, Eminé Rodriguez-Reyna, Mateo Joya-Ayala, Francisco Mora-Guzmán, Eder Ledezma-Campos, Alejandro Villafañez, Larry S. Schlesinger, and Blanca I. Restrepo
Intergenerational Aesthetics: A Future-Oriented Approach to Aesthetic Theory and Practice, Remei Capdevila-Werning and Sanna Lehtinen
Intergenerational maltreatment in parent–child dyads from Burundi, Africa: Associations among parental depression and connectedness, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and aggression in children, Ruby Charak, JTVM de Jong, Lidewyde H. Berckmoes, Herman Ndayisaba, and Ria Reis
Interhospital Transfer Before Thrombectomy Is Associated With Delayed Treatment and Worse Outcome in the STRATIS Registry (Systematic Evaluation of Patients Treated With Neurothrombectomy Devices for Acute Ischemic Stroke), Michael T. Froehler, Jeffrey L. Saver, Osama O. Zaidat, Reza Jahan, and Ameer E. Hassan
International Police and Societal Response to Juvenile Delinquency & Violence, Angela D. Crews and Gordon A. Crews
International Police Education for the Rule of Law: Obstacles, Facilitators, Curricula, Pedagogy, and Delivery, Gordon A. Crews and Angela West Crews
Internet-based cognitive–behavioural therapy for tinnitus: secondary analysis to examine predictors of outcomes, Hansapani Rodrigo, Eldré W. Beukes, Gerhard Andersson, and Vinaya Manchaiah
Interplay of quantum phase transition and flat band in hybrid lattices, Gui-Lei Zhu, Hamidrez Ramezani, Clive Emary, Jin-Hua Gao, Ying Wu, and Xin-You Lü
Interpreter perspectives on working with trauma patients: Challenges and recommendations to improve access to care., Bianca T. Villalobos, Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, Rebeca Castellanos, Freddie A. Pastrana, and Regan W. Stewart
Interview with Commissioner of Police George Asiamah, Ghana National Police Service Interviewed by Gordon A. Crews and Angela D. Crews, Gordon A. Crews and Angela D. Crews
Interview with Curandero_1, Poncho
Interview with Curandero_10, Doña Maria
Interview with Curandero_11, Treviño
Interview with Curandero_12, Treviño
Interview with Curandero_13, Poncho
Interview with Curandero_2, Doña Maria
Interview with Curandero_3, Señor Treviño
Interview with Curandero_6, Señor Treviño
Interview with Curandero_7, Alfonso Treviño
Interview with Curandero_8, Treviño
Interview with Curandero apprentice
Interview with customers of Curanderos, Don Jose
Interview with Partera_1, Doña Maria
Interview with Partera_21, Doña Maria
Interview with Sobadora, Doña Maria
In the Eye of the Beholder: Challenge and Hindrance Appraisals of Work Characteristics and Their Implications for Employee’s Well-Being, Peikai Li, Maria C. W. Peeters, Toon W. Taris, and Yejun Zhang
Into the Past, Citlali González
Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease: Current Concepts in Medical and Surgical Management, Wondwossen G. Tekle and Ameer E. Hassan
Intracranial Hypertension Secondary to Eosinophilic Meningitis Caused by Angiostrongylus Cantonensis, Roberto A. Cruz, Christopher Smith, Alexander B. Ramos, Brian Copeland, and Paula Seal
Intradural Extramedullary Primary Central Nervous System Melanoma of the Craniovertebral Junction during Pregnancy: Observations and Outcomes, Fabiola Valenzuela and Sohum Desai
Intranasal Dexamethasone: a New Clinical Trial For The Control of Inammation and Neuroinammation in Covid-19 Patients, Graciela Cárdenas, Ana María Espinosa, María Chávez-Canales, Antonio Jordán-Ríos, Daniel Anica Malagon, Manlio Fabio Márquez Murillo, Laura Victoria Torres Araujo, Ricardo Leopoldo Barajas Campos, Rosa María Wong, and Juan Carlos Lopez Alvarenga
Introducing Global Citizenship in Language Teacher Education through the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Ramsés Ortín
Introductory Chapter: Dynamical Symmetries and Quantum Chaos, Paul Bracken
Inventing the "Magic Valley" of South Texas, 1905-1941, Christian Brannstrom and Mathew Neuman
Investigating the Protective Role of IRBP against Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Retinopathy, Matthew N. Parvus, Federico Gonzalez-Fernandez, Reanna Rodriguez, Daniela Gonzalez, and Andrew Tsin
Investigating the Relationship between Effectiveness of App Evolution and App Continuance Intention: An Empirical Study of the U.S. App Market, Yi Liu, Xuan Wang, Jiahe Song, and Xinlin Tang
Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors With Micropillared Gates for Measuring Cell Ion Exchange at Molecular Levels, Mohammad G. Abdallah, Rayan Khan, Christian Garcia, Young-Tae Kim, and Samir M. Iqbal
Irene Bullion, Irene Bullion and Edna D. Salinas
Irene Diaz Venecia, Irene Diaz Venecia and Norma Linda Canales
Irma Reyna (1434), Victor Manuel Vazquez
Isabel de la Rosa Montalvo, Isabel de la Rosa Montalvo and Ruben Alaniz
Isabel Loya, Isabel Loya and Mary Elva Salas
Is bisphenol-A exposure during pregnancy associated with blood glucose levels or diagnosis of gestational diabetes?, Candace A. Robledo, Jennifer D. Peck, Julie A. Stoner, Hélène Carabin, Linda Cowan, Holger M. Koch, and Jean R. Goodman
Is First Impression Relevant in Online Health Support Communities? Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Social Presence, Joseph A. Manga, Emmanuel Wusuhon Yanibo Ayaburi, and Francis Andoh-Baidoo
Ismael Perez Gallegos, Ismael Perez Gallegos and Delbert C. Goerlitz
Isolated Diastolic Hypertension in the IDACO Study: An Age-Stratified Analysis Using 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurements, John W. McEvoy, Wen-Yi Yang, Lutgarde Thijs, Zhen-Yu Zhang, Jesus D. Melgarejo, José Boggia, Tine W. Hansen, Kei Asayama, Takayoshi Ohkubo, and Gladys E. Maestre
Isolation of Enteric Glial Cells from the Submucosa and Lamina Propria of the Adult Mouse, Zhen Wang, Ramon Ocadiz-Ruiz, Sinju Sundaresan, Lin Ding, Michael Hayes, Nirakar Sahoo, Haoxing Xu, and Juanita L. Merchant
It Happened Here, in the RGV, John Muñiz
“It’s Making Me a Better Teacher.” Transforming Latinx Teacher Candidates Clinical Field Experiences in a Hispanic Serving Institution, Sandra I. Musanti, Alma D. Rodriguez, and Patricia Alvarez McHatton
It’s the Experience Not the Format: Successful Techniques to Transition Social Justice Coursework To a Distance Delivery Format, Peter L. Kranz, Paul Sale, and John Lowdermilk
I want a divorce: When the professional becomes personal in academics, Angela West Crews, Gordon A. Crews, Mark Dantzker, Reid C. Toth, and Jeffrey P. Rush
I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now, Sandra Cardona Cruz
Jackson Ranch Church, 1982-1986, David Mycue
Jackson Ranch Church, 1982-2008 (Folder 1.2), Anne L. Magee and Hidalgo County Historical Museum
Jackson Ranch Church 35, 1982, Frances W. Isbell
Jackson Ranch, undated, Hidalgo County Historical Commission
Jack Sorenson (Jack Sorenson’s Paintings Capture the Simple Joy of Christmas), William F. Strong
Jack William Baldwin, Jack William Baldwin and Robert Everett Norton
Jalyssa Garza (1532), Jennifer Gonzalez
James N. Rowe, James N. Rowe and Robert Everett Norton
James R. Shawn - Part 01, James R. Shawn and Robert Everett Norton
James R. Shawn - Part 02, James R. Shawn and Robert Everett Norton
James R. Shawn - Part 03, James R. Shawn and Robert Everett Norton
Javier Garza (1413), Victoria Martinez
Javier Martinez, Javier Martinez and Sandra Alvear
Javier Sicilia: Advocate of deliberative democracy in the Americas, Lyon Rathbun
Jazmin Molina (1523), Ivette Gil
Jefferson Junior High School Yearbook, 1975
Jell-O shots, Gordon A. Crews
Jesse Almaguer, Jesse Almaguer and Corina Cantu
Jessica Peña (1503), Joe-Izaak Castañon
Jesusa Garza, Jesusa Garza and Diana Yvette Garza
Jesusa Peralez, Jesusa Peralez and Sandra Alvear
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 001
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 002
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 003
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 004
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 005
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 006
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 007
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 008
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 010
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 025
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 026
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 027
Jesus Bazán and Antonio Longoria marker dedication ceremony photographs - 028
Jesus Chavana, Jesus Chavana and Oralia Betancourt
Jesus Gaona (1411), Sarah Perez
Jesus Gonzalez, Jesus Gonzalez and Rene Tadeo Jimenez
Jesus Reyna and Severa Reyna, Jesus Reyna, Severa Reyna, and Francisca Rodriguez
Jimmy K. Beresty - Part 01, Jimmy K. Beresty and Tony G. Hyba
Jimmy K. Beresty - Part 02, Jimmy K. Beresty and Tony G. Hyba
Joe and Rosa Perez ballad performance
Joe and Rosa Perez ballad performance, Dionicio Maldonado
Joe and Rosa Perez ballad performance, Los Sediciosos
Joe Roy Weaver, Joe Roy Weaver and Andy Longoria Perez
John Marshall, Gordon A. Crews
John Petty, John Petty and Aubrey D. Gates
John Randall Peavey - Part 01, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Randall Peavey - Part 02, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Randall Peavey - Part 03, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Randall Peavey - Part 04, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Randall Peavey - Part 05, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Randall Peavey - Part 06, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Randall Peavey - Part 07, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Randall Peavey - Part 08, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Randall Peavey - Part 09, John Randall Peavey and Hubert J. Miller
John Robinson Warner, John Robinson Warner and Andy Longoria Perez
John Rutoskey, John Rutoskey and Corina Cantu
Jon Molina (1522), Jorge Arroliga
Jose E. Chapa, Jose E. Chapa and Douglas E. Erickson
Jose Eduardo "Eddie" Guerra, Jose Guerra, Edgar Salazar, and Daniel Villarreal
Josefa C. Perez, Josefa C. Perez and Ricardo De Luna
Josefa G. Suarez, Josefa G. Suarez and Oscar G. Rodriguez
Josefina Acosta Ibanez, Josefina Acosta Ibanez and Francisca Rodriguez
Josefina Garcia, Josefina Garcia and Efrain Bernal
Jose Infante, Jose Infante and Corina Castillo
Jose Ivan Sandoval (1422), Maximina Sandoval
Jose Jesus Martinez, Jose Jesus Martinez and Corina Castillo
Jose Julian Garcia (1412), Cristian Matus
Jose Perez, Jose Perez and Ricardo De Luna
Josephine Rios - Part 01, Josephine Rios and Roel Garza
Josephine Rios - Part 02, Josephine Rios and Roel Garza
Jose Rios (1513), Salomon Loredo
Jose Rodarte, Jose Rodarte and Rafael Rodriguez
Jose Saenz, Jose Saenz and Edula Ramirez
Jose Trevino - Part 01, Jose Trevino and Ruben Alaniz
Jose Trevino - Part 02, Jose Trevino and Ruben Alaniz
Journey Stories Exhibit Opening at UTPA Library Part 1, University of Texas Pan American
Journey Stories Exhibit Opening at UTPA Library Part 2, University of Texas Pan American
Juan Castillo, Juan Castillo and Corina Castillo
Juan Castillo, Juan Castillo and Miguel Torres
Juan de Zumarraga: First Bishop of Mexico, Hubert J. Miller
Juan Gabriel Garza, Juan Gabriel Garza, Rushilkumar Desai, and Michael Ochoa
Juan Gomez, Juan Gomez and Normal Leticia Rodriguez Gomez
Juan Gonzalez (1544), Joshua Longoria
Juanita Ayala, Juanita Ayala and Nora Cantu
Juanita Rosales Cantu, Juanita Rosales Cantu and Robert A. Hinojosa
Juanita Rosales Cantu oral interview, Juanita Rosales Cantu and Robert A. Hinojosa
Juan Jesus Lopez, Juan Jesus Lopez and Terrie Dominguez
Juan Lopez, Juan Lopez and Nora Cantu
Judanny Rodriguez (1501), Bryana Gamboa